N.J. Admin. Code § 7:19-5.8

Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 18, September 16, 2024
Section 7:19-5.8 - Joint public hearing
(a) Designated hearing officers from the Department and BPU or an Administrative Law Judge shall conduct a joint informational public hearing in the proximate area of the non-complying small water company, preferably in the evening, concerning the non-complying small water company after 30 days notice pursuant to (b) below.
(b) Notice of the time, place and subject matter of the joint public hearing shall be given at least 30 days prior to the scheduled hearing date by the Department and BPU as follows:
1. Publication of a display advertisement in a newspaper circulating within the proximate area of the small water company for a minimum of one day per week for two weeks prior to the scheduled date of the joint public hearing;
2. Issuance of press releases and utilization of other appropriate methods of notice;
3. Written notice by certified or registered mail sent to the following parties:
i. The non-complying small water company;
ii. The Public Advocate;
iii. Capable proximate public and private water companies; and
iv. Capable proximate municipal utilities authorities established pursuant to 40:14B-1 et seq., municipalities and any other suitable governmental entities wherein the non-complying small water company provides water service.
(c) The joint public hearing shall be conducted to receive public comments regarding the possible options available to bring the non-complying small water company into compliance with the appropriate statutory and regulatory standards concerning actual or imminent public health problems. The acquisition of the non-complying small water company by the most suitable public or private entity shall be discussed. Information should be required from participants at the joint public hearing concerning any estimates of expenditures, including acquisition and improvement costs, that may be required to:
1. Assure the availability of water;
2. Assure the potability of water; and
3. Assure the provision of water at adequate volume and pressure.
(d) The Department shall make a technical presentation at the joint public hearing of the non-complying small water company's deficiencies, indicate necessary improvements and discuss, after consultation with BPU, possible options and preliminary improvement costs.
1. The Department's presentation shall be based on information reasonably available to the Department and be intended to focus attention on the relevant issues concerning the non-complying small water company.
2. Written summaries of the Department's presentation required by (d) above shall be mailed to the parties set forth in (a)3 above at least five days before the scheduled joint public hearing date.
3. Copies of the written summaries required by (d)2 above shall be made available to other interested persons at the joint public hearing.
(e) The non-complying small water company shall be ordered to appear at the joint public hearing and provide all available information pertaining to the value of its water supply facilities and the cost of correcting deficiencies.
(f) Public comments shall be solicited at the joint public hearing and transcribed for the record at the expense of the non-complying small water company.
(g) The designated Department and BPU hearing officers, or an Administrative Law Judge shall require answers from any appropriate interested parties attending the joint public hearing, if possible, to all reasonable questions put forward at the joint public hearing.
(h) Cross-examination shall not be permitted by any interested parties at the joint public hearing.
(i) All participants at the joint public hearing shall be afforded the opportunity to testify under oath.
(j) Within 60 days after the joint public hearing held pursuant to this section, the designated Department and BPU hearing officers or an Administrative Law Judge shall review the record and prepare a joint report detailing no more than three options and their estimated costs, including the rationale for selection of each option in order of priority, for utilization by the Department and BPU in selecting an option.
(k) The joint report required by (j) above shall be mailed to all those noticed by certified or registered mail of the joint public hearing and shall be made available for public review. The Department and BPU shall undertake reasonable efforts to make copies of the joint report available to all other interested persons.
1. All interested persons shall be allowed to file comments concerning the report within 30 days of its issuance.
i. Failure to file any comments concerning the joint report by the small water company, capable proximate public or private water companies, municipal utilities authorities established pursuant to 40:14B-1, municipalities or any other suitable governmental entities wherein the non-complying small water company provides service shall create a rebuttable presumption that no objections to the joint report exist.
2. If the joint report required by (j) above recommends acquisition as an option, the Department and BPU may forward a copy of the joint report to the Office of Administrative Law to provide notice that the Department and BPU may request the services of an administrative law judge on an expedited scheduling basis to conduct the contested case hearing required by 7:19-5.9.

N.J. Admin. Code § 7:19-5.8