N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 19, October 8, 2024
A. The Department shall, within thirty (30) days after receipt of an application, review such application and determine whether it is administratively complete or there is any deficiency in the application or information submitted. To be deemed administratively complete, the application must meet the requirements of NMAC in addition to the requirements of 20.2.72 NMAC. If the application is deemed:
(1) administratively complete, a letter to that effect shall be sent by certified mail to the applicant.
(2) administratively incomplete, a letter shall be sent by certified mail to the applicant stating what additional information or points of clarification are necessary to deem the application administratively complete. Upon receipt of the additional information or clarification, the Department shall promptly review such information and determine whether the application is administratively complete.
(3) administratively complete but no permit is required, a letter shall be sent by certified mail to the applicant informing the applicant of the determination.
B. For purposes of determining minor source baseline date pursuant to 40 CFR 51:
(1) An application is complete when it contains all the information necessary for processing the application. Designating an application complete for purposes of 40 CFR 51 does not preclude the Department from requesting or accepting any additional information; and
(2) In the event that additional information is submitted to remedy any deficiency in the application or information submitted, the date of receipt of the application shall be the date on which the Department received all required information.
C. The Department shall:
(1) Make a preliminary determination whether construction should be approved, approved with conditions, or disapproved.
(2) Make available at the Department district and local office nearest to the proposed source a copy of all materials the applicant submitted, a copy of the preliminary determination, and a copy or summary of other materials, if any, considered in making the preliminary determination.
(3) Notify the public by advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the area in which the proposed source would be constructed:
(a) Of the application,
(b) The preliminary determination,
(c) The degree of increment consumption that is expected from the source or modification, and
(d) Of the opportunity for comment at a public hearing as well as written public comment. The public comment period shall be for thirty (30) days from the date of such advertisement.
(4) Send a copy of the notice of public comment to:
(a) The applicant,
(b) The Administrator, and
(c) Officials and agencies having jurisdiction over the location where the proposed construction would occur as follows:
(i) Any other state or local air pollution control agencies;
(ii) The chief executives of the city and county where the source would be located;
(iii) Any comprehensive regional land use planning agency; and
(iv) Any state, Federal Land Manager, or Indian governing body whose lands may be affected by emissions from the source or modification.
(5) Provide opportunity for a public hearing for interested persons to appear and submit written or oral comments on the air quality impact of the source and other appropriate considerations.
(6) Consider all written comments submitted within a time specified in the notice of public comment and all comments received at any public hearing(s) in making a final decision on the approvability of the application. The Department shall make all comments available for public inspection in the same locations where the Department made available preconstruction information relating to the source.
(7) Within one hundred eighty (180) days after an application is deemed administratively complete, unless the Secretary, as specified in NMAC, grants an extension not to exceed ninety (90) days for good cause:
(a) make a final determination of whether construction should be approved, approved with conditions, or disapproved; and
(b) notify the applicant in writing of the final determination and make such notification available for public inspection at the same location where the Department made available preconstruction information and public comments relating to the source.

N.M. Admin. Code §

07/20/95; 01/01/00; NMAC - Rn, 20 NMAC 2.74.400, 10/31/02