N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 18, September 24, 2024
A. General provisions:
(1) WCA employees shall be addressed in a courteous and respectful manner at all times.
(2) Unless otherwise stated or necessarily implied in these rules, the rules of civil procedure for the district courts of New Mexico shall apply to and govern all proceedings conducted pursuant to these rules.
(3) Pleadings filed with the WCA Clerk shall:
(a) include a caption identifying the state of New Mexico workers' compensation administration as the legal forum, the name of each party, a descriptive title of the document, and the WCA case number if one has been assigned; and
(b) contain a signature block which includes the signature of the party in interest or party representative(s) followed by the typewritten name(s), the mailing address, telephone number with area code and email address.
(4) Duplicate or multiple copies of the same pleading shall not be filed. Duplicate copies will not be docketed and may be destroyed.
(5) Amended or subsequent pleadings shall be clearly identified (e.g., "Second Complaint").
(6) Pleadings shall not be submitted to the clerk by facsimile transmission.
(7) Pleadings shall not be submitted with cover letters or correspondence.
(8) Parties shall use the mandatory forms available on the WCA website. Items on the mandatory forms may not be deleted, but additional information may be provided at the end of the text. Mandatory forms include:
(a) workers' compensation complaint;
(b) summons for workers' compensation complaint;
(c) worker's authorization for use and disclosure of health records;
(d) informal response to workers' compensation complaint;
(e) notice of acceptance or rejection of recommended resolution;
(f) application to workers' compensation judge;
(g) summons for application to workers' compensation judge;
(h) subpoena or subpoena duces tecum;
(i) request for setting;
(j) health care provider disagreement form;
(k) petition for lump sum payment;
(l) summons for petition for lump sum payment;
(m) joint request for expedited hearing;
(n) application to director; and
(o) summons for application to director.
(9) Filing of initial pleadings:
(a) The workers' compensation complaint shall be filed with a summons and, if filed by a worker, with an executed authorization to release the worker's medical information.
(b) The application to judge, application to director, or petition for lump sum payment shall be filed with a request for setting. A summons shall also be filed if no service of process has previously occurred in the case.
(10) WCA clerk's review of submitted pleadings:
(a) The clerk may reject pleadings that do not conform to these rules. Rejected pleadings will not be filed and will be destroyed.
(b) The clerk shall promptly notify the filing party or party representative of a rejection and the reason(s) for the rejection.
(c) The clerk's rejection of a pleading does not extend or stay the period in which a pleading is due or otherwise delay an applicable deadline.
(d) Reasons for rejecting a pleading may include, but are not limited to:
(i) the caption, WCA number, or party information is not correct;
(ii) the pleading is unsigned;
(iii) the document is incomplete or pages are missing;
(iv) the document is of such poor quality making the content unreadable;
(v) the pleading was not submitted on a mandatory form; and
(vi) initial pleadings to open or reopen the case were not submitted.
B. Electronic Filing:
(1) Effective January 1, 2018, unless exempted herein, all pleadings filed with the WCA shall be filed, served, and received by electronic means through the electronic filing portal on the WCA website.
(2) Electronic filing is not mandatory for pro se workers or for uninsured employers; however, pro se workers and uninsured employers are encouraged to register and use the WCA electronic filing portal. It shall be the duty of all parties not participating in electronic filing to keep the WCA clerk of the court informed of any change in mailing address while they are a party to a proceeding pending before the WCA.
(3) All insurers providing workers' compensation coverage in New Mexico shall register with the WCA with a single, general delivery, e-mail address for receipt of documents including initial pleadings. Insurers shall promptly update the WCA on any changes to the registered email address. Insurers shall confirm annually with the WCA, within the first two weeks of a new calendar year, their mailing address, phone number, and general delivery email address for service of documents. Non-compliance with registration and updating requirements may result in a referral for an administrative investigation and enforcement by the enforcement bureau.
(4) All party representatives, including attorneys and adjusters, shall register with the WCA with a single, general delivery, e-mail address and thereby consent to receive documents from other party representatives and the WCA at that address. Party representatives shall promptly update the WCA on any changes to the registered email address.
(5) Registered parties shall be familiar and comply with the WCA electronic filing requirements set forth in the WCA's electronic filing user guide available on the WCA website.
(6) The WCA shall not be responsible for inoperable email addresses, unread email, or undeliverable emails.
(7) Pleadings filed through the WCA electronic filing portal shall contain the electronic signature of the party in interest or party representative denoted by either a graphic version of the signature or an "s/" followed by signatory's typewritten name.
(8) The date that a pleading is filed through the WCA electronic filing portal is the filing date for the purpose of filing deadlines. For purposes of electronic transmission, a day begins at 12:01 a.m. and ends at midnight.
(9) Registered parties shall have access through the WCA electronic filing portal to case documents after the final date of disposition in accordance with WCA electronic storage capabilities. The clerk shall provide paper copies of pleadings to parties and party representatives upon receipt of a records request. The clerk shall charge a reasonable fee for each copy requested. If the requested copies are mailed, adequate postage for mailing must be paid to the clerk.
C. Service of process:
(1) Initial pleadings:
(a) The clerk shall serve initial pleadings on a responding party. Service shall be accomplished through the WCA electronic filing system for registered parties or by certified mail for pro se workers or uninsured employers who have not registered to use the WCA electronic filing system. When the clerk's attempt at service is unsuccessful, the clerk shall notify the filing party using the e-mail address or postal address provided at the time of filing. The filing party shall then be responsible for service on the responding party.
(b) An employer's insurer is the employer's registered agent for service of process of an initial pleading. If an employer is uninsured, the initial pleading shall so state and the clerk shall then serve the uninsured employer and the uninsured employers' fund separately.
(2) All other pleadings:
(a) All pleadings generated by the WCA, including but not limited to orders and notices, shall be electronically served by the clerk except that the clerk shall serve all unregistered pro se workers and uninsured employers by U.S. mail.
(b) The clerk shall serve notice of all other filed pleadings on registered parties and the parties shall be responsible for logging into the WCA electronic filing portal to access said pleadings.
(c) Unregistered pro se workers and uninsured employers shall be responsible for service on all parties of record. Service on unregistered pro se workers and unregistered uninsured employers shall be the responsibility of the filing party.
D. The clerk shall accept a notice of lien filed by the child support enforcement bureau of the New Mexico department of human services. The notice of lien shall state the worker's name and social security number, and the total dollar amount of the lien. The notice of lien shall include a copy of the district court order requiring the payment of child support by the worker.

N.M. Admin. Code §

5/26/87, 6/20/89, 10/28/93, 3/3/94, 6/1/96, 9/25/96; 10/1/98; NMAC - Rn & A, 11 NMAC 4.4.9, 6/13/03; A, 12/31/12, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXV, Issue 18, September 30, 2014, eff. 10/1/2014, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVI, Issue 18, September 29, 2015, eff. 10/1/2015, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVII, Issue 18, September 30, 2016, eff. 9/30/2016, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVIII, Issue 22, November 28, 2017, eff. 1/1/2018, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIII, Issue 24, December 27, 2022, eff. 1/1/2023