N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 18, September 24, 2024
A.Legal hunting hours: A person may only take or attempt to take any big game species or turkey during the period from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset. It is unlawful to take or attempt to take big game or turkey outside of legal hunting hours.
B.Killing out of season: It is unlawful to take or attempt to take any big game species or turkey outside of the established hunting season.
C.Bag limit: It is unlawful for any person to take any big game species or turkey other than the legal bag limit as specified on their big game or turkey license or as indicated by the hunt code, or for any bear hunter to take a sow with cub(s), or any cub less than one year old, or for any cougar hunter to take a spotted cougar kitten or any female accompanied by spotted kitten(s).
D.Exceeding the bag limit on big game:
(1) It is unlawful for any person to hunt for or take more than one animal of any big game species per year unless otherwise allowed by state game commission rule.
(2) It is unlawful for any person to hunt for or take more than two cougars per year unless otherwise allowed by state game commission rule.
E.Exceeding the bag limit on turkey: It is unlawful for any person to hunt for or take more than two bearded turkeys during the spring turkey season or more than one turkey during the fall turkey season unless otherwise specifically allowed by 19.31.16 NMAC.
F.Proof of sex or bag limit: It is unlawful for anyone to transport or possess the carcass of any big game species or turkey without proof of sex or bag limit (except donated parts when accompanied by a proper possession certificate). Proof of sex or bag limit shall be:
(1) Bear and cougar - External genitalia of any bear or cougar killed shall remain naturally attached to the pelt and be readily visible until the pelt has been inspected and pelt-tagged by a department official.
(2) Barbary sheep. The horns of any Barbary sheep taken shall remain naturally attached to the skull or skull plate. If the horns of any female Barbary sheep are 18 inches or longer the external genitalia shall remain naturally attached to the hide/carcass, and be visible until arriving at a residence, taxidermist, meat processing facility or place of final storage.
(3) Deer - The antlers of any buck deer taken shall remain naturally attached to the skull or skull plate until arriving at a residence, taxidermist, meat processing facility or place of final storage. The scalp and both ears of any antlerless deer or the naturally attached female genitalia shall accompany the carcass in the same manner.
(4) Elk - The antlers of any bull elk taken shall remain naturally attached to the skull or skull plate until arriving at a residence, taxidermist, meat processing facility or place of final storage. The scalp and both ears of any antlerless elk or the naturally attached female genitalia shall accompany the carcass in the same manner.
(5) Pronghorn - The horns, scalp and both ears of any pronghorn taken shall remain naturally attached to the skull or skull plate and must accompany the carcass until arriving at a residence, taxidermist, meat processing facility or place of final storage. If the horns of a female pronghorn are longer than its ears, and the bag limit is F/IM, the external genitalia must remain naturally attached to the hide/carcass, as appropriate, and be visible to provide proof of legal bag limit until arriving at a residence, taxidermist, meat processing facility or place of final storage.
(6) Bighorn sheep - The horns of any ram shall remain naturally attached to the skull or skull plate and the external genitalia of any ewe taken shall remain naturally attached to the hide/carcass, and be visible until arriving at a residence, taxidermist, meat processing facility or place of final storage.
(7) Persian ibex - The horns of any ibex shall remain naturally attached to the skull or skull plate. If the horns of any female ibex are 20 inches or longer the external genitalia shall remain naturally attached to the hide/carcass, and be visible until arriving at a residence, taxidermist, meat processing facility or place of final storage.
(8) Turkey - When the bag limit is a bearded turkey, the beard and a small patch of feathers surrounding the beard shall remain with the carcass, and be visible until arriving at a residence, taxidermist, meat processing facility or place of final storage.
(9) Javelina - The skull of each javelina shall be proof of bag limit and must be retained until arriving at a residence, taxidermist, meat processing facility or place of final storage.
(10) Oryx - The horns of any oryx taken shall remain naturally attached to the skull or skull plate until arriving at a residence, taxidermist, meat processing facility or place of final storage.
G.Tagging of harvested game:
(1)Physical Tagging of harvested game: Licensed hunters of any big game species or turkey, who have chosen to receive a department issued tag at application or purchase, upon harvesting an animal, shall immediately and completely notch out the appropriate month and day on the carcass tag. Prior to moving any part of the carcass from the kill site, the licensed hunter shall remove the entire backing material from the carcass tag and adhere it to the appropriate location on the carcass leaving the entire face of the tag visible. If the species or sex harvested requires the use of an antler or horn tag the licensed hunter shall, prior to moving any part of the carcass from the kill site, remove the entire backing material from the antler/horn tag and adhere it to the appropriate location on the antler or horn leaving the entire face of the tag visible. All tags shall remain attached to the carcass, antlers or horns until it is delivered to a meat processing facility, taxidermist, placed in final cold storage or if required, is inspected and documented or pelt tagged by a department official. The antler/horn tag is not required to be attached or used on antlerless/hornless animals.
(2)Electronic Tagging of harvested game: Licensed hunters of any big game species or turkey, who have chosen to electronically tag their game at application or purchase, upon harvesting an animal, shall immediately access the department's electronic tagging (e-tag) application to receive an e-tag number specific to the license. The licensed hunter will legibly write the e-tag number, customer identification number, and the date of harvest on any durable material using permanent ink and shall attach one piece to the big game species or turkey on the appropriate location on the carcass and another piece to the antler or horns as required prior to moving any part of the carcass from the kill site. All e-tag pieces shall remain attached to the carcass, antlers or horns until it is delivered to a meat processing facility, taxidermist, placed in final cold storage or if required, is inspected and documented or pelt tagged by a department official. An antler/horn e-tag is not required to be attached or used on antlerless/hornless animals.
(3)The proper location to attach all carcass tags and e-tags:
(a) The proper location to attach the carcass tag or e-tag on any game species is to attach it conspicuously on the hock tendon on either hind leg.
(b) The proper location to attach the carcass tag or e-tag on javelina is to adhere it to the head/skull around the nose.
(c) The proper location to attach the carcass tag or e-tag on a turkey is to adhere it around the leg above the foot and below the feathers on the thigh.
(d) The proper location to attach the carcass tag or e-tag on a bear or cougar is to adhere it around the ankle area of the hide above the foot. Bear and cougar carcass tags authorize possession of those animals until pelt tagged in accordance with state game commission rule or for five days from date of kill, whichever comes first.
(i) Any bear or cougar killed shall be tagged with a pelt tag furnished free of charge by the department.
(ii) The hunter who kills the bear or cougar or the hunter's designee must present the unfrozen skull and pelt to a department official for tooth removal and pelt tagging within five calendar days from the date of harvest, before the pelt can be frozen, processed, tanned or salted by a taxidermist, or before taking the pelt out of New Mexico, whichever comes first.
(iii) Any hunter who appoints a designee to present the skull and pelt for pelt tagging is required to contact a conservation officer prior to having the pelt inspected and tagged.
(iv) The pelt tag shall remain attached until the pelt is tanned.
(v) Skulls with mouths closed may not be accepted until the mouth is opened by the hunter or designee.
(vi) Licensed bear or cougar hunters or their designees who provide false or fraudulent information regarding the required information including, but not limited to, sex, date or location of harvest shall be assessed 20 revocation points pursuant to 19.31.2 NMAC.
(e) The proper location to attach an antler tag or e-tag is to adhere the tag around the main beam of the antler between any of the points or tines as close to the base as possible to prevent the tag from coming off.
(f) The proper location to attach a horn tag or e-tag is to adhere the tag around the horn as close to the base as possible to prevent the tag from coming off.
H.It is unlawful:
(1) for any licensed hunter to fail to properly tag their big game species or turkey with the carcass and antler tag or e-tag as prescribed;
(2) to possess any portion of a big game or turkey carcass that does not have a properly notched carcass tag attached to it or a completed e-tag attached to it, except lawfully taken game that is accompanied by a proper possession certificate or department invoice;
(3) to possess any bear or cougar or parts thereof which has not been pelt tagged within five days of kill, has been taken out of state prior to pelt tagging or has not otherwise been pelt tagged in accordance with state game commission rule;
(4) for any person to transport or possess the carcass of any big game species or turkey without proof of sex naturally attached or proof of legal bag limit until the carcass arrives at a residence, taxidermist, meat processing facility, place of final storage or if required, is inspected and documented or pelt tagged by a department official, except lawfully taken game that is accompanied by a proper possession certificate or department invoice;
(5) to use a carcass or antler tag that is cut, torn, notched or mutilated. Cut, torn, notched or mutilated tags are no longer valid for the take of a big game species or turkey; or
(6) to use a previously issued carcass or antler tag once a duplicate has been obtained or to use the carcass, antler tag or e-tag of any other person. Any previous carcass or antler tag assigned to a license which is replaced by a duplicate is void and no longer valid for the take of a big game species or turkey.
I.Once-in-a lifetime hunts: It is unlawful for any person to apply for, receive or use any once-in-a lifetime license if they have ever held a once-in-a lifetime license for that species which has the same bag limit or eligibility requirements.
J.Youth-only (YO), mobility-impaired (MI), veteran and military-only (MO) hunts or military discounted licenses: It is unlawful for anyone to apply for or receive or use any YO, MI, veteran or MO license or any military discounted license except as allowed by state game commission rule.
K.License sale: It is unlawful for anyone to sell or offer for sale any hunting, fishing or trapping license, permit or tag which has been issued by the department, or to sell or offer for sale any commercial collection permit or scientific collection permit.
L.Use of dogs in hunting:
(1) It is unlawful to use dogs to hunt or pursue big game species or turkey, except for bear and cougar.
(2) Dogs may be used only to hunt bear and cougar during open seasons unless otherwise restricted. It is unlawful to:
(a) hunt for or pursue bear or cougar with dog(s) on the Valle Vidal except holders of bear entry permits for the hunting of bear only;
(b) hunt for or pursue bear or cougar with dog(s) during any September big game bow season statewide except as otherwise allowed by state game commission rule;
(c) release dog(s) to pursue or hold bear or cougar outside of legal hunting hours or during closed season or in a closed area or zone;
(d) to pursue bear or cougar with dog(s) without the licensed hunter, who intends to kill or who kills the bear or cougar, present continuously from the initial release of any dog(s).
(3) It is unlawful to use dog(s) to assist in the recovery of wounded or dead big game or turkey except as follows:
(a) Dog(s) may be used to assist in the recovery of wounded game provided that no more than two dogs may be used at any one time to locate a wounded or dead deer, elk, pronghorn, bighorn sheep, Barbary sheep, oryx, Persian ibex, javelina or turkey.
(b) Dog(s) used to assist in the recovery of deer, elk, pronghorn, bighorn sheep, Barbary sheep, oryx, Persian ibex, javelina or turkey shall be leashed and under the control of the handler at all times and cannot be used to pursue or harass wildlife. No person assisting in the recovery of a wounded animal may shoot or kill the animal being tracked unless they are a licensed hunter for that species, season and area and they intend to tag the animal as their own.
M.Use of bait: It is unlawful for any person to take or attempt to take any big game species or turkey by use of baiting or for any person to take or attempt to take big game or turkey from an area which has not been completely free of bait (including in feeders) for at least 10 days. Preexisting legitimate livestock salt and mineral and natural attractants such as cultivated fields, water, orchards, natural kills, carrion or offal are not considered bait unless they have been moved or placed there from another location. It is unlawful to create, maintain or use any bait station in hunting bear or cougar. It is unlawful to use any scent attractant in hunting bears.
N.Live animals: It is unlawful to use live protected species as a decoy in taking or attempting to take any big game species or turkey.
O.Hunting captive big game species: It is unlawful to take or attempt to take any big game species within any fence or enclosure, or by use of any fence or enclosure, which significantly restricts or limits the free ingress or egress of that big game species except as allowed by permit from the department. Any fence which is 7.5 feet tall or taller shall be considered game proof and hunting within any such enclosure, even if there are open gate(s), is unlawful. Exception:Net wire fencing commonly used as sheep or goat fencing which is not taller than four feet is not considered to significantly restrict or limit the free ingress or egress of any protected species.
P.Use of calling devices: It is unlawful to use any electronically or mechanically recorded calling device in taking or attempting to take any big game species or turkey, except javelina, bear and cougar.
Q.Automatic firearms: It is unlawful to take or attempt to take any big game species or turkey with a fully automatic firearm.
R.Bullets: It is unlawful to take or attempt to take any big game species or turkey by the use of a prohibited bullet.
S.Drugs and explosives: It is unlawful to use any form of drug to capture, take or attempt to take any big game species or turkey unless specifically authorized by the department, or to use arrows driven by explosives, gunpowder or compressed air.
T.Legal sporting arm types:
(1) It is unlawful to use any sporting arm type for big game species other than those defined under big game sporting arms except for cougar and javelina which may be taken with those defined under any sporting arm. For cougar and javelina, compressed air guns must be .22 caliber or larger and shotguns must fire a single slug or #4 buckshot or larger.
(2) It is unlawful to use any sporting arm type for a big game species which does not correspond with the hunt code authorized sporting arm type.
(3) It is unlawful to use sporting arms for turkey other than a shotgun firing shot, bow or crossbow.
U.Hunting on the wrong ranch, in the wrong area or in the wrong GMU: It is unlawful for any person to hunt in any location, GMU or ranch other than that area specified on their license or permit unless otherwise allowed by state game commission rule.
(1) A landowner whose contiguous deeded property extends into an adjacent GMU(s) may enter into a written agreement with the department to hunt big game on the contiguous deeded property of the ranch. This permission shall be requested annually, at the local department office, in person or in writing by the landowner at least one week prior to the desired hunt dates. The landowner must show proof of ownership and property location. The season dates, bag limit and sporting arm type will be determined by the GMU where the majority of the deeded property lies. Landowners who enter into this agreement may not hunt the GMU where the minority of the contiguous property lies during that minority GMU's season dates if different from the majority dates. Unit-wide and ranch-wide properties are not eligible for this agreement for those species for which the unit-wide or ranch-wide agreement applies.
(2) A licensed big game hunter may hunt a landowner's contiguous private property which extends into an adjoining GMU(s) only when a department agreement exists and must adhere to the department issued agreement unless otherwise restricted by state game commission rule.
V.Restricted areas on White Sands missile range:
(1) It is unlawful to drive or ride in a motor vehicle into an area signed "no hunting" or otherwise restricting hunting or as documented on a map or as presented during the hunt's briefing, except if the hunter or driver is escorted by official personnel;
(2) It is unlawful for a licensed hunter to enter an area signed "no hunting" or otherwise restricting hunting except if the hunter is escorted by official personnel; and
(3) It is unlawful for a licensed security badged hunter to hunt or take any oryx in an area other than their "to be assigned" area.
W.Validity of licenses and unitizations: All big game and turkey licenses shall be valid only for the specified dates, eligibility requirements or restrictions, legal sporting arms, bag limit, and area specified by the hunt code printed on the license including those areas designated as public or private land per a current unitization agreement between the department and U. S. bureau of land management, state land office or other public land holding entity.
X.Hunting on public land with a private land only license: It is unlawful to hunt big game on any public land with a private land only license. Public land as used in this section shall mean any federally owned or managed property, any state owned or managed property, or any private property which is part of a unitization hunting agreement, ranch wide agreement or unit wide agreement for the species being hunted, any private property which the department has paid for public access for the species being hunted or any New Mexico state game commission owned or managed property.
Y.Collars or tracking devices: It is unlawful to attach any collar or electronic tracking device to any big game species or turkey except as specifically authorized by the department.
Z.License purchase: Bear or cougar hunters must purchase their bear or cougar license at least two calendar days prior to taking or attempting to take any bear or cougar. It is unlawful for any bear or cougar hunter to take or attempt to take a bear or cougar within two calendar days of purchasing their license.
AA.Zones: It is unlawful to pursue, take or attempt to take a bear or cougar in a closed zone. Zones will close pursuant to 19.31.11 NMAC.
BB.Valle Vidal: It is unlawful to hunt bear or cougar on the Valle Vidal except for properly licensed bear or cougar hunters that also possess a Valle Vidal elk hunting license (only during the dates and with the sporting arm type specified on their elk license) and holders of a Valle Vidal bear entry permit (only during their entry permit hunt dates).
CC.Cougar ID: It is unlawful for any person to hunt for cougar without having completed the department's cougar ID course and having the verification code printed on their license.
DD.Use of cellular, Wi-Fi or satellite cameras: It is unlawful for any person to use any cellular, Wi-Fi or satellite camera for the purpose of hunting or scouting for any big game animal. Exception: This section does not apply to cellular or satellite phones which are kept on one's person and not used remotely or department employees and their designees while performing their official duties.
EE. It shall be illegal to shoot any turkey on a roost.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 4-1-2007, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVII, Issue 23, December 15, 2016, eff. 12/15/2016, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 24, December 27, 2018, eff. 4/1/2019, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXI, Issue 10, May 19, 2020, eff. 5/19/2020, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIII, Issue 21, November 8, 2022, eff. 4/1/2023