N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 19, October 8, 2024

Terms used but not defined in this part shall have the meaning given them by 20.2.2 NMAC (Definitions) (formerly AQCR 100). As used in this part the following definitions shall apply.

A. "Act" means the Federal Clean Air Act, as amended, 42 U. S. C. Sections 7401 et seq.
B. "Actual emissions" means the actual rate of emissions of a regulated new source review pollutant from an emissions unit, as determined in accordance with Paragraphs (2) through (4) of this subsection.
(1) This definition shall not apply for calculating whether a significant emissions increase has occurred, or for establishing a PAL under NMAC. Instead, Subsections G and AR of this section shall apply for those purposes.
(2) In general, actual emissions as of a particular date shall equal the average rate, in tons per year, at which the unit actually emitted the pollutant during a consecutive 24-month period which precedes the particular date and which is representative of normal source operation. The department shall allow the use of a different time period upon a determination that it is more representative of normal source operation. Actual emissions shall be calculated using the unit's actual operating hours, production rates, and types of materials processed, stored, or combusted during the selected time period.
(3) The department may presume that source-specific allowable emissions for the unit are equivalent to the actual emissions of the unit.
(4) For any emissions unit that has not begun normal operations on the particular date, actual emissions shall equal the potential to emit of the unit on that date.
C. "Administrator" means the administrator of the U.S. environmental protection agency (EPA) or an authorized representative.
D. "Adverse impact on visibility" means visibility impairment which interferes with the management, protection, preservation, or enjoyment of the visitor's visual experience of the class I federal area. This determination must be made on a case-by-case basis taking into account the geographic extent, intensity, duration, frequency, and time of the visibility impairments and how these factors correlate with the following: 1) times of visitor use of the class I federal area; and 2) the frequency and timing of natural conditions that reduce visibility. This term does not include effects on integral vistas as defined in 40 CFR 51.301 Definitions.
E. "Allowable emissions" means the emissions rate of a stationary source calculated using the maximum rated capacity of the source (unless the source is subject to federally enforceable limits which restrict the operating rate, or hours of operation, or both) and the most stringent of the following:
(1) the applicable standards as set forth in 40 CFR Parts 60 and 61;
(2) the applicable state implementation plan emissions limitation, including those with a future compliance date; or
(3) the emissions rate specified as a federally enforceable permit condition, including those with a future compliance date.
F. "Attainment area" means, for any air pollutant, an area which is shown by monitored data or which is calculated by air quality modeling not to exceed any national ambient air quality standard for such pollutant, and is so designated under Section 107 (d) (1) (D) or (E) of the act.
G. "Baseline actual emissions" means the rate of emissions, in tons per year, of a regulated new source review pollutant, as determined in accordance with the following.
(1) For any existing electric utility steam generating unit, baseline actual emissions means the average rate, in tons per year, at which the unit actually emitted the pollutant during any consecutive 24-month period selected by the owner or operator within the 5-year period immediately preceding when the owner or operator begins actual construction of the project. The department shall allow the use of a different time period upon a determination that it is more representative of normal source operation.
(a) The average rate shall include fugitive emissions to the extent quantifiable, and emissions associated with startups, shutdowns, and malfunctions.
(b) The average rate shall be adjusted downward to exclude any non-compliant emissions that occurred while the source was operating above an emission limitation that was legally enforceable during the consecutive 24-month period.
(c) For a regulated new source review pollutant, when a project involves multiple emissions units, only one consecutive 24-month period must be used to determine the baseline actual emissions for the emissions units being changed. A different consecutive 24-month period can be used for each regulated new source review pollutant.
(d) The average rate shall not be based on any consecutive 24-month period for which there is inadequate information for determining annual emissions, in tons per year, and for adjusting this amount if required by Subparagraph (b) of this paragraph.
(2) For an existing emissions unit (other than an electric utility steam generating unit), baseline actual emissions means the average rate, in tons per year, at which the emissions unit actually emitted the pollutant during any consecutive 24-month period selected by the owner or operator within the 10-year period immediately preceding either the date the owner or operator begins actual construction of the project, or the date a complete permit application is received by the department for a permit required either under this part or under a plan approved by the administrator, whichever is earlier, except that the 10-year period shall not include any period earlier than November 15, 1990.
(a) The average rate shall include fugitive emissions to the extent quantifiable, and emissions associated with startups, shutdowns, and malfunctions.
(b) The average rate shall be adjusted downward to exclude any non-compliant emissions that occurred while the source was operating above an emission limitation that was legally enforceable during the consecutive 24-month period.
(c) The average rate shall be adjusted downward to exclude any emissions that would have exceeded an emission limitation with which the major stationary source must currently comply, had such major stationary source been required to comply with such limitations during the consecutive 24-month period. However, if an emission limitation is part of a maximum achievable control technology standard that the administrator proposed or promulgated under 40 CFR Part 63, the baseline actual emissions need only be adjusted if the state has taken credit for such emissions reductions in an attainment demonstration or maintenance plan consistent with the requirements of 40 CFR 51.165(a)(3)(ii)(G).
(d) For a regulated new source review pollutant, when a project involves multiple emissions units, only one consecutive 24-month period must be used to determine the baseline actual emissions for the emissions units being changed. A different consecutive 24-month period can be used for each regulated new source review pollutant.
(e) The average rate shall not be based on any consecutive 24-month period for which there is inadequate information for determining annual emissions, in tons per year, and for adjusting this amount if required by Subparagraphs (b) and (c) of this paragraph.
(3) For a new emissions unit, the baseline actual emissions for purposes of determining the emissions increase that will result from the initial construction and operation of such unit shall equal zero; and thereafter, for all other purposes, shall equal the unit's potential to emit.
(4) For a PAL for a stationary source, the baseline actual emissions shall be calculated for existing electric utility steam generating units in accordance with the procedures contained in Paragraph (1) of this subsection, for other existing emissions units in accordance with the procedures contained in Paragraph (2) of this subsection, and for a new emissions unit in accordance with the procedures contained in Paragraph (3) of this subsection.
H. "Baseline area" means all lands designated as attainment or unclassifiable in which the major source or major modification establishing the minor source baseline date would construct or would have an air quality impact for the pollutant for which the baseline date is established, as follows: equal to or greater than one microgram per cubic meter (annual average) for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, or PM10; or equal or greater than 0.3 microgram per cubic meter (annual average) for PM2.5. The major source or major modification establishes the minor source baseline date (see the definition "minor source baseline date" in this part). Lands are designated as attainment or unclassifiable under Section 107(d)(1) (A)(ii) or (iii) of the act within each federal air quality control region in the state of New Mexico. Any baseline area established originally for TSP (total suspended particulates) increments shall remain in effect and shall apply for purposes of determining the amount of available PM10 increments. A TSP baseline area shall not remain in effect if the department rescinds the corresponding minor source baseline date (see "minor source baseline date" in this part).
I. "Baseline concentration" means that ambient concentration level that exists in the baseline area at the time of the applicable minor source baseline date.
(1) A baseline concentration is determined for each pollutant for which a minor source baseline date is established and shall include:
(a) the actual emissions, as defined in this section, representative of sources in existence on the applicable minor source baseline date, except as provided in Paragraph (2) of this subsection;
(b) the allowable emissions of major stationary sources that commenced construction before the major source baseline date, but were not in operation by the applicable minor source baseline date.
(2) The following will not be included in the baseline concentration and will affect the applicable maximum allowable increase(s):
(a) actual emissions, as defined in this section, from any major stationary source on which construction commenced after the major source baseline date; and
(b) actual emissions increases and decreases, as defined in Subsection B of this section, at any stationary source occurring after the minor source baseline date.
J. "Begin actual construction" means, in general, initiation of physical onsite construction activities on an emissions unit which are of a permanent nature. Such activities include, but are not limited to, installation of building supports and foundations, laying underground pipework and construction of permanent storage structures. With respect to a change in method of operations, this term refers to those on-site activities other than preparatory activities which mark the initiation of the change.
K. "Best available control technology (BACT)" means an emissions limitation (including a visible emission standard) based on the maximum degree of reduction for each regulated pollutant which would be emitted from any proposed major stationary source or major modification, which the secretary determines is achievable on a case-by-case basis. This determination will take into account energy, environmental, and economic impacts and other costs. The determination must be achievable for such source or modification through application of production processes or available methods, systems, and techniques, including fuel cleaning, clean fuels, or treatment or innovative fuel combustion techniques for control of such pollutants. In no event shall application of best available control technology result in emissions of any pollutant which would exceed the emissions allowed by any applicable standard under 40 CFR Parts 60 and 61. If the department determines that technological or economic limitations on the application of measurement methodology to a particular emissions unit would make the imposition of an emissions standard infeasible, a design, equipment, work practice, operational standard, or combination thereof, may be prescribed instead to satisfy the requirement for the application of best available control technology. Such standard shall, to the degree possible, set forth the emissions reduction achievable by implementation of such design, equipment, work practice, or operation, and shall provide for compliance by means which achieve equivalent results.
L. "Building, structure, facility, or installation" means all of the pollutant emitting activities which belong to the same industrial grouping, are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, and are under the control of the same person (or persons under common control). Pollutant-emitting activities shall be considered as part of the same industrial grouping if they belong to the same "major group" (i.e., which have the same first two digit code) as described in the standard industrial classification (SIC) manual, 1972, as amended by the 1977 supplement (U. S. government printing office stock numbers 4101-0066 and 003-005-00176 -0, respectively) or any superseding SIC manual.
M. "Class I federal area" means any federal land that is classified or reclassified as "class I" as described in NMAC.
N. "Commence" means, as applied to construction of a major stationary source or major modification, that the owner or operator has all necessary preconstruction approvals or permits and has:
(1) begun, or caused to begin, a continuous program of actual on-site construction of the source, to be completed within a reasonable time; or
(2) entered into binding agreements or contractual obligations, which cannot be cancelled or modified without substantial loss to the owner or operator, to undertake and complete, within a reasonable time, a program of actual construction.
O. "Construction" means any physical change or change in the method of operation (including fabrication, erection, installation, demolition, or modification of an emissions unit) that would result in a change in emissions.
P. "Continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS)" means all of the equipment that may be required to meet the data acquisition and availability requirements of this section, to sample, condition (if applicable), analyze, and provide a record of emissions on a continuous basis.
Q. "Continuous emissions rate monitoring system (CERMS)" means the total equipment required for the determination and recording of the pollutant mass emissions rate (in terms of mass per unit of time).
R. "Continuous parameter monitoring system (CPMS)" means all of the equipment necessary to meet the data acquisition and availability requirements of this section, to monitor process and control device operational parameters (for example, control device secondary voltages and electric currents) and other information (for example, gas flow rate, O2 or CO2 concentrations), and to record average operational parameter value(s) on a continuous basis.
S. "Department" means the New Mexico environment department.
T. "Electric utility steam generating unit" means any steam electric generating unit that is constructed for the purpose of supplying more than one-third of its potential electric output capacity and more than 25 megawatts electrical output to any utility power distribution system for sale. Any steam supplied to a steam distribution system for the purpose of providing steam to a steam-electric generator that would produce electrical energy for sale is also considered in determining the electrical energy output capacity of the affected facility.
U. "Emissions unit" means any part of a stationary source that emits or would have the potential to emit any regulated new source review pollutant and includes an electric utility steam generating unit as defined in this section. For purposes of this section, there are two types of emissions units as described in the following.
(1) A new emissions unit is any emissions unit that is (or will be) newly constructed and that has existed for less than 2 years from the date such emissions unit first operated.
(2) An existing emissions unit is any emissions unit that does not meet the requirements in Paragraph (1) of this subsection. A replacement unit, as defined in this section, is an existing unit.
V. "Federal land manager" means, with respect to any lands in the United States, a federal level cabinet secretary of a federal level department (e.g. interior dept.) with authority over such lands.
W. "Federally enforceable" means all limitations and conditions which are enforceable by the administrator, including:
(1) those requirements developed pursuant to 40 CFR Parts 60 and 61;
(2) requirements within any applicable state implementation plan;
(3) any permit requirements established pursuant to 40 CFR 52.21; or
(4) under regulations approved pursuant to 40 CFR Part 51, Subpart I including 40 CFR 51.165 and 40 CFR 51.166.
X. "Fugitive emissions" means those emissions which could not reasonably pass through a stack, chimney, vent, or other functionally equivalent opening.
Y. "Greenhouse gas" for the purpose of this part is defined as the aggregate group of the following six gases: carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride.
Z. "High terrain" means any area having an elevation nine hundred (900) feet or more above the base of a source's stack.
AA. "Indian governing body" means the governing body of any tribe, band, or group of Indians subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and recognized by the United States as possessing power of self-government.
AB. "Innovative control technology" means any system of air pollution control that has not been adequately demonstrated in practice. But such system would have a substantial likelihood of achieving greater continuous emissions reduction than any control system in current practice or achieving at least comparable reductions at lower cost in terms of energy, economics, or non-air quality environmental impacts.
AC. "Low terrain" means any area other than high terrain.
AD. "Lowest achievable emission rate" means, for any source, the more stringent rate of emissions based on the following:
(1) the most stringent emissions limitation which is contained in the implementation plan of any state for such class or category of stationary source, unless the owner or operator of the proposed stationary source demonstrates that such limitations are not achievable; or
(2) the most stringent emissions limitation which is achieved in practice by such class or category of stationary source; this limitation, when applied to a modification, means the lowest achievable emissions rate for the new or modified emissions units within the stationary source. In no event shall the application of this term permit a proposed new or modified stationary source to emit any pollutant in excess of the amount allowable under an applicable new source standard of performance.
AE. "Major modification" means any physical change in or change in the method of operation of a major stationary source that would result in: a significant emissions increase (as defined in this section) of a regulated new source review pollutant (as defined in this section); and a significant net emissions increase of that pollutant from the major stationary source. Any significant emissions increase (as defined in this section) from any emissions units or net emissions increase (as defined in this section) at a major stationary source that is significant for volatile organic compounds or nitrogen oxides shall be considered significant for ozone.
(1) A physical change or change in the method of operation shall not include:
(a) routine maintenance, repair, and replacement;
(b) use of an alternative fuel or raw material by reason of an order under Section 2 (a) and (b) of the Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974 (or any superseding legislation) or by reason of a natural gas curtailment plan pursuant to the Federal Power Act;
(c) use of an alternative fuel by reason of an order or rule under Section 125 of the act;
(d) use of an alternative fuel at a steam generating unit to the extent that the fuel is generated from municipal solid waste;
(e) use of an alternative fuel or raw material by a stationary source which:
(i) the source was capable of accommodating before January 6, 1975, unless such change would be prohibited under any federally enforceable permit condition which was established after January 6, 1975 pursuant to 40 CFR 52.21 or under regulations approved pursuant to 40 CFR 51.165 or 40 CFR 51.166; or
(ii) the source is approved to use under any permit issued under 40 CFR 52.21 or under regulations approved pursuant to 40 CFR 51.166;
(f) an increase in the hours of operation or in the production rate, unless such change would be prohibited under any federally enforceable permit which was established after January 6, 1975, pursuant to 40 CFR 52.21 or under regulations approved pursuant to 40 CFR 51.165 or 40 CFR 51.166;
(g) any change in ownership at a stationary source;
(h) the installation, operation, cessation, or removal of a temporary clean coal technology demonstration project, provided that the project complies with:
(i) the state implementation plan for the state in which the project is located; and
(ii) other requirements necessary to attain and maintain the national ambient air quality standards during the project and after it is terminated;
(i) the installation or operation of a permanent clean coal technology demonstration project that constitutes repowering, provided that the project does not result in an increase in the potential to emit of any regulated pollutant emitted by the unit; this exemption shall apply on a pollutant-by-pollutant basis;
(j) the reactivation of a very clean coal-fired electric utility steam generating unit.
(2) This definition shall not apply with respect to a particular regulated new source review pollutant when the major stationary source is complying with the requirements under NMAC for a PAL for that pollutant. Instead, the definition at Paragraph (8) of Subsection B of NMAC shall apply.
AF. "Major source baseline date" means:
(1) in the case of PM10 and sulfur dioxide, January 6, 1975;
(2) in the case of nitrogen dioxide, February 8, 1988; and
(3) in the case of PM2.5, October 20, 2010.
AG."Major stationary source" means the following.
(1) Any stationary source listed in table 1 ( NMAC) which emits, or has the potential to emit, emissions equal to or greater than one hundred (100) tons per year of any regulated new source review pollutant.
(2) Any stationary source not listed in table 1 ( NMAC) and which emits or has the potential to emit two hundred fifty (250) tons per year or more of any regulated new source review pollutant.
(3) Any physical change that would occur at a stationary source not otherwise qualifying under Paragraphs (1) or (2) of this subsection if the change would constitute a major stationary source by itself.
(4) A major source that is major for volatile organic compounds or nitrogen oxides shall be considered major for ozone.
(5) The fugitive emissions of a stationary source shall not be included in determining for any of the purposes of this section whether it is a major stationary source, unless the source belongs to one of the stationary source categories found in Table 1 ( NMAC) or any other stationary source category which, as of August 7, 1980, is being regulated under Section 111 or 112 of the act.
AH. "Mandatory class I federal area" means any area identified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 40 CFR Part 81, Subpart D. See NMAC for a list of these areas in New Mexico.
AI. "Minor source baseline date" means the earliest date after the trigger date on which the owner or operator of a major stationary source or major modification subject to 40 CFR 52.21 or to this part submits a complete application under the relevant regulations.
(1) The trigger date is:
(a) in the case of PM10 and sulfur dioxide, August 7, 1977;
(b) in the case of nitrogen dioxide, February 8, 1988; and
(c) in the case of PM2.5, October 20, 2011.
(2) Any minor source baseline date established originally for the TSP (total suspended particulates) increments shall remain in effect and shall apply for purposes of determining the amount of available PM-10 increments. The department may rescind any TSP minor source baseline date where it can be shown, to the department 's satisfaction, that the emissions increase from the major stationary source, or the net emissions increase from the major modification, responsible for triggering that date, did not result in a significant amount of PM-10 emissions.
AJ. "Natural conditions" includes naturally occurring phenomena that reduce visibility as measured in terms of visual range, contrast or coloration.
AK. "Necessary preconstruction approvals or permits" means those permits or approvals required under federal air quality control laws and regulations and those air quality control laws and regulations which are part of the New Mexico state implementation plan.
AL. "Net emissions increase" means, with respect to any regulated new source review pollutant emitted by a major stationary source, the following.
(1) The amount by which the sum of the following exceeds zero.
(a) The increase in emissions from a particular physical change or change in the method of operation at a stationary source as calculated pursuant to Subsection D of NMAC.
(b) Any other increases and decreases in actual emissions at the major stationary source that are contemporaneous with the particular change and are otherwise creditable. Baseline actual emissions for calculating increases and decreases under this paragraph shall be determined as provided in Subsection G, except that Subparagraph (c) of Paragraph (1) and Subparagraph (d) of Paragraph (2) of Subsection G of this section shall not apply.
(2) An increase or decrease in actual emissions is contemporaneous with the increase from the particular change only if it occurs within the time period five years prior to the commencement of construction on the particular change and the date that the increase from the particular change occurs.
(3) An increase or decrease in actual emissions is creditable only if:
(a) it occurs within the time period five years prior to the commencement of construction on the particular change and the date that the increase from the particular change occurs; and
(b) the department has not relied on it in issuing a permit for the source under regulations approved pursuant to this section, which permit is in effect when the increase in actual emissions from the particular change occurs.
(4) An increase or decrease in actual emissions of sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, or nitrogen oxides that occurs before the applicable minor source baseline date is creditable only if it is required to be considered in calculating the amount of maximum allowable increases remaining available.
(5) An increase in actual emissions is creditable only to the extent that the new level of actual emissions exceeds the old level.
(6) A decrease in actual emissions is creditable only to the extent that:
(a) the old level of actual emissions or the old level of allowable emissions, whichever is lower, exceeds the new level of actual emissions;
(b) it is enforceable as a practical matter at and after the time that actual construction on the particular change begins; and
(c) it has approximately the same qualitative significance for public health and welfare as that attributed to the increase from the particular change.
(7) An increase that results from a physical change at a source occurs when the emissions unit on which construction occurred becomes operational and begins to emit a particular pollutant. Any replacement unit that requires shakedown becomes operational only after a reasonable shakedown period, not to exceed 180 days.
(8) Paragraph (2) of Subsection B of this section shall not apply for determining creditable increases and decreases.
AM. "Nonattainment area" means an area which has been designated under Section 107 of the federal Clean Air Act as nonattainment for one or more of the national ambient air quality standards by EPA.
AN. "Portable stationary source" means a source which can be relocated to another operating site with limited dismantling and reassembly.
AO. "Potential to emit" means the maximum capacity of a stationary source to emit a pollutant under its physical and operational design. Any physical or operational limitation on the capacity of the source to emit a pollutant, including air pollutant control equipment and restrictions on hours of operation or on the type or amount of material combusted, stored, or processed, shall be treated as part of its design if the limitations or the effect it would have on emissions is federally enforceable. Secondary emissions do not count in determining the potential to emit of a stationary source.
AP. "Predictive emissions monitoring system (PEMS)" means all of the equipment necessary to monitor process and control device operational parameters (for example, control device secondary voltages and electric currents) and other information (for example, gas flow rate, O2 or CO2 concentrations), and calculate and record the mass emissions rate (for example, lb/hr) on a continuous basis.
AQ. "Project" means a physical change in, or change in method of operation of, an existing major stationary source.
AR. "Projected actual emissions" means the maximum annual rate, in tons per year, at which an existing emissions unit is projected to emit a regulated new source review pollutant in any one of the 5 years (12-month period) following the date the unit resumes regular operation after the project, or in any one of the 10 years following that date, if the project involves increasing the emissions unit's design capacity or its potential to emit that regulated new source review pollutant, and full utilization of the unit would result in a significant emissions increase, or a significant net emissions increase at the major stationary source. In determining the projected actual emissions (before beginning actual construction), the owner or operator of the major stationary source:
(1) shall consider all relevant information, including but not limited to, historical operational data, the company's own representations, the company's expected business activity and the company's highest projections of business activity, the company's filings with the state or federal regulatory authorities, and compliance plans under the approved plan; and
(2) shall include fugitive emissions to the extent quantifiable and emissions associated with startups, shutdowns, and malfunctions; and
(3) shall exclude, in calculating any increase in emissions that results from the particular project, that portion of the unit's emissions following the project that an existing unit could have accommodated during the consecutive 24-month period used to establish the baseline actual emissions under Subsection G of this section and that are also unrelated to the particular project, including any increased utilization due to product demand growth; or,
(4) in lieu of using the method set out in Paragraphs (1) through (3) of this subsection, may elect to use the emissions unit's potential to emit, in tons per year, as defined in Subsection AR of this section.
AS."Regulated new source review pollutant", for purposes of this part, means the following:
(1) any pollutant for which a national ambient air quality standard has been promulgated and any pollutant identified under this paragraph (Paragraph (1) of Subsection AS of NMAC) as a constituent or precursor to such pollutant; precursors identified by the administrator for purposes of NSR are the following:
(a) volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides are precursors to ozone in all attainment and unclassifiable areas;
(b) sulfur dioxide is a precursor to PM2.5 in all attainment and unclassifiable areas;
(c) nitrogen oxides are presumed to be precursors to PM2.5 in all attainment and unclassifiable areas, unless the state demonstrates to the administrator's satisfaction or EPA demonstrates that emissions of nitrogen oxides from sources in a specific area are not a significant contributor to that area's ambient PM2.5 concentrations;
(d) volatile organic compounds are presumed not to be precursors to PM2.5 in any attainment or unclassifiable area, unless the state demonstrates to the administrator's satisfaction or EPA demonstrates that emissions of volatile organic compounds from sources in a specific area are a significant contributor to that area's ambient PM2.5 concentrations;
(2) any pollutant that is subject to any standard promulgated under Section 111 of the act;
(3) any class I or II substance subject to a standard promulgated under or established by title VI of the act; or
(4) any pollutant that otherwise is subject to regulation under the act as defined in Subsection AZ of this section;
(5) notwithstanding Paragraphs (1) through (4) of Subsection AS of this section, the term "regulated NSR pollutant" shall not include any or all hazardous air pollutants either listed in Section 112 of the act, or added to the list pursuant to Section 112(b)(2) of the act, and which have not been delisted pursuant to Section 112(b)(3) of the act, unless the listed hazardous air pollutant is also regulated as a constituent or precursor of a general pollutant listed under Section 108 of the act;
(6) particulate matter (PM) emissions, PM2.5 emissions, and PM10 emissions shall include gaseous emissions from a source or activity which condense to form particulate matter at ambient temperatures; on or after January 1, 2011, such condensable particulate matter shall be accounted for in applicability determinations and in establishing emissions limitations for PM, PM2.5 and PM10 in PSD permits; compliance with emissions limitations for PM, PM2.5 and PM10 issued prior to this date shall not be based on condensable particular matter unless required by the terms and conditions of the permit or the applicable implementation plan; applicability determinations made prior to this date without accounting for condensable particular matter shall not be considered in violation of this section unless the applicable implementation plan required condensable particular matter to be included.
AT."Replacement unit" means an emission unit for which all of the following criteria are met. No creditable emission reductions shall be generated from shutting down the existing emissions unit that is replaced.
(1) The emissions unit is a reconstructed unit within the meaning of 40 CFR 60.15(b)(1), or the emissions unit completely takes the place of an existing emissions unit.
(2) The emissions unit is identical to or functionally equivalent to the replaced emissions unit.
(3) The replacement unit does not change the basic design parameter(s) of the process unit.
(4) The replaced emissions unit is permanently removed from the major stationary source, otherwise permanently disabled, or permanently barred from operation by a permit that is enforceable as a practical matter. If the replaced emissions unit is brought back into operation, it shall constitute a new emissions unit.
AU. "Secondary emissions" means emissions which occur as a result of the construction or operation of a major stationary source or major modification, but do not come from the major stationary source or major modification itself. For the purpose of this section, secondary emissions must be specific, well defined, quantifiable, and impact the same general areas as the stationary source or modification which causes the secondary emissions. Secondary emissions include emissions from any offsite support facility which would not be constructed or increase its emissions except as a result of the construction or operation of the major stationary source or major modification. Secondary emissions do not include any emissions which come directly from a mobile source, such as emissions from the tailpipe of a motor vehicle, from a train, or from a vessel.
AV. "Secretary" means the cabinet level secretary of the New Mexico environment department or his or her successor.
AW. "Significant" means in reference to a net emissions increase or the potential of a source to emit air pollutants, a rate of emission that would equal or exceed any of the rates listed in table 2 ( NMAC).
AX. "Significant emissions increase" means, for a regulated new source review pollutant, an increase in emissions that is significant (as defined in Subsection AW of this section) for that pollutant.
AY. "Stationary source" means any building, structure, facility, or installation which emits, or may emit, any regulated new source review pollutant.
AZ. "Subject to regulation" means, for any air pollutant, that the pollutant is subject to either a provision in the act, or a nationally-applicable regulation codified by the administrator in subchapter C of 40 CFR Chapter I, that requires actual control of the quantity of emissions of that pollutant, and that such a control requirement has taken effect and is operative to control, limit or restrict the quantity of emissions of that pollutant released from the regulated activity. Except that:
(1) "greenhouse gases (GHGs)" shall not be subject to regulation except as provided in paragraphs AZ(4) and (5) of this section and shall not be subject to regulation if the stationary source maintains its total source-wide emissions below the GHG PAL level, meets the requirements in NMAC, and complies with the PAL permit containing the GHG PAL;
(2) for purposes of Paragraphs (3) through (5) of Subsection AZ of this section, the term "tons per year CO2 equivalent emissions (CO2e)" shall represent an amount of GHGs emitted, and shall be computed as follows:
(a) multiplying the mass amount of emissions (tons per year), for each of the six greenhouse gases in the pollutant GHGs, by the gas's associated global warming potential published at table A-1 to subpart A of 40 CFR part 98 - Global Warming Potentials; for purposes of this subparagraph, prior to July 21, 2014, the mass of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide shall not include carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the combustion or decomposition of non-fossilized and biodegradable organic material originating from plants, animals or micro-organisms (including products, by-products, residues and waste from agriculture, forestry and related industries as well as the non-fossilized and biodegradable organic fractions of industrial and municipal wastes, including gases and liquids recovered from the decomposition of non-fossilized and biodegradable organic material);
(b) sum the resultant value from Subparagraph (a) of Paragraph (2) of Subsection AZ of this section for each gas to compute a tons per year CO2e;
(3) the term "emissions increase" as used in Paragraphs (4) and (5) of Subsection AZ of this section shall mean that both a significant emissions increase (as calculated using the procedures in Subsection D of NMAC) and a significant net emissions increase (as defined in Subsections AL, AW and AX of NMAC) occur; for the pollutant GHGs, an emissions increase shall be based on tons per year CO2e , and shall be calculated assuming the pollutant GHGs is a regulated NSR pollutant, and "significant" is defined as 75,000 tons per year CO2e instead of applying the value in table 2 of 20.2.74 NMAC;
(4) beginning January 2, 2011, the pollutant GHGs is subject to regulation if:
(a) the stationary source is a new major stationary source for a regulated NSR pollutant that is not GHGs, and also will emit or will have the potential to emit 75,000 tons per year CO2e or more; or
(b) the stationary source is an existing major stationary source for a regulated NSR pollutant that is not GHGs, and also will have an emissions increase of a regulated NSR pollutant that is not GHGs, and also will have an emissions increase of 75,000 tons per year CO2e or more; and
(5) beginning July 1, 2011, in addition to the provisions in Paragraph (4) of this subsection, the pollutant GHGs shall also be subject to regulation:
(a) at a new stationary source that will emit or have the potential to emit 100,000 tons per year CO2e ; or
(b) at an existing stationary source that emits of has the potential to emit 100,000 tons per year CO2e , when such stationary source undertakes a physical change or change in the method of operation that will result in an emissions increase of 75,000 tons per year CO2e or more;
(6) if a federal court stays, invalidates or otherwise renders unenforceable by the US EPA, in whole or in part, the prevention of significant deterioration and Title V greenhouse gas tailoring rule (75 FR 31514, June 3, 2010), the definition "subject to regulation" shall be enforceable by the department only to the extent that it is enforceable by US EPA.
BA. "Temporary source" means a stationary source which changes its location or ceases to exist within two years from the date of initial start of operations.
BB. "Visibility impairment" means any humanly perceptible change in visibility (visual range, contrast, coloration) from that which would have existed under natural conditions.
BC. "Volatile organic compound (VOC)" means any organic compound which participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions; that is, any organic compound other than those which the administrator designates as having negligible photochemical reactivity.

N.M. Admin. Code §

07/20/95; 01/01/00; NMAC - Rn, 20 NMAC 2.74.107, 10/31/02; A, 1/22/06; A, 8/31/09; A, 1/1/11; A, 6/3/11; A, 2/6/13