N.J. Admin. Code § 7:1J-6.3

Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 19, October 7, 2024
Section 7:1J-6.3 - Contents of claim
(a) Claims shall be typewritten or written legibly in ink, and shall contain the following information:
1. The name of the claimant;
2. The street address of the claimant;
3. The mailing address of the claimant;
4. The telephone number of the claimant during normal daytime business hours;
5. The name, mailing address, telephone number, and relationship to the claimant of any person designated to receive communications from the Department pursuant to 7:1J-6.7;
6. Whether the claimant is an individual, general partnership, limited partnership, corporation, local government entity, Federal government entity, or state government entity;
7. A statement that the claimant claims to have actually incurred damages, as such term is defined in 7:1J-1.4, that the claimant has not received compensation from any other source for such damages, and that the claimant is not a potentially responsible party in connection with the discharge which is the subject of the claim. Such statement need not be specific about the amount or the nature of such damages;
8. If the claim is for property value diminution, all documents required by 7:1J-4.5 to be submitted with the claim, and a statement that the claimant has contracted to sell or has sold the subject property;
9. A statement that the claimant cannot benefit from a covenant not to sue pursuant to 58:10B-13.1 or 13.2 for the subject property and why;
10. A statement that the damages being claimed are not the proximate result of additional remediation to remove an institutional control at the subject property; and
11. A statement that the claimant is the purchaser of a subject property for which a final remediation document has been issued for the entire property or any part thereof, and that all of the following apply:
i. The remediation which is the subject of the final remediation document involved the use of an institutional control and not an engineering control;
ii. The claimant is a person who qualifies to be relieved from liability pursuant to N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.1 1g(d) or (f) for the contamination at the subject property and why; and
iii. The Department has ordered the claimant to remediate the contamination.
(b) The claimant shall submit to the Department any of the following types of information requested by the Department:
1. The location of the property from which the claimant believes the discharge to have emanated or at which the threatened discharge occurred, including the name of the site, the street address, the municipality, and the county;
2. With respect to all persons whom the claimant believes to be responsible for the discharge or threatened discharge:
i. The name and address of each such person;
ii. If known to the claimant, whether each such person is an individual, general partnership, limited partnership, corporation or government entity;
iii. Whether any such person has admitted responsibility for the discharge or threatened discharge from which the claim arose, or liability for the amount of damages for which the claim is being made; and
iv. If any such person has admitted responsibility or liability pursuant to (b)iii above, the names of such persons and the nature of such admissions;
3. With respect to a claim involving damage to personal property:
i. The date or dates on which the damage occurred;
ii. The location of the personal property at the time the damage occurred;
iii. A description of the personal property which was damaged;
iv. A description of the damage;
v. The original cost paid by the claimant for the damaged personal property;
vi. The date the claimant acquired the damaged personal property;
vii. Evidence of the claimant's ownership of the damaged personal property;
viii. An estimate of the cost of repairing the damage to the personal property, and an estimate of the value of the damaged personal property as of the time of the damage;
ix. The name, address and qualifications of any persons who prepared the estimates required by (b)3viii above; and
x. The location at which the administrator or his designee can inspect the damaged personal property;
4. A description of any damage to real property located thereon, including:
i. The date on which the damage occurred;
ii. The precise location of the damaged real property, including the street address, the tax lot and block, the municipality, and the county;
iii. A description of the predominant use of the damaged real property;
iv. A detailed description of the damage to the real property, including whether the damages include costs associated with installing, maintaining, monitoring or removing engineering or institutional controls;
v. An estimate of the cost of remediating the damage, and the name, address and qualifications of the person making the estimate; and
vi. A description of the claimant's interest in the damaged real property; and documents evidencing such interest. Documents evidencing fee title to the damaged real property shall include an affidavit of title executed by the claimant, together with either a copy of the recorded deed conveying title to the claimant, or an owner's title insurance policy insuring the claimant's interest in the property. Documents evidencing a leasehold interest in the property shall include a copy of the lease for the property, together with an affidavit of the claimant stating that the lease is in full force and effect;
5. A detailed description of the facts known to the claimant which support the claim, including without limitation the following:
i. The facts which lead the claimant to believe that the discharge caused the damages suffered by the claimant; and
ii. The facts which lead the claimant to believe that a person is a potentially responsible party;
6. The names and addresses of any witnesses known to the claimant who may have knowledge concerning the discharge, threatened discharge, or damage;
7. The names of any public agencies (including without limitation any local or state police or any other local, state, interstate or federal agencies) who have investigated the discharge or threatened discharge, and, if known to the claimant, the names of the persons who conducted the investigations on behalf of such agencies;
8. If any of the damaged real or personal property or any of the asserted lost income or tax revenue may be covered by any insurance policy or policies, or other financial agreement or instrument under which compensation may be available, the following information:
i. The name and address of the insurance carrier which issued the policy, or issuer of the other financial agreement or instrument;
ii. The policy number or other applicable reference number;
iii. A copy of the certificate of insurance or other financial agreement or instrument; and
iv. Copies of any correspondence between the insurance carrier or issuer of the other financial agreement or instrument and the claimant or the claimant's representatives concerning the discharge or threatened discharge;
9. The names and addresses of any persons other than the Fund (including without limitation insurance companies) against whom the claimant has asserted a claim;
10. Whether the claimant has received or agreed to receive any compensation from any person in connection with the discharge or threatened discharge, and the details of any such compensation or agreement to receive compensation;
11. A description of any action taken to repair, restore or replace damaged real property, including without limitation the following:
i. The name and address of the person who has taken such action; and
ii. The cost of such action;
12. If the claimant asserts damages which include a loss of income, the claim shall include the following information:
i. The total amount of the claimed loss of income;
ii. The period of time during which the claimant asserts that the loss of income has occurred;
iii. If the claimant asserts that the loss of income has occurred over a period exceeding 12 months, a breakdown of the loss of income by three-month periods, with the first such period commencing on the date of discovery;
iv. A detailed description of the method employed by the claimant in calculating the claimed loss of income;
v. A statement of whether all income, sales and other accounting and financial information supporting the claim is available for inspection, copying and audit by the Department;
vi. If any of the information described in (b)12v above is not available for inspection, copying and audit, an explanation of why such information is unavailable for such purposes;
vii. With respect to any of the information described in (b)12v above which is available for inspection, copying and audit, a description of where and when the Department can obtain access to such information; and
viii. If any of the information described in (b)12v above has been audited, certified or reviewed by a certified public accountant, the name, address, and telephone number of such accountant, and the date of such audit, certification or review. If such information has been audited, the claimant shall attach copies of all audited statements and of the auditors' reports;
13. If the claimant asserts damages which include a loss of tax revenue, the claim shall include the following information:
i. The total amount of the claimed loss of tax revenue;
ii. The period of time during which the claimant asserts that the loss of tax revenue has occurred;
iii. A detailed description of the method employed by the claimant in calculating the claimed loss of tax revenue;
iv. A statement of whether all financial information supporting the claim is available for inspection, copying and audit by the Department;
v. If any of the information described in (b)13iv above is not available for inspection, copying and audit, an explanation of why such information is unavailable for such purposes;
vi. With respect to the information described in (b)13iv above which is available for inspection, copying and audit, a description of where and when the Department can obtain access to such information;
vii. If any of the information described in (b)13iv above has been audited, certified or reviewed by a certified public accountant, the name, address, and telephone number of such accountant, and the date of such audit, certification or review. If such information has been audited, the claimant shall attach copies of all audited statements and of the auditors' reports;
14. If the claimant is a limited partnership, the names and addresses of all general partners;
15. If the claimant is a general partnership, the names and addresses of all partners;
16. If the claimant is a corporation, the names and addresses of all directors and of all officers;
17. Any other information which the claimant believes to be relevant to the claim; and
18. Any other information which the Department deems necessary to process the claim, including, but not limited to, the following:
i. Whether there is a final remediation document concerning the subject property or a portion thereof, and whether the remediation at the subject property involved an institutional control and/or engineering control;
ii. Whether a covenant not to sue exists pursuant to 58:10B-13.1 or 13.2 concerning the subject property or a portion of the property; and
iii. Whether the claimant has applied for financial assistance or a grant from the Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund established pursuant to 58:10B-4 or the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Remediation, Upgrade and Closure Fund, 58:10A-37.3.
(c) Any documents supporting the claimant's assertion of costs incurred in ameliorating damage resulting from a discharge shall be presented as follows:
1. The claimant shall submit a compilation of all such costs, stating the aggregate amount of the costs incurred; and
2. The claimant shall submit a breakdown of the aggregate costs incurred, stating which portion of the aggregate cost is attributable to ameliorating damage resulting from the discharge, and which portion is not.
(d) The claimant shall submit all bills, invoices, receipts and other documentation in an orderly fashion, accompanied by an index and/or a summary if the Department determines that an index or summary would assist in the organized and expeditious processing of the claim.
(e) The administrator may administratively close the claim pursuant to 7:1J-2.8 for failure to provide information under this section.

N.J. Admin. Code § 7:1J-6.3

Amended by R.1998 d.67, effective 1/20/1998.
See: 29 N.J.R. 4365(a), 29 N.J.R. 4594(a), 30 N.J.R. 336(b).
Deleted (a)8 and recodified (a)9 as (a)8.
Amended by R.1999 d.91, effective 3/15/1999.
See: 30 N.J.R. 4157(a), 31 N.J.R. 763(a).
In (a), added 9 through 11; and in (b), rewrote 4iv and 18.
Special amendment, R.2009 d.361, effective 11/4/2009 (to expire May 4, 2011).
See: 41 N.J.R. 4467(a).
In (a)9, substituted "pursuant to N.J.S.A. 58:10B-13.1 or 58:10C-31" for "if one has been issued by the Department"; in the introductory paragraph of (a)11, substituted "a final remediation document has been issued" for "the Department issued a No Further Action letter"; in (a)11i, substituted "final remediation document" for "No Further Action letter"; in (b)18i, substituted "there is a final remediation document" for "the Department ever issued a No Further Action letter"; and in (b)18ii, deleted "the Department issued" following "Whether" and inserted "exists" and "or 58:10C-31".
Administrative correction.
See: 42 N.J.R. 778(a).
Readoption of special amendment, R.2011 d.251, effective 9/8/2011.
See: 43 N.J.R. 1077(a), 43 N.J.R. 2581(b).
Provisions of R.2009 d.361 readopted with changes incorporated at 42 N.J.R. 778(a).