N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 19, October 8, 2024
A.Applicability: Hydrocarbon liquid transfers located at existing well sites, standalone tank batteries, gathering and boosting stations with one or more controlled storage vessels, natural gas processing plants, or transmission compressor stations are subject to the requirements of NMAC within two years of the effective date of this Part. Hydrocarbon liquid transfers at existing gathering and boosting stations (including associated tank batteries) without any controlled storage vessels are subject to the requirements of NMAC on the schedule specified in Paragraph 1 of Subsection B of NMAC. Hydrocarbon liquid transfers located at new well sites, standalone tank batteries, gathering and boosting stations, natural gas processing plants, or transmission compressor stations are subject to the requirements of NMAC upon startup. The following facilities and operations are not subject to the requirements of this Section:
(1) Any facility connected to an oil sales pipeline that is routinely used for hydrocarbon liquid transfers;
(2) Well sites, standalone tank batteries, gathering and boosting stations, natural gas processing plants, or transmission compressor stations not connected to an oil sales pipeline that load out hydrocarbon liquids to trucks fewer than thirteen (13) times in a calendar year; and
(3) Transfers of hydrocarbon liquid from a transfer vessel to a storage vessel subject to the emission standards in NMAC.
B.Emission standards:
(1) The owner or operator of a hydrocarbon liquid transfer operation shall use vapor balance, vapor recovery, or a control device to control VOC emissions by at least ninety-five percent, when transferring hydrocarbon liquid from a storage vessel to a tanker truck or tanker railcar for transport. If a combustion control device is used, the combustion device shall have a minimum design combustion efficiency of ninety-eight percent.
(2) An owner, operator, or personnel conducting the hydrocarbon liquid transfer using vapor balance shall:
(a) transfer the vapor displaced from the transfer truck or railcar being loaded back to the storage vessel being emptied via a pipe or hose connected before the start of the transfer operation. If multiple storage vessels are manifolded together in a tank battery, the vapor may be routed back to any storage vessel in the tank battery;
(b) ensure that the transfer does not begin until the vapor collection and return system is properly connected;
(c) inspect connector pipes, hoses, couplers, valves, and pressure relief devices for leaks;
(d) check the hydrocarbon liquid and vapor line connections for proper connections before commencing the transfer operation; and
(e) operate transfer equipment at a pressure that is less than the pressure relief valve setting of the receiving transport vehicle or storage vessel.
(3) Connector pipes and couplers shall be inspected and maintained to ensure there are no liquid leaks.
(4) Connections of hoses and pipes used during hydrocarbon liquid transfers shall be supported on drip trays that collect any leaks, and the materials collected shall be returned to the process or disposed of in a manner compliant with state law.
(5) Liquid leaks that occur shall be cleaned and disposed of in a manner that minimizes emissions to the atmosphere, and the material collected shall be returned to the process or disposed of in a manner compliant with state law.
(6) An owner or operator complying with Paragraph (1) of Subsection B of NMAC through use of a control device shall comply with the control device requirements in NMAC.
C.Monitoring requirements:
(1) The owner, operator, or their designated representative shall visually inspect the hydrocarbon liquid transfer equipment monthly at staffed locations and semi-annually at unstaffed locations to ensure that hydrocarbon liquid transfer lines, hoses, couplings, valves, and pipes are not dripping or leaking. At least once per calendar year, the inspection shall occur during a transfer operation. Leaking components shall be repaired to prevent dripping or leaking before the next transfer operation, or measures must be implemented to mitigate leaks until the necessary repairs are completed.
(2) The owner or operator of a hydrocarbon liquid transfer operation controlled by a control device must follow manufacturer specifications for the device.
(3) Owners and operators complying with Paragraph (1) of Subsection B of NMAC through use of a control device shall comply with the monitoring requirements in NMAC.
(4) Prior to any monitoring event, the owner or operator shall date and time stamp the event, and the monitoring data entry shall be made in accordance with the requirements of this Part.
(5) The owner or operator shall comply with the monitoring requirements in NMAC.
D.Recordkeeping requirements:
(1) The owner or operator shall maintain a record of the following:
(a) the location of the facility;
(b) if using a control device, the type, make, and model of the control device;
(c) the date and time stamp, including GPS of the location, of any inspection;
(d) the name of the person(s) conducting the inspection;
(e) a description of any problem observed during the inspection; and
(f) the results of the inspection and a description of any repair or corrective action taken.
(2) The owner or operator shall maintain a record for each site of the annual total hydrocarbon liquid transferred and annual total VOC emissions. Each calendar year, the owner or operator shall create a company-wide record summarizing the annual total hydrocarbon liquid transferred and the annual total calculated VOC emissions.
(3) The owner or operator shall comply with the recordkeeping requirements in NMAC.
E.Reporting requirements: The owner or operator shall comply with the reporting requirements in NMAC.

N.M. Admin. Code §

Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIII, Issue 14, July 26, 2022, eff. 8/5/2022