(f) Rationale: The development potential of a site is a ranking that reflects whether there is infrastructure necessary to support a development, and whether there is other development nearby. The Department intends to steer development to areas with existing development-oriented elements to support that development, including roads for access and wastewater treatment and disposal, and areas with existing development. Siting development near existing development and infrastructure is more efficient and results in decreased impacts to the environment as compared to locating development in such a way that new development-oriented elements need to be constructed to access or use the development. If a development is proposed that is inconsistent with the applicable Areawide Water Quality Management Plan, adopted in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:15, it is prohibited and the site will not be assigned a development potential. Sites have different development potentials depending upon the type of development proposed. Areas suitable for campgrounds, for example, are more isolated from existing development and provide access to water, beaches, forests, or other natural features. Such an area would not likely be suitable for a major commercial or industrial development, which would be more suited towards an area in proximity to existing development and separated from beaches, forests, and other natural areas.