N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 18, September 24, 2024
A.Deer enhancement program:
(1)Program description: The director shall collect all proceeds generated through the auction and lottery of special deer authorizations, and such monies shall be deposited in the game protection fund. These monies shall be made available for expenditure by the department solely for programs and projects to benefit deer and for direct costs incurred in carrying out these programs. These monies shall be used to augment, and not replace, monies appropriated from existing funds available to the department for the conservation, restoration, utilization and management of deer.
(2)Requirements for issuance of special deer authorizations:
(a) The state game commission shall authorize the director to issue not more than two special deer authorizations in any one license year to take one fork-antlered deer per license. The director shall allow the sale of one authorization through auction to the highest bidder and one authorization to a person selected through a random drawing of a lottery ticket by the department or an incorporated, nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of deer.
(b) Unless their hunting privileges have been revoked pursuant to law, any person is eligible to submit a bid for the special deer auction authorization or purchase lottery tickets in an attempt to be selected for the special deer lottery authorization.
(c) The special deer authorizations issued through auction and lottery may be transferred through sale, barter or gift by the successful individuals only to other individuals qualified to hunt.
(3)Enhancement hunts: Deer enhancement licenses shall be valid from September 1 through January 31 for any big-game sporting arms. These licenses shall be valid statewide where hunting is allowed. The bag limit shall be one fork-antlered deer. The authorization to obtain a deer enhancement license may be used either by the applicant or any individual.
B.Deer incentive programs:
(1)CWD reporting incentive: The director may annually allow up to two deer authorizations to be issued through a random drawing for deer and elk hunters submitting their legally harvested animal for CWD testing. Authorizations awarded pursuant to this rule may be transferred through sale, barter or gift. Deer incentive hunts shall be valid only for the dates, big-game sporting arms, bag limit and area specified by the director.
(2)Private-land deer incentive program: Private landowners who are conducting and maintaining substantial habitat improvements or land management practices on their deeded lands that directly and significantly benefit deer may be considered for special recognition. Only those projects as determined by the department to be relevant and beneficial to deer will be considered. Landowners must develop a deer conservation and management plan and submit an application including a map delineating the legal property boundary to the department. Upon completion of approved habitat improvement projects the landowner may be granted authorizations for alternative season dates as approved by the department. Licenses obtained using the authorizations will be valid only on deeded property for the ranch to which they were awarded. Landowners receiving incentive authorizations are required to continue habitat improvement projects and submit an update as directed by the department to be considered for continued participation.
C.Premium hunt opportunity: One premium deer draw hunt will be issued each license year through the draw. The hunt area will be statewide on any public land open to hunting, including WMAs, and private land with written permission.

open GMUs or areas

2023-2024 hunt dates

2024-2025 hunt dates

2025-2026 hunt dates

2026-2027 hunt dates

hunt code


bag limit













N.M. Admin. Code §

Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVI, Issue 04, February 27, 2015, eff. 4/1/2015, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 24, December 27, 2018, eff. 4/1/2019, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIII, Issue 21, November 8, 2022, eff. 4/1/2023