N.J. Admin. Code § 5:70-3.2

Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 18, September 16, 2024
Section 5:70-3.2 - Modifications
(a) The following articles or sections of the State Fire Prevention Code are modified, as follows:
1. Chapter 1, Scope and Administration, shall be amended, as follows:
i. In Section 101.1, Title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Fire", "Prevention." Additionally, the following text shall be deleted " " and the following text shall be inserted "the State of New Jersey."
ii. Section 101.2, Scope, shall be amended, as follows:
(1) Item 2, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted:

"Conditions hazardous to life, property or public welfare in the occupancy of structures, premises, or mobile food preparation vehicles."

(2) New item 6, shall be inserted as follows:
6." The proper maintenance of fire protection features required by the construction code in effect at the time of first occupancy; by the Fire Safety Code (N.J.A.C. 5:70-4; or by the provisions of other, applicable fire safety rules or ordinances lawfully promulgated by the State or by a local enforcing agency."
iii. Section 101.2.1, Appendices, shall be deleted in its entirety.
iv. In Section 101.3, Intent, the following text shall be inserted after the word "buildings", "incident to the occupancy and maintenance of."
v. Section 102.1, Construction and design provisions, shall be deleted in its entirety and new Section 102.1, Applicability, shall be inserted, as follows:
102.1." Applicability. This subchapter shall comply with N.J.A.C. 5:70-1.4 and be applicable to the following:
102.1.1. All buildings, structures, and premises within this State, with the exception of owner-occupied one- and two-family dwellings used exclusively for dwelling purposes; and
102.1.2. All fire safety hazards arising from the storage, handling or use of substances, materials or devices and arising from conditions hazardous to life, property or public welfare in the use or occupancy of buildings, structures, sheds, tents, lots or premises. Such handling or use shall be construed as referring, as well, to industrial processes and equipment whether or not they are subject to Uniform Construction Code provisions.
102.1.3. Buildings or other facilities built under and in full compliance with the codes in force at the time of construction or alteration thereof, and that have been properly maintained and used for such use as originally permitted, shall be exempt from the requirements of this subchapter pertaining to any of the following matters:
1. Fire protection of structural elements.
2. Isolation of hazardous operations.
3. In lieu of requiring the installation of safety devices or systems or when necessary to secure safety in addition thereto, the fire code official may prescribe limitations consistent with the provisions of nationally recognized standards, on the handling and storage of materials or substances, or upon operations that are liable to cause fire, contribute to the spread of fire, or endanger life or property.
102.1.4. This code shall apply to any outdoor activities, uses or operations for which requirements are established by this code."
vi. Section 102.2, Administrative, operational and maintenance, shall be deleted in its entirety.
vii. In Section 102.3, Change of use or occupancy, the following text shall be deleted "this code and the International Existing Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code and N.J.A.C. 5:70-1.4(e)." Additionally, the exception shall be deleted in its entirety.
viii. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 102.4, Application of building code; Section 102.5, Application of residential code; and Section 102.6, Historic buildings.
ix. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 102.8, Subjects not regulated by the code; and Section 102.9, Matters not provided for.
x. Section 103, Department of Fire Prevention, shall be deleted and the following new Section 103, General Provisions, shall be inserted, as follows:
103.1" General. The following provisions are general provisions for precautions to be applied to the use of all properties.
103.2. Any dangerous or hazardous conditions that are outlined in 1 through 10 below shall be removed or remedied in accordance with the provisions of N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.10:
1. Dangerous conditions that are liable to cause or contribute to the spread of fire in or on said premises, building or structure or endanger the occupants thereof;
2. Conditions that would interfere with the efficiency and use of any fire protection equipment;
3. Obstruction to or on fire escapes, stairs, passageways, doors or windows, liable to interfere with the egress of occupants or the operation of the fire department in case of fire;
4. Accumulations of dust or waste material in air conditioning or ventilating systems or grease in kitchen or other exhaust ducts;
5. Accumulations of grease on kitchen cooking equipment, or oil, grease or dirt upon, under or around any mechanical equipment;
6. Accumulations of rubbish, waste, paper, boxes, shavings, or other combustible materials, or excessive storage of any combustible material;
7. Hazardous conditions arising from defective or improperly used or installed electrical wiring, equipment or appliances;
8. Hazardous conditions arising from defective or improperly installed equipment for handling or use of combustible, explosive or otherwise hazardous materials;
9. Dangerous or unlawful amounts of combustible, explosive or otherwise hazardous materials; or
10. All equipment, materials, processes or operations that are in violation of the provisions and intent of this Code.
103.3 One-call. Where any activity regulated by this chapter is also regulated pursuant to the 'Protection of Underground Facilities: One-Call Damage Prevention System' N.J.A.C. 14:2-1 et seq., such as any activity involving a road opening, blasting, demolition or excavation, no permit or approval granted pursuant to this chapter shall be considered valid unless such activity is conducted in compliance with the above cited regulations and the parameters contained within the One-Call confirmation ticket, a copy of which shall be provided to the fire code official upon request."
xi. Section 104, General Authority and Responsibility, shall be deleted and the following new Section 104, Terms; Standards; Accepted Practice; Technical Assistance, shall be inserted, as follows:
104.1" Terms. Wherever used in this code, the term "fire code official" shall be deemed to mean and include "fire official." The term "code" shall be deemed to mean and include "Subchapter 3 of the Uniform Fire Code, N.J.A.C. 5:70-3. "The term "Uniform Construction Code" shall be deemed to mean and include N.J.A.C. 5:23 New Jersey Uniform Construction Code.
104.2 Standards; accepted practice.
1. This section, together with the codes, national standards and appendices it adopts by reference, shall be the primary guide to accepted practice with respect to any material, equipment, system or method of installation, use, operation or maintenance therein specified.
2. When this section and the codes, national standards and appendices it adopts by reference are silent, a manufacturer's recommendations for the installation of any material or assembly may be considered to be accepted practice; provided, however, that a manufacturer's recommendations shall not be read to overrule this subchapter or any code, national standard or appendix which it adopts by reference.
104.3 Approved materials and equipment. Materials, equipment and devices approved by the fire code official shall be constructed and installed in accordance with such approval.
104.3.1 Material and equipment reuse. Materials, equipment and devices shall not be reused or reinstalled unless such elements have been reconditioned, tested and placed in good and proper working condition and approved.
104.3.2 Technical assistance. To determine the acceptability of technologies, processes, products, facilities, materials and uses attending the design, operation or use of a building or premises subject to inspection by the fire code official, the fire code official is authorized to require the owner or owner's authorized agent to provide, without charge to the jurisdiction, a technical opinion and report. The opinion and report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer, specialist, laboratory or fire safety specialty organization acceptable to the fire code official and shall analyze the fire safety properties of the design, operation or use of the building or premises and the facilities and appurtenances situated thereon, to recommend necessary changes. The fire code official is authorized to require design submittals to be prepared by, and bear the stamp of, a registered design professional. This provision shall not be applied to systems installed and approved pursuant to the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code."
xii. Section 105, Permits, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xiii. Section 106, Fees, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xiv. Section 107, Inspections, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xv. New Section 108.7, Listed or labeled, shall be inserted, as follows:
108.7" Listed or labeled. Any material, equipment, or system listed or labeled for the purpose to which it is applied shall be used, operated and maintained in accordance with that listing or labeling in addition to this subchapter's requirements."
xvi. New Section 108.8, Listing approval, shall be inserted, as follows:
108.8" Listing Approval. The fire official is authorized to require replacement of any service, material, equipment or device subject to this code that is the subject of either a voluntary or mandatory recall under state or federal law. Any service, material, equipment or device that is the subject of such recall shall not be deemed in compliance with any provision of this code requiring the service, material, equipment or device to be listed."
xvii. Section 109, Board of Appeals, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xviii. Section 110, Violations, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xix. Section 111, Unsafe buildings, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xx. Section 112, Stop work order, shall be deleted in its entirety.
2. Chapter 2, Definitions, shall be amended, as follows:
i. In Section 201.3, Terms defined in other codes, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Mechanical Code, and International Plumbing Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Fire Code at N.J.A.C. 5:70-1.5 or the Uniform Construction Code at N.J.A.C. 5:23-1.4."
ii. Section 202, General Definitions, shall be amended to include the following definitions:
(1) The following text from "ACCESSIBLE ROUTE." shall be deleted "Chapter 11 of the International Building Code" and replaced with "the building subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
(2) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition for "AGRO-INDUSTRIAL": "AIR BLAST. The air-borne shock wave or acoustic transient generated by an explosion."
(3) The following text from "ATRIUM." shall be deleted "Section 505 of the International Building Code" and "the building subcode of the Uniform Construction Code" shall be inserted.
(4) The following text from "BUILDING." shall be deleted "Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy." and "A structure enclosed with exterior walls or fire walls, built, erected and framed of component structural parts, designed for the housing, shelter, enclosure and support of individuals, animals or property of any kind. When used herein, building and structure shall be interchangeable except where the context clearly indicates otherwise." shall be inserted.
(5) The following text from "BUILDING OFFICIAL." shall be deleted "International Building Code" and "building subcode of the Uniform Construction Code" shall be inserted.
(6) The following text from "CARE SUITE." shall be deleted "Section 407.4.4 of the of the International Building Code" and "the building subcode of the Uniform Construction Code" shall be inserted.
(7) The following term and definition, "CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS." shall be deleted in its entirety.
(8) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "CONSTANTLY ATTENDED LOCATION.": "CONSTRUCTION CODE IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF FIRST OCCUPANCY. The Uniform Construction Code (N.J.A.C. 5:23) or, for periods prior to its adoption, it means the building code regulations in effect at the time the specific occupancy, use or operation was legally established."
(9) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "CONSTRUCTION CODE IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF FIRST OCCUPANCY.": "CONSTRUCTION OFFICIAL. The officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of the Uniform Construction Code."
(10) The following text from "EQUIPMENT PLATFORM." shall be deleted "(see Section 505.3 of the International Building Code)" and "and comply with the building subcode of the Uniform Construction Code" shall be inserted.
(11) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "EXPLOSIVE.": "EXPLOSIVE-ACTUATED POWER DEVICE. Any tool or special mechanized device actuated by explosives, but not including propellant-actuated power devices. Examples of explosive-actuated power devices are jet tappers and jet perforators."
(12) The following term and definition, "FACILITY." shall be deleted in its entirety.
(13) The following terms and definitions shall be inserted following the definition of "FIRE ALARM SYSTEM.":
(A) "FIRE ALARM SYSTEM, CENTRAL STATION. A central office, connected to remote alarm and supervisory signaling devices, where personnel is in attendance at all times to monitor the system activity and investigate signals. The central-station personnel take immediate and appropriate action upon receipt of an alarm signal."
(B) "FIRE ALARM SYSTEM, PROPRIETARY. An installation of protective signaling systems serving contiguous and noncontiguous properties under one ownership from a central supervising station located at the protected property where trained, competent personnel are in constant attendance."
(C) "FIRE ALARM SYSTEM, REMOTE STATION. An installation utilizing supervised circuits to transmit alarm and supervisory and trouble signals from one or more protected premises to a remote location at which appropriate action is taken."
(14) The following term and definition "FIRE CHIEF." shall be deleted in its entirety.
(15) The following text from "FIRE CODE OFFICIAL." shall be deleted "The fire chief or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of the code, or a duly authorized representative." and "The fire official or fire inspector certified by the Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs and appointed or designated to direct the enforcement of the code by the appointing authority of a local enforcing agency." shall be inserted.
(16) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "FIRE EXIT HARDWARE.": "FIRE HAZARD. Anything or act increasing or causing an increase of the hazard or menace of fire to a greater degree than that customarily recognized by persons in the public service who are regularly engaged in preventing, suppressing or extinguishing a fire; or which may obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere with the operations of the fire department or the egress of occupants in the event of a fire."
(17) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "FIRE HAZARD.": "FIRE INSPECTOR. A person working under the direction of the fire official who is certified by the Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs and appointed or designated to enforce the code by the appointing authority of a local enforcing agency."
(18) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "FIRE LANE.": "FIRE OFFICIAL. A person certified by the Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs and appointed or designated to direct the enforcement of the code by the appointing authority of a local enforcing agency. This term shall also include "Fire Marshal" where the fire official has been appointed pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:71-3.2."
(19) The following text from "FIRE PROTECTION RATING." shall be deleted "Section 716 of the International Building Code" and "the building subcode of the Uniform Construction Code" shall be inserted.
(20) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "FIREBLOCKING.": "FIREBREAK. A natural or constructed barrier used to stop or check fires that occur, or to provide a control line from which to suppress fires. A firebreak shall consist of non-combustible materials including but not limited to gravel, sand, or paved roads, irrigated lawns, gardens and orchards, ponds, lakes or other watercourses that meet a width which is measured outward 1 1/2 times the height of fuels available to burn adjacent to premises."
(21) The following text from "FIRE-RESISTANCE RATING." shall be deleted "Section 703 of the International Building Code" and "the building subcode of the Uniform Construction Code" shall be inserted.
(22) The definition of "FIREWORKS" shall be deleted in its entirety and the following definition shall be inserted: "FIREWORKS. Any composition or device for the purpose of producing a visible or an audible effect for entertainment purposes by combustion, deflagration or detonation that meets the definition of 1.4G fireworks or 1.3G fireworks.

Fireworks, 1.4G. Small fireworks devices, containing restricted amounts of pyrotechnic composition designed primarily to produce visible or audible effects by combustion. Such 1.4G fireworks which comply with the construction, chemical composition and labeling regulations of the DOTn for Fireworks, UN 0336, and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission as set forth in CPSC 16 CFR Parts 1500 and 1507, are not explosive materials for the purpose of this code.

Fireworks, 1.3G Large fireworks devices, which are explosive materials, intended for use in fireworks displays and designed to produce audible or visible effects by combustion, deflagration, or detonation. Such 1.3G fireworks include but are not limited to, firecrackers containing more than 130 milligrams (2 grains) of explosive composition, aerial shells containing more than 40 grams of pyrotechnic composition and other display pieces which exceed the limits for classification as 1.4G fireworks. Such 1.3G fireworks are also described as Fireworks, UN 0335 by the DOTn.

Fireworks include any combustible or explosive composition, and any substance and combination of substances and articles prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or an audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation. Fireworks shall include blank cartridges, toy pistols, toy cannons, toy canes and toy guns in which explosives are utilized; firecrackers, torpedoes, skyrockets, Roman candles, sparklers and other devices of similar construction; any devices containing any explosive or flammable compound; and any tablets and other devices containing any explosive substance.

The term "fireworks" shall not include sparkling devices and novelties. Sparkling devices and novelties mean:

a. wood sticks or wire sparklers of not more than 100 grams of pyrotechnic mixture per item;
b. handheld or ground based sparkling devices which are nonexplosive and non-aerial, which may produce a crackling or whistling effect, and contain 75 grams or less of pyrotechnic composition per tube or a total of 500 grams or less for multiple tubes; and
c. snakes and glow worms, smoke devices and trick noisemakers, which include party poppers, snappers, and drop pops, each consisting of 25/100 grains or less of explosive mixture; and
d. an automobile flare, a toy pistol, toy cane, toy gun or other device in which paper or plastic caps containing 0.25 grain (16 mg) or less of explosive content per cap are used, providing they are so constructed that the hand cannot come in contact with the cap when in place for use, and toy pistol paper or plastic caps which contain less than .20 grain of explosive mixture per cap. The sale and utilization of the types of sparkling devices and novelties listed herein which are not considered fireworks shall be permitted at all times. See Chapter 56 Explosives and Fireworks."
(23) The following terms and definitions shall be inserted after the definition for "GRANDSTAND.":
(A) "GREASE CONSUMING APPLIANCES OR FUME INCINERATOR. Means devices intended for placement over restaurant type cooking equipment in the exhaust duct and through which all exhaust vapors or smoke must pass. Grease and other particulate matter from cooking fumes and exhaust are removed by open flames."
(B) "GREASE EXTRACTOR. Means a device intended for the removal of smoke and grease-laden particles from exhaust fumes or vapors created by cooking operations. A grease extractor device normally consists of a hood, a grease collecting device, a wash system, means to detect excessive temperature of the exhaust gases which activates a device to prevent flame and excessively hot gases from entering the exhaust duct, and associated electrical controls."
(C) "GROUND VIBRATION. Shaking of the ground by elastic waves emanating from blasting, usually measured in inches per second of particle velocity."
(24) The following text from "GYPSUM BOARD." shall be deleted "Tables 2506.2 and 2507.2 and Chapter 35 of the International Building Code" and "the building subcode of the Uniform Construction Code" shall be inserted.
(25) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition for "HORIZONTAL EXIT.": "HOSPITALITY ROOM. A room or space that is incidental to a religious use wherein 14 or fewer persons are provided shelter for 14 or fewer consecutive days for no more than 49 days in a year."
(26) The following term and definition "HOT WORK PERMITS." shall be deleted in its entirety.
(27) The following text from "HOT WORK PROGRAM." shall be deleted "permitted" and "and issue permits for" and "or" (after the second "personnel").
(28) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition for "INSECTICIDAL FOGGING.": "INSPECTION CERTIFICATE. An identification applied on a product by an approved agency containing the name of the manufacturer, the function and performance characteristics, and the name and identification of an approved agency which indicates that the product or material has been inspected and evaluated by an approved agency (see also "Mark," "Manufacturer's designation" and "Labeled")."
(29) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "MANUAL STOCKING METHODS.": "MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION. An identification applied on a product by the manufacturer indicating that a product or material complies with a specified standard or set of rules (see also Mark, Label and Inspection certificate)."
(30) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "MARINE MOTOR FUEL DISPENSING FACILITY.": "MARK. An identification applied on a product by the manufacturer indicating the name of the manufacturer and the function of a product or material (see also Manufacturer's designation, Label and Inspection certificate)."
(31) The following term and definition shall be deleted from the definition of "MEMBRANE STRUCTURE.": "An air-inflated, or air-supported, cable or frame-covered structure as defined by the International Building Code and not otherwise defined as a tent. See Chapter 31 of the International Building Code." The following text shall be inserted, "An air-inflated, air-supported, cable or frame-covered structure not otherwise defined as a tent or canopy."
(32) The following text from "MERCHANDISE PAD." shall be deleted "as indicated in section 105.2 of the International Building Code."
(33) The following text from "MEZZANINE." shall be deleted "Section 505 of the International Building Code" and "the building subcode of the Uniform Construction Code" shall be inserted.
(34) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "MISCELLA.": "MOBILE ENCLOSED UNIT. See Mobile Food Preparation Vehicles."
(35) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "NURSING HOMES.": "OCCUPANCY. The purpose for which a building or premises or portion thereof is used or intended to be used. The term shall also include the building, room or enclosed space that houses a use."
(36) The following text shall be inserted before the first sentence of "OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION.": "The various use groups contained on the premises' Certificate of Occupancy issued pursuant to the Uniform Construction Code (UCC) or, for premises constructed prior to January 1, 1977 for which no such certificate of occupancy has subsequently been issued, the various use groups are defined in this code at N.J.A.C. 5:70-4.1."
(37) The following text from "OCCUPANT LOAD." shall be deleted "The number of persons for which the means of egress of a building or portion thereof is designed." and "The total number of persons permitted to occupy a building or portion thereof at any one time." shall be inserted.
(38) The following text from "OPEN PARKING GARAGE." shall be deleted "Section 406.5.2 of the International Building Code" and "Section 406.5 of the International Building Code". The text "in the building subcode of the Uniform Construction Code" shall be inserted in their place.
(39) The following text from "PERSON." shall be deleted "An individual, heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, and also includes a firm, partnership or corporation, its or their successors or assigns, or the agent of any of the aforesaid." and "Includes a corporation, firm, partnership, association, organization and any other group acting as a unit, as well as individuals. It shall also include an executor, administrator, trustee, receiver or other representative appointed according to law. Whenever the word "person" appears in any section of this code prescribing a penalty or fine, as to partnerships or associations, the word shall include the partners or members thereof, and as to corporations, shall include the officer, agents or members thereof who are responsible for any violation of such section." shall be inserted.
(40) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "POWERED-OPERATED DOOR.": "PREMISES. A lot, plot or parcel of land and area thereof, including any structure, building or part or parts thereupon."
(41) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "QUANTITY-DISTANCE (Q-D). Intraline distance (IDL) or Intraplant distance (IPD).": "RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL. Any material or combination of materials that spontaneously emits ionizing radiation."
(42) The following text from "RESPONSIBLE PERSON." shall be deleted "permits" and "approvals" shall be inserted. The text "permit" shall be deleted before "program".
(43) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "SCISSOR STAIRWAY.": "SEALED SOURCE. A quantity of radiation enclosed to prevent the escape of any radioactive material, but at the same time permitting radiation to come out for use."
(44) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "SOLID BIOMASS FEEDSTOCK.": "SOLID FUEL-FIRED HEATER. Means a flue connected heater, fired with solid fuels, such as a fireplace, fireplace insert or stove, free standing wood stove or similar solid fuel-fired appliance."
(45) The following text from "SPRAY ROOM." shall be deleted "International Building Code" and "building subcode of the Uniform Construction Code" shall be inserted.
(46) The following text from "STEEL." shall be deleted "International Building Code." and "building subcode of the Uniform Construction Code." shall be inserted.
(47) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "STEEL.": "STORAGE. Articles that are stored, kept or accumulated for some future use, or for disposal, and drawn upon as needed."
(48) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "STORY ABOVE GRADE PLANE.": "STRUCTURE. A combination of materials to form a construction for occupancy, use or ornamentation, whether installed on, above, or below the surface of a parcel of land; provided, the word "structure" shall be construed when used herein as though followed by the words "or part or parts thereof and all equipment therein" unless the context clearly requires a different meaning."
(49) The following text from "TENT." shall be deleted "with or without sidewalls or drops". The following text shall be inserted after "protects" ", with sidewalls or drops on more than 25 percent of the perimeter".
(50) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "THEFT RESISTANT.": "THERAPEUTIC RESIDENCE. A residence for adults, each of whom is capable of prompt evacuation, and who live within a single dwelling unit for therapeutic purposes, without a resident landlord or operator, but with some government or private social service provider oversight. For the purposes of applying this provision, prompt evacuation shall mean the movement of all occupants, residents, and staff to an exit in three minutes or less."
(51) The following term and definition shall be inserted following the definition of "USE (MATERIAL)." "USE GROUP. See Occupancy Classification."
(52) The following text from "YARD." shall be deleted "International Building Code" and "building subcode of the Uniform Construction Code" shall be inserted.
3. Chapter 3, "General Requirements," the title "General Requirements" shall be deleted and the title "General Precautions Against Fire" shall be inserted; and shall be amended, as follows:
i. New Section 301.1.1 shall be inserted, as follows:
301.1.1" The equipment, processes and operations of vehicle-wrecking yards, junk yards and waste material-handling plants and the storage of combustible or flammable waste, rubbish and other materials shall comply with this chapter."
ii. At Section 301.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations." Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
iii. At Section 302.1, Definitions, the following text shall be inserted after the term, BONFIRE, "FIREBREAK."
iv. Section 304.1.2, Vegetation, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following shall be inserted:

"Adequate space shall be maintained around the perimeter of developments, structures or other combustible objects to provide defensible space against encroaching wildland fires or from fires escaping from the objects to the surroundings. Weeds, grass, vines or other growth that is capable of being ignited and endangering property, shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the premises. Vegetation's requirements on lands within the Pinelands National Reserve shall conform to the requirements of the Pinelands Management Plan, Fire Hazard Mitigation standards as regulated by the New Jersey Pinelands Commission."

v. At Section 304.1.3, Space underneath seats, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
vi. New Section 304.4, Waste material plants, shall be inserted, as follows:
Section 304.4" Waste material plants. Waste material plants shall also comply with this section."
vii. New Section 304.4.1, Fire Access, shall be inserted, as follows:
304.4.1" Fire access. Approved aisles, driveways and uniform passageways shall be provided to permit access for fire-fighting operations, including areas where stripped vehicle bodies are stored."
viii. New Section 304.4.2, Picking rooms, shall be inserted, as follows:
304.4.2" Picking rooms. Picking rooms shall be provided with exhaust systems of sufficient capacity to remove dust and lint."
ix. New Section 304.4.3, Burning operations, shall be inserted, as follows:
304.4.3" Burning operations. The burning of wrecked or discarded vehicles, or any parts thereof, or any junk or waste materials shall be prohibited."
x. New Section 305.6, Landscape Materials, shall be inserted, as follows:
305.6" Landscape Materials. The use of combustible landscape materials, such as wood-based mulch products, is prohibited in any of the following conditions:
1. Within 18 inches of any building or structure;
2. Within 18 inches of a deck, porch, balcony, or any other portion of the building constructed of combustible material; or
3. Within 18 inches of any designated smoking area defined in section 310.2.


1. Live plant material such as shrubs, flowers, and trees provided that they are not beneath a combustible overhang with less than 6 feet of clearance.
2. Non-combustible building or structure exteriors that have no combustible components or trim with less than 3 feet clearance from grade.
3. Fire resistant mulch."
xi. New Section 305.7, Existing materials, shall be inserted, as follows:
305.7" Existing materials. This provision shall become operative April 15, 2025, all occupancies subject to this code shall remove all combustible landscape materials that are located within 18 inches of the foundation of any building or structure or in the area of any designated smoking area. This product may be replaced with non-combustible materials such as stone or sand."
xii. At Section 306.1, Motion picture projection rooms, the following text shall be deleted "Section 409 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "construction code in effect at the time of the construction or alteration."
xiii. At Section 307.1.1, Prohibited open burning, the exception shall be deleted in its entirety and the following exception shall be inserted:

"Forest Fire Service. In districts for which Forest Fire Wardens have been appointed in accordance with the General Forest Fire Act (N.J.S.A. 13:9-44.1 et seq.), any fire within, or adjacent to, any forest which has the potential to cause a wildfire is prohibited by this subchapter, without first obtaining a permit from the State Forest Fire Service in the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection."

xiv. At Section 307.2, Permit required, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "Permit required" and the following text shall be inserted "Allowable burning." Additionally, the text of the section shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted:

"Open burning shall be allowed without prior notification to the fire official for recreational fires, highway safety flares, smudge pots and similar occupational needs."

xv. At Section 307.2.1, Authorization, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "Authorization" and the following text shall be inserted "Approval required." Additionally, the text of the section shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted:

"Open burning shall be allowed after obtaining a permit from the fire official for a bonfire. All permits shall be requested by and issued to the owner or agent of the land upon which the bonfire is to be kindled."

xvi. New Section 307.2.1.1, Application, shall be inserted, as follows:
307.2.1.1" Application. Applications for open burning shall be submitted in writing at least ten days before the fire is set and shall be in such form and contain such information as required by the fire official. Such applications shall contain, as a minimum, information regarding the purpose of the proposed burning, the nature and quantities of material to be burned, the date when such burning will take place, the location of the burning site and the on-site fire-extinguishing equipment to be provided."
xvii. New Section 307.2.1.2, Agricultural burning, shall be inserted, as follows:
307.2.1.2" Agricultural burning permitted. The burning of herbaceous or infested plant life, the burning of orchard prunings and cuttings, prescribed burnings and the clearing of agricultural land by burning are prohibited by this subchapter, unless in accordance with a permit issued under the provisions of N.J.A.C. 7:27-2, administered by the State Forest Fire Service in the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection."
xviii. New Section 307.2.2, Waste disposal, shall be inserted, as follows:
307.2.2" Waste disposal. Open burning shall not be utilized for waste disposal purposes, shall be of the minimum size for the intended purpose, and the fuel shall be chosen to minimize the generation and emission of air contaminants."
xix. New Section 307.4.1.1, Bonfire size and duration, shall be inserted, as follows:
307.4.1.1" Bonfire size and duration. A bonfire shall not be more than 5 feet (1524 mm) by 5 feet (1524 mm) by 5 feet (1524 mm) in dimension and shall not burn longer than 3 hours. The maximum size and duration of a bonfire shall not be increased by the fire official unless it is determined that the fire safety requirements of the situation and the desirable duration of burn warrant the increase."
xx. New Section 307.4.1.2, Material, shall be inserted, as follows:
307.4.1.2" Material. Fuel for a bonfire shall consist only of seasoned dry firewood and shall be ignited with a small quantity of paper. The fire shall not be utilized for waste disposal purposes, and the fuel shall be chosen to minimize the generation of air contaminants."
xxi. In Section 307.4.2, Recreational fires, the following text shall be inserted after the word "ignition", "Fires in approved containers shall be permitted, provided that such fires are not less than 15 feet (4572 mm) from any structure."
xxii. In Section 308.1.3, Torches for removing paint, in the first sentence, the following text shall be inserted after the word "structure", "or for sealing membrane roofs." Additionally, in the second sentence, the following text shall be inserted after the word "utilized", "The use of open flame burning or the use of high temperature (in excess of 1000 degrees Fahrenheit) heat guns on painted surfaces in buildings of Use Group R that were constructed before 1978, Use Group E and Use Group I-2 buildings used as child care facilities, shall be prohibited unless the painted surfaces has been tested and found to be free of lead-based paint."
xxiii. New Section 308.1.3.1, Permit, shall be inserted, as follows:
Section 308.1.3.1" Permit. A permit in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 shall be secured from the fire code official prior to the utilization of a torch or flame-producing device to remove paint, to seal membrane roofs or for any similar use in or around any building, structure or combustible material."
xxiv. At Section 308.1.4, Open-flame cooking devices, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "devices", "and outdoor fireplaces." Additionally, the text of the section shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted:

"Charcoal burners, other open-flame cooking devices and outdoor fireplaces shall not be operated or stored on combustible balconies or decks or within 5 feet of combustible construction, vertically or horizontally, of an opening of any wall, or under any building overhang."

Additionally, at Exception 1, the following text shall be inserted before the word "one-", "detached." Finally, Exception 3 shall be deleted in its entirety.

xxv. At Section 308.1.6, Open-flame devices, the following text shall be deleted "Section 105.6" and the following text shall be inserted "N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7"
xxvi. At Section 308.2, Permits required, the following text shall be deleted "Section 105.6" and the following text shall be inserted "N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7"
xxvii. At Section 308.3, Group A occupancies, at Exception 2, the following text shall be deleted "Chapter 6 and the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxviii. At Section 310.2, Prohibited areas, a new exception shall be inserted, as follows:

"Exception: The owner or operator shall be permitted to designate safe smoking locations or areas where approved by the fire code official."

xxix. New Section 310.2.1, Outside deck and balcony areas, shall be inserted, as follows:
310.2.1" Outside deck and balcony areas. With the approval of the fire official, smoking may be permitted on outside deck or balcony areas when suitable noncombustible ash trays are provided and the area under the deck or balcony is free of combustible materials."
xxx. At Section 310.6, Ash trays, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "trays", "and outside smoking receptacles." Additionally, a new second sentence shall be inserted, as follows:

"Outdoor smoking receptacles shall be non-combustible, or a design to allow for the safe disposal of smoking materials and shall be located at each designated smoking area. The tops of smoking receptacles shall be securely fastened to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the inside of the receptacle."

xxxi. New Section 310.6.1, Maintenance of smoking receptacles, shall be inserted, as follows:
310.6.1" Maintenance of smoking receptacles. Receptacles shall be cleaned out at least weekly or as often as necessary to ensure that a fire does not occur from an accumulation of deposited materials. All deposited materials shall be wet and disposed of properly."
xxxii. New Section 310.6.2, Location of smoking receptacles, shall be inserted, as follows:
310.6.2" Location of smoking receptacles. Outside smoking receptacles shall be a minimum of 3 feet from the main entrance and at least 3 feet from the building. Where it is physically infeasible to meet the distance requirement, the receptacle shall be located as approved by the fire official."
xxxiii. Section 310.8, Hazardous environmental conditions, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xxxiv. At Section 311.1.1, Abandoned premises, the following text shall be deleted "International Property Maintenance Code and the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Uniform Construction Code."
xxxv. New Section 311.2.4, Utilities, shall be inserted, as follows:
311.2.4" Utilities. All utilities which represent a potential source of ignition shall be disconnected in a manner approved by the fire official."
xxxvi. At Section 311.3, Removal of combustibles, at Exception 1, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxxvii. At Section 311.5, Placards, the following text shall be deleted "Section 111 of this code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code, determined to be an imminent hazard pursuant to the Uniform Fire Code or for which a demolition permit has been issued pursuant to the Uniform Construction Code,".
xxxviii. At Section 312, Vehicle Impact Protection, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Vehicle", "or Heavy Object."
xxxix. At Section 312.1, General, the following text shall be inserted and after the word "vehicle", "or other heavy object."
xl. At Section 312.2, Posts, at item 1, the following text shall be inserted after the word "filled", "and painted yellow." At item 2, the following text shall be deleted "(1219 mm)" and the following text shall be inserted "6 inches (1372 mm)." At item 3, the following text shall be deleted "(914 mm)" and the following text shall be inserted "6 inches (1067 mm)"; additionally, the following text shall be deleted "15 feet (381mm)" and the following text shall be inserted "18 feet (457mm)." In item 5, the following text shall be deleted "3 feet (941mm)" and the following text shall be inserted "2 feet (610mm)."
xli. New Section 312.2.1, High speed or heavy traffic areas, shall be inserted, as follows:
312.2.1" High speed or heavy traffic areas. In areas where high speed or heavy-duty traffic occurs, the following shall be the requirements for motor vehicle protection:
1. Posts are to be a minimum of six-inch diameter schedule 40 pipe and painted yellow;
2. Posts are to be buried a minimum of 4 feet deep and extend a minimum of 4 feet above grade and be filled with concrete;
3. Posts are to be set at four feet maximum centers;
4. Posts are to be encased in concrete of 2 feet diameter and 4 feet in depth for minimum standards; and
5. The crash protection shall be installed a minimum of 2 feet from the protected object(s)."
xlii. At Section 313.1, General, at Exception 1, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xliii. At Section 313.2, Group R occupancies, the following text shall be inserted after the word "buildings", "and shall be separated from other occupancies in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code."
xliv. Section 315.2, Permit required, the following text shall be deleted "Section 105.6" and the following text shall be inserted "N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7"
xlv. At Section 315.3.1, Ceiling clearance, the following text shall be inserted before the word "than", "in accordance with NFPA 25 with at least a minimum of." Additionally, at Exception 2, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code."
xlvi. New Section 315.3.5 shall be inserted, as follows:
315.3.5" The storage of combustible or flammable materials shall be confined to approved storage areas."
xlvii. At Section 315.4, Outside storage, the following text shall be inserted before the word "shall", "shall be compact and orderly and." Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "10 feet (3048 mm)" and the following text shall be inserted "15 feet (4572 mm)." Finally, the following text shall be inserted before the word "lot", "building or.
xlviii. At Section 319.2, Permit required, the following text shall be deleted "Section 105.6" and the following text shall be inserted "N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7.
xlix. At Section 319.3, Exhaust hood, the following text shall be deleted "Section 607" and the following text shall be inserted "N.J.A.C. 5:70-4.7(g)".
l. New Section 320, Rooming and Boarding Houses and Residential Health Care Facilities, shall be inserted, as follows:

Rooming And Boarding Houses And Residential Health Care Facilities

320.1 General. Every rooming and boarding house shall have rules prohibiting the activities listed in 320.1.1 and 320.1.2 below, which shall be accepted in writing by every resident as a condition of residency.
320.1.1 Cooking. The use of cooking and food warming and portable heat producing devices, other than microwave ovens, is prohibited in rooming units.

Exception: This prohibition shall not apply in rooming units containing complete kitchens.

320.1.2 Smoking. Smoking is prohibited in rooming units."
4. Chapter 4, Emergency Planning and Preparedness, shall be amended, as follows:
i. New Section 401.1.2, Permits and life hazard use registrations, shall be inserted as follows:
Section 401.1.2" Permits and life hazard use registrations. Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 402.1, Definitions, the following text shall be inserted after the term, Emergency Evacuation Drill, "Hospitality Room."
iii. New Section 403.1.1, Group overnight stays, shall be inserted as follows:
403.1.1" Group overnight stays. Fire safety and evacuation plans for group overnight stays shall comply with section 403.15."
iv. At Section 403.5, Group E occupancies, in the title, the following text shall be inserted before the word "occupancies", "and Group I-4." Additionally, in the first sentence, the following text shall be inserted before the word "occupancies", "and Group I-4." Additionally, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "both" and the following text shall be inserted "either." Additionally, in the first sentence, the following text shall be inserted before the word "occupancy", "and Group I-4." Finally, in the last sentence, the following text shall be inserted before the word "occupancies", "and Group I-4."
v. At Section 403.5.1, First emergency evacuation drill, the following text shall be inserted after the word "first", "two." Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "drill" and the following text shall be inserted "drills."
vi. At Section 403.8.3.2, Employee staffing, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
vii. New Section 403.10.1.4, Bed and breakfasts, shall be inserted as follows:
403.10.1.4." Bed and breakfasts. Each bed and breakfast shall have at least one dwelling unit occupied by the owner of the facility or his agent as his place of residence during any time that the facility is being used for the lodging of guests or the owner or agent of the owner shall be within 15 minutes travel distance of the facility while guests are lodging there. The owner or agent shall carry out the applicable duties described in this chapter. If the owner or agent is not on site, there shall be a clearly legible sign, conspicuously displayed in the area where guests register, containing the owner's or agent's name, address (including unit number or apartment number) and a 24-hour emergency telephone number."
viii. At Section 403.10.2, Group R-2 occupancies, the following text shall be inserted after the word "occupancies", "located in high rise buildings."
ix. At Section 403.10.3, Group R-4 occupancies, in the title, the following text shall be inserted before the word "occupancies", "and therapeutic residence." Additionally, in the first sentence, the following text shall be inserted before the word "occupancies", "and therapeutic residence." Finally, in the second sentence, the following text shall be inserted before the word "occupancies", "and therapeutic residence."
x. New Section 403., Admission, shall be inserted, as follows:
403." Admission. Within 24 hours of admission, each new occupant shall participate in a fire drill to ensure compliance with this chapter."
xi. New Section 403., Self-Evacuation, shall be inserted, as follows:
403." Self-evacuation. Self-evacuation pursuant to the Uniform Construction Code means capable of self-evacuation with a prompt egress time not exceeding 3 minutes."
xii. At Section 403.10.3.4, Drill frequency. In the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "two" and the following text shall be inserted "four." Additionally, the last sentence shall be deleted in its entirety.
xiii. Section 403.10.3.5, Drill times, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following new section shall be inserted:
Section 403.10.3.5" Exceeding allotted time. If any resident exceeds the allotted time to evacuate, the facility manager shall relocate clients or take other action to ensure that the required time is met. If the fire official finds that the required time is not being met, the fire official shall refer the matter to the construction official as a possible change in use."
xiv. At Section 403.11.4, Buildings using occupant evacuation elevators, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xv. New Section 403.13, Casinos, shall be inserted, as follows:
403.13" Casinos.
403.13.1 Casinos. In addition to the other provisions of this chapter Casinos shall comply with 403.13.2 through 403.13.4.9.
403.13.2 Casino employees. All hotel-casino employees who are assigned duties under the plan shall be periodically instructed and kept informed in respect to their respective duties and responsibilities. Such training shall include the proper use of portable fire extinguishers and other manual fire suppression equipment. With respect to new staff members, such training shall be provided within 30 days of entrance to duty. With respect to existing staff, refresher training shall be provided at least annually and whenever a reassignment significantly alters an employee's duties and responsibilities under the plan.
403.13.3 Casino Fire Safety Units. Every establishment licensed as a hotel-casino by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission shall establish a Fire Safety Unit consisting of trained personnel who shall be under the direct supervision of a supervisor who shall have responsibility for the operation of the Unit and the Fire Command Center and whose sole responsibility during a fire-related emergency incident shall be the direction of the unit and center. The supervisor shall report directly to the Director of the Department under which the Fire Safety Unit is organized.
403.13.4 Responsibilities. The responsibilities of the Fire Safety Unit shall include the following as listed in 403.13.4.1 through 403.13.4.9 below. The Fire Safety Unit shall:
403.13.4.1. Ensure continual staffing of the Fire Command Center with trained hotel-casino personnel. There shall be at least one such trained person in the Center at all times who shall, while on duty, be responsible for the direction of the unit and the center during a fire-related emergency.
403.13.4.2. Develop and implement a comprehensive fire safety and evacuation plan.
403.13.4.3. Provide specialized training for all employees to assure compliance with the fire safety plan.
403.13.4.4. Familiarize all employees of the hotel-casino with the fire safety plan and with the built-in fire detection and suppression systems in the casino and hotel.
403.13.4.5. Familiarize management and security employees with local fire department operations and procedures for various emergencies in the hotel-casino.
403.13.4.6. Provide training for employees on specific support functions to be performed to assist fire department personnel in an emergency.
403.13.4.7. Provide training for employees in early detection and proper evacuation of a fire emergency and the proper use of first aid firefighting equipment and techniques.
403.13.4.8. Provide training annually for all security personnel and Fire Safety Unit staff in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
403.13.4.9. Ensure the maintenance of the building and its fire protection features in compliance with the Uniform Construction Code and the Uniform Fire Code."
xvi. New Section 403.14, Flammable liquid storage terminals, shall be inserted, as follows:
403.14" Flammable liquid storage terminals.
403.14.1 Flammable liquid storage terminals. All flammable liquid storage terminals required to install High Level Alarm Systems by N.J.A.C. 5:72 shall submit a fire and emergency plan as required by this chapter and N.J.A.C. 5:72-3.4(a)."
xvii. New Section 403.15 shall be inserted, as follows:
403.15" Group overnight stays.
403.15.1 Permit required. A separate permit shall be obtained for each non-consecutive group overnight stay, not to exceed six (6) nights in any calendar year. A facility that holds seven (7) or more non-consecutive group overnight stays within a calendar year shall be considered to have changed the use of the building or portion thereof if the activity involves planned periods of sleep and it shall be necessary to apply for and be issued a certificate of occupancy under the Uniform Construction Code for the new use.
403.15.2 Application. Each application for a permit shall include a fire safety and evacuation plan which shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
1. Number and age of planned participants;
2. Number of adult supervisors;
3. Fire drill procedures;
4. Procedure for accounting for participants after evacuation has been completed;
5. The preferred means, and any alternative, for notifying participants of a fire or other emergency;
6. The preferred means, and any alternative, for reporting fires or other emergencies to the fire department or emergency response organization;
7. The type of fire protection system(s) provided; and
8. Floor plan per section 405.15.3.
403.15.3 Floor plan. A floor plan of the building, or portion thereof, to be occupied, which identifies the locations of the following:
1. Exits;
2. Proposed sleeping area, if any;
3. Primary evacuation route;
4. Secondary evacuation route;
5. Accessible egress route(s), if available;
6. Fire alarm enunciator and control panel, if any; and
7. Manual fire alarm pull stations, if any.
403.15.4 Means of egress. The means of egress for the sleeping area shall comply with sections 403.15.4.1 through 403.15.4.4.
403.15.4.1 Exits. Two exits shall be required for stories with less than 500 occupants. Three exits shall be required for stories with 501 to 1,000 occupants. Four exits shall be required for stories with more than 1,000 occupants. A single exit is permitted for the story at the level of exit discharge when the occupant load of the story does not exceed 50 and the exit access travel distance does not exceed 75 feet.
403.15.4.2 Means of egress doorways. A minimum of two egress doorways shall be required for all rooms and spaces with an occupant load greater than 50 or in which the travel distance exceeds 75 feet. All egress doors serving an occupant load greater than 50 shall swing in the direction of exit travel.
403.15.4.3 Means of egress lighting. Artificial lighting with an intensity of not less than one-foot candle at floor level shall be available during all times that the conditions of occupancy of the building require that the exits be available. In all buildings, rooms or spaces required to have more than one exit or exit access, means of egress lighting shall be connected to an emergency electrical system conforming to the Uniform Construction Code except that continued illumination shall be required to be provided for not less than one hour in the case of primary power loss.
403.15.4.4 Illuminated exit signs. Illuminated exit signs shall be provided for all required means of egress in all buildings, rooms or spaces required to have more than one exit or exit access. Exit signs shall be visible from the exit access and supplemented by directional signs when necessary.

Exception: Approved main exterior doors that are clearly identified as exits are not required to have exit signs.

403.15.5 Automatic alarms. The building or fire area containing the overnight stay shall be provided with an approved automatic fire detection system consisting of smoke detectors installed in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code.
403.15.6 Fire drill. A fire drill shall be conducted in accordance with the approved fire safety and evacuation plan upon arrival of all participants.
403.15.7 Sleeping area restrictions. Sleeping in rides, jungle mazes, or other amusement-type equipment or other confined areas shall be prohibited.
403.15.8 Supervision. For all overnight stays involving persons under the age of eighteen (18), adult supervision consisting of persons at least twenty-one (21) years of age shall be provided as follows:

for every 2 children Greater than 2 1/2 years of age to less than 4 years of age
for every 4 children 4 years of age to less than 7 years of age
for every 8 children 7 years of age to less than 18 years of age

Note a: For groups of children of mixed ages:

1. A minimum of one supervisor is required, unless the threshold for a specific age group requires additional supervisors; and
2. When the total number of children of any age exceeds 8 or when the total number of children less than 7 years of age exceeds 4 an additional supervisor shall be required. This condition applies even if the threshold of a specific age group has not been met.
3. For groups consisting of children of high school age, where the activity involves no planned period of sleep, supervision may be reduced to one adult for each twenty-five children, provided no separate group of children, regardless of number, is without adult supervision."
xviii. New Section 403.16, Hospitality rooms shall be inserted, as follows:
403.16" Hospitality rooms.
403.16.1 Permit required. A separate permit shall be obtained for each nonconsecutive overnight stay, not to exceed forty-nine (49) nights in any calendar year. A facility that holds fifty (50) or more nonconsecutive overnight stays within a calendar year shall be considered to have changed the use of the building or portion thereof if the activity involves planned periods of sleep and it shall be necessary to apply for and be issued a certificate of occupancy under the Uniform Construction Code for the new use.
403.16.2 Application. Each application for a permit shall include a fire safety and evacuation plan that shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
1. Number of persons;
2. Number of adult supervisors;
3. Fire drill procedures;
4. Procedure for accounting for guests after evacuation has been completed;
5. The preferred means, and any alternative, for notifying guests of a fire or other emergency;
6. The preferred means, and any alternative, for reporting fires or other emergencies to the fire department or emergency response organization;
7. The type of fire protection system(s) provided; and
8. Floor plan per Section 403.16.3.
403.16.3 Floor plan. A floor plan of the building, or portion thereof, to be occupied, which identifies the locations of the following:
1. Exits;
2. Proposed sleeping area;
3. Primary evacuation route;
4. Secondary evacuation route;
5. Accessible egress route(s), if available;
6. Fire alarm enunciator and control panel, if any; and
7. Manual fire alarm pull stations, if any.
403.16.4 Means of egress. The means of egress for the sleeping area shall comply with Sections 403.16.4.1 through 403.16.4.4.
403.16.4.1 Exits. Two exits shall be required. A single exit is permitted from the story at the level of exit discharge when the occupant load of the story does not exceed 14 and the exit access travel distance does not exceed 75 feet.
403.16.4.2 Means of egress doorways. A minimum of two egress doorways shall be required for all rooms and spaces in which the travel distance exceeds 75 feet.
403.16.4.3 Means of egress lighting. Artificial lighting with an intensity of not less than 1 foot candle at floor level shall be available during all times that the conditions of occupancy of the building require that the exits be available. In all buildings, rooms or spaces required to have more than one exit or exit access, means of egress lighting shall be connected to an emergency electrical system conforming to the Uniform Construction Code except that continuous illumination shall be required to be provided for not less than 1 hour in the case of primary power loss.
403.16.4.4 Illuminated exit signs. Illuminated exit signs shall be provided for all required means of egress in all buildings, rooms or spaces required to have more than one exit or exit access. Exit signs shall be visible from the exit access and supplemented by directional signs when necessary. Exception: Approved main exterior doors that are clearly identified as exits are not required to have exit signs.
403.16.5 Automatic alarms. The building or fire area containing the hospitality room shall be provided with an approved automatic fire detection system consisting of smoke detectors installed in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code.
403.16.6 Fire drill. A fire drill shall be conducted in accordance with the approved fire safety and evacuation plan upon arrival of all guests.
403.16.7 Supervision. There shall be a minimum of two adult supervisors at all times the building is being used as a shelter. At least one supervisor shall remain awake at all times that the hospitality room is in use. Each supervisor shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age and trained in accordance with Section 406."
xix. New Section 404.1.1, Hospitality room overnight stays, shall be added, as follows:
404.1.1" Hospitality room overnight stays. Fire safety and evacuation plans for hospitality rooms shall comply with section 403.16."
xx. At Section 404.2.1, Fire evacuation plans, at item 3, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxi. At Section 405.1, General, the following text shall be deleted "or when required by the fire code official."
xxii. Table 405.2, Fire and evacuation drill frequency and participation, shall be amended, as follows:
(1) At row 6, Group E, in the Group or Occupancy column, the following superscript text shall be inserted after the superscript letter, a, "<e>". Additionally, in the Frequency column, the following text shall be deleted "Monthly" and the following text shall be inserted "Two drills per month."
(2) At row 7, Group F shall be deleted in its entirety.
(3) At row 8, Group I-1, in the Frequency column, a new second row above the existing row shall be inserted with the text "Monthly to include." Additionally, in the Participation column, a new second row above the existing row shall be inserted with the text "All occupants."
(4) At row 9, Group I-2, in the Frequency column, a new second row above the existing row shall be inserted with the text "Monthly to include." Additionally, in the Participation column, a new second row above the existing row shall be inserted with the text "All occupants."
(5) At row 10, Group I-3, in the Frequency column, a new second row above the existing row shall be inserted with the text "Monthly to include." Additionally, in the Participation column, a new second row above the existing row shall be inserted with the text "All occupants."
(6) At row 11, Group I-4, in the Frequency column, a new second row above the existing row shall be inserted with the text "Monthly to include." Additionally, in the Participation column, a new second row above the existing row shall be inserted with the text "All occupants."
(7) New row 15, Therapeutic Residences, shall be inserted, as follows: in the Group or Occupancy column, the following text shall be inserted "Therapeutic Residences"; in the Frequency column, two rows shall be provided, in the upper row, the following text shall be inserted "Monthly to include," in the lower row, the following text shall be inserted "Quarterly on each shift<a>"; and in the Participation column, the following text shall be inserted "All occupants."
(8) New row 16, High-rise Buildings, shall be inserted as follows: in the Group or Occupancy column, the following text shall be inserted "High-rise Buildings"; in the Frequency column, the following text shall be inserted "Annually"; and in the Participation column, the following text shall be inserted "All occupants<b>."
(9) New row 17, Casinos, shall be inserted as follows: in the Group or occupancy column, the following text shall be inserted "Casinos"; in the Frequency column, the following text shall be inserted "Annually"; and in the Participation column, the following text shall be inserted "Employees."
(10) New row 18, Flammable Liquid Terminals, shall be inserted, as follows: in the Group or occupancy column, the following text shall be inserted "Flammable Liquid Terminals"; in the Frequency column, the following text shall be inserted "Twice per year"; and in the Participation column, the following text shall be inserted "Employees."
(11) New row 19, Group Overnight Stay, shall be inserted, as follows: in the Group or occupancy column, the following text shall be inserted "Group Overnight Stay"; in the Frequency column, the following text shall be inserted "At the start of each night's activities"; and in the Participation column, the following text shall be inserted "All occupants."
(12) Footnote c. shall be deleted in its entirety.
(13) Footnote b. shall be recodified as footnote c.
(14) New footnote b. shall be inserted as follows:
b." Fire and evacuation drills in residential care assisted living facilities shall include complete evacuation of the premises in accordance with Sections 403.8.1.6 and
403.10.3.6. Where occupants receive habilitation or rehabilitation training, fire prevention and fire safety practices shall be included as part of the training program."
(15) New footnote e. shall be inserted as follows:
e." One drill shall be an Emergency Evacuation drill, and one drill shall be a Lockdown drill."
(16) The table should appear as follows:


Group A Quarterly Employees
Group B b Annually All occupants
Group B b,c (Ambulatory care facilities) Annually Employees
Group B b (Clinic, outpatient) Annually Employees
Group E Two drills per month a,e All occupants
Group I-1 Monthly to include All occupants
Semiannually on each shift All occupants
Group I-2 Monthly to include All occupants
Quarterly on each shift a Employees
Group I-3 Monthly to include All occupants
Quarterly on each shift a Employees
Group I-4 Monthly to include All occupants
Quarterly on each shift a All occupants
Group R-1 Quarterly on each shift Employees
Group R-2 d Four Annually All occupants
Group R-4 Semiannually on each shift a All occupants
Therapeutic Residences Monthly to include All occupantsb
Quarterly on each shift Employees
High-Rise Buildings Annually All occupantsb
Casinos Twice per year Employees
Flammable Liquid Terminals Twice per year Employees
Group Overnight Stays At the start of each night's activities All occupants

a. In severe climates, the fire code official shall have the authority to modify the emergency evacuation drill frequency.
b. Fire and evacuation drills in residential care assisted living facilities shall include complete evacuation of the premises in accordance with Sections 403.8.1.6 and 403.10.3.6. Where occupants receive habilitation or rehabilitation training, fire prevention and fire safety practices shall be included as part of the training program.
c. Group B buildings having an occupant load of 500 or more persons or more than 100 persons above or below the lowest level of exit discharge.
d. Emergency evacuation drills in Group R-2 college and university buildings shall be in accordance with Section 403.10.2.1. Other Group R-2 occupancies shall be in accordance with Section 403.10.2.2.
e. One drill shall be an Emergency Evacuation drill, and one drill shall be a Lockdown drill."
xxiii. At Section 405.5, Record keeping, the following text shall be inserted after the word "and", "unplanned evacuations to."
xxiv. New Section 405.5.1, Casino Fire Command Center, shall be inserted, as follows:
405.5.1" Casino Fire Command Center. The Casino Fire Command Center shall maintain a comprehensive log which shall include the information required in 405.5.1.1 and 405.5.1.2 below."
xxv. New Section 405.5.1.1 shall be inserted, as follows:
405.5.1.1." The name and signature of each employee on duty in the Fire Command Center along with the date and time of arrival and departure."
xxvi. New Section 405.5.1.2 shall be inserted, as follows:
405.5.1.2." A description of each incident occurring within the casino or hotel, including the date, time, location and action taken. An incident shall include, but not be limited to, fire, alarm activation, trouble signal, fire protection equipment malfunction, and any unrecorded communication pertaining to fire or life safety which is made to or from the Fire Command Center."
xxvii. At Section 407.1, General, the following text shall be deleted "under 5001.5" and the following text shall be inserted "in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 or Life Hazard Use registration under N.J.A.C. 5:70.2.4."
5. Chapter 5, Fire Service Features, shall be amended, as follows:
i. Section 501.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations." Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 501.3, Construction documents, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "Construction documents" and the following text shall be inserted "Fire Access Plans." Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "access," and the following text shall be inserted "access or." Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "and construction documents and hydraulic calculations for fire hydrant systems." Finally, the following text shall be deleted "department" and the following text shall be inserted "code official."
iii. Section 503.1, Where required, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following new section shall be inserted:
503.1" Where required. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided and maintained in accordance with Section 503."
iv. At Section 503.1.1, Buildings and facilities, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following new section shall be inserted:
503.1.1." The fire code official may require and designate public or private fire lanes as deemed necessary for the efficient and effective operation of fire apparatus, access to building openings by firefighters or egress of occupants."
v. New Section 503.1.1.1 shall be inserted, as follows:
503.1.1.1." Proposed fire lanes shall not conflict with prior approvals issued by the planning and/or zoning boards unless the administrative authority for the planning and/or zoning board grants approval of the creation of the fire lane in writing."
vi. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 503.1.2, Additional access, and Section 503.1.3, High piled storage.
vii. At Section 503.2.4, Turning radius, the following text shall be inserted after the word "required", "inside." Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "determined by the fire code official" and the following text shall be inserted "a minimum of 25 feet."
viii. At Section 504.1, Required access, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code." Additionally, the last sentence shall be deleted in its entirety.
ix. At Section 504.2, Maintenance of exterior doors and openings, in the last sentence, the following text shall be inserted after the word "doors", "required by the Uniform Construction Code."
x. At Section 504.3, Stairway access to the roof, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety. Additionally, in the second sentence, the following text shall be deleted "Section 1011.12" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code." Finally, the last sentence shall be deleted in its entirety.
xi. At Section 506.1.2, Key boxes for nonstandardized fire service elevators keys, the following text shall be inserted after the word "with", "N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.23,".
xii. Section 507.1, Required water supply, the following text shall be deleted "provided to premises on which facilities, buildings or portions of buildings are hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained in accordance with Section 507.2 through Section 507.5.6 and Chapter 9."
xiii. At Section 507.5.1, Where required, at Exception 1, the following text shall be deleted "Group R3 and." Additionally, at Exception 2, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code." Finally, new Exception 3, shall be inserted, as follows:
3." Group R-2, R-3, R-4 or R-5 structures which received land use approvals pursuant to the Residential Site Improvement Standards, N.J.A.C. 5:21."
xiv. At Section 508.1, General, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "other sections of this code and in all buildings classified as high-rise buildings by the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted, "the construction code in effect at the time of construction or N.J.A.C. 5:70-4.17." Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Provided" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained."
xv. At Section 508.1.1, Location and access, the following text shall be deleted "be" and the following text shall be inserted "not be modified unless."
xvi. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 508.1.2, Separation; Section 508.1.3, Size; and Section 508.1.4, Layout approval.
xvii. At Section 508.1.6, Required Features, the following text shall be deleted "comply" and the following text shall be inserted "be maintained in accordance."
xviii. Section 510.2, Emergency responder radio coverage in existing buildings, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xix. At Section 510.3, Permit required, the following text shall be deleted "Section 105.7.5" and the following text shall be inserted "Uniform Construction Code."
6. Chapter 6, Building Services and Systems, shall be amended, as follows:
i. Sections 601.1, Scope, the following text shall be inserted after the word "installation", "of process equipment and the."
ii. Section 601.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations." Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
iii. At Section 603.1, Installation, in the first sentence the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code." Additionally, in the second and last sentences, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
iv. At Section 603.1.2, Approval, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code and the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas and Mechanical Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code."
v. At Section 603.1.3, Electrical wiring and equipment, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
vi. At Section 603.1.7, Clearances, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
vii. At Section 603.2, Chimneys, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code." Additionally, in the second sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
viii. At Section 603.3, Fuel storage systems, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
ix. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 603.3.2, Fuel oil storage inside buildings; Section 603.3.2.1, Quantity limits; Section 603.3.2.2, Restricted use and connection; Section 603.3.2.3, Applicability of maximum allowable quantity and control area requirements; Section 603.3.2.4, Installation; Section 603.3.2.5, Separation; Section 603.3.2.6, Spill containment; and Section 603.3.2.7, Tanks in basements.
x. New Section 603.4.1.1 shall be inserted, as follows:
603.4.1.1" Sale of portable kerosene-fired heaters. Portable kerosene-fired heaters shall not be offered for sale unless a conspicuous sign is posted at the point of sale and display indicating that use of portable kerosene-fired heaters is prohibited in all buildings except one- and two-family dwellings. The sign shall be 12" (304.8 mm) by 12" (304.8mm), with a white background and red lettering at least 3/4" (19.05 mm) in height."
xi. At Section 603.5.2, Heating appliance installation and maintenance, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code, the International Mechanical Code, the International Fuel Gas Code and NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "Building, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, and Electrical Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code."
xii. At Section 603.6.1, Masonry chimneys, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xiii. At Section 603.8, Incinerators, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code, the International Fuel Gas Code and the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building, Fuel Gas, and Mechanical Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code."
xiv. New Section 603.8.8, Incinerator operations, shall be inserted, as follows:
603.8.8" Incinerator operations. All incinerator operations shall be subject to the following restrictions, and a sign of permanent design furnished by the owner shall be posted in a conspicuous location at or near the incinerator to inform the operators of said restrictions:
1. Fuel-fired incinerators shall be preheated 30 minutes before utilization.
2. Only competent operators shall be assigned to operate the incinerator.
3. After loading the main combustion chamber, the feed door shall be closed until the combustion cycle is complete.
4. The waste material ash compartment shall be cleaned regularly.
5. Waste matter shall not be burned, under permit or otherwise, when such matter will cause or create a dense smoke or odor upon burning."
xv. At Section 604.1, Abatement of electrical hazards, in the second sentence, the following text shall be deleted "responsible code official" and the following text shall be inserted "Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code." Additionally, after the last sentence, the following text shall be inserted "All electrical wiring, devices, appliances and other equipment shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of the electrical subcode of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code and this subchapter."
xvi. At Section 604.3, Working space and clearance, at Exception 1, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xvii. At Section 604.3.1, Labeling, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xviii. At Section 604.4, Multiplug adapters, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xix. At Section 604.9, Temporary wiring, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xx. New Section 604.12, Unused equipment, shall be inserted, as follows:
604.12" Unused equipment. All unused fixtures, circuits, wiring and electrical devices or fixtures shall be removed or properly secured in place and maintained."
xxi. At Section 605.1, Scope, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxii. At Section 605.2, Refrigerants, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxiii. At Section 605.3, Refrigerant classification, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxiv. At Section 605.4, Change in refrigerant type, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxv. At Section 605.7, Emergency signs, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxvi. At Section 605.8.1, Refrigerants other than ammonia, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxvii. At Section 605.9, Remote controls, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxviii. At Section 605.16, Electrical equipment, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical subcode of the Uniform Construction Code." Additionally, at Exception 1, the following text shall be deleted "Section 1106.3.20 of the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxix. At Section 605.17, Special requirements for Group A2L refrigerant machinery rooms, at Exception 1, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxx. Section 606.1, Emergency operation, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xxxi. At Section 606.3, Emergency signs, at Exception 2, the following text shall be deleted "Section 3008 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxxii. At Section 606.4, Fire service access elevator lobbies, the following text shall be deleted "Section 3007 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxxiii. At Section 606.5, Occupant evacuation elevator lobbies, the following text shall be deleted "Section 3008 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxxiv. At Section 606.6, Water protection of hoistway enclosures, the following text shall be deleted "Sections 3007.3 and 3008.3 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxxv. At Section 606.8.2, Access to standardized fire service keys, new item 6 shall be inserted, as follows:
6." Where required Elevator key lock boxes shall comply with N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.23."
xxxvi. At Section 607.1, General, the following text shall be inserted after the word "hoods", "including those in mobile food preparation vehicles." Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "comply" and the following text shall be inserted "be maintained in accordance." Finally, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code and NFPA 96."
xxxvii. At Section 607.3.3, Cleaning, the following text shall be deleted "as required by" and the following text shall be inserted "specified in the cleaning schedule required by Section 607. Thorough cleaning of ducts, hoods and fans shall require scraping, brushing or other positive cleaning methods in compliance with."
xxxviii. New Section 607., Cleaning schedule, shall be inserted, as follows:
607." Cleaning schedule. Where a cleaning schedule is not on file, the fire official shall require a schedule to be submitted, indicating the method of cleaning and the time intervals between cleanings."
xxxix. At Section 607.3.3.3, Records, the following text shall be inserted after the word "inspection", "identifying all areas and parts of ventilation system that were cleaned."
xl. At Section 607., Tags, the following text shall be inserted after the word "inspected", "or cleaned."
xli. At Section 608.6, Heating of cooking oil, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xlii. At Section 608.7, Electrical equipment, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xliii. New Section 610, Clothes dryer exhaust systems, shall be inserted, as follows:


610.1 Clothes dryer exhaust duct systems. Clothes dryer exhaust duct systems shall be in accordance with Sections 610.1.1 and 610.1.2.
610.1.1 Installation. Clothes dryer exhaust duct systems shall be installed in accordance with the International Mechanical Code or the International Fuel Gas Code, and the manufacturer's installation instructions.
610.1.2 Maintenance. The lint trap, mechanical and heating components, and the exhaust duct system of a clothes dryer shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's operating instructions to prevent the accumulation of lint or debris that prevents the exhaust of air and products of combustion."
7. Chapter 7, Fire-Resistance-Rated Construction, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 701.1, Scope, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
ii. At Section 701.7, Unsafe Conditions, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "an unsafe condition, in accordance with Section 110.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "a violation of this code." Additionally, in the second sentence, the following text shall be deleted "unsafe" and the following text shall be inserted "in violation." Finally, in the third sentence, the following text shall be deleted "danger" and the following text shall be inserted "hazard." Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 110.2" and the following text shall be inserted "N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.10."
iii. At Section 705.2, Inspection and maintenance, the following text shall be inserted after the word "inoperable", "Door stops, wedges and other unapproved hold-open devices shall be prohibited."
iv. At Section 705.2.3, Hold-open devices and closers, in the first sentence, the following text shall be inserted before the words "hold-open", "Approved self-closing." Additionally, the following text shall be inserted after the word "position", "Where it is desired to keep the doors open, an automatic-closing device actuated by automatic fire detectors shall be provided in accordance with the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
8. Chapter 8, Interior Finish, Decorative Materials and Furnishings, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 801.1, Scope, the following text shall be deleted "Section 803 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
ii. Section 803.1, General, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text inserted:
Section 803.1" General. The interior finish and trim shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 5:23, the Uniform Construction Code or N.J.A.C. 5:70-4 the Uniform Fire Code, Fire Safety Code as applicable. Any interior finish or trim installed without a permit issued in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23 the Uniform Construction Code shall be removed."
iii. At Section 803.1.2, Interior wall and finish materials tested in accordance with ASTM E84 and UL 723, the exception shall be deleted in its entirety.
iv. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: 803.1.1, Interior wall and ceiling finish materials tested in accordance with NFPA 286; 803.1.1.1, Acceptance criteria for NFPA 286; 803.1.3, Interior wall and ceiling finish materials with specific requirements; 803.2, Stability; 803.3, Interior finish requirements based on occupancy; 803.4, Fire retardant coatings; 803.5, Textile wall coverings; 803.5.1, Room corner test for textile wall coverings and expanded vinyl wall coverings; 803.5.1.1, Acceptance criteria for NFPA 265 Method B test protocol; Section 803.5.2, Acceptance criteria for wall and ceiling coverings; 803.6, Textile ceiling coverings; Section 803.7, Expanded vinyl wall coverings; 803.8, Expanded vinyl ceiling coverings; 803.9, High-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP); and 803.10, Site-fabricated stretch systems.
v. Table 803.3, Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish Requirements by Occupancy, shall be deleted in its entirety.
vi. At Section 803.11.1, Foam plastic combustibility characteristics, the following text shall be deleted "Section 2603.9 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vii. At Section 803.11.2, Thermal Barrier, the following text shall be deleted "Section 2603.4 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
viii. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: 803.12, Facings or wood veneers intended to be applied on site over a wood substrate; and 803.13, Laminated products factory produced with an attached wood substrate.
ix. At Section 803.15, Heavy timber exemption, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
x. At Section 804, Interior Wall and Ceiling Trim and Interior Floor Finish Buildings, the following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Sections 804.1, Interior trim; 804.1.1, Testing in accordance with NFPA 286; 804.1.2, Testing in accordance with ASTM E84 or UL 723; 804.3, New interior floor finish; 804.3.1, Classification; 804.3.2, Testing and identification; 804.3.3, Interior floor finish requirements; 804.3.3.1, Pill test; 804.3.3.2, Minimum critical radiant flux; and 804.4, Interior floor-wall base.
xi. At Section 805, Upholstered Furniture And Mattresses In New And Existing Buildings, in the title, the following text shall be deleted, "In New And Existing Buildings."
xii. At Section 806, Natural Decorative Vegetation In New and Existing Buildings, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "In New and Existing Buildings".
xiii. At Section 806.1.1, Restricted occupancies, the following text shall be deleted, "within ambulatory care facilities and Group A, E. I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, M, R-1, R-2 and R-4 occupancies" and the following text shall be inserted, "in all occupancies" and at Exception 1, the following text shall be deleted "installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 shall not be prohibited in Groups A, E, M, R-1 and R-2". Additionally, a third exception shall be added, as follows:
3." Holiday vegetation displays complying with Section 806.2 through Section 806.9."
xiv. At Section 806.2, Obstruction of Means of Egress, the following text shall be inserted after the word "vegetation", ", and the decorative vegetation shall not be placed near any stairway or elevator shaft."
xv. New Section 806.5, Show windows, shall be inserted, as follows:
806.5" Show windows. "Natural decorative vegetation and wreaths shall not be used for decorative purposes in show windows or other parts of buildings in such a quantity as to constitute a fire hazard unless such material is flameproofed in an approved manner."
xvi. New Section 806.6, Under-tree decorations, shall be inserted, as follows:
806.6" Under-tree decorations. No flammable or combustible decorations, tree skirts, or decorative gift packages may be placed on or under or around natural decorative vegetation. This restriction does not apply to decorative vegetation displayed in a sprinklered building."
xvii. New Section 806.7, Holiday wreaths, shall be inserted, as follows:
806.7" Holiday wreaths: Holiday wreaths shall be permitted in any building, but such wreaths shall not exceed 10 percent of the aggregate wall area of any room or space."
xviii. New Section 806.8, Live trees, shall be inserted, as follows:
806.8" Live trees: Live trees include any container grown balled and burlapped or balled and potted tree that has been uprooted, its roots protected by an earthen ball and maintained in a fresh, hardy condition. Live trees shall be displayed in a manner that does not allow the tree to become dry, and any tree which becomes dry, brittle, or show signs of dying, shall be removed from the building."
xix. New Section 806.9, Powers of enforcing agency, shall be inserted, as follows:
806.9" Powers of enforcing agency. The appropriate enforcing agency or fire official shall approve the placement of a live or natural cut tree in a public or commercial building, may limit the number of trees in any building, and may order the removal of a tree from a building or occupancy if the fire code official determines that the condition of the tree poses a safety hazard."
xx. At Section 807, Decorative Materials and Artificial Decorative Vegetation In New and Existing Buildings, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "In New and Existing Buildings."
xxi. At Sections 807.2, Combustible Decorative Materials, at Exception 1, the following text shall be deleted "in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code"; additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 803.15 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Finally, at Exception 2, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code."
xxii. At Section 807.5.1.2, Motion picture screens, the following text shall be deleted "Section 803 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xxiii. At Section 807.5.2.1, Storage in corridors and lobbies, at Exception 1, the following text shall be deleted "installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.", at Exception 2, the following text shall be deleted "installed in accordance with Section 907."
xxiv. At Section 807.5.3.1, Group I-1 and I-2 Condition 1 within units, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1 and the following text shall be inserted "Uniform Construction Code".
xxv. At Section 807.5.3.2, in Group I-1 and I-2, Condition 1 for areas other than within units, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "Uniform Construction Code".
xxvi. At Section 807.5.3.3, in Group I-2, Condition 2, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "Uniform Construction Code."
xxvii. At Section 807.5.5.1, Storage in corridors and lobbies, at Exception 1, the following text shall be deleted "in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1" and at Exception 2, the following text shall be deleted "in accordance with Section 907."
xxviii. At Section 808, Furnishings Other Than Upholstered Furniture and Mattresses or Decorative Materials In New and Existing Buildings, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "In New and Existing Buildings."
xxix. At Section 808.1, Wastebaskets and linen containers in Group I-1, I-2 and I-3 occupancies and Group B ambulatory care facilities, the following text shall be deleted "Table 509 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
9. Chapter 9, Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 901.1, Scope, the following text shall be deleted "specify where fire protection systems are required and shall". Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "design, installation."
ii. Section 901.2, Construction documents, shall be deleted in its entirety.
iii. Section 901.2.1, Statement of compliance, shall be deleted in its entirety.
iv. At Section 901.3, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations." Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
v. At Section 901.4, Installation, the second and last sentences shall be deleted in their entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Before any fire alarm, detection or fire suppression system is installed, enlarged or extended, a permit shall be obtained from the construction official."
vi. At Section 901.4.1, Required fire protection systems, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "Required." Additionally, the text shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted:

"All fire protection systems shall be maintained in an operative condition at all times. An owner or occupant shall not reduce the effectiveness of the protection so required. This requirement shall not prohibit the owner or occupant from temporarily reducing or discontinuing the protection where necessary to make tests, repairs, alterations or additions. The fire official shall be notified before disconnection or interruption of protection and when tests, repairs, alterations or additions are started and upon completion of such work. The fire official shall be advised of the extent of and reason for such work, and the restoration of the protection shall be diligently pursued."

vii. Section 901.4.2, Nonrequired fire protection systems, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted:
901.4.2" Fire protection system removal. Any fire protection system providing partial or redundant protection originally installed to protect a special hazard that no longer exists and that is not required in accordance with the current Uniform Construction Code, is allowed to be removed with the approval of the Fire Subcode Official and Fire Official. All disconnected equipment and devices, such as pull stations, nozzles, detectors, sprinklers, sensors, panels and hose connections, shall be removed so as not to give a false indication that the structure, area or space is protected."
viii. At Section 901.4.3, Fire areas, the following text shall be deleted "Section 707 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code." Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 711 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code." Finally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 707.3.10 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ix. Section 901.4.4, Additional fire protection systems, shall be deleted in its entirety.
x. Section 901.5, Installation acceptance testing, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "fire code official" and the following text shall be inserted "Fire Subcode Official." Additionally, in the second sentence, the following text shall be deleted "fire code official" and the following text shall be inserted "Fire Subcode Official." Finally, a new last sentence shall be inserted, as follows:

"Copies of the test records shall be provided to the fire code official."

xi. At Section 901.5.1, Occupancy, the following text shall be inserted after the word "approved", "in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code".
xii. At Section 901.6, Inspection, testing and maintenance, the following text shall be inserted after the word "structure", "whether in a permanent structure or a mobile food preparation vehicle". Additionally, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "or removed".
xiii. Table 901.6.1, Fire protection system maintenance standards, shall be amended, as follows:
(1) At row 4, Dry-chemical extinguishing systems, in the Standard column, the following superscript text shall be inserted after the word "NFPA 17", <"b">.
(2) At row 5, Wet-chemical extinguishing systems, in the Standard column, the following superscript text shall be inserted after the word "NFPA 17A", <"b">.
(3) At row 6, Water-based fire protection systems, in the Standard column, the following superscript text shall be inserted after the word "NFPA 25", <"a">.
(4) New row 12, Smoke control systems, shall be inserted as follows: in the System column, the following text shall be inserted "Smoke Control Systems"; in the Standard column, the following text shall be inserted "NFPA 92."
(5) New row 13, Carbon monoxide warning equipment, shall be inserted, as follows: in the System column, the following text shall be inserted "Carbon Monoxide Warning Equipment"; in the Standard column, the following text shall be inserted "NFPA 720."
(6) New footnote a. shall be inserted, as follows:
a." The reference to NFPA 25 includes the mandatory use of the forms complying with Annex B of NFPA 25."
(7) New footnote b. shall be inserted, as follows:
b." The reference to NFPA 17 and NFPA 17A requires that every permitted and certified contractor in the non-water based kitchen fire suppression system industry utilize one standardized form for documenting inspections, testing and maintenance of non-water based kitchen fire suppression systems. In addition, each permitted and certified contractor in the non-water based kitchen fire suppression system industry is required to provide a copy of the completed form to both the owner or occupant and the local fire code enforcement official within five business days of inspection, testing and maintenance. The template of this form is set forth at Appendix O of this code."
xiv. Section 901.6.3, Records, the following text shall be inserted after the word "maintained", "on the premises for a minimum of three years. Every permitted and certified contractor shall provide a copy of the completed report to both the owner or occupant and the local fire code enforcement official within five business days of inspection, testing and maintenance. All inspection reports shall list deficiencies based on the edition of the referenced standard in effect at the time of installation, with non-required recommendations listed separately."
xv. New Section 901.6.4, Testing of backflow preventers, shall be inserted, as follows:
901.6.4" Testing of backflow preventers. Backflow preventers that are designed to be field tested shall be tested annually in accordance with NFPA 25. The fire official shall accept a current Certificate of Compliance issued in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code. This Compliance Certificate shall satisfy the requirement for the backflow preventer backflow test only. This provision notwithstanding, the fire official shall require a forward flow test to determine that proper water supply is being maintained for system demand."
xvi. New Section 901.6.5, Certification of service personnel for fire protection systems, shall be inserted, as follows:
901.6.5" Certification of service personnel for fire protection systems, The building owner shall be responsible to maintain the fire and life safety systems in an operable condition at all times. Service personnel shall meet the qualification requirements set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:74 for inspection, testing and maintenance of such systems."
xvii. At Section 901.7, Systems out of service, the first paragraph shall be deleted in its entirety and the following shall be inserted:

"Where a required fire protection system is out of service, the fire department and the fire code official shall be notified immediately, and where the fire code official determines that an imminent hazard exists pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.16, the building shall be either evacuated in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.17 or an approved fire watch shall be provided for all occupants left unprotected by the shutdown until the fire protection system has been returned to service."

xviii. At Section 901.7.4, Preplanned impairment programs, at item 4, the following text shall be inserted after the word "The", "fire official and the." Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "has" and the following text shall be inserted "have."
xix. At Section 901.7.6, Restoring systems to service, at item 3, the following text shall be inserted after the word "The", "fire official and the." Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "has" and the following text shall be inserted "have."
xx. At Section 901.8, Removal of or tampering with equipment, the following text shall be inserted after the words, person to, "interfere with the effectiveness of,".
xxi. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 903.1.1, Alternative protection; Section 903.2, Where required; Section 903.2.1, Group A; Section 903.2.1.1, Group A-1; Section 903.2.1.2, Group A-2; Section 903.2.1.3, Group A-3; Section 903.2.1.4, Group A-4; Section 903.2.1.5, Group A-5; Section 903., Spaces under grandstands or bleachers; Section 903.2.1.6, Assembly occupancies on roofs; Section 903.2.1.7, Multiple fire areas; Section 903.2.2, Ambulatory care facilities; Section 903.2.3, Group E; Section 903.2.4, Group F-1; Section 903.2.4.1, Woodworking operations; Section 903.2.5, Group H; Section 903.2.5.1, General; Section 903.2.5.2, Group H-5 occupancies; Table 903.2.5.2, Group H-5 Sprinkler Design Criteria; Section 903.2.5.3, Pyroxylin plastics; Section 903.2.6, Group I; Section 903.2.7, Group M; Section 903.2.7.1, High-piled storage; Section 903.2.8, Group R; Section 903.2.8.1, Group R-3; Section 903.2.8.2, Group R-4 Condition 1; Section 903.2.8.3, Group R-4 Condition 2; Section 903.2.8.4, Care facilities; Section 903.2.9, Group S-1; Section 903.2.9.1, Repair garages; Section 903.2.9.2, Bulk storage of tires; Section 903.2.10, Group S-2 enclosed parking garages; Section 903.2.10.1, Commercial parking garages; Section 903.2.11, Specific buildings areas and hazards; Section 903.2.11.1, Stories without openings; Section 903., Opening dimensions and access; Section 903., Openings on one side only; Section 903., Basements; Section 903.2.11.2, Rubbish and linen chutes; Section 903.2.11.3, Buildings 55 feet or more in height; Section 903.2.11.4, Ducts conveying hazardous exhausts; Section 903.2.11.5, Commercial cooking operations; Section 903.2.11.6, Other required suppression systems; Section 903.2.12, During construction; Table 903.2.11.6, Additional Required Fire Suppression Systems; Section 903.3, Installation requirements; Section 903.3.1, Standards; Section 903.3.1.1, NFPA 13 sprinkler systems; Section 903.1.1.1, Exempt locations; Section 903., Bathrooms; Section 903.3.1.2, NFPA 13R sprinkler systems; Section 903., Balconies and decks; Section 903., Open-ended corridors; Section 903., Attics; Section 903.3.1.3, NFPA 13D sprinkler systems; and Section 903.3.2, Quick-response and residential sprinklers.
xxii. At Section 903.3.3, Obstructed locations, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "installed" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained." Additionally, in the second sentence, the following text shall be deleted "shall be installed" and the following text shall be inserted "required by the construction code in effect at the time of construction".
xxiii. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 903.3.4, Actuation; Section 903.3.5, Water supplies; Section 903.3.5.1, Domestic services; Section 903.3.5.2, Residential combination services; Section 903.3.7, Fire department connections; Section 903.3.8, Limited area sprinkler systems; Section 903.3.8.1, Number of sprinklers; Section 903.3.8.2, Occupancy hazard classification; and Section 903.3.8.3, Piping arrangement.
xxiv. New Section 903., Placarding, shall be inserted, as follows:
903." Placarding. Hydraulically calculated sprinkler systems shall be placarded in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23-3.5, 3.17 and 4.5 of the Uniform Construction Code for Form F380."
xxv. At Section 903.4, Sprinkler system supervision and alarms, the following text shall be inserted after the word "supervised", "in accordance with the code in effect at the time of construction or N.J.A.C. 5:70-4." Additionally, at Exception 2, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.8" and the following text shall be inserted "in accordance with the code in effect at the time of construction or N.J.A.C. 5:70-4."
xxvi. At Section 903.4.1, Monitoring, at Exception 2, the second sentence shall be deleted in its entirety.
xxvii. At Section 903.4.2, Alarms, the following text shall be inserted after the word "device", "shall be maintained,". Additionally, the following text shall be inserted after the word "location", "in accordance with the construction code in effect at time of construction or N.J.A.C. 5:70-4, and."
xxviii. At Section 903.4.3, Floor control valves, the following text shall be deleted "provided" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained."
xxix. Section 903.6, Where required in existing buildings, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xxx. At Section 904.1, General, the following text shall be deleted "designed, installed,".
xxxi. At Section 904.1.1, Certification of service personnel for fire-extinguishing equipment, the following text shall be deleted "certificate issued by an approved government agency, or other approved organization" and the following text shall be inserted "permit in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:74."
xxxii. Section 904.2, Where permitted, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xxxiii. Section 904.2.1, Restriction on using automatic sprinkler system exceptions or reductions, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xxxiv. At Section 904.2.2, Commercial hood and duct systems, the following text shall be inserted after the words "Section 607", "and N.J.A.C. 5:70-4." Additionally, the following text shall be inserted after the words "Type I hood", "including mobile food preparation vehicles." Finally, the following text shall be deleted "protected with an approved automatic fire extinguishing system installed" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained."
xxxv. At Section 904.3, Installation, the following text shall be deleted "this section" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code."
xxxvi. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 904.3.1, Electrical wiring; and Section 904.3.2, Actuation.
xxxvii. At Section 904.3.3, System interlocking, the following text shall be deleted "provided" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained."
xxxviii. At Section 904.3.4, Alarms and warning signs, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "Section 907.5.2" and the following text shall be inserted "construction code in effect at the time of installation."
xxxix. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 904.4, Inspection and testing; Section 904.4.1, Inspection; Section 904.4.2, Alarm testing; Section 904.4.2.1, Audible and visible signals; and Section 904.4.3, Monitor testing.
xl. At Section 904.5, Wet-chemical systems, the following text shall be deleted "installed,".
xli. At Section 904.6, Dry chemical systems, the following text shall be deleted "installed,".
xlii. At Section 904.7, Foam systems, the following text shall be deleted "installed,".
xliii. Section 904.8, Carbon dioxide systems, the following text shall be deleted "installed,".
xliv. New Section 904.8.6, Total Flooding systems, shall be inserted, as follows:
904.8.6" Total Flooding systems. In any use of carbon dioxide systems where there is a possibility that personnel will be trapped in, or enter into, an atmosphere made hazardous by a discharge, warning signs, discharge alarms and breathing apparatus, when provided, shall be maintained to ensure prompt evacuation of and to prevent entry into such atmospheres and also to provide means for prompt rescue of any trapped personnel."
xlv. At Section 904.9, Halon systems, the following text shall be deleted "installed,".
xlvi. New Section 904.9.5, Total flooding systems, shall be inserted as follows:
904.9.5" Total Flooding systems. In any use of halon total flooding systems where there is a possibility that personnel will be trapped in, or enter into, an atmosphere made hazardous by a discharge, warning signs, discharge alarms and breathing apparatus, when provided, shall be maintained to ensure prompt evacuation of and to prevent entry into such atmospheres and also to provide means for prompt rescue of any trapped personnel."
xlvii. At Section 904.10, Clean-agent systems, the following text shall be deleted "installed,".
xlviii. Section 904.11, Automatic water mist systems, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following shall be inserted:

"Automatic water mist systems shall be tested and maintained in accordance with Section 901.6 and NFPA 25."

xlix. The following sections shall be deleted: Section 904.11.1.1, General; Section 904.11.1.2, Actuation; Section 904.11.1.3, Water supply protection; Section 904.11.1.4, Secondary water supply; Section 904.11.2, Water mist system supervision and alarms; Section 904.11.2.1, Monitoring; Section 904.11.2.2, Alarms; Section 904.11.2.3, Floor control valves; and Section 904.11.3, Testing and maintenance.
l. At Section 904.12, Commercial cooking operations, in the exception, the following text shall be deleted "Section 304.1 of the International Mechanical Code," and the following text shall be inserted "the Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
li. Section 904.12.3, Carbon dioxide systems, shall be deleted in its entirety.
lii. At Section 904.12.5, Operations and maintenance, the following text shall be inserted after the word "systems", "including mobile food preparation vehicles."
liii. New Section 904.12.5.4, Non-water based cooking fire suppression systems, shall be inserted, as follows:
904.12.5.4" Non water-based cooking fire suppression systems. For documenting the required inspection, testing and maintenance of non-water based NFPA 17 and NFPA 17A cooking fire suppression systems, the standardized form in Appendix O shall be utilized."
liv. At Section 904.13, Domestic cooking systems, at item 1, the following text shall be deleted "Section 420.8 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code." Additionally, at item 2, the following text shall be deleted "Section 407.2.6 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code." Finally, at item 3, the following text shall be deleted "Section 420.8 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
lv. At Section 904.14, Aerosol fire-extinguishing systems, the following text shall be deleted "installed."
lvi. Section 905.1, General, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted:

"Standpipe systems shall be inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with Section 901.6 and NFPA 25. Fire hose threads used in connection with standpipe systems shall be approved and shall be compatible with fire department hose threads."

lvii. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 905.2, Installation standard; Section 905.3, Required installations; Section 905.3.1, Height; Section 905.3.2, Group A; Section 905.3.3, Covered and open mall buildings; Section 905.3.4, Stages; Section 905.3.4.1, Hose and cabinet; Section 905.3.5, Underground buildings; Section 905.3.6, Helistops and heliports; Section 905.3.7, Marinas and boatyards; Section 905.3.8, Rooftop gardens and landscaped roofs; Section 905.4, Location of Class I standpipe hose connections; Section 905.4.1, Protection; Section 905.4.2, Interconnection; Section 905.5, Location of Class II standpipe hose connections; Section 905.5.1, Groups A-1 and A-2; Section 905.5.2, Protection; Section 905.5.3, Class II system 1 inch hose; Section 905.6, Location of Class III standpipe hose connections; Section 905.6.1, Protection; and Section 905.6.2, Interconnection.
lviii. Section 905.8, Dry standpipes, shall be deleted in its entirety.
lix. Section 905.12, Existing buildings, shall be deleted in its entirety.
lx. In Section 906.1, Where required, Exception 2, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following new Exception 2 shall be inserted:

"In Group A, B and E occupancies equipped throughout with quick response sprinklers, portable fire extinguishers shall be required only in locations specified in items 2 through 6."

lxi. At Section 906.2.1, Certification of service personnel for fire extinguishers, the following text shall be deleted "certificate issued by an approved government agency, or other approved organization" and the following text shall be inserted "permit in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:74."
lxii. At Section 907.1, General, the following text shall be deleted "application, installation,". Additionally, the second and third sentences shall be deleted in their entirety.
lxiii. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 907.1.1, Construction documents; Section 907.1.2, Fire alarm shop drawings; Section 907.1.3, Equipment; Section 907.2, Where required-new buildings and structures; Section 907.2.1, Group A; Section 907.2.1.1, System initiation in Group A occupancies with an occupant load of 1,000 or more; Section 907.2.1.2, Emergency voice/alarm communication system captions; Section 907.2.2, Group B; Section 907.2.2.1, Ambulatory care facilities; Section 907.2.3, Group E; Section 907.2.4, Group F; Section 907.2.5, Group H; Section 907.2.6, Group I; Section 907.2.6.1, Group I-1; Section 907., Smoke alarms; Section 907.2.6.2, Group I-2; Section 907.2.6.3, Group I-3; Section 907., System initiation; Section 907., Manual fire alarm boxes; Section 907., Manual fire alarms boxes in detainee areas; Section 907., Automatic smoke detection systems; Section 907.2.7, Group M; Section 907.2.7.1, Occupant notification; Section 907.2.8, Group R-1; Section 907.2.8.1, Manual fire alarm system; Section 907.2.8.2, Automatic smoke detection system; Section 907.2.8.3, Smoke alarms; Section 907.2.9, Group R-2; Section 907.2.9.1, Manual Fire Alarm system; Section 907.2.9.2, Smoke alarms; Section 907.2.9.3, Group R-2 college and university buildings; Section 907.2.10, Single- and multiple-station smoke alarms; Section 907.2.10.1, Group R-1; Section 907.2.10.2, Groups R-2, R-3, R-4, and I-1; Section 907.2.10.3, Installation near cooking appliances; Section 907.2.10.4, Installation near bathrooms; Section 907.2.10.5, Interconnection; Section 907.2.10.6, Power source; Section 907.2.10.7, Smoke detection system; 907.2.11, Special amusement buildings; Section 907.2.11.1, Alarm; Section 907.2.11.2, System response; Section 907.2.11.3, Emergency voice/alarm communication system; Section 907.2.12, High rise buildings; Section 907.2.12.1, Automatic smoke detection; Section 907., Area smoke detection; Section 907., Duct smoke detection; Section 907.2.12.2, Fire department communication system; Section 907.3.12.3, Multiple-channel voice evacuation; Section 907.2.13, Atriums connection more than two stories; Section 907.2.14, High-piled combustible storage areas; Section 907.2.15, Aerosol storage uses; Section 907.2.16, Lumber, wood structural panel and veneer mills; Section 907.2.17, Underground buildings with smoke control systems; Section 907.2.17.1, Smoke detectors; Section 907.2.17.2, Alarm required; Section 907.2.18, Deep underground buildings; Section 907.2.19, Covered and open mall buildings; Section 907.2.20, Residential aircraft hangars; Section 907.2.21, Airport traffic control towers; Section 907.2.21.1, Airport traffic control towers with multiple exits and automatic sprinklers; Section 907.2.21.2, Other airport traffic control towers; Section 907.2.22, Battery rooms; Section 907.2.23, Capacitor energy storage systems; and Section 907.3, Fire Safety Functions.
lxiv. At Section 907.3.1, Duct smoke detectors, the following text shall be deleted "Section 907.2" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
lxv. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 907.3.2, Special locking systems; Section 907.3.3, Elevator emergency operation; Section 907.3.4, Wiring; Section 907.4, Initiating devices; Section 907.4.1, Protection of fire alarm control unit; Section 907.4.2, Manual fire alarm boxes; Section 907.4.2.1, Location; Section 907.4.2.2, Height; Section 907.4.2.3, Color; and Section 907.4.2.4, Signs.
lxvi. At Section 907.4.2.5, Protective covers, the last sentence shall be deleted in its entirety.
lxvii. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 907.4.3, Automatic smoke detection; Section 907.4.3.1, Automatic sprinkler system; Section 907.5, Occupant notification systems; Section 907.5.1, Presignal feature; Section 907.5.2, Alarm notification appliances; Section 907.5.2.1, Audible alarms; Section 907., Average sound pressure; Section 907., Maximum sound pressure; Section 907.5.2.2, Emergency voice/alarm communication systems; Section 907., Manual override; Section 907., Live voice messages, Section 907., Alternate uses; Section 907., Emergency voice/alarm communication captions; Section 907., Emergency power; Section 907.5.2.3, Visible alarms; Section 907., Public use areas and common use areas; Section 907., Groups I-1 and R-1; Table 907., Visual alarms; Section 907., Group R-2; Section 907.6, Installation and monitoring; Section 907.6.1, Wiring; Section 907.6.2, Power supply; Section 907.6.3, Initiating device identification; Section 907.6.3.1, Annunciation; Section 907.6.4, Zones; Section 907.6.4.1, Zoning indicator panel; and Section 907.6.4.2, High rise buildings.
lxviii. Section 907.6.6, Monitoring, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following shall be inserted:

"Fire alarm system monitoring shall be maintained as required by the construction code in effect at the time of the fire alarm system installation." Additionally, at Exception 1, the following text shall be deleted "required by Section 907.2.10."

lxix. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 907.7, Acceptance tests and completion; Section 907.7.1, Single- and multiple-station alarm devices; and Section 907.7.2, Record of completion.
lxx. At Section 907.7.3, Instructions, the following text shall be deleted "provided" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained".
lxxi. At Section 907.8.5, Inspection, testing and maintenance, the following text shall be deleted "qualification requirements of NFPA 72 for inspection, testing and maintenance of such systems" and the following text shall be inserted "the requirements set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:74."
lxxii. Section 907.9, Where required in existing buildings and structures, shall be deleted in its entirety.
lxxiii. New Section 907.10.1, Periodic testing and inspection of single- and multiple-station smoke alarms, shall be inserted as follows:
907.10.1" Periodic testing and inspections of single- and multiple-station smoke alarms. All single- and multiple- station smoke alarms shall be maintained, periodically inspected and tested in accordance with NFPA 72 and Section 907.10.1.1 and 907.10.1.2."
lxxiv. New Section 907.10.1.1, Single-station smoke alarms, shall be inserted as follows:
907.10.1.1" Single-station smoke alarms. Tests or inspections in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions shall be conducted at 1-month intervals for other than battery-powered smoke alarms and at 1-week intervals for battery-powered smoke alarms.

Exception: The written log of tests as specified in Section 901.6.2 shall not be required in R-3 occupancies."

lxxv. New Section 907.10.1.2, Battery operated smoke alarms, shall be inserted as follows:
907.10.1.2" Battery operated smoke alarms. Battery operated smoke alarms in Group R-1 and R-2 buildings and in bed and breakfast homestays shall be maintained, tested and inspected as follows:
1. The owner of the building or the owner's representative shall inspect each alarm whenever a change of occupancy occurs;
2. The owner of the building or the owner's representative shall clean the alarm as necessary, but not less than once per year to assure proper operation and replace as necessary."
lxxvi. New Section 907.11, Engine-driven generator, shall be inserted, as follows:
907.11" Engine-driven generator: Where an engine-driven generator provides required secondary power source, such generator shall be inspected weekly and exercised at least monthly under load by disconnecting the normal supply to the system for a minimum of 1/2 hour in a continuous period."
lxxvii. New Section 908.3, High level alarms testing, shall be inserted, as follows:
908.3" High level alarms testing. All high level alarm systems installed in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:72 shall be periodically tested in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:72-3.2(a)4."
lxxviii. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 909.1, Scope and purpose; Section 909.2, General design requirements; Section 909.3, Special inspection and test requirements; Section 909.4, Analysis; Section 909.4.1, Stack effect; Section 909.4.2, Temperature effect of fire; Section 909.4.3, Wind effect; Section 909.4.4, Systems; Section 909.4.5, Climate; Section 909.4.6, Duration of operation; Section 909.4.7, Smoke control system interaction; Section 909.5, Smoke barrier construction; Section 909.5.1, Total leakage area; Section 909.5.2, Testing of leakage area; Section 909.5.3, Opening protection; Section 909.5.3.1, Group I-1 Condition 2, Group I-2 and ambulatory care facilities; Section 909.5.3.2, Ducts and air transfer openings; Section 909.6, Pressurization method; Section 909.6.1, Minimum pressure difference; Section 909.6.2, Maximum pressure difference; Section 909.6.3, Pressurized stairways and elevator hoist ways; Section 909.7, Airflow design method; Section 909.7.1, Prohibited conditions; Section 909.8, Exhaust method; Section 909.8.1, Smoke layer; Section 909.9, Design fire; Section 909.9.1, Factors considered; Section 909.9.2, Design fire fuel; Section 909.9.3, Heat release assumptions; Section 909.9.4, Sprinkler effectiveness assumptions; Section 909.10, Equipment; Section 909.10.1, Exhaust fans; Section 909.10.2, Ducts; Section 909.10.3, Equipment, inlets and outlets; Section 909.10.4, Automatic dampers; Section 909.10.5, Fans; Section 909.11, Standby power; Section 909.11.1, Equipment room; Section 909.11.2, Power sources and power surges; Section 909.12, Detection and control systems; Section 909.12.2, Wiring; Section 909.12.3, Activation; Section 909.12.3.1, Pressurization airflow or exhaust method; Section 909.12.3.2, Passive method; Section 909.12.4, Automatic control; Section 909.13, Control air tubing; Section 909.13.1, Materials; Section 909.13.2, Isolation from other functions; Section 909.13.3, Testing; Section 909.14, Marking and identification; Section 909.15, Control diagrams; Section 909.16, Fire fighter's smoke control panel; Section 909.16.1, Smoke control systems; Section 909.16.2, Smoke control panel; Section 909.16.3, Control action and priorities; Section 909.17, System response time; Section 909.18, Acceptance testing; Section 909.18.1, Detection devices; Section 909.18.2, Ducts; Section 909.18.3, Dampers; Section 909.18.4, Inlets and outlets; Section 909.18.5, Fans; Section 909.18.6, Smoke barriers; Section 909.18.7, Controls; Section 909.18.8, Testing for smoke control; Section 909.18.8.1, Scope of testing; Section 909.18.8.2, Qualifications; Section 909.18.8.3, Reports; Section 909., Report filing; Section 909.18.9, Identification and documentation; and Section 909.19, System acceptance.
lxxix. At Section 909.20.1, Schedule, a new last sentence shall be inserted as follows:

"Dedicated smoke control systems shall be inspected and operated at 6 month intervals."

lxxx. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 909.21, Elevator hoistway pressurization alternative; Section 909.21.1, Pressurization requirements; Section 909.21.1.1, Use of ventilation systems; Section 909.21.2, Rational analysis; Section 909.21.3, Ducts for system; Section 909.21.4, Fan system; Section 909.21.4.1, Fire resistance; Section 909.21.4.2, Smoke detection; Section 909.21.4.3, Separate systems; Section 909.21.4.4, Fan capacity; Section 909.21.5, Standby power; Section 909.21.6, Activation of pressurization system; Section 909.21.7, Testing; Section 909.21.8, Marking and identification; Section 909.21.9, Control diagrams; Section 909.21.10, Control panel; and Section 909.21.11, System response time.
lxxxi. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 910.2, Where required; Section 910.2.1, Group F-1 or S-1; Section 910.2.2, High-piled combustible storage; Section 910.3, Smoke and heat vents; Section 910.3.1, Listing and labelling; Section 910.3.2, Smoke and heat vent locations; Section 910.3.3, Smoke and heat vents area; Section 910.4, Mechanical smoke removal systems; Section 910.4.1, Automatic sprinklers required; Section 910.4.2, Exhaust fan construction; Section 910.4.3, System design criteria; Section 910.4.3.1, Makeup air; Section 910.4.4, Activation; Section 910.4.5, Manual control location; Section 910.4.6, Control wiring; and Section 910.4.7, Controls.
lxxxii. At Section 911.1, General, in the last paragraph the following text shall be deleted "and" and the following text shall be inserted ", NFPA 68,".
lxxxiii. At Section 911.2, Required deflagration venting, at item 5, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code." Additionally, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
lxxxiv. At Section 911.3, Explosion prevention systems, the following text shall be deleted "installed" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained."
lxxxv. Section 912.1, Installation, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "Installation" and the following text shall be inserted "Maintenance." Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "installed" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained."
lxxxvi. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 912.2, Location; Section 912.2.1, Visible location; and Section 912.6, Backflow protection.
lxxxvii. At Section 913.1, General, the following text shall be deleted "installed" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained."
lxxxviii. At Section 913.2.1, Protection of fire pump rooms, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
lxxxix. Section 913.5.1, Acceptance test, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xc. Section 914, Fire Protection Based on Special Detailed Requirements of Use and Occupancy, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xci. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 915.1, General; Section 915.1.1, Where required; Section 915.1.2, Fuel-burning appliances and fuel burning fireplaces; Section 915.1.3, Fuel burning forced-air furnaces; Section 915.1.4, Fuel burning appliances outside of dwelling units, sleeping units and classrooms; Section 915.1.5, Private garages; 915.1.6, Exempt garages; 915.2, Locations; 915.2.1, Dwelling units; 915.2.2, Sleeping units; 915.2.3, Group E occupancies; 915.3, Carbon monoxide detection; 915.4, Carbon monoxide alarms; 915.4.1, Power source; 915.4.2, Listings; 915.4.3, Locations; 915.4.4, Combination alarms; 915.5, Carbon monoxide detection systems; 915.5.1, General; 915.5.2, Locations; and 915.5.3, Combination detectors.
xcii. At Section 915.6.1, Enclosed parking garages, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code, Section 404.1" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
xciii. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: 916.1, Gas detection systems; 916.2, Permits; 916.2.1, Construction documents; 916.3, Equipment; 916.4, Power connections; 916.5, Emergency and standby power; 916.6, Sensor locations; 916.7, Gas sampling; and 916.8, System activation.
xciv. Section 916.10, Fire alarm system connection, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xcv. Section 917, Mass notification systems, shall be deleted in its entirety and new Section 917, Elevator Recall, shall be inserted, as follows:
917.1 Testing: Elevator recall shall be tested annually in accordance with 917.1.1 and 917.1.2 below. The fire official shall accept a current Certificate of Compliance issued in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code as evidence of compliance with this section.
917.1.1 Upon simulated activation of an elevator lobby detector, the elevator controller shall cause all elevator cars that serve that lobby to return nonstop to the designated lobby, and prevent further operation of the elevators without the use of an emergency service key.
917.1.2 The emergency service keys shall be utilized to place the recalled elevators into emergency operation and to verify proper functioning of the elevator for fire service operation."
xcvi. New Section 918, Private Water Tanks And Fire Service Mains, shall be inserted, as follows:
918.1 Inspection, testing, maintenance: Private water tanks and water service mains shall be periodically inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with NFPA 25."
10. Chapter 10, Means of Egress, shall be amended, as follows:
i. Section 1001.1, General, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following new section shall be inserted:
1001.1" Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the maintenance and utilization of means of egress."
ii. At Section 1001.2, Minimum requirements, the following text shall be deleted "this code" and the following text shall be inserted "the construction code in effect at the time of first occupancy or N.J.A.C. 5:70-4"
iii. New Section 1001.2.1 shall be inserted, as follows:
1001.2.1." A structure shall not be altered in any manner affecting the number or capacity of means of egress without first obtaining a permit from the construction official."
iv. New Section 1001.2.2 shall be inserted, as follows:
1001.2.2." Structures or portions of structures undergoing repair, renovation, alteration or reconstruction may be occupied as permitted by the construction official."
v. At Section 1002, Definitions, the following text shall be added after the term, Photoluminescent, "PLACE OF ASSEMBLY."
vi. New Section 1003.1.1, Owner responsibility, shall be inserted, as follows:
1003.1.1" Owner responsibility. The owner or lessee of every structure shall be responsible for the safety of all persons in, or occupying, such premises with respect to the adequacy of means of egress therefrom."
vii. New Section 1003.1.2, Egress plan, shall be inserted, as follows:
1003.2" Egress plan. Where required by Section 403.2 through 403.11.4, a plan complying with Section 404.2 shall be submitted to the fire official and an approved copy shall be kept on the premises of applicable occupancies."
viii. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1003.2, Ceiling height; Section 1003.3, Protruding objects; Section 1003.3.1, Headroom; Section 1003.3.2, Post-mounted objects; 1003.3.3, Horizontal projections; Section 1003.3.4, Clear width; 1003.4, Slip-resistant surface; 1003.5, Elevation change; 1003.6, Means of egress continuity; and 1003.7, Elevators, escalators and moving walks.
ix. Section 1004.1, Design occupant load, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following new section shall be inserted:
Section 1004.1" Occupant load. The occupant load for structures shall be maintained pursuant to the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code provisions in effect at the time of construction. The occupant load for structures constructed under standards in force prior to adoption of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code shall be calculated in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:70-4.11(f)3."
x. Section 1004.2, Cumulative occupant loads, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following new section shall be inserted:
1004.2" Overcrowding. A person shall not permit overcrowding or admittance of any person beyond the approved occupant load. The fire official, upon finding overcrowded conditions or obstructions in aisles, passageways or other means of egress, or upon finding any condition which constitutes a hazard to life and safety, shall cause the occupancy, performance, presentation, spectacle or entertainment to be stopped until such a condition or obstruction is corrected, and the addition of any further occupants prohibited until the approved occupant load is reestablished."
xi. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1004.2.1, Intervening spaces or accessory areas; Section 1004.2.2, Adjacent levels for mezzanines; and Section 1004.2.3, Adjacent stories.
xii. Section 1004.3, Multiple-function occupant load, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following new section shall be inserted:
1004.3" Operator responsibility. The operator or the person responsible for the operation of an assembly or educational occupancy shall check egress facilities before such building is occupied to determine compliance with this chapter. If such inspection reveals that any element of the required means of egress cannot be accessed, is obstructed, locked, fastened or otherwise unsuited for immediate utilization, admittance to the building shall not be permitted until necessary corrective action has been completed."
xiii. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1004.4, Multiple occupancies; Section 1004.5, Areas without fixed seating; Table 1004.5, Maximum floor area allowances per occupant; Section 1004.5.1, Increased occupant load; Section 1004.6, Fixed seating; Section 1004.7, Outdoor areas; and Section 1004.8, Concentrated business use areas.
xiv. Section 1005, Means of egress sizing, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xv. Section 1006, Number of exits and exit access doorways, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xvi. Section 1007, Exit and exit access doorway configuration, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xvii. Section 1008.1, Means of egress illumination, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xviii. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1008.2.1, Illumination level under normal power; Section 1008.2.2, Group I-2; Section 1008.2.3, Exit discharge; Section 1008.3, Emergency power for illumination; Section 1008.3.1, General; Section 1008.3.2, Buildings; Section 1008.3.3, Rooms and spaces; Section
1008.3.4, Duration; and Section 1008.3.5, Illumination level under emergency power.
xix. Section 1009, Accessible Means of Egress, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xx. At Section 1010.1, Doors, the second sentence shall be deleted in its entirety.
xxi. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1010.1.1, Size of doors; Section 1010.1.1.1, Projections into clear width; Section 1010.1.2, Door swing; Section 1010.1.2.1, Direction of swing; Section 1010.1.3, Door opening force; Section 1010.1.3.1, Location of applied forces; Section 1010.1.4, Special doors; Section 1010.1.4.1, Revolving doors; Table 1010.1.4.1(1), Maximum door speed manual revolving doors; Section 1010., Egress component; Section 1010., Other than egress components; Section 1010.1.4.2, Power-operated doors; Table 1010.1.4.1(2), Maximum door speed automatic or power operated revolving doors; and Section 1010.1.4.3, Special-purpose horizontal sliding, accordion or folding doors.
xxii. At Section 1010.1.4.5, Security grilles, the following text shall be deleted "In Groups B, F, M and S,".
xxiii. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1010.1.5, Floor elevation; Section 1010.1.6, Landings at doors; Section 1010.1.7, Thresholds; and Section 1010.1.8, Door arrangement.
xxiv. At Section 1010.1.9, Door operations, the following text shall be deleted "Except as specifically permitted by this section,".
xxv. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1010.1.9.1, Hardware; Section 1010.1.9.2, Hardware height; Section 1010.1.9.3, Monitored and recorded egress; and Section 1010.1.9.4, Locks and latches.
xxvi. At Section 1010.1.9.5, Bolt locks, at Exception 4, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the requirements of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxvii. Section 1010.1.9.6, Unlatching, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xxviii. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1010.1.9.7, Controlled egress doors in Groups I-1 or I-2; and Section 1010.1.9.8, Delayed egress.
xxix. At Section 1010., Delayed egress locking system, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "installed" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained". Additionally, at item 5, Exception 2, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the requirements of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxx. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1010.1.9.9, Sensor release of electrically locked egress doors; Section 1010.1.9.10, Door hardware release of electrically locked egress doors; and 1010.1.9.11, Locking arrangements in buildings within correctional facilities.
xxxi. Section 1010.1.9.12, Stairway doors, at Exception 2, the following text shall be deleted "Section 403.5.3 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxii. Section 1010.1.10, Panic and fire exit hardware, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xxxiii. Section 1010.1.10.2, Balanced doors, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xxxiv. At Section 1010.2.1, Stadiums, the last sentence shall be deleted in its entirety.
xxxv. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1010.3, Turnstiles and similar devices; Section 1010.3.1, Capacity; Section 1010.3.1.1, Clear width; Section 1010.3.2, Security access turnstiles; 1010.3.3, High turnstile; and 1010.3.4, Additional door.
xxxvi. New Section 1010.4, Locks permitted, shall be inserted, as follows:

"Locks permitted. Locks or fasteners shall not be installed on egress doors, except in accordance with the following conditions:

1. In mental, penal or other institutions where the security of inmates is necessary, in which case properly trained supervisory personnel shall be continuously on duty and approved provisions shall be made to remove occupants safely in case of a fire or other emergencies.
2. In problem security areas, special-purpose door alarms or locking devices shall be approved prior to installation.
3. Where the door hardware is in compliance with the Uniform Construction Code."
xxxvii. New Section 1010.5, Special performance features, shall be inserted, as follows:

"Special performance features. All hardware systems or assemblies utilized in the operation of a door, including special performance features, shall be inspected for proper operation. The inspection shall determine that the hardware operates as required by this code."

xxxviii. New Section 1010.6, Panic hardware, shall be inserted, as follows:

"Panic hardware. All doors equipped with latching devices serving rooms or spaces with an assembly or educational occupancy with an occupant load greater than 100 shall have the approved panic hardware maintained in compliance with the construction code in effect at the time of first occupancy."

xxxix. Section 1011, Stairways, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xl. Section 1012, Ramps, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xli. Section 1013.1, Where required, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following new Section 1013.1, Exit signs, shall be inserted, as follows:
1013.1" Exit signs. All means of egress shall be indicated with approved "Exit" signs where required by the construction code in effect at the time of first occupancy or N.J.A.C. 5:70-4 et seq., as applicable. All "Exit" signs shall be maintained visible, and all illuminated exit signs shall be illuminated at all times the structure is occupied. Supplemental internally illuminated directional signs, when necessary, shall be installed in accordance with the technical requirements of the Uniform Construction Code indicating the direction and way of egress."
xlii. Section 1013.2, Low-level exit signs in Group R-1, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following new Section 1013.2, Information signs, shall be inserted, as follows:
1013.2" Information signs. A sign shall be provided at each floor landing in all interior stairways more than three stories above grade, designating the floor level above the floor of discharge. All elevator lobby call stations on all floor levels shall be identified by approved signs in accordance with the requirements for new buildings in the Uniform Construction Code. Exception: The emergency sign shall not be required for elevators that are part of an accessible means of egress complying with the construction code in effect at the time of first occupancy."
xliii. Section 1013.3, Illumination, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following new Section 1013.3, Mistaken egress, shall be inserted, as follows:
1013.3" Mistaken egress. All doors, passageways and stairways that are neither a means of egress nor provide access to a means of egress and are located or arranged so as to be mistaken for a means of egress, shall be properly identified as to their purpose."
xliv. Section 1013.4, Raised character and braille exit signs, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following new Section 1013.4, Sign obscuration, shall be inserted, as follows:
1013.4" Sign obscuration. Decorations, furnishings and equipment impairing the visibility of egress signs shall not be permitted. Brightly illuminated signs for other than egress purposes, displays or objects shall not be located in or near the line of vision to the required egress sign when of a character so as to detract attention from the egress sign such that the sign will not be noticed."
xlv. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1013.5, Internally illuminated exit signs; Section 1013.6, Externally illuminated exit signs; Section 1013.6.1, Graphics; Section 1013.6.2, Exit sign illumination; and Section 1013.6.3, Power source.
xlvi. Section 1014, Handrails, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xlvii. Section 1015, Guards, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xlviii. Section 1016, Exit Access, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xlix. Section 1017, Exit Access Travel Distance, shall be deleted in its entirety.
l. Section 1018.1, General, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following new Section 1018.1, Aisles, shall be inserted, as follows:
1018.1" Aisles. In each room where chairs or tables and chairs are utilized, the arrangement shall provide for ready access by aisle accessways and aisles to each egress door. The minimum clear width of each aisle in occupancies in Use Groups A, E and I-2 shall be maintained in accordance with the construction code in effect at the time of first occupancy. In all other occupancies, aisles shall have a minimum required clear width of 44 inches (1118 mm) where serving an occupant load greater than 50, and 36 inches (914 mm) where serving an occupant load of 50 or less. The clear width of aisles shall not be obstructed by chairs, tables or other objects."
li. At Section 1018.2, Aisles in assembly spaces, the following text shall be deleted "comply with Section 1029" and the following text shall be inserted "be maintained".
lii. Section 1018.3, Aisles in Groups B and M, at the exception, the following text shall be deleted "Chapter 11 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
liii. Section 1018.5, Aisles in other than assembly spaces and Groups B and M, at the exception, the following text shall be deleted "Chapter 11 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
liv. Section 1019, Exit access stairways and ramps, shall be deleted in its entirety.
lv. At Section 1020, Corridors, the following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1020.1, Construction; and Section 1020.1.1, Hoistway opening protection.
lvi. At Section 1020.2, Width and capacity, the following text shall be deleted "determined as specified in Section 1005.1" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained".
lvii. At Section 1020.3, Obstruction, the exception shall be deleted in its entirety.
lviii. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1020.4, Dead ends; Table 1020.1, Corridor fire-resistance rating; Section 1020.5, Air movement in corridors; Section 1020.5.1, Corridor ceiling; and Section 1020.6, Corridor continuity.
lix. Section 1021, Egress Balconies, shall be deleted in its entirety.
lx. In Section 1022.1, General, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety.
lxi. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1022.2, Exterior exit doors; Section 1022.2.1, Detailed requirements; and Section 1022.2.2, Arrangement.
lxii. Section 1023, Interior exit stairways and ramps, shall be deleted in its entirety.
lxiii. Section 1024, Exit passageways, shall be deleted in its entirety.
lxiv. Section 1025, Luminous egress path markings, shall be deleted in its entirety.
lxv. Section 1026, Horizontal exits, shall be deleted in its entirety.
lxvi. Section 1027, Exterior exit stairways and ramps, shall be deleted in its entirety.
lxvii. Section 1028, Exit discharge, shall be deleted in its entirety.
lxviii. Section 1029, Assembly, shall be deleted in its entirety.
lxix. Section 1030, Emergency escape and rescue, shall be deleted in its entirety.
lxx. Section 1031.1, General, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following new section shall be inserted, as follows:
Section 1031.1" General. An exit shall not be utilized for any purpose that interferes with its function as a means of egress, except as otherwise approved. The means of egress from each part of the structure, including exits, stairways, egress doors and any panic hardware installed thereon, aisles, corridors, passageways and similar elements of the means of egress, shall at all times be maintained in a safe condition and available for immediate utilization and free of all obstructions. Security devices affecting means of egress shall be subject to approval."
lxxi. New Section 1031.1.1, Storage, shall be inserted, as follows:
1031.1.1" Storage. Combustible or flammable material shall not be placed, stored or kept in any portion of an exit, elevator car or hoistway, or at the bottom of a stairway, fire escape or other means of escape, unless such space is enclosed and protected as required by the construction code in effect at the time of first occupancy. Such storage shall be located so the presence or burning of the materials will not obstruct or render hazardous the means of egress."
lxxii. New Section 1031.1.2, Exit capacity, shall be inserted, as follows:
1031.1.2" Exit capacity. The capacity of exits serving a floor shall be sufficient for the occupant load thereof as determined by the construction code in effect at the time of first occupancy or N.J.A.C. 5:70-4 et seq., as applicable."
lxxiii. New Section 1031.1.3, Continued maintenance, shall be inserted, as follows:
1031.1.3" Continued maintenance. All means of egress devices and safeguards that are required by this chapter or which were required by a previous statute or another code when the structure was erected, altered or repaired, shall be maintained in good working order."
lxxiv. At Section 1031.4 Exit signs, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "installed and". Additionally, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "construction and the applicable provisions in Section 1104" and the following text shall be inserted "installation".
lxxv. New Section 1031.6.1, Display, shall be inserted as follows:
1031.6.1" Display. Aisles, passageways or stairways in any structure shall not be obstructed with tables, showcases, holiday displays, vending machines or other obstructions during hours when the structure is open to the public, nor shall such obstructions be located in such a manner as to interfere with firefighting access."
lxxvi. New Section 1031.7.1, Exterior egress, shall be inserted, as follows:
1031.7.1" Exterior egress. All exit discharge, exterior stairways and fire escapes shall be kept free of snow and ice. Any fire escape or exterior stairway found to be in a state of deterioration or determined to be unsafe by the fire official shall be repaired immediately. Depending upon the structural condition, a load test of any fire escape shall be conducted before the escape is returned to service in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23, the Uniform Construction Code."
lxxvii. New Section 1031.7.2, Maintenance, shall be inserted, as follows:
1031.7.2" Maintenance. Fire escape stairways and balconies shall be kept clear and unobstructed at all times and shall be maintained in good working order."
lxxviii. New Section 1031.7.3, Examination, shall be inserted, as follows:
1031.7.3" Examination. Fire escape stairways and balconies shall be examined for structural adequacy and safety by a registered design professional every 5 years. An inspection report shall be submitted to the fire code official after such examination."
lxxix. At Section 1031.9, Floor identification signs, the following text shall be deleted "Sections 1023.9 and 1104.24" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code in effect at the time of construction or N.J.A.C. 5:70-4.14(a)".
lxxx. At Section 1031.10, Emergency lighting equipment inspection and testing, in the first sentence, the following text shall be inserted after the word "lighting", "and exit signs". Additionally, the following text shall be inserted after the first sentence:

"All emergency lighting fixtures and components shall be maintained secure, unobstructed, operable, and properly aimed to provide adequate illumination. Where unsecured, obstructed, misaligned or inoperable, they shall be immediately repaired."

lxxxi. At Section 1031.10.2, Power test, the following text shall be inserted after the word "power", "in accordance with the original approval". Additionally, the following text shall be inserted after the word "than," "60 or".
lxxxii. New Section 1031.10.3, Test records, shall be inserted, as follows:
1031.10.3" Test records. Records of tests shall be maintained. The record shall include the location of the emergency lighting tested, whether the unit passed or failed, the date of the test and the person completing the test."
11. Chapter 11, Construction requirements for existing buildings, shall be deleted in its entirety.
12. Chapter 12, Energy systems, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 1201.1, Scope, the following text shall be deleted "installation,".
ii. At Section 1201.2, Electrical wiring and equipment, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iii. At Section 1203.1, General, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iv. Section 1203.1.1, Stationary generators, shall be deleted in its entirety.
v. At Section 1203.1.2, Fuel line piping protection, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. At Section 1203.1.3, Installation, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code, NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "Building and Electrical Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code".
vii. Section 1203.1.8, Group I-2 occupancies, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code."
viii. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1203.2, Where required; Section 1203.2.1, Ambulatory care facilities; Section 1203.2.2, Elevators and platform lifts; Section 1203.2.3, Emergency responder radio coverage systems; Section 1203.2.4, Emergency voice/alarm communication systems; Section 1203.2.5, Exit signs; Section 1203.2.6, Gas detection systems; Section 1203.2.7, Group I-2 occupancies; Section 1203.2.8, Group I-3 occupancies; Section 1203.2.9, Hazardous materials; Section 1203.2.10, High-rise buildings; Section 1203.2.11, Special purpose horizontal sliding doors; Section 1203.2.12, Hydrogen fuel gas rooms; Section 1203.2.13, Laboratory suites; Section 1203.2.14, Means of egress illumination; Section 1203.2.15, Membrane structures; Section 1203.2.16, Semiconductor fabrication facilities; Section 1203.2.17, Smoke control systems; and Section 1203.2.18, Underground buildings.
ix. New Section 1203.4.2.1, Emergency generators, shall be inserted, as follows:
1203.4.2.1" Emergency generators. Required emergency generators shall be tested at least annually in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications under anticipated load conditions.
1. Transition test. A transition test shall be conducted annually to ensure that the transfer time from normal power to emergency power is 10 seconds or less.
2. Fuel supply. Where internal combustion engines are utilized as the prime mover for an emergency generator, an on-site fuel supply shall be provided sufficient for not less than 2 hours full-demand operation of the system."
x. At Section 1204.1, General, the following text shall be inserted after the word "installed", "and maintained". Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code or International Residential Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode or One and Two-Family Dwelling subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Finally, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xi. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 1204.2.1, Solar photovoltaic systems for Group R-3 buildings; Section 1204.2.1.1, Pathways to ridge; Section 1204.2.1.2, Setbacks at ridge; Section 1204.2.1.3, Alternative setbacks at ridge; and Section 1204.2.2, Emergency escape and rescue openings.
xii. At Section 1204.4, Ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays, the following text shall be deleted "Setback requirements shall not apply to ground-mounted, free-standing photovoltaic arrays."
xiii. Section 1205.2, Permits, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xiv. Section 1205.3, Equipment, at item 3, the text shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Field-fabricated fuel cell power systems shall be approved in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code."
xv. At Section 1205.4, Installation, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "Installation" and the following text shall be inserted "Maintenance". Additionally, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "installed and"; the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Finally, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "installed and"; the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xvi. At Section 1205.6.2, Separation, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xvii. At Section 1205.9, Fuel supply, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xviii. Section 1205.11, Ventilation and exhaust, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xix. Section 1205.12, Fire suppression, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xx. At Section 1206.2.1, Permits, the following text shall be deleted "Section 105.7.2" and the following text shall be inserted "the requirements of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxi. At Section 1206.2.3.2, Analysis approval, in item 1, the following text shall be deleted "Table 509.1 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "accordance with the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxii. At Section 1206.2.4, Seismic and structural design, the following text shall be deleted "Chapter 16 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "accordance with the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxiii. At Section 1206.2.8.2, Separation, the following text shall be deleted "Section 509.1 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxiv. At Section 1206.2.8.3, Stationary battery arrays, at item 3, the following text shall be deleted "Table 509 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "accordance with the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxv. At Section 1206., Electrical disconnects, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxvi. At Section 1206.2.9, Maximum allowable quantities, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxvii. At Section 1206.2.11.1, Fire-extinguishing systems, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, the exception shall be deleted in its entirety.
xxviii. At Section 1206., Alternative fire-extinguishing systems, the following text shall be deleted "Section 904" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xxix. At Section 1206.2.11.2, Smoke detection system, the following text shall be deleted "Section 907.2" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xxx. At Section 1206.2.11.3, Ventilation, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxi. At Section 1206.3.1, Permits, the following text shall be deleted "Section 105.7.3" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxii. At Section 1206.3.2.2, Separation, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxiii. At Section 1206.3.2.5, Electrical disconnects, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxiv. Section 1206., Means of egress, at the exception, the following text shall be deleted "The fire code official is authorized to approve" and the following text shall be inserted "Where approved,".
xxxv. At Section 1206.3.3 Maximum allowable quantities, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxvi. At Section 1206.3.5.1, Fire-extinguishing systems, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the requirements of the Uniform Construction Code". The second and third sentences shall be deleted in their entirety.
xxxvii. At Section 1206., Alternative fire-extinguishing systems, the following text shall be deleted "Section 904" and the following text shall be inserted "the requirements of the Uniform Construction Code". The second and third sentences shall be deleted in their entirety.
xxxviii. At Section 1206.3.5.2, Smoke detection system, the following text shall be deleted "Section 907.2" and the following text shall be inserted "the requirements of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxix. At Section 1206.3.5.3, Ventilation, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
13. Chapter 13 is RESERVED.
14. Chapter 14 is RESERVED.
15. Chapter 15 is RESERVED.
16. Chapter 16 is RESERVED.
17. Chapter 17 is RESERVED.
18. Chapter 18 is RESERVED.
19. Chapter 19 is RESERVED.
20. Chapter 20, Aviation Facilities, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 2001.3, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 2004.6, Open flame, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iii. At Section 2006.3.4, Protection of electrical equipment, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iv. At Section 2006., Records, the following text shall be inserted after the first sentence:

"These records shall be made available to the fire code official on request."

v. Section 2006.17, Fuel-transfer locations, at the exception, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. At Section 2007.1, General, in the second sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vii. At Section 2007.4, Exits, the following text shall be deleted "Section 412.7 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Chapter 10".
viii. At Section 2007.5, Standpipe systems, the following text shall be deleted "shall be". Additionally, the following text shall be inserted after the word "located", "shall be maintained in accordance with Section 905". Finally, the last sentence shall be deleted in its entirety.
ix. At Section 2007.6, Foam protection, the following text shall be deleted "provided for rooftop heliports. Such systems shall be designed, installed and".
21. Chapter 21, Dry Cleaning, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 2101.2, Permit required, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "Permit required" and the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 2103.3, Design, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iii. At Section 2104.2, Building services, the following text shall be deleted "designed, installed and".
iv. At Section 2104.2.1, Ventilation, the following text shall be deleted "provided" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained". Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 502 of the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
v. At Section 2104.2.3, Electrical wiring and equipment, the following text shall be deleted "installed" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained". Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. At Section 2105.3, Type IV and V systems, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vii. At Section 2107.1, General equipment requirements, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
viii. At Section 2108.2, Automatic sprinkler system, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
ix. At Section 2108.3, Automatic fire-extinguishing systems, the following text shall be inserted after the word "installed", "in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, the exception shall be deleted in its entirety.
22. Chapter 22, Combustible Dust-Producing Operations, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 2201.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the text shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Table 2204.1, Explosion protection standards, the following text shall be inserted after "NFPA 61 Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Dust Explosions in Agricultural and Food Processing Facilities" "NFPA 68 Standard on Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting". Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70 National Electrical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "N.J.A.C. 5:23-3.16 The Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". The table shall appear as follows:

TABLE 2204.1



NFPA 61 Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Dust Explosions in Agricultural and Food Processing Facilities

NFPA 68 Standard on Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting

NFPA 69 Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems

N.J.A.C. 5:23-3.16 The electrical subcode of the Uniform Construction Code

NFPA 85 Boiler and Combustion System Hazards Code

NFPA 120 Standard for Fire Prevention and Control in Coal Mines

NFPA 484 Standards for Combustible Metals

NFPA 654 Standards for Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids

NFPA 655 Standards for the Prevention of Sulfur Fires and Explosions

NFPA 664 Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Explosions in Wood Processing and Woodworking Facilities

23. Chapter 23, Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 2301.1, Scope, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code, International Fuel Gas Code and the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "construction code in effect at the time of construction".
ii. At Section 2301.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
iii. Section 2301.3, Construction documents, shall be deleted in its entirety.
iv. At Section 2301.4, Indoor motor fuel-dispensing facilities, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "construction code in effect at the time of construction".
v. At Section 2301.5, Electrical, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. At Section 2301.6, Heat-producing appliances, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code or the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas or Mechanical Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code".
vii. At Section 2304.2, Attended self-service motor fuel-dispensing facilities, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "self-service". Additionally, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "self-service"; the following text shall be inserted after the word "with", "N.J.S.A. 34:3A-4 et seq. and". Finally, in the second sentence, the following text shall be deleted "self-service".
viii. At Section 2304.4.1, Approved containers required, the following text shall be deleted "6-gallon (22.7 L)" and the following text shall be inserted "10-gallon (37.8 L)".
ix. New Section 2304.4.1.1, Portable containers, shall be inserted as follows:
2304.4.1.1" Portable containers. Portable containers intended to hold 10-gallons or less and to be used for gasoline or other flammable liquid shall be red in color. The name of the flammable or combustible liquid shall be prominently displayed on the container in bold letters of a contrasting color or raised letters. The containers shall be of metal or approved plastic with a spring-loaded or screw cap. Containers for kerosene shall be blue and diesel shall be yellow."
x. New Section 2304.4.1.2 shall be inserted as follows:
Section 2304.4.1.2." Wherever flammable or combustible liquids are dispensed into or offered for sale in containers, there shall be a prominent sign located in a conspicuous location indicating the required color and construction of this container for each product sold. The sign shall not be less than 12 inches in the least dimension."
xi. At Section 2305.4, Sources of ignition, in the second sentence, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xii. At Section 2305.5, Fire extinguishers, the following text shall be deleted "75 feet (22 860 mm)" and the following text shall be inserted "30 feet".
xiii. At Section 2306.2.1.1, Inventory control for underground tanks, in the first sentence, the following text shall be inserted after the word "maintained", "on premises or made available for inspection by the fire code official within 24 hours".
xiv. At Section 2306.2.2, Above-ground tanks located inside buildings, the following text shall be deleted "Section 2306.2.6" and the following text shall be inserted "the construction code in effect at the time of installation".
xv. Section 2306.2.4, Above-ground tanks located in above-grade vaults or below-grade vaults, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xvi. Section 2306.2.6, Special enclosures, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xvii. Section 2306.7.7.2, Location, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xviii. Section 2307.4, Location of dispensing operations and equipment, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xix. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 2307.6, Installation of LP-gas dispensing devices and equipment, and Section 2307.6.1, Product control valves.
xx. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 2308.3, Location of dispensing operations and equipment, and Section 2208.3.1, Location on property.
xxi. At Section 2308., Grounding and bonding, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxii. At Section 2309.2.3, Electrical equipment, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxiii. At Section 2309.3.1.2, Indoors, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code, the International Fuel Gas Code, the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building, Fuel Gas, and Mechanical Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code,".
xxiv. At Section 2309.3.1.5, Canopy tops, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxv. At Section 2309., Construction, the following text shall be deleted "Section 406.7 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxvi. At Section 2309.3.2, Canopies, the following text shall be deleted "Section 406.7 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxvii. At Section 2310.1, General, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "construction code in effect at the time of construction".
xxviii. At Section 2311.1 General, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "construction code in effect at the time of construction".
xxix. At Section 2311.2.3, Drainage and disposal of liquids and oil-soaked waste, the following text shall be deleted "International Plumbing Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Plumbing Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxx. At Section 2311.3.1, Equipment, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code, the International Mechanical Code and NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "Building, Mechanical, and Electrical Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxi. At Section 2311.4.1, Construction, the following text shall be deleted "constructed" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained". Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "construction code in effect at the time of construction".
xxxii. At Section 2311.4.3, Ventilation, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the construction code in effect at the time of construction".
xxxiii. At Section 2311.8.2, Repair garages used for the repair of hydrogen-fueled vehicles, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxiv. Section 2311.8.3, Motor vehicle repair rooms, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xxxv. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: Section 2311.8.4, Motor vehicle repair booths; Section 2311.8.4.1, Construction; Section 2311.8.4.2, Surfaces; Section 2311.8.4.3, Means of egress; and Section 2311.8.4.4, Clear space.
xxxvi. At Section 2311.8.8, Exhaust ventilation system, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, at the exception, the following text shall be deleted "fire code official" and the following text shall be inserted "Construction Official".
xxxvii. At Section 2311.8.10, Classified electrical area, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, at Exception 2, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
24. Chapter 24, Flammable Finishes, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 2401.3, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 2403.2.1, Electrical wiring and equipment, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iii. At Section 2403.2.1.1, Flammable vapor areas, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iv. At Section 2403.2.1.4, Areas subject to overspray deposits, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
v. At Section 2403.2.5, Grounding, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. At Section 2404.2, Location of spray-finishing operations, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "installed in accordance with 903.3.1.1". Additionally, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vii. At Section 2404.3, Design and construction, the following text shall be deleted "Section 2404.3.1 through 2404.3.3.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
viii. At Section 2404.3.1, Spray rooms, the following text shall be deleted "Section 416 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ix. At Section 2404.3.3, Spray booths, the following text shall be deleted "Sections 2404.3.3.1 through 2404.3.3.6, Sections 2404.4 through 2404.8" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
x. At Section 2404.3.3.4, Means of egress, the following text shall be deleted "Chapter 10" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xi. At Section 2404.3.4, Spraying spaces, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xii. At Section 2404.4, Fire protection, the following text shall be deleted "Chapter 9" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xiii. At Section 2404., Portable infrared apparatus, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xiv. At Section 2404.7, Ventilation, the following text shall be deleted "Section 502.7 of the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xv. At Section 2404.7.2, Recirculation, at Exception 1.5, the following text shall be deleted "Section 510 of the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xvi. At Section 2404.7.6, Termination point, the following text shall be deleted "not less than the following distances:" and the following text shall be inserted "in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, items 1 and 2 shall be deleted in their entirety.
xvii. At Section 2404.9.4, Electrical wiring, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xviii. At Section 2405.2, Location of dip-tank operations, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xix. At Section 2405.9.4, Fire protection, the following text shall be deleted "Chapter 9" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xx. At Section 2406.4, Fire protection, the following text shall be deleted "Chapter 9" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xxi. At Section 2407.4, Fire protection, the following text shall be deleted "Chapter 9" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xxii. At Section 2409.3, Fire protection, the second and third sentences shall be deleted in their entirety.
25. Chapter 25, Fruit and Crop Ripening, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 2501.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. New Section 2501.4, General, shall be inserted, as follows:
2501.4" General. The layout, arrangement and construction of structures in which the process of ripening or coloring of crops is conducted shall comply with the construction code in effect at the time of first occupancy. Fire protection and fire protection systems shall be provided in accordance with the construction code in effect at the time of first occupancy. Structures and their service equipment shall be maintained in a safe and sound condition in accordance with this code."
iii. Section 2504.5, Heating, at the exception, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70, the International Mechanical Code or the International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical, Mechanical, or Fuel Gas Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code".
26. Chapter 26, Fumigation and Insecticidal Fogging, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 2601.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. Section 2603.2.1, Electricity, at the exception, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
27. Chapter 27, Semiconductor Fabrication Facilities, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 2701.1, Scope, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, in the second sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "construction code in effect at the time of construction".
ii. Section 2701.4, Existing buildings and existing fabrication areas, shall be deleted in its entirety.
iii. At Section 2701.5, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
iv. At Section 2703.2.2, General requirements, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code and the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building and Mechanical Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code".
v. At Section 2703.3.1, Fabrication areas, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. At Section 2703.3.2, Pass-throughs in exit access corridors, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vii. At Section 2703.3.3, Liquid storage rooms, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
viii. At Section 2703.3.4, HPM rooms, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ix. At Section 2703.3.8, Service corridors, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
x. At Section 2703.7.1, Fabrication areas, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xi. At Section 2703.7.2, Workstations, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xii. At Section 2703.7.3, Hazardous production material (HPM) rooms, gas rooms and liquid storage rooms, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xiii. Section 2703.10.1.1, Combustible workstations, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xiv. Section 2703.10.1.2, Combustible tools, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xv. At Section 2703.10.4, Exhaust ducts for HPM, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xvi. Section 2703.10.4.4, Exhaust duct sprinkler system requirements, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xvii. Section 2703., Sprinkler head locations, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xviii. At Section 2703.10.5, Sprinkler alarms and supervision, the following text shall be deleted "Chapter 9" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xix. At Section 2703.11, Manual fire alarm system, the following text shall be deleted "Section 907" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xx. At Section 2703.14, Exhaust ventilation systems for HPM, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code and the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building and Mechanical subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxi. At Section 2703.14.1, Where required, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, at item 1, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, at item 3, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Finally, at item 4, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxii. At Section 2703.14.2, Penetrations, the following text shall be deleted "barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 of the International Building Code or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 711 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "barrier assemblies".
xxiii. Section 2703.15.1, Required electrical systems, at item 11, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxiv. At Section 2704.3.1, HPM storage, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxv. Section 2705.2.3.2, Protection of vessels, at item 2, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxvi. At Section 2705.3.1, Corridors and enclosures for stairways and ramps, the following text shall be deleted "Section 415.11.6.4 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxvii. At Section 2705.3.2.1, Fabrication area alterations, the following text shall be deleted "Section 415.11.2 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxviii. Section 2705.3.3, Service corridors, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following shall be inserted:

"Where service corridors are provided, the transport of HPM from a liquid storage room, HPM room, gas room or from the outside of a building to the perimeter wall of a fabrication area shall be restricted to service corridors."

28. Chapter 28, Lumber Yards and Agro-Industrial, Solid Biomass and Woodworking Facilities, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 2801.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 2803.1, Open yards, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "construction code in effect at the time of construction". Additionally, the following second sentence shall be inserted, as follows: "Weeds shall be kept down throughout the entire yard."
iii. At Section 2803.2, Dust control, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iv. At Section 2803.2.1, Explosion venting, the following text shall be deleted "Section 911" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
v. At Section 2803.3, Waste removal, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. At Section 2803.4, Electrical equipment, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vii. At Section 2804.4, Automatic sprinkler systems, the following text shall be deleted "installed" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained". Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "Chapter 9".
viii. At Section 2808.6, Static pile protection, the following text shall be deleted "Such records shall be maintained" and the following text shall be inserted "Records shall be kept on file at the facility and made available for inspection".
ix. At Section 2809.5, Fire protection, the following text shall be inserted after NFPA 24, "and the Uniform Construction Code".
29. Chapter 29, Manufacture of Organic Coatings, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 2901.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 2903.4, Fire protection systems, the following text shall be deleted "installed,".
iii. New Section 2903.10.1, shall be inserted, as follows:
2903.10.1." Emergency drainage systems containing flammable and combustible liquid that are connected to a public discharge into a public waterway shall be prohibited without the express approval of the New Jersey Department of Environment Protection."
iv. Section 2903.11, Alarm systems, shall be deleted in its entirety.
v. At Section 2904.1, Wiring and equipment, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. At Section 2905.1, Design, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vii. At Section 2905.4, Explosion control, the following text shall be deleted "Section 911" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
viii. At Section 2909.2, Tank storage, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ix. At Section 2909.4, Nitrocellulose storage, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "construction code in effect at the time of construction".
x. At Section 2909.6, Finished products, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "construction code in effect at the time of construction".
30. Chapter 30, Industrial Ovens, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 3001.1, Scope, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code, International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "construction code in effect at the time of construction".
ii. At Section 3001.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
iii. At Section 3003.1, Ventilation, the following text shall be inserted after the word "combustion", "and ventilation". Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code and the International Fuel Gas Code, and with ventilation air in accordance with the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "construction code in effect at the time of construction".
iv. At Section 3004.1, Fuel-gas piping, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
v. At Section 3004.2, Shutoff valves, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code or the International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical or Fuel Gas Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code".
31. Chapter 31, Tents, Canopies and Other Membrane Structures, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 3101.1, Scope, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ii. At Section 3103.1, General, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iii. Section 3103.2, Approval required, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following shall be inserted:

"Tents, tensioned membrane structures, and canopies meeting the following criteria shall be subject to the permitting requirements of N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 Tents and tensioned membrane structures that do not meet these criteria in (1) through (5) require a construction permit pursuant to the Uniform Construction Code.

(1) The tent, tensioned membrane structure, or canopy is less than 140 feet in any dimension and less than 16,800 square feet in area whether it is one unit or is composed of multiple units. For the purposes of applying this, tents that are more than five feet apart, regardless of whether they are connected by a walkway, shall be counted as separate tents. If tents are closer than five feet, the tents shall be counted as the same tent;
(2) The tent, tensioned membrane structure, or canopy remains in place or will remain in place for fewer than 180 days;
(3) The tent, tensioned membrane structure, or canopy is used or occupied only between April 1 and November 30;
(4) The tent, tensioned membrane structure, or canopy does not have a permanent anchoring system or foundation. A construction permit shall be required for the original installation of a permanent anchoring system foundation. In addition, a construction permit shall be required each time a tent is erected on a portable anchoring system; and
(5) The tent, tensioned membrane structure, or canopy does not contain platforms or bleachers greater than 11 feet in height."
iv. At Section 3103.3.1, Special amusement building, the following text shall be deleted "Section 411.3 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "N.J.A.C. 5:70-4.16 or the Uniform Construction Code".
v. At Section 3103.4, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
vi. Section 3103.5, Use period, shall be deleted in its entirety.
vii. At Section 3103.6, Construction documents, the following text shall be deleted ", arrangement of the seating and location of heating and electrical equipment" and the following text shall be inserted "and arrangement". Additionally, the following text shall be inserted after the second sentence "A construction permit shall be obtained for heating, ventilation, or electrical equipment where required by the Uniform Construction Code."
viii. At Section 3103.8.2, Location, the following text shall be deleted "20 feet (6096 mm)" and the following text shall be inserted "5 feet". Additionally, at Exception 1, the following text shall be deleted "15,000 square feet (1394 m<2>)" and the following text shall be inserted "16,800 square feet". Finally, Exception 2 shall be deleted in its entirety.
ix. At Section 3103.8.4, Membrane structures on buildings, the following text shall be deleted "Section 3102 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
x. At Section 3103.8.5, Connecting corridors, the following text shall be deleted "On each side of such corridor and approximately opposite each other, there shall be provided openings not less than 12 feet (3658 mm) wide" and the following text shall be inserted "Corridors connecting tents that are at least five feet in length or greater shall have openings on each side of the corridor that are opposite each other and that are equal to width of the required means of egress".
xi. At Section 3103.9.1, Tents and membrane structures greater than one story, the following text shall be deleted "Sections 1606 through 1609 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xii. At Section 3103.9.2, Tents and membrane structures greater than 7,500 square feet, the following text shall be deleted "Sections 1606 through 1609 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xiii. At Section 3103.9.3, Tents and membrane structures with an occupant load greater than 1,000, the following text shall be deleted "Sections 1606 through 1609 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xiv. At Table 3103.12.2, Minimum number of means of egress and means of egress widths from temporary membrane structures and tents, Footnote a, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xv. Section 3103.12.6.1, Exit sign illumination, at item 2, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xvi. At Section 3104.1, General, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xvii. New Section 3104.4.1, Certification of vinyl tent fabric, shall be inserted, as follows:
3104.4.1" Certification of vinyl tent fabric. For a vinyl tent, a Certificate of Flame Resistance from the manufacturer, indicating that the fabric meets the applicable flame propagation performance criteria of NFPA 701, shall be accepted as meeting the requirements of 2. through 5. above."
xviii. At Section 3105.2, Approval, the following text shall be deleted "400 square feet (37 m<2>)" and the following text shall be inserted "900 square feet".
xix. At Section 3105.3, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
xx. Section 3105.4, Use period, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xxi. Section 3105.5, Required documents, at item 1, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Uniform Construction Code".
xxii. At Section 3106.2.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
xxiii. In Section 3106.6, Electrical equipment and wiring, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxiv. At Section 3107.4, Open or exposed flame, a new exception shall be inserted, as follows:

"Exception: Cooking tents as per Section 3107.12."

xxv. At Section 3107.12.1, Installation, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code and the International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical and Fuel Gas Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxvi. At Section 3107.12.2, Venting, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code and the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas and Mechanical Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxvii. At Section 3107.12.3, Location, a new second sentence shall be inserted, as follows:

"Suitable barricades shall be provided to maintain a distance of 5 feet between the heat producing appliances and the public."

xxviii. At Section 3107.12.5, Cooking tents, the following text shall be deleted "20 feet (6096 mm)" and the following text shall be inserted "5 feet". Additionally, new exceptions shall be inserted, as follows:


1. Cooking tents are not required to be separated from other cooking tents.
2. Cooking tents shall be separated from other tents having more than 25 percent of the tent perimeter enclosed with sidewalls or drops, or membrane structures with an occupant load of 50 or greater by a minimum of 20 feet."
xxix. At Section 3107.12.7, Electrical heating and cooking equipment, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxx. At Section 3107.13.1, General, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxi. At Section 3107.13.2, Location of containers, the following text shall be inserted after the word "outside", "or on the exterior perimeter of a canopy".
xxxii. Section 3107.15.1, Batteries, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xxxiii. At Section 3107.15.4, Places of assembly, item 2, shall be deleted in its entirety, and Item 3 shall be renumbered as item 2.
xxxiv. At Section 3107.18, Combustible vegetation, the following text shall be deleted "30 feet (9144 mm)" and the following text shall be inserted "20 feet".
xxxv. At Section 3107.19, Combustible waste material, the following text shall be deleted "30 feet (9144 mm)" and the following text shall be inserted "20 feet".
32. Chapter 32, High-Piled Combustible Storage, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 3201.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 3201.3, Construction documents, the first and second sentences shall be deleted in their entirety.
iii. At Section 3201.4, Fire safety and evacuation plans, the following text shall be deleted "at the time of permit application".
iv. The following sections shall be deleted in their entirety: 3206.2, Type of Protection; 3206.2.1, Extent of protection; 3206.3, High-piled storage areas; 3206.3.1, Size of high-piled storage area; 3206.3.2, Multiple high-piled storage areas; 3206.3.2.1, Multiple class high-piled storage areas; 3206.4, Automatic sprinklers; 3206.4.1, Pallets; 3206.4.1.1, Plastic pallets; 3206.5, Fire detection; 3206.8, Smoke and heat removal; and 3206.9, Fire department hose connections.
v. At Section 3206.10, Aisles, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 13" and the following text shall be inserted "Uniform Construction Code".
vi. Section 3207, Solid-Piled and Shelf Storage, shall be deleted in its entirety.
vii. Section 3208, Rack Storage, shall be deleted in its entirety with the exception of Section 3208.3, Flue spaces.
viii. At Section 3208.3, Flue spaces, the first sentence shall be deleted.
ix. Section 3209, Automated Storage, shall be deleted in its entirety with the exception of Section 3209.4, Automated rack storage.
33. Chapter 33, Fire Safety During Construction and Demolition, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 3303.3, LP-gas heaters, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ii. At Section 3304.7, Electrical, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iii. Section 3306.2.1, Pipe cleaning and purging, at Exception 2, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iv. At Section 3314.1, Completion before occupancy, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 105.3.4" and the following text shall be inserted "the administrative provisions of the Uniform Construction Code (N.J.A.C. 5:23)".
34. Chapter 34, Tire Rebuilding and Tire Storage, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 3401.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 3403.1, Construction, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "construction code in effect at the time of construction".
iii. At Section 3406.1, Required Access, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "New". Additionally, the second sentence shall be deleted in its entirety.
35. Chapter 35, Welding and Other Hot Work, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 3501.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 3502, Definitions, the following text shall be deleted "Hot work permits."
iii. At Section 3503.1, General, the following text shall be inserted after the word "chapter", ", and NFPA 51B".
iv. At Section 3503.3, Hot work program permit, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "permit". Additionally, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "permits" and the following text shall be inserted "approvals".
v. At Section 3503.4, Qualifications of operators, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "A permit" and the following text shall be inserted "Approval".
vi. At Section 3504.3, Area reviews, the last sentence shall be deleted in its entirety.
vii. At Section 3506.4, Emergency disconnect, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
36. Chapter 36, Marinas, shall be amended, as follows:
i. Section 3601.2, Plans and approvals, shall be deleted in its entirety.
ii. At Section 3603.2, Sources of ignition, the following text shall be deleted "be approved" and the following text shall be inserted "not be permitted".
iii. At Section 3604.1, General, the following text shall be deleted "Sections 3604.2 through 3604.6" and the following text shall be inserted "Section 3604.4 and 3604.5".
iv. Section 3604.2, Standpipes, shall be deleted in its entirety.
v. Section 3604.3, Access and water supply, shall be deleted in its entirety.
vi. Section 3604.6, Emergency operations staging areas, shall be deleted in its entirety.
37. Chapter 37, Combustible Fibers, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 3701.3, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 3703.5, Dust collection, the following text shall be deleted "Section 511 of the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iii. At Section 3704.3, Storage of more than 100 cubic feet to 500 cubic feet, the following text shall be deleted "Section 707 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 711 of the International Building Code," and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Finally, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iv. At Section 3704.4, Storage of more than 500 cubic feet to 1,000 cubic feet, the following text shall be deleted "Section 707 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 711 of the International Building Code," and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Finally, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
v. At Section 3704.5, Storage of more than 1,000 cubic feet, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "Section 707 of the International Building Code", "Section 711 of the International Building Code,", and "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
38. Chapter 38, Higher Education Laboratories, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 3801.1, Scope, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ii. At Section 3801.2, Application, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iii. At Section 3803.1.7, Automatic fire-extinguishing systems, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
iv. Section 3804, Laboratory suite construction, shall be deleted in its entirety.
v. At Section 3805.1, Scope, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. At Section 3805.2, Nonsprinklered laboratories, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
vii. At Section 3805.2.1, Restricted materials storage, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
viii. At Section 3805.2.2, Restricted materials use, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
ix. At Section 3805.3, Restricted materials storage, the following text shall be deleted "Section 907.5" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
x. At Section 3806.1, Existing sprinklered laboratories, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xi. At Table 3805.4, Design and Number of Control Areas in Existing Nonsprinklered Laboratories, in footnote d., the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xii. At Table 3806.2.1, Design and Number of Control Areas in Existing Sprinklered Laboratories, in footnote d., the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
39. Chapter 39, Processing and extraction facilities, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 3901.1, Scope, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ii. At Section 3901.3, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
iii. At Section 3903.1, Construction, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iv. At Section 3904.1, General requirements, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code and the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building and Mechanical Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code".
40. Chapter 40 is RESERVED.
41. Chapter 41 is RESERVED.
42. Chapter 42 is RESERVED.
43. Chapter 43 is RESERVED.
44. Chapter 44 is RESERVED.
45. Chapter 45 is RESERVED.
46. Chapter 46 is RESERVED.
47. Chapter 47 is RESERVED.
48. Chapter 48 is RESERVED.
49. Chapter 49 is RESERVED.
50. Chapter 50, Hazardous Materials-General Provisions, shall be amended, as follows:
i. Section 5001.1.1, Waiver, shall be deleted in its entirety.
ii. At Section 5001.2.2.2, Health hazards, new item 3 shall be inserted, as follows: "3. Radioactive materials."
iii. At Section 5001.5, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
iv. At Section 5001.5.1, Hazardous Materials Management Plan, in the first sentence, the following text shall be inserted after the word "permit", "or life hazard use registration".
v. At Section 5001.5.2, Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS), in the first sentence, the following text shall be inserted after the word "permit", "or life hazard use registration".
vi. At Section 5001.6.2, Permanently out-of-service facilities, in the first sentence, the following text shall be inserted before the word "permit", "required"; additionally, the following text shall be inserted after the word "permit", "or life hazard use registration". Finally, in the second sentence the following text shall be inserted after the word "permittees", "and life hazard use facilities".
vii. At Section 5002, Definitions, the following term shall be inserted after the term "pressure vessel" "Radioactive Material."
viii. Table 5003.1.1(1), Maximum Allowable Quantity per Control Area of Hazardous Materials Posing a Physical Hazard, shall be amended, as follows:
(1) At Footnote d, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
(2) At Footnote f, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
(3) At Footnote p.3, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
(4) At Footnote p.4, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ix. Table 5003.1.1(2), Maximum Allowable Quantity per Control Area of Hazardous Materials Posing a Health Hazard <a,c,f,h,i>, shall be amended, as follows:
(1) New row 4, Radioactive <j>, shall be inserted as follows: in the Material column, the following text shall be inserted "Radioactive <j>"; in the Storage column, the following text shall be inserted "25 REM unsealed source, 100 REM sealed source"; in the Use-Closed System column, the following text shall be inserted "100 REM sealed source"; and in the Use-Open System column, the following text shall be inserted "25 REM sealed source".
(2) At Footnote d, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
(3) New Footnote j, shall be inserted as follows:
j." Maximum dosage allowed in any single whole-body short term (1 hour or less) exposure."
x. Table 5003.1.1(4), Maximum Allowable Quantity per Control Area of Hazardous Materials Posing a Health Hazard in an Outdoor Control Area <a,b,c,f>, shall be amended, as follows:
(1) New row 4, Radioactive <g>, shall be inserted, as follows: in the Material column, the following text shall be inserted "Radioactive <g>"; in the Storage column, the following text shall be inserted "25 REM unsealed source, 100 REM sealed source"; in the Use-Closed System column, the following text shall be inserted "100 REM sealed source"; and in the Use-Open System column, the following text shall be inserted "25 REM sealed source".
(2) At Footnote d, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
(3) New Footnote g, shall be inserted, as follows:
g." Maximum dosage allowed in any single whole-body short term (1 hour or less) exposure."
xi. Section 5003.2.2.2, Additional regulations for supply piping for health-hazard materials, at the exception, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xii. At Section 5003.2.8, Seismic protection, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xiii. At Section 5003.8.1, Buildings, in the first sentence, the following text shall be inserted before the word "constructed", "maintained as"; additionally, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xiv. Section 5003.8.3, Control areas, at the exception, the following text shall be deleted "Section 428 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xv. At Section 5003.8.3.1, Construction requirements, the following text shall be inserted before the word "separated", "maintained as"; additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 707 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code"; finally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 711 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xvi. At Section 5003.8.3.2, Percentage of maximum allowable quantities, the following text shall be deleted "Table 5003.8.3.2" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xvii. At Section 5003.8.3.3, Number, the following text shall be deleted "Table 5003.8.3.2" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xviii. At Section 5003.8.3.4, Fire-resistance-rating requirements, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "Table 5003.8.3.2" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, the second sentence and the exception shall be deleted in their entirety.
xix. Table 5003.8.2, Detached building required, at footnote a, the following text shall be deleted "Section 415.6 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xx. At Section 5003.8.4.1, Construction, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code based on the occupancy group into which it has been classified" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxi. At Section 5003.8.4.2, Ventilation system, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxii. At Section 5003.8.5.2, Ventilation, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxiii. At Section 5003.8.5.3, Fire-extinguishing system, the following text shall be deleted "Chapter 9" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xxiv. At Section 5003.8.6.2, Ventilation, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxv. At Section 5003.8.7.1, Construction, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxvi. At Section 5003.9.4, Electrical wiring and equipment, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxvii. At Section 5003.9.5, Static accumulation, the following text shall be inserted after the words "static charge", "in accordance with NFPA 77".
xxviii. At Section 5003.9.9, Shelf storage, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxix. At Section 5004.2.2.6, Drainage system design, the following text shall be deleted "International Plumbing Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Plumbing Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxx. Section 5004.3.1, System requirements, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following shall be inserted:

"Exhaust ventilation systems installation shall be in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code."

xxxi. At Section 5004.5, Automatic sprinkler systems, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, the second and third sentences shall be deleted in their entirety.
xxxii. At Section 5004.13, Weather protection, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxiii. At Section 5005.1.8, Fire-extinguishing systems, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "Chapter 9" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, the second and third sentences shall be deleted in their entirety.
xxxiv. At Section 5005.2, Indoor dispensing and use, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxv. At Section 5005.3.9, Weather protection, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxvi. New Section 5006, Hazardous Material Tank Vehicles, shall be inserted, as follows:
Section 5006" Hazardous Material Tank Vehicles
5006.1 Vehicle transportation. The provisions of this section apply to vehicles for transportation of hazardous materials.
5006.2 Operation. Vehicles shall be operated as follows:
1. Vehicles shall not be parked or left unattended on any street, highway, avenue or alley, provided that this shall not prevent a driver from the necessary absence from the vehicle in connection with the delivery of the load, except that during actual discharge of the load some responsible person shall be present at the vehicle, nor shall it prevent stops for meals during the day or night if the street is well lighted at point of parking. Vehicles shall not be parked outdoors at any one point for longer than one hour except at flammable liquid bulk terminals, bulk plants and other locations approved by the fire official.
2. Vehicles shall not be parked or garaged in any building or structure other than those specifically approved for such use in accordance with the construction code in effect at the time of first occupancy.
5006.3 Loading and discharging. The driver, operator or attendant of any vehicle shall not leave the vehicle while it is being filled or discharged. Delivery hose, when attached to a tank vehicle, shall be considered to be a part of the tank vehicle. When making or breaking hose connections, the motors of tank trucks or tractors shall be shut down. If loading or unloading is done without the use of a power pump, the tank truck or tractor motor shall be shut down throughout such operations."
xxxvii. New Section 5007, Radioactive Materials, shall be inserted, as follows:
Section 5007" Radioactive Materials
5007.1 Scope. Unless pre-empted by the requirements of any federal, state or local agency, this section shall apply to the storage of radioactive materials, except that this section shall not apply to units generating induced radioactivity, such as X-ray machines and accelerators capable of immediate shut down. Radioactive materials shall be used, stored and handled in an approved manner minimizing the personnel hazards and property damage by radioactive contamination resulting from fires and explosions.
5007.2 Maximum amounts. The maximum amount of radioactive material stored in one control area shall either be 25 REM whole-body short-term (1 hour or less) radiation dose from an unsealed source or 100 REM whole-body short-term (1 hour or less) radiation dose from a sealed source.
5007.3 Maintenance. All storage areas of radioactive materials in any quantity shall comply with Sections 5007.3.1 through 5007.5.
5007.3.1 Signs. Durable and clearly visible signs warning of radiation dangers shall be provided at all entrances to areas or rooms where radioactive materials are used or stored. Additionally, each container in which radioactive materials are used, stored or transported shall bear the three-bladed radiation symbol in magenta or purple on a yellow background.
5007.3.1.1 Signs not required. Signs are not required for storage of manufactured articles other than liquids, such as instruments, clock dials, electronic tubes or apparatus in which radioactive materials are a component part, and luminous compounds, where securely packed in strong containers, provided the gamma radiation at any surface of the package is less than 10 milliroentgen in 24 hours.
5007.4 Containers. When not in use, radioactive materials shall be kept in adequately shielded fire resistant containers designed such that the gamma radiation will not exceed 200 milliroentgen per hour or equivalent at any point on the container surface to which ready access is provided.
5007.5 Outside storage. Outside storage of radioactive materials shall not be permitted within 25 feet of an interior lot line, public way, exit discharge or exterior wall opening. The separation distance shall not apply where a 2-hour fire separation wall extending not less than 30 inches above and to the sides of the storage area is provided."
51. Chapter 51, Aerosols, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 5101.1, Scope, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "construction code in effect at the time of construction".
ii. At Section 5101.2, Permit required, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "Permit required" and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
iii. Table 5104.3.2, Segregated storage of level 2 and 3 aerosol products in general purpose warehouses, shall be amended, as follows:
(1) At footnote b, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
(2) At footnote e.2, the following text shall be deleted "in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1".
iv. At Section 5104.4.1, Automatic sprinkler system, in the first sentence, the following text shall be inserted after the word "with", "the Uniform Construction Code and".
v. At Section 5106.2.5, Retail display automatic sprinkler system, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
52. Chapter 52 is RESERVED.
53. Chapter 53, Compressed Gases, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 5301.1, Scope, in the fourth paragraph, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, at Exception 2, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Finally, at Exception 4, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ii. At Section 5301.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
iii. At Section 5303.7.6, Heating, in the second sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code and NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical and Electrical Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code".
iv. At Section 5303.8, Wiring and equipment, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
v. Section 5303.16.1, Listing required, at the exception, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code"; additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 1707 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. At Section 5303.16.2, Design and construction, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vii. At Section 5303.16.9, Ventilation, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
viii. At Section 5303.16.11, Liquid removal, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ix. At Section 5303.16.14, Classified area, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
x. At Section 5305.5, Venting, in the second sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xi. At Section 5306.1, General, the following text shall be deleted "Section 427 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xii. In Section 5306.2 Interior Supply location, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xiii. At Section 5306.2.1, One-hour exterior room, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "Section 707 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code"; additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 711 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xiv. At Section 5306.2.2, One-hour interior room, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "Section 707 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code"; additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 711 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "the Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Finally, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code and be provided at a minimum rate of 1 cfm per square foot of the area of the room" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xv. Section 5306.2.3, Gas cabinets, at item 1, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xvi. At Section 5307.4.4, Pressurization and ventilation, in the second sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xvii. At Section 5307.4.6, Seismic and structural design, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xviii. New Section 5308, Storage of portable compressed gas containers awaiting use or resale, shall be inserted, as follows:
5308" Storage of portable compressed gas containers awaiting use or resale
5308.1 General. The storage of portable compressed gas containers in conjunction with a cylinder exchange program shall comply with Sections 5308.2 through 5308.8 and other applicable sections of this chapter and Chapter 50.

Exception: LP-gas containers regulated under Section 6109.

5308.2 Security. The operator of a compressed gas cylinder exchange program shall ensure that exchange cylinders are properly secured in accordance with Sections 5303.5 and 5303.6.
5308.3 Attendance. Only properly trained employees shall remove cylinders from or place cylinders in the cylinder exchange cabinet. All employees who exchange cylinders must be properly trained and know how to check for leaks and what emergency procedures to follow if a leak is discovered. Self-service cylinder exchange cabinets are prohibited.
5308.4 Storage. All cylinders shall be stored in accordance with Section 5304. Cylinders in storage shall be located in a manner which minimizes exposure to excessive temperature rise, physical damage or tampering.
5308.4.1 Incompatible materials. Incompatible materials shall be separated in accordance with Section 5303.7.
5308.5 Location of storage outside buildings. Compressed gas cylinder exchange cabinets shall not be located within 25 feet of any exterior building opening.
5308.6 Storage area signs. The following signs legibly marked are to be affixed to the cylinder exchange cabinet "No smoking" and "Compressed gas". "No smoking" signs shall comply with the provisions of Section 310. Hazard identification signs complying with Section 5003.5 shall be provided.
5308.7 Portable fire extinguishers. Portable fire extinguishers complying with Section 906 shall be provided.
5308.8 Ventilation. The owner of a compressed cylinder gas exchange program shall ensure that proper ventilation is maintained at all times in all locations where cylinders are stored."
54. Chapter 54, Corrosive Materials, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 5401.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
55. Chapter 55, Cryogenic Fluids, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 5501.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. Section 5503.1.2, Concrete containers, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety.
iii. At Section 5503.5.2, Securing of containers, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iv. At Section 5503.6, Electrical wiring and equipment, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
v. At Section 5503.6.2, Electrical grounding and bonding, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. At Section 5504.2.1.2, Construction of indoor areas, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vii. At Section 5504.2.1.3, Ventilation, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
viii. At Section 5504.2.2.2, Construction of indoor areas, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ix. At Section 5504.2.2.3, Ventilation, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
x. At Section 5505.4.1, Dispensing areas, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xi. At Section 5505.4.1.1, Ventilation, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
56. Chapter 56, Explosives and Fireworks, shall be amended as follows:
i. At Section 5601.2, Permit required, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "Permit required" and the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 5601.2.2, Sale and retail display, the following text shall be inserted before the word "offer", "manufacture, store,". Additionally, the following text shall be inserted after the word "offer", "or expose". Finally, the following text shall be deleted "on highways, sidewalks, public property, or in Group A or E occupancies" and the following text shall be inserted "except for the approved supervised display of fireworks".
iii. Section 5601.2.4, Financial responsibility, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following shall be inserted:

"Before a permit is issued, as required by N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 the applicant must comply with Sections 5601.2.4.1 through 5601.2.4.4."

iv. Section 5601.2.4.1, Blasting, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following shall be inserted:

"Any self-employed person in possession of a valid permit to use explosives for blasting purposes, issued by the New Jersey Department of Labor pursuant to N.J.A.C. 12:190-3.11, shall have insurance coverage for blasting damage of not less than $ 500,000 for property damage including explosion, collapse, and underground utility damage and of $ 500,000 to $ 1,000,000 for personal injury.

1. Any person in possession of a valid permit to use explosives for blasting purposes, as outlined above, and who is not self-employed, shall not use explosives unless the employer is insured as specified above.
2. Proof of the possession of a valid insurance policy covering blasting damage shall be readily available for inspection at the site.
3. Nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing greater insurance coverage for damage from blasting when requested by any person for whom blasting is being performed."
v. Section 5601.2.4.2, Fireworks display, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following shall be inserted:

"The governing body of the municipality shall require insurance in a sum not less than $ 500,000 conditioned for the payment of all damages, which may be caused either to a person or persons or to property, by reason of the display so as aforesaid permitted, and arising from any acts of the permit holder, his agents, employees, or subcontractors. Such surety shall run to the municipality in which the permit is granted, and shall be for the use and benefit of any person, persons, or the owner or owners of any property so damaged, who is or are authorized to maintain an action thereon, or his or their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns."

vi. New Section 5601.2.4.3, Municipal resolution, shall be inserted, as follows:
5601.2.4.3" Municipal resolution. The governing body of any municipality may, upon application in writing accompanied by proof of proper insurance coverage, grant permission by resolution, for the public display of fireworks by municipalities, religious, fraternal or civic organizations, fair associations, amusement parks, or other organizations or groups of individuals approved by the governing body of such municipality to whom the application is made. After such permission shall have been granted, and a permit shall have been issued by the fire official, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 the possession and use of fireworks for such display shall be lawful for that purpose only."
vii. New Section 5601.2.4.4, Application, shall be inserted, as follows:
5601.2.4.4" Application. Application for permits for display or discharge shall be made in writing at least 15 days in advance of the date of the display or discharge of fireworks. A permit granted hereunder shall not be transferable, nor shall any such permit be extended beyond the dates set out therein. All applications for permits shall set forth the date, the hour, the place of making such display, and the place for storing of fireworks prior to the display. The application shall also contain the names of the person, persons, firm, partnership, corporation, association, or group of individuals making the display, and the name of the person or persons in charge of the igniting, firing, setting-off, exploding or causing to be exploded such fireworks. The location of the storage place shall be subject to the approval of the fire official of the jurisdiction."
viii. Section 5604.2, Magazine required, at Exception 2, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ix. At Table 5604.5.2(3), Table of distances (Q-D) for buildings and magazines containing explosives--Division 1.4<c>, in footnote a, the following text shall be deleted

"International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".

x. At Section 5605.5, Buildings and equipment, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xi. Section 5607.1, General, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following shall be inserted:

"The handling and firing of explosives shall be performed in accordance with NFPA 495 by the person possessing a permit to use explosives issued by the N.J. Department of Labor pursuant to N.J.A.C. 12:190 or by employees under that person's direct supervision who are at least 18 years old."

xii. New Section 5607.16, Magazines clearance, shall be inserted, as follows:
5607.16" Magazines clearance. At the site of blasting operations, a distance of at least 150 feet shall be maintained between magazines and the blast area when the quantity of explosives temporarily kept therein is in excess of 25 pounds, and at least 50 feet when the quantity of explosives is 25 pounds or less. When site restrictions are such that the distance specified herein cannot be met, then the magazine shall be moved from the site the required distance when the blasting is actually to be performed."
xiii. New Section 5608.2.2.1, shall be inserted, as follows:
5608.2.2.1." Proximate pyrotechnic displays as defined in NFPA 1126, shall be subject to prior approval by the fire code official and the following conditions shall apply:
1. The building was designed and constructed to accommodate such activity in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code.
2. Fireworks shall be discharged and operated in accordance with manufacturer's directions and specifications.
3. The owner/operator shall provide a full demonstration to the fire official prior to final operation.
4. Fireworks shall be discharged so as not to endanger the public by escape of any hot particles from the stage area.
5. A fire watch, with proper extinguishing equipment as approved by the fire official shall be maintained during the operation at both sides of the stage area."
xiv. At Section 5609.1, Temporary storage of consumer fireworks, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "fireworks", "sparkling devices and novelties". Additionally, in the first sentence, the following text shall be inserted after the word "fireworks", "sparkling devices and novelties".
57. Chapter 57, Flammable and Combustible Liquids, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 5701.3, Referenced documents, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code and the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building and Mechanical Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code".
ii. At Section 5701.4, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
iii. At Section 5703.1, Electrical, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iv. At Section 5703.1.3, Other applications, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
v. At Section 5703.6.1, Nonapplicability, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. At Table 5703.1.1, Class 1 electrical equipment locations, in footnote a, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vii. At Section 5704.2.7.7, Design of supports, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
viii. Section 5704.2.8.1, Listing required, at the exception, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code"; additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 1707 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ix. At Section 5704.2.8.2, Design and construction, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
x. At Section 5704.2.8.9, Ventilation, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xi. At Section 5704.2.8.12, Liquid removal, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xii. At Section 5704.2.8.17, Classified area, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xiii. At Section 5704.2.9.1, Existing noncompliant installations, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "(see Section 107.4)".
xiv. At Section 5704., Foam fire protection system installation, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "system installation" and the following text shall be inserted "systems". Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "installed" and the following text shall be inserted "maintained".
xv. Section 5704., Fire protection of supports, at Exception 3, the following text shall be deleted "903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xvi. At Section 5704.2.9.3, Supports, foundations and anchorage, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xvii. At Section 5704.2.9.4, Stairs, platforms and walkways, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xviii. At Section 5704., Locations where above-ground tanks are prohibited, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "prohibited" and the following text shall be inserted "permitted". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following shall be inserted:

"Storage of Class I and II liquids in above ground tanks shall be permitted outside of buildings in accordance with NFPA 30."

xix. Section 5704., Tanks abandoned in place, shall be deleted in its entirety.
xx. At Section 5704.2.14.1, Removal, the following text shall be deleted "and underground".
xxi. At Section 5704.2.14.2, Disposal, the following text shall be deleted "federal, state and local regulations" and the following text shall be inserted "the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection regulations".
xxii. New Section 5704.2.14.3, shall be inserted as follows:
5704.2.14.3." Underground tanks shall be removed or abandoned in place in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Uniform Construction Code and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection."
xxiii. At Section 5704.3.1.1, Approved containers, the following shall be inserted as the second sentence: "Portable containers intended to hold 10-gallons or less and to be used for gasoline or other flammable liquid shall be red in color. The name of the flammable or combustible liquid shall be prominently displayed on the container in bold letters of a contrasting color or raised letters. The containers shall be of metal or approved plastic with a spring-loaded or screw cap. Containers for kerosene shall be blue and diesel shall be yellow."
xxiv. New Section 5704., Signs, shall be inserted, as follows:
5704." Signs. Wherever flammable liquids or kerosene are dispensed into or offered for sale in containers, there shall be a prominent sign located in a conspicuous location indicating the required color and construction of portable containers for each product sold. The sign shall not be less than 12 inches in the least dimension."
xxv. At Section 5704.3.3.5, Shelf storage, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxvi. At Section 5704.3.7.1, General, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxvii. At Section 5704.3.8, Liquid storage warehouses, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxviii. Section 5705.3.4, Location of processing vessels, at the exception, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxix. At Section 5705.3.5.3, Quantities exceeding limits for control areas, in the second paragraph, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, in the third paragraph, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxx. At Section 5705.3.7.1, Construction, location and fire protection, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxi. At Section 5705.3.7.2, Basements, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxii. At Section 5705.3.7.3, Fire protection, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxiii. At Section 5705.3.7.4, Doors, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxiv. At Section 5705., Ventilation, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxv. At Section 5705.5, Alcohol-based hand rubs classified as Class I or II liquids, in the last paragraph, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxvi. Section 5706.2, Storage and dispensing of flammable and combustible liquids on farms and construction sites, at the exception, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxvii. At Section 5706.2.3, Containers for storage and use, in the last paragraph, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xxxviii. At Section 5706.2.4.3, Location, a new exception shall be inserted, as follows:

"Exception: The 50 feet distance requirement does not apply to existing tanks that were permanently installed at farms prior to November 5, 2003."

xxxix. At Section 5706.2.4.4, Locations where above-ground tanks are prohibited, in the title, the following text shall be deleted "prohibited" and the following text shall be inserted "permitted". Additionally, the text shall be deleted in its entirety and the following shall be inserted:

"Storage of Class I and II liquids in above ground tanks shall be permitted outside of buildings in accordance with NFPA 30."

xl. Section 5706.2.8, Dispensing from tank vehicles, at item 6, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xli. At Section 5706.4.1, Building construction, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xlii. At Section 5706.4.4, Ventilation, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xliii. At Section 5706.6.2.1, Parking near residential, educational and institutional occupancies and other high-risk areas, the following text shall be deleted "chief" and the following text shall be inserted "code official".
58. Chapter 58, Flammable Gases and Flammable Cryogenic Fluids, shall be amended, as follows:
i. Section 5801.1, Scope, at the exception, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ii. At Section 5801.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
iii. Section 5803.1.1, Special limitations for indoor storage and use, at Exception 3, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iv. Section 5803.1.4, Ignition source control, at the exception, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
v. At Section 5803.1.5, Electrical, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. At Section 5803.1.5.1, Bonding of electrically conductive materials and equipment, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vii. At Section 5806.2, Limitations, the text " " shall be deleted.
viii. At Section 5806.4.3, Depth, cover and fill, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ix. At Section 5807.1.10, Electrical, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
x. At Section 5808.1, General, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xi. At Section 5808.3, Design and construction, the following text shall be deleted "Section 509.1 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xii. At Section 5808.3.2, Windows, the following text shall be deleted "Section 716 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
59. Chapter 59, Flammable Solids, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 5901.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 5906.2.2, Storage of greater than 1,000 cubic feet, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iii. At Section 5906.2.3, Storage in combustible containers or within 30 feet of other combustibles, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iv. At Section 5906.4.2, Storage of 50 to 1,000 cubic feet, the following text shall be deleted "Section 707 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
v. At Section 5906.5.5, Electrical equipment, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. At Section 5906.5.6, Grounding, the following text shall be deleted "NFPA 70" and the following text shall be inserted "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
60. Chapter 60, Highly Toxic and Toxic Materials, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 6001.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 6003.1.3, Treatment system-highly toxic liquids, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iii. At Section 6003.1.4.2, Separation-highly toxic solids and liquids, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iv. At Section 6003.2.3.2, Treatment system-highly toxic liquids, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
v. At Section 6003.2.5, Weather protection for highly toxic liquids and solids-outdoor storage or use, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. Section 6004.1.2, Gas cabinets, at item 5, the following text shall be deleted "903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
vii. Section 6004.1.3, Exhausted enclosures, at item 4, the following text shall be deleted "903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
viii. At Section 6004.2.2.7, Treatment systems, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "Sections 6004. through 6004. and Section 510 of the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
ix. At Section 6004.2.2.8, Emergency power, the following text shall be inserted after the word "with", "the Electrical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code and".
x. At Section 6004.3.3, Outdoor storage weather protection for portable tanks and cylinders, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
xi. At Section 6005.3.1, Cabinets, in the second paragraph, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code". Additionally, in the third paragraph, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
xii. At Section 6005.3.2, Ozone gas generator room, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Mechanical Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
61. Chapter 61, Liquefied Petroleum Gases, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 6101.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. Section 6101.3, Construction documents, shall be deleted in its entirety.
iii. At Section 6103.1, General, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
iv. At Section 6103.2.1.7, Use for food preparation, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code, the International Mechanical Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas and Mechanical Subcodes of the Uniform Construction Code".
v. At Section 6103.3, Location of equipment and piping, the following text shall be deleted "International Fuel Gas Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Fuel Gas Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
vi. Section 6104.2, Maximum capacity within established limits, shall be deleted in its entirety.
vii. New Section 6106.4, Labeling, shall be inserted as follows:
6106.4" Labeling. Prior to filling any cylinder 4 to 40 pounds LP-Gas capacity, except forklift cylinders, the operator of the fill plant or distribution plant shall affix a label to the collar of the cylinder that includes the following warning printed in English and in Spanish: 'Flammable Gas - Never Use or Store Indoors/Gas Inflammable - Nunca Se Use o Guarde Adentro.' In addition to this verbal warning, a label that graphically depicts the prohibition on bringing a cylinder indoors shall be affixed the collar of the cylinder."
viii. At Section 6107.4, Protecting containers from vehicles, the following text shall be inserted before the words "NFPA 58", "Section 312 and".
ix. New Section 6107.5, Container markings, shall be inserted, as follows:
6107.5" Container markings. Containers of 100 pounds or more water capacity shall be legibly marked with a warning followed by the name of the gas contained. The warning label shall read 'Flammable Gas' followed by the name of the gas, such as 'Propane' or 'Butane'."
x. New Section 6107.6, Storage area signs, shall be inserted, as follows:
6107.6" Storage area signs. Storage areas having containers exceeding 100 pounds product of aggregate water capacity shall be posted with adequate 'No smoking' and 'Flammable Gas' signs legibly marked. The 'Flammable Gas' sign shall be marked 'Flammable Gas' and the name of the gas to indicate the contents such as 'Flammable Gas-Propane' or 'Flammable Gas-Butane'."
xi. New Section 6107.7, Marker plates, shall be inserted, as follows:
6107.7" Marker plates. All LP-Gas installations exceeding 250 gallons individual or aggregate water capacity shall be provided with a marker plate or sign indicating who should be called in the event of an emergency involving the LP-Gas installation. The marker or sign shall include the following:
1. The name of the gas supplier, plant installer, owner, or operator who will respond to the emergency; and
2. The telephone number of that person."
xii. New Section 6107.8, Notification response, shall be inserted, as follows:
6107.8" Notification Response. The LP-Gas supplier, plant installer, owner or operator indicated on the marker plate or sign required in Section 6107.7 above shall respond when notified to all LP-Gas emergencies occurring at the installation and shall maintain a 24-hour phone service."
xiii. New Section 6107.9, Fire or explosion, shall be inserted, as follows:
6107.9" Fire or explosion. Whenever there is a fire or explosion or accident involving serious injury or loss of life as a result of an incident involving an LP-Gas installation, the responsible party as identified per Section 6107.7 above shall promptly notify the fire official of its occurrence."
xiv. At Section 6109.11.2, Construction, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
62. Chapter 62, Organic Peroxides, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 6201.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 6204.1.2, Distance from detached buildings to exposures, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
63. Chapter 63, Oxidizers, Oxidizing Gases and Oxidizing Cryogenic Fluids, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 6301.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. Section 6306.4, Maximum aggregate quantity, at Exception 2, the following text shall be deleted "Section 707 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code"; additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 711 of the International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
64. Chapter 64, Pyrophoric Materials, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 6401.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 6404.1.4, Separation from incompatible materials, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
65. Chapter 65, Pyroxylin (Cellulose Nitrate) Plastics, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 6501.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 6504.2, Fire protection, the following text shall be deleted "Section 903.3.1.1" and the following text shall be inserted "the Uniform Construction Code".
66. Chapter 66, Unstable (Reactive) Materials, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 6601.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
ii. At Section 6604.1, Indoor storage, in the second paragraph, the following text shall be deleted "International Building Code" and the following text shall be inserted "Building Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code".
67. Chapter 67, Water-Reactive Solids and Liquids, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At Section 6701.2, Permits, in the title, the following text shall be inserted after the word "Permits", "and life hazard use registrations". Additionally, the first sentence shall be deleted in its entirety and the following text shall be inserted "Permits and life hazard use registrations must be obtained when required under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7 and N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.4, respectively."
68. Chapter 68 is RESERVED.
69. Chapter 69 is RESERVED.
70. Chapter 70 is RESERVED.
71. Chapter 71 is RESERVED.
72. Chapter 72 is RESERVED.
73. Chapter 73 is RESERVED.
74. Chapter 74 is RESERVED.
75. Chapter 75 is RESERVED.
76. Chapter 76 is RESERVED.
77. Chapter 77 is RESERVED.
78. Chapter 78 is RESERVED.
79. Chapter 79 is RESERVED.
80. Chapter 80, Referenced standards, shall be amended, as follows:
i. At the subheading "ANSI," in the referenced standard "ANSI E1.21-2013 Entertainment Technology: Temporary Ground Supported Overhead Structures Used to Cover the Stage Areas and Support Equipment in the Production of Outdoor Entertainment Events", the reference to code section number "3105.4" shall be deleted.
ii. At the subheading "ASME," the following standards shall be amended, as follows:
(1) In referenced standard "ASME A17.1-2016/CSA B44-16: Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators" the following reference to code section numbers shall be deleted "606.1, 907.3.3, 1009.4.1".
(2) The referenced standard "A17.3-2015: Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(3) The referenced standard "B16.18-2012: Cast Copper and Copper-alloy Solder joint Pressure Fittings" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(4) The referenced standard "B16.22-2013: Wrought Copper and Copper-alloy Solder-joint Pressure Fittings" shall be deleted in its entirety.
iii. The referenced standard "ASSE" shall be deleted in its entirety.
iv. At the subheading "ASTM," the following standards shall be amended, as follows:
(1) The referenced standard "B42-2015A: Specification for Seamless Copper Pipe, Standard Sizes" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(2) The referenced standard "B43-15: Specification for Red Brass Pipe, Standard Sizes" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(3) The referenced standard "B68/B58M-11: Specification for Seamless Copper Tube, Bright Annealed (Metric)" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(4) The referenced standard "B88-14: Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(5) The referenced standard "B251-10: Specification for General Requirements for Wrought Seamless Copper and Copper-alloy Tube" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(6) The referenced standard "B280-13: Specification for Seamless Copper Tube for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Field Service" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(7) The referenced standard "D2859-16: Standard Test Method for Ignition Characteristics of Finished Textile Floor Covering Materials" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(8) In referenced standard "E84-2016: Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials" the following reference to code section numbers shall be deleted "803.1" and "803.3, 803.5.2, 803.10, 803.12, 803.13, 804.1.1, 804.1.2".
(9) The referenced standard "E648-15e1: Standard Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor-covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(10) The referenced standard "E2072-14: Standard Specification for Photoluminescent (Phosphorescent) Safety Markings" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(11) The referenced standard "E2404-15a: Standard Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Textile, Paper or Polymeric (Including Vinyl) and Wood Wall or Ceiling Coverings, Facing and Veneers to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics:" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(12) The referenced standard "E2573-12: Standard Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Site-fabricated Stretch Systems to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(13) The referenced standard "E2579-13: Standard Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Wood Products to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(14) The referenced standard "F2006-17: Standard/Safety Specification for Window Fall Prevention Devices for Non-emergency Escape (Egress) and Rescue (Ingress) Windows" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(15) The referenced standard "F2090-17: Specification for Window Fall Prevention Devices with Emergency Escape (Egress) Release Mechanisms" shall be deleted in its entirety.
v. The referenced standard "BHMA" shall be deleted in its entirety.
vi. At the subheading "CPSC," the referenced standard " 16 CFR Part 1630-2007: Standard for the Surface Flammability of Carpets and Rugs" shall be deleted in its entirety.
vii. At the subheading "FM," the following standards shall be amended, as follows:
(1) The referenced standard "4430-12: Approval Standard for Heat and Smoke Vents" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(2) In referenced standard "ANSI/FM 4996-15: Approval Standard for Classification of Pallets and other Material Handling Products as Equivalent to Wood Pallets" the reference to code section number "3206.4.1.1" shall be deleted.
viii. At subheading "ICC," the following standards shall be amended, as follows:
(1) In referenced standard "ICC A117.1-09: Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities" the following reference to code section numbers shall be deleted "907., 1009.8.2, 1009.9, 1009.11" and "1012.1, 1012.6.5, 1012.10, 1013.4, 1023.9".
(2) In referenced standard "IBC-18: International Building Code" the following reference to code section numbers shall be deleted "201.3" and "1101.2, 1101.3, 1103.3.2, 1103.4.1, 1103.4.8, 1103.4.9.1, 1103., 1103., 1103.4.9.4, 1103.4.9.5, 1103.4.10, 1104.5, 1104.17, 1104.17.1, 1104.18, Table 1104.18, 1105.4.1, 1105.4.3.1, 1105.4.3.2, 1105.5.7, 1105.7.2, 1105.7.3, 1105.7.4, 1105.7.5, 1105.7.6, 1105.8".
(3) The referenced standard "IEBC-18: International Existing Building Code" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(4) In referenced standard "IRC-18: International Residential Code" the following reference to code section numbers shall be deleted "1001.1".
(5) The referenced standard "IWUIC-18: International Wildland-Urban Interface Code" shall be deleted in its entirety.
ix. At subheading "NFPA," the following standards shall be amended, as follows:
(1) In referenced standard "02-16: Hydrogen Technologies Code" the reference to code section number "1205.3" shall be deleted.
(2) In referenced standard "13-16: Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems" the following reference to code section numbers shall be deleted "903.3.1.1, 903.3.2, 903.3.8.2" and "905.3.4, 907.6.4" and "1019.3, 1103.4.8" and "Table 3206.2, 3206.4.1, 3206.10".
(3) The referenced standard "13D-16: Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(4) In referenced standard "13R-16: Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Low-rise Residential Occupancies" the following reference to code section numbers shall be deleted "903.3.1.2, 903.3.5.2".
(5) The referenced standard "14-16: Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(6) In referenced standard "20-16: Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection" the reference to code section number "913.5.1" shall be deleted.
(7) In referenced standard "30-18: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code" the following reference to code section number shall be added between, 5704.2.9.4 and 5704., "5704.".
(8) In referenced standard "45-15: Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals (2015 Edition)" the reference to code section number "3804.1.1.7" shall be deleted.
(9) New referenced standard "51B-18: Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work" shall be added between 51-18 and 52-16. Reference to code section number "3503.1" shall be added.
(10) New referenced standard "68-18: Standard on Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting" shall be added between 61-17 and 69-14. Reference to code section number "911.1, Table 2204.1" shall be added.
(11) The referenced standard "70-17: National Electrical Code" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(12) In referenced standard "72-16: National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code" the following reference to code section numbers shall be deleted "903.4.1" and "907.1.2, 907.2, 907.2.6, 907.2.9.3, 907.2.10, 907.2.12.2" and "907.3.3, 907.3.4, 907., 907.5.2.2, 907.2.2.5, 907.6, 907.6.1, 907.6.2, 907.6.6, 907.7, 907.7.1, 907.7.2, 907.8" and "907.8.5, 917.1, 1103.3.2, 1203.2.4".
(13) In referenced standard "80-16: Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives" the reference to code section number "1010.1.4.3" shall be deleted.
(14) The referenced standard "92-15: Standard for Smoke Control Systems" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(15) In referenced standard "99-18: Healthcare Facilities Code" the following reference to code section numbers shall be deleted "1105.11.1, 1105.11.2".
(16) The referenced standard "101-18: Life Safety Code" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(17) In referenced standard "110-16: Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems" the reference to code section number "913.5.2" shall be deleted.
(18) The referenced standard "170-18: Standard for Fire Safety and Emergency Symbols" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(19) The referenced standard "253-15: Standard Method of Test for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(20) The referenced standard "265-15: Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating Room Fire Growth Contribution of Textile Wall Coverings in Full Height Panels and Walls" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(21) In referenced standard "286-15: Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating Contribution of Wall and Ceiling Interior Finish to Room Fire Growth" the following reference to code section numbers shall be deleted "803.1, 803.1.1, 803.1.1.1, 803.3, 803.12, 803.13, 804.1.1".
(22) In referenced standard "303-16: Fire Protection Standard for Marinas and Boatyards" the reference to code section number "3604.2" shall be deleted.
(23) The referenced standard "409-16: Standard for Aircraft Hangars" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(24) The referenced standard "703-18: Standard for Fire Retardant-Wood and Fire-Retardant Coatings for Building Materials" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(25) In referenced standard "720-15: Standard for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detection and Warning Equipment" the following reference to code section numbers shall be deleted "915.5.1, 915.5.2".
(26) In referenced standard "750-15: Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems" the reference to code section number "904.11.1.1" shall be deleted.
(27) In referenced standard "853-15: Installation of Stationary Fuel Cell Power Systems" the following reference to code section numbers shall be deleted "1205.3" and "1205.11, 1205.12".
(28) The referenced standard "914-15: Code for Fire Protection of Historic Structures" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(29) New referenced standard "1124-06: Code for the Manufacture, Transportation, Storage and Retail Sales of Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles" shall be added between 1123-18 and 1124-17. Reference to code section number "5609.1" shall be added.
(30) In referenced standard "1124-17: Code for the Manufacture, Transportation, Storage and Retail Sales of Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles" the reference to code section number "5609.1" shall be deleted.
(31) In referenced standard "1126-16: Standard for the Use of Pyrotechnics Before a Proximate Audience" the following reference to code section number shall be added between 5608.1 and 5608.2.2.2, "5608.2.2.1".
x. At subheading "UL," the following standards shall be amended, as follows:
(1) In referenced standard "80-07: Steel Tanks for Oil-burner Fuels and Other Combustible Liquids-with revisions through January 2014" the reference to code section number "603.3.2.1" shall be deleted.
(2) In referenced standard "142-06: Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids-with revisions through August 2014" the reference to code section number "603.3.2.1" shall be deleted.
(3) The referenced standard "217-06: Single and Multiple Station Smoke Alarms-with revisions through October 2015" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(4) The referenced standard "268-09: Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(5) In referenced standard "294-1999: Access Control System Units-with revisions through February 2015" the following reference to code section numbers shall be deleted "1010.1.9.7" and "1010.1.9.9, 1010.1.9.10".
(6) In referenced standard "723-08: Standard for Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Burning Materials-with revisions through August 2013" the following reference to code section numbers shall be deleted "803.1, 803.1.2, 803.3, 803.5.2, 803.10, 803.12, 803.13, 804.1.1, 804.1.2".
(7) The referenced standard "793-08: Automatically Operated Roof Vents for Smoke and Heat-with revisions through September 2011" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(8) In referenced standard "864-03: Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems-with revisions through December 2014" the reference to code section number "909.12" shall be deleted.
(9) In referenced standard "924-06: Standard for Safety Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment-with revisions through April 2014" the reference to code section number "1013.5" shall be deleted.
(10) The referenced standard "1994-04: Standard for Luminous Egress Path Marking Systems-with revisions through May 2015" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(11) The referenced standard "2034-08: Single and Multiple Station Carbon Monoxide Alarms-with revisions through March 2015" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(12) In referenced standard "2075-2013: Standard for Gas and Vapor Detectors and Sensors" the following reference to code section numbers shall be deleted "915.5.1, 915.5.3".
(13) In referenced standard "2085-97: Protected Above-ground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids-with revisions through September 2010" the reference to code section number "603.3.2.1" shall be deleted.
(14) The referenced standard "2200-2012: Stationary Engine Generator Assemblies-with revisions through July 2015" shall be deleted in its entirety.
(15) In referenced standard "2335-10: Fire Tests of Storage Pallets-with revisions through September 2012" the reference to code section number "3206.4.1.1" shall be deleted.
(16) The referenced standard "2360-00: Test Methods for Determining the Combustibility Characteristics of Plastics Used in Semi-Conductor Tool Construction-with revisions through May 2013" shall be deleted in its entirety.
81. The appendices shall be amended, as follows:
i. Appendix A, Board of Appeals, shall be deleted in its entirety.
ii. At Appendix B, Fire Flow Requirements for Buildings, the following text shall be deleted "The provisions contained in this appendix are not mandatory unless specifically referenced in the adopting ordinance or legislation of the jurisdiction." and the following text shall be inserted "This appendix is for informational purposes only and is not intended for adoption."
iii. At Appendix C, Hydrant Locations and Distribution, the following text shall be deleted "The provisions contained in this appendix are not mandatory unless specifically referenced in the adopting ordinance or legislation of the jurisdiction." and the following text shall be inserted "This appendix is for informational purposes only and is not intended for adoption."
iv. Appendix E, Hazard Categories, shall be amended, as follows:
(1) At Section E101.1, Scope, in the first sentence, the following text shall be deleted "the International Fire Code" and the following text shall be inserted "this code".
(2) At Section E103.2, Evaluation Questions, in the last paragraph, the following text shall be deleted "Section 104.7.2" and the following text shall be inserted "Section 104.3.2".
v. Appendix F, Hazard Ranking, shall be amended, as follows:
(1) At Section F101.1, Scope, in the last sentence, the following text shall be deleted "the International Fire Code" and the following text shall be inserted "this code".
vi. Appendix J, Building Information Sign, shall be deleted in its entirety.
vii. Appendix K, Construction Requirements for Existing Ambulatory Care Facilities, shall be deleted in its entirety.
viii. Appendix L, Requirements for Fire Fighter Air Replenishment Systems, shall be deleted in its entirety.
ix. Appendix M, High-Rise Buildings-Retroactive Automatic Sprinkler Requirement, shall be deleted in its entirety.
x. Appendix N, Indoor Trade Shows and Exhibitions, shall be amended as follows:
(1) At Section N101.2, Permit required, the following text shall be deleted "An operational permit for trade shows and exhibitions" and the following text shall be inserted "Permits". Additionally, the following text shall be deleted "Section 105.6.13" and the following text shall be inserted "N.J.A.C. 5:70-2".
xi. Insert new Appendix O, as follows:




The provisions and form(s) contained in this appendix are mandatory.

0101.1 Scope. Every permitted and certified contractor in the non-water based kitchen fire suppression system industry shall utilize one standardized form, set forth at Section O101.2, for documenting the required inspections, testing and maintenance of non-water based NFPA 17 and NFPA 17A kitchen fire suppression systems. Every permitted and certified contractor in the non-water based kitchen fire suppression system industry shall provide a copy of the completed standardized form to both the owner or occupant and the local fire code enforcement official within five business days of inspection, testing and maintenance.
0101.2 Inspection of Non-Water Based Kitchen Fire Suppression System Form (see sample form):"

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N.J. Admin. Code § 5:70-3.2

Adopted by 50 N.J.R. 729(a), effective 2/5/2018
Amended by 51 N.J.R. 169(a), effective 2/4/2019
Modified by Executive Order No. 103(2020) 52 N.J.R. 1308(a), effective 4/29/2020
Modified by Executive Order No. 103(2020) 53 N.J.R. 1049(a), effective 1/1/2021
Adopted by 56 N.J.R. 553(b) effective 4/15/2024