N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 19, October 8, 2024
A. Applicability. The requirements of NMAC apply to the owner or operator of any stationary source located outside of Bernalillo county which:
(1) has been issued a permit under 20.2.72 NMAC (Construction Permits) during any period of time, except for toxic air pollutant permits issued under Sections 401 to 499 of 20.2.72 NMAC;
(2) is required to file a notice of intent under NMAC; or
(3) emits in excess of 1 ton of lead or 10 tons of total suspended particulate, PM10, PM2.5, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, or volatile organic compounds in any calendar year including and subsequent to 1990.
B. Reporting requirements.
(1) Any source which emits, or has the potential to emit, 5 tons per year or more of lead or lead compounds, or 100 tons per year or more of PM10, PM2.5, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, or volatile organic compounds shall submit an emissions report annually.
(2) Any source defined as a major source of hazardous air pollutants under 20.2.70 NMAC (Operating Permits) shall submit an emissions report annually.
(3) Any source which is located in an ozone nonattainment area and which emits, or has the potential to emit, 25 tons per year or more of nitrogen oxides or volatile organic compounds shall submit an emissions report annually.
(4) Any source which is not required by Paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of Subsection B of this section ( NMAC) to submit an emission report shall submit an emissions report under this part upon request by the department, but no more frequently than annually.
(5) Except as provided in Paragraph (8) of Subsection B of this section ( NMAC), the department shall provide to the owner or operator required by this section ( NMAC) to submit an emissions report a complete copy of the most current emissions report for their stationary source which is on file with the department. The department shall provide this copy to the owner or operator at least 90 days prior to the date when the source is required to submit an emissions report.
(6) The owner or operator shall submit to the department a complete, correct and current emissions report in the format specified by the department which reflects emissions during the previous calendar year.
(7) Except as provided in Paragraph (8) of Subsection B of this section ( NMAC) the owner or operator shall submit the emission report by April 1 of each year in which the source is required to submit an emission report.
(8) Sources for which a date for submitting an annual emission report is specified in a current operating permit issued under 20.2.70 NMAC (Operating Permits) shall submit such report on that date. The department shall provide a copy of the previous emissions report upon request by the owner or operator of such source.
(9) Any source that is requested by the department to submit a report of greenhouse gas emissions shall:
(a) submit such report on the schedule and according to the greenhouse gas emissions reporting procedures established by the department, but not more often than annually; or
(b) report greenhouse gas emissions from the source under 20.2.87 NMAC for the greenhouse gas emissions reporting year and the two years following that year; or
(c) provide the department access to the requested information for the greenhouse gas emissions reporting year registered in either the climate registry or the California climate action registry; and
(d) keep records in support of the report for a minimum of five years.
(10) In determining the schedule of greenhouse gas emissions reports and reporting procedures, the department, subject to Paragraph (11) below, shall provide an opportunity for public comment, and shall consider:
(a) public comments regarding the schedule of such reports and greenhouse gas emissions reporting procedures;
(b) emissions quantification standards and best practices approved or recommended by federal and state agencies, by greenhouse gas emissions registries, and by non-governmental bodies having expertise in greenhouse gas emissions quantification;
(c) whether greenhouse gases emissions from a particular source or source type, considering the amount and chemical composition of the emissions, are expected to be minimal relative to emissions from other sources or source types, and
(d) whether emissions of a particular greenhouse gas from a source or source type, considering the amount and chemical composition of the emissions, are expected to be minimal relative to the total greenhouse gas emissions from that source or source type.
(11) The schedule for greenhouse gas emissions reports and reporting procedures pursuant to Paragraphs (9) and (10) of Subsection B of NMAC, shall:
(a) subject to the department's selection of best available quantification methodologies, include a requirement that sources within North American industry classification system codes 211111, 211112, 213111, 213112, 486210, 221210, 486110, and 486910 subject to this part and permit requirements pursuant to 20.2.70 NMAC (Operating Permits) report at a minimum emissions of carbon dioxide and methane beginning no later than reporting year 2009 and for subsequent reporting years; and
(b) subject to the department's selection of best available quantification methodologies, include a requirement that sources within North American industry classification system codes 211111, 211112, 213111, 213112, 486210, 221210, 486110, and 486910 subject to this part pursuant to Paragraphs (1) and (2) of Subsection A of NMAC, and not otherwise covered by Subparagraph (a), above, report at a minimum emissions of carbon dioxide and methane no later than reporting year 2010 and for subsequent reporting years as requested by the department.
C. Content of emissions reports. Emissions report contents for reports made under Paragraphs (1) through (8) of Subsection B of NMAC shall include:
(1) the name, address, if any, and physical location of the stationary source;
(2) the name and telephone number of the person to contact regarding the emissions report;
(3) a certification signed by the owner, or operator, or a responsible official as defined in 20.2.70 NMAC attesting that the statements and information contained in the emissions report are true and accurate to the best knowledge and belief of the certifying official, and including the full name, title, signature, date of signature, and telephone number of the certifying official; for sources subject to 20.2.70 NMAC, the certification shall be made as required under that part;
(4) smelters shall submit an annual report of sulfur input, in tons/year;
(5) for each emission point, as required by the department:
(a) stack and exhaust gas parameters and location information;
(b) type of control equipment and estimated control efficiency;
(c) schedule of operation;
(d) estimated actual emissions, including fugitive emissions and emissions occurring during maintenance, start-ups, shutdowns, upsets, and downtime of total suspended particulate, PM10, PM2.5, ammonia, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, and lead, and, if requested by the department, speciated hazardous air pollutants, in tons per year and a description of the methods utilized to make such estimates, including calculations;
(e) the annual process or fuel combustion rates; and
(f) the fuel heat, sulfur, and ash content; and
(6) all information required under the federal act.
D. Additional content for emissions reports from sources in ozone nonattainment areas. Emissions reports from sources located in ozone nonattainment areas shall include, in addition to the contents specified by Subsection C of this section ( NMAC), the following information:
(1) typical daily process rate during the peak ozone season, where the peak ozone season is specified by the department; and
(2) estimated actual emissions of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds, which shall be reported:
(a) for each emissions point;
(b) for each process and fuel type contributing to emissions from each point;
(c) in units of tons per year for annual emissions; and
(d) in units of pounds per day for a typical day during the peak ozone season.
E. Waiver of reporting requirements for insignificant emissions. The department may waive the requirements of Paragraph (5) of Subsection C of this section ( NMAC) for emissions which the department determines to be insignificant under 20.2.70 NMAC, except that:
(1) for sources in nonattainment areas, reporting of emissions of pollutants for which the area is nonattainment shall not be waived; and
(2) reporting of emissions for which reporting is required under the federal act shall not be waived.
F. Emission tracking requirements for sulfur dioxide emission inventories. All stationary sources with actual emissions of one hundred (100) tons per year or more of sulfur dioxide in the year 2000, or in any subsequent year, shall submit an annual inventory of sulfur dioxide emissions, beginning with the 2003 emission inventory. A source that meets these criteria that then emits less than 100 tons per year in a later year shall submit a sulfur dioxide inventory for tracking compliance with the regional sulfur dioxide milestones until the western backstop sulfur dioxide trading program has been fully implemented and emission tracking has occurred under NMAC.
(1) All WEB sources will be subject to the following federally enforceable provisions:
(a) submit an annual inventory of sulfur dioxide emissions;
(b) document the emissions monitoring/estimation methodology used, and demonstrate that the selected methodology is acceptable under the inventory program;
(c) include emissions from start up, shut down, and upset conditions in the annual total inventory;
(d) use 40 CFR Part 75 methodology for reporting emissions for all sources subject to the federal acid rain program;
(e) maintain all records used in the calculation of the emissions, including but not limited to the following:
(i) amount of fuel consumed;
(ii) percent sulfur content of fuel and how the content was determined;
(iii) quantity of product monitoring data;
(iv) emissions monitoring data;
(v) operating data; and
(vi) how the emissions are calculated;
(f) maintain records of any physical changes to facility operations or equipment, or any other changes that may affect the emissions projections; and
(g) retain records for a minimum of ten years from the date of establishment, or if the record was the basis for an adjustment to the milestone, five years after the date of an implementation plan revision, whichever is longer.
(2) Changes in emission measurement techniques. Each source subject to this subsection that uses a different emission monitoring or calculation method than was used to report sulfur dioxide emissions in 2006 under this part or 40 CFR Part 75 shall adjust their reported emissions to be comparable to the emission monitoring or calculation method that was used in 2006. The calculations that are used to make this adjustment shall be included with the annual emission report.
(3) The department shall retain emission inventory records for non-utilities for 2006 until the year 2018 to ensure that changes in emissions monitoring techniques can be tracked.
G. Content of greenhouse gas emissions reports. Greenhouse gas emissions reports shall contain the following information, as set out in the greenhouse gas emissions reporting procedures established under Subparagraph (a) of Paragraph (9) of Subsection B of NMAC:
(1) the name, location, and permit or notice of intent number of the stationary source;
(2) the name and telephone number of the person to contact regarding the greenhouse gas emissions report;
(3) a certification signed by the owner or operator attesting that the statements and information contained in the emissions report are true and accurate to the best knowledge and belief of the certifying official, and including the full name, title, signature, date of signature, and telephone number of the certifying official;
(4) for each emission point as required by the department under the greenhouse gas emissions reporting procedures, the estimated actual emissions of greenhouse gases, including fugitive emissions and emissions occurring during maintenance, start-ups, shutdowns, upsets and downtime; and
(5) if requested by the department, the fuel type, fuel heat content, and fuel carbon content.

N.M. Admin. Code §

11/30/95, 10/01/97; NMAC - Rn, 20 NMAC 2.73.300 - 304 02/18/02; A, 12/31/03; A, 12/31/04; A, 01/01/08; A, 07/06/11