N.J. Admin. Code § 7:50-4.2

Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 19, October 7, 2024
Section 7:50-4.2 - Pre-application conference; application requirements
(a) Pre-application conference.
1. Request: Any applicant for any application provided for in this Plan may request an informal conference with the Executive Director prior to filing an application. However, an applicant seeking approval pursuant to the provisions of Part III of this subchapter is encouraged to discuss the application with the appropriate officials in the certified municipality prior to requesting a conference with the Executive Director. All requests for a pre-application conference shall include the name and address of the applicant, the legal description and street address, if any, of the parcel proposed for development, a brief description of the nature of any proposed development and the nature of the approval or waiver sought by the applicant.
2. Scheduling of conference: Within 15 days following receipt of any request for a pre-application conference, the Executive Director shall schedule a pre-application conference and notify the applicant of the time, date and location of the conference and specify any additional information which the Executive Director determines is necessary.
3. Conduct and purpose of conference: The Executive Director shall conduct the pre-application conference. The conference shall be informal and its purpose shall be to openly consider the proposals, views and concerns of the applicant and the Commission and to determine whether any of the application requirements of (b) below should be waived or any additional information should be required.
4. Pre-application conference orders: At the conclusion of the pre-application conference, the Executive Director shall inform the applicant in writing whether any of the application requirements contained in (b) below are to be waived or any additional information is to be submitted.
5. Representations of the Executive Director: No representation made by the Executive Director or any member of the staff designated by the Executive Director during the course of any pre-application conference shall be binding on the Commission or the Executive Director with respect to any application subsequently submitted.
(b) Application requirements.
1. General requirements. All applications shall be submitted to the Executive Director at the principal office of the Commission in such form and number as he shall from time to time establish. The filing of an application shall be deemed to be authorization for the Executive Director or his staff to inspect the parcel which is the subject of the application. The application shall be accompanied by a sworn statement that the requirements of (b)2 below have been satisfied.
2. Notice: The applicant shall provide notice of all applications for development in uncertified municipalities, applications for waivers and applications for letters of interpretation filed with the Commission to the municipal and county clerk, and the environmental commission, if any, of the municipality.
3. Waiver of application requirements following pre-application conference: The Executive Director may waive or modify any of the application requirements contained in this subsection if, after a pre-application conference held pursuant to (a) above, he determines that any required information is either not relevant or not necessary to assure proper consideration of any application. Such waiver or modification shall be made in a pre-application order issued pursuant to (a)4 above.
4. Application for approval of minor development: Unless the submission requirements are modified or waived pursuant to (b)3 above, an application filed pursuant to 7:50-4.13 or 4.33 for approval of minor development shall include at least the following information:
i. The applicant's name and address and his interest in the subject parcel;
ii. The owner's name and address, if different from the applicant's, and the owner's signed consent to the filing of the application;
iii. The legal description, including block and lot designation and street address, if any, of the subject parcel;
iv. A description of all existing uses of the subject parcel;
v. A brief written statement generally describing the proposed development;
vi. A USGS Quadrangle map, or copy thereof, and a copy of the municipal tax map sheet on which the boundaries of the subject parcel and the Pinelands management area designation and the municipal zoning designation in a certified municipality are shown;
vii. A plat or plan showing the location of all boundaries of the subject parcel, the location of all proposed development, and existing or proposed facilities to provide water for the use and consumption of occupants of all buildings and sanitary facilities which will serve the proposed development. The following information shall be included with respect to existing or proposed sanitary facilities:
(1) On-Site Treatment Facilities: Location, size, type and capacity of any proposed on-site wastewater treatment facilities; and
(2) Soil Borings and Percolation Tests: If on-site sewage disposal is proposed, results of soil borings and percolation tests in accordance with 58:11-23 et seq. and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto shall be submitted at suitable location with a tract map showing location, logs, elevations of all test holes, indicating where ground water was encountered, estimating the seasonal high water table and demonstrating that such facility is adequate to meet the water quality standards contained in subchapter 6 of this Plan.
viii. A location map, including the area extending at least 300 feet beyond each boundary of the subject parcel, showing ownership boundary lines, the boundary of the proposed development, owners of holdings adjoining and adjacent to the subject parcel, existing facilities, buildings and structures on the site, all proposed development, wetlands, streams (including intermittent streams), rivers, lakes and other waterbodies and existing roads;
ix. A soils map including a county soils survey which conforms to the guidelines of the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, showing the location of all proposed development; and
x. A map showing existing vegetation, identifying predominant vegetation types in the area and showing proposed landscaping of the subject parcel, including the location of the tree line before and after development and all areas to be disturbed as a result of the proposed development.
5. Application for approval of major development: Unless the submission requirements are modified or waived pursuant to (b)3 above, an application filed pursuant to 7:50-4.13 or 4.33 for approval of major development, except for forestry and resource extraction operations, shall include at least the following information:
i. All information required by (b)4i through iv;
ii. A brief written statement generally describing the proposed development; the number of total units; and the floor area of all units to be included in the proposed development;
iii. A written statement addressing each of the standards or guidelines set forth in subchapters 5 and 6 of this Plan; and stating specifically how the proposed development meets each such standard or guideline;
iv. A plat or plan showing the location of all boundaries of the subject parcel, the location of all proposed development, and existing or proposed facilities to provide water for the use and consumption of occupants of all buildings and sanitary facilities which will serve the proposed development. The following information shall be included with respect to existing or proposed wastewater treatment facilities:
(1) Sanitary Sewer Distribution: Location, size and direction of flow of all existing and proposed sanitary sewer lines and pumping stations serving the proposed development and all existing and proposed connections to existing facilities;
(2) On-Site Treatment Facilities: Location, size, type and capacity of any proposed on-site wastewater treatment facilities including, except with respect to discharges into an individual residential septic system, quantities, composition, proposed pretreatment and ultimate means of disposal;
(3) Soil Borings and Percolation Tests: If on-site sewage disposal is proposed, results of soil borings and percolation tests in accordance with the requirements of 58:11-23 et seq. and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto shall be submitted with tract map showing location, logs and elevations of all test holes, indicating where ground water was encountered, and estimating the seasonal high water table; and
(4) The proposed hours and days of operation and number of employees of any non-residential facility.
v. A project site base map, at a scale of no less than one inch to 200 feet and including the areas extending at least 300 feet beyond each boundary of the subject parcel, showing ownership boundary lines, the boundary of the proposed development, owners of holdings, if any, adjoining and adjacent to the subject parcel, existing facilities, buildings and structures on the site, all proposed development, wetlands, streams (including intermittent streams), rivers, lakes and other waterbodies, and existing roads;
vi. A soils map including a county soils survey in conformance with the guidelines of the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, at the same size and scale as the project site base map, delineating all soil series at an appropriate level of detail and, in sewered projects, sufficient soil borings to confirm the accuracy of the soils map;
vii. A slope map, at the same size and scale as the project site base map, indicating contour elevations at two foot intervals;
viii. A resource capability map, at the same size and scale as the project site map, indicating the cumulative limitations to development due to the standards and the guidelines contained in this Plan. This map should be prepared prior to any engineering, site layout or design work;
ix. A proposed development map, at the same size and scale as the project site base map, showing areas of proposed development; the location of surveyor's tape or other markers placed on the site delineating the boundaries of the parcel; the number of residential lots and other type of development in each general area, all proposed lot lines; areas proposed to be retained as open space; the applicable land use areas boundaries; the location of proposed facilities such as dams and impoundments, public or private water systems, storm drainage systems, public or private sewerage systems, public utilities, soil erosion and sedimentation control devices, industrial waste water discharges and solid waste disposal areas; sources of air pollution; the proposed primary road network; all areas to be disturbed by construction activities;
x. A stormwater management facilities map, at the same size and scale as the project site base map, showing existing topography at minimum one foot contour intervals, storm water drainage patterns and calculations and the applicant's proposed plan to manage stormwater, which shall contain results of all permeability tests and soil test pit logs performed in each recharge area including the estimated seasonal high water table. Details of all stormwater management facility designs, during and after construction, including discharge provisions, discharge capacity for each outlet at different levels of detention (if applicable) and emergency spillway provisions with the maximum discharge capacity of each spillway shall also be provided. In addition, a land use planning and source control plan shall be submitted, demonstrating how development of the parcel will comply with the standards of 7:50-6.84(a)6 through use of nonstructural techniques and source controls to the maximum extent practical. A detailed narrative and associated illustrative maps and/or plans which specifically address the nine nonstructural strategies for stormwater management identified in 7:8-5.3 must be included;
xi. Legal instruments evidencing the applicant's right, title or interest in any Pinelands Development Credits and any existing or proposed deed restrictions or easements relating to the subject parcel;
xii. A landscaping schedule and plan on a map, of the same size and scale as the project site base map, identifying the species of plants to be installed and the quantity and location of all plants proposed to be planted, demonstrating that the landscaping will be carried out within six months of the completion of construction and demonstrating that the landscaping will stabilize soils;
xiii. All public service infrastructure agreements, or other documentation, evidencing the availability of electric, gas, water, sewer and other necessary public service infrastructure;
xiv. The cultural resources survey described in N.J.A.C. 7:50-6, Part XV;
xv. A list of all permits required for the proposed development from county, municipal, state and federal agencies.
6. Application for resource extraction: Unless the submission requirements are modified or waived pursuant to (b)3 above, an application filed pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-4.13 or 4.33 for resource extraction shall include at least the following information:
i. All information required by (b)4i through vi above;
ii. A topographic map at a scale of one inch equals 200 feet, showing the proposed dimensions, location and operations on the subject parcel;
iii. The location, size and intended use of all buildings;
iv. The location of all points of ingress and egress;
v. A location map, including the area extending at least 300 feet beyond each boundary of the subject parcel, showing all streams, wetlands and significant vegetation, forest associations and wildlife habitats;
vi. The location of all existing and proposed streets and rights-of-way, including railroad rights-of-way;
vii. A soils map;
viii. A restoration plan which includes:
(1) Method of stockpiling topsoil and overburden;
(2) Proposed grading and final elevations;
(3) Topsoil material application and preparation;
(4) Type, quantity and age of vegetation to be used;
(5) Fertilizer application including method and rates;
(6) Planting method and schedules; and
(7) Maintenance requirements schedule;
ix. A signed acknowledgement from both the owner and the applicant that they are responsible for any resource extraction activities which are contrary to any provision of this Plan or of the approved resource extraction plan done by any agent, employee, contractor, subcontractor or any other person authorized to be on the parcel by either the owner or the applicant;
x. A financial surety, guaranteeing performance of the requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.68 and 7:50-6.69in the form of a letter of credit, certified check, surety bond or other recognized form of financial surety acceptable to the Commission. The financial surety shall be equal to the cost of restoration of the area to be excavated during the duration of any approval which is granted. The financial surety, which shall name the Commission and the certified municipality, if applicable, as the obligee, shall be posted by the property owner or their agent with the municipality if the municipality has had its master plan and ordinances certified pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-3 or with the Pinelands Commission if the municipality has not had its master plan and ordinances so certified ;and
xi. If the application includes a proposed diversion from the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer, a hydrogeologic report that identifies the volume of the diversion, the volume of water to be returned to the source, a description of the route of return to the source, the methodology used to quantify the volume of water returned to the source, and a description of any other existing or proposed water diversions or discharges on or from the parcel. The report shall also include a map that depicts the location of the diversion, the location of the return to source, the location of all existing or proposed resource extraction operations, and the location of all wetlands on or within 300 feet of the parcel on which the diversion is proposed.
7. Application for waiver: An application for a waiver of strict compliance filed pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-4, Part V shall include at least the following information:
i. All information required in an application for development approval as set out in (b)4 above;
ii. The waiver sought, the provisions or standards of this Plan from which a waiver is requested and a statement of the reasons for the waiver;
iii. At the option of the applicant, all other information required in (b)5 above;
iv. A demonstration of the existence of an extraordinary hardship based on the criteria set forth in 7:50-4.63(a) or (b) or a demonstration of the compelling public need for the proposed development based on the criteria set forth in 7:50-4.64(a)1 or 2; and
v. A demonstration of whether the requested waiver will meet the requirements set forth in 7:50-4.65.
8. Application for letter of interpretation: An application for a letter of interpretation pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-4, Part VI shall include all information which, after a pre-application conference held pursuant to (a) above, the Executive Director determines is necessary for evaluation of the applicant's request.
9. Imposition of additional application requirements: At any time during the review of any application filed pursuant to this Plan, the Executive Director may require an applicant to submit any additional information which he determines is reasonably necessary to facilitate adequate review of the application. If the applicant does not submit the additional material or undertake any direct activity in furtherance of the application process within two years, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
(c) Determination of whether application is complete.
1. Determination by Executive Director:
i. Within 30 days following receipt of any application or any additional information concerning an application filed pursuant to this Plan except as provided in 7:50-4.34(b), the Executive Director shall determine whether such application is complete. If he determines that the application is not complete, he shall mail a written statement to the applicant specifying the deficiencies of the application. The Executive Director shall take no further action on the application until the deficiencies are remedied.
ii. Except for a completed application made pursuant to provisions of the subchapter which is exclusively to resolve an outstanding violation, no application shall be deemed complete by the Executive Director if there are outstanding unresolved violations of this Plan on the parcel which is the subject of the application. Where no application made exclusively to resolve a violation has been completed, a violation shall be deemed to be unresolved until such time as the violator has specifically agreed in writing to take all measures that have been specified by the Executive Director as being necessary to eliminate the violation in a time period acceptable to the Executive Director.
iii. Any applicant who is aggrieved by any determination by the Executive Director pursuant to (c)1ii above may, within 15 days of that determination, appeal the Executive Director's determination to the Commission as provided by 7:50-4.91.
2. Remedy of deficiencies: upon receipt of a statement of deficiencies from the Executive Director, the applicant shall submit all additional information requested in such statement. The failure of the applicant to submit such additional information or undertake any direct activity in furtherance of the application process within two years shall be deemed a withdrawal of the application.
3. Effect of determination: Any determination of completeness made by the Executive Director pursuant to (c)1 above shall not preclude any local permitting agency or other public agency from requiring additional information as a prerequisite to consideration of any application which must be filed with such agency.

N.J. Admin. Code § 7:50-4.2

Amended by 46 N.J.R. 1877(b), effective 9/2/2014.
Amended by 55 N.J.R. 2407(a), effective 12/4/2023