N.J. Admin. Code § 13:69E-1.18

Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 19, October 7, 2024
Section 13:69E-1.18 - Cards; receipt, storage, inspections, and removal from use
(a) When decks of cards are received for use in the casino or casino simulcasting facility from the manufacturer or distributor thereof, at least two individuals, one of whom shall be from the casino games department and the other from the casino security department or casino accounting department, shall record on an inventory log required in (b) below, the number of decks received. The individuals shall place the decks of cards in a locked cabinet in the cashiers' cage or within a primary or secondary storage area located in the cashiers' cage or in another secure place approved by the Division. Secondary storage areas shall be used for the storage of surplus decks of cards. Decks of cards maintained in secondary storage areas shall not be distributed to gaming pits or tables for use in gaming until the decks have been moved to a primary storage area. A casino licensee may have a separate storage area approved by the Division for decks of cards to be used at the game of poker.
(b) The casino licensee shall maintain a log for each approved storage area, to separately account for decks of cards packaged individually and in sets of multiple decks in accordance with the casino licensee's internal control procedures. The internal controls shall require the following:
1. A card inventory system, which shall include, at a minimum, the recordation of the following:
i. The decks of cards received from the vendor;
ii. The decks of cards removed from storage;
iii. The decks of cards returned to storage;
iv. The date of receipt of, removal from, return to, or physical inventory; and
v. The signatures of the casino games, casino security and/or accounting department participating in the transaction.
2. A reconciliation on a daily basis of the decks of cards distributed, destroyed and cancelled, returned to the storage area, in use on an open gaming table for more than 24 hours and, if any, in card reserve; and
3. A physical inventory of the decks of cards at least once every three months.
i. This inventory shall be performed by an individual with no incompatible functions and shall be verified to the balance of decks of cards on hand as required in accordance with (b)1 above.
ii. Any discrepancies shall immediately be reported to the Division.
(c) All primary, secondary, poker storage areas, and pit stands used to store cards for more then one gaming day, other than the cashiers' cage, shall have two separate locks. The casino security department shall maintain one key and the casino games department or cashiers' cage shall maintain the other key; provided, however, that no person employed by the casino games department below the table games shift manager in the organizational hierarchy shall have access to the casino games department key for the primary and secondary storage areas and no person below the poker shift supervisor in the organizational hierarchy shall have access to the casino games department key to the poker storage area. Decks of cards stored in a cabinet within the cashiers' cage shall be secured by a lock, the key to which shall be maintained by a table games shift manager or casino supervisor thereof.
(d) When removing cards from the primary storage area, a representative of the casino games department, in the presence of a casino security officer, shall remove the appropriate number of decks of cards. The representative of the casino games department shall be the table games shift manager or a casino supervisor thereof, or an employee of the casino games department who reports directly to the shift manager, is required to be licensed as a casino key employee and has no direct supervisory responsibilities over the operation and conduct of the table games in a pit during that gaming day. The table games shift manager or casino supervisor thereof or the designated casino key employee shall distribute sufficient decks to the table games supervisor and, if applicable, to the poker shift supervisor. Decks of cards in the pit stand shall be placed in a locked compartment, the keys to which shall be in the possession of the table games supervisor or the poker shift supervisor or supervisor thereof. If decks of cards are stored in the pit stand for more than one gaming day, the pit stand shall be equipped with a second lock, the key to which shall be maintained and controlled by the security department.
1. If the decks are to be inspected at open gaming tables pursuant to (e)1 below, the table games supervisor shall distribute the decks to the dealer at each table or the poker shift supervisor shall transport the decks to the poker pit stand for subsequent distribution to the dealer at each poker table either directly or through the floorperson assigned to supervise the dealer.
i. Prior to distributing decks to each poker table, the poker shift supervisor or floorperson shall examine each deck to determine if any replacement cards are necessary pursuant to (n) below. If needed, the poker shift supervisor or floorperson shall place the appropriate replacement cards into the deck from the cards held in reserve at the pit stand. Upon insertion of the replacement cards into the deck, the poker shift supervisor or floorperson shall re-examine the front of each card and the back of each card to ensure a consistent shading pattern and to ensure that the condition of the deck with the inclusion of the replacement cards has sufficient quality in order to maintain the integrity of gaming at poker.
ii. If the integrity of gaming at poker would in any way be compromised by the use of the deck with the replacement cards, the entire deck of cards shall be placed in a sealed envelope or container, identified with the date and time and shall be signed by the poker shift supervisor. The poker shift supervisor shall maintain the envelope or container in a secure place within the pit stand until collection by a casino security officer.
(e) When removing cards from the poker storage area, the poker shift supervisor or supervisor thereof and a casino security officer shall, prior to the commencement of each gaming day and at such other times as may be necessary, remove the appropriate number of decks from the poker storage area and distribute the decks in accordance with the provisions of (d)1 above. The number of decks distributed shall include extra decks that shall be placed in the pit stand for card reserve. Decks of cards in the pit stand shall be placed in a locked compartment, the keys to which shall be in the possession of the poker shift supervisor or supervisor thereof. If decks of cards are stored in the pit stand for more than one gaming day, the pit stand shall be equipped with a second lock, the key to which shall be maintained and controlled by the security department.
(f) With the exception of cards used to game at pokette and cards which are pre-inspected and pre-shuffled, each deck of cards shall be inspected by a dealer and the inspection verified by a table games supervisor prior to the use of the cards on a gaming table.
1. Card inspection at an open gaming table shall require each deck of cards to be sorted into sequence and into suit and a visual inspection of the back of each card. If, after inspecting the cards, the dealer finds that a card is unsuitable for use or an extra card is found, the following procedures shall be observed:
i. If a card is unsuitable for use:
(1) A poker shift supervisor or casino supervisor shall bring a substitute card from the card reserve in the pit stand;
(2) The unsuitable card shall be placed in a sealed envelope or container, identified by table number, date, and time and shall be signed by the dealer and floorperson assigned to that table; and
(3) The poker shift supervisor or casino supervisor shall maintain the envelope or container in a secure place within the pit until collection by a casino security officer; or
ii. If an extra card is found:
(1) The poker shift supervisor or casino supervisor shall place the extra card in a sealed envelope or container, identified by table number, date and time and signed by the dealer and floorperson assigned to that table; and
(2) The poker shift supervisor or casino supervisor shall maintain the envelope or container in a secure place within the pit until collection by a casino security officer.
2. The envelopes or containers and the method used to seal them shall be designed or constructed so that any tampering shall be evident.
(g) Any cards that have been opened and placed on a gaming table shall be changed at least every 24 hours. Notwithstanding the foregoing:
1. Except as otherwise provided in (g)5 below for baccarat and in 13:69E-1.12(c) for mini-baccarat, cards opened for use on a baccarat, mini-baccarat, or fast action hold 'em table shall be changed at least once during the gaming day;
2. Cards opened for use on a pai gow poker, Caribbean stud poker, let it ride poker, Colorado hold 'em poker, Boston 5 stud poker, double cross poker, four-card poker, Texas hold 'em bonus poker, ultimate Texas hold 'em poker, two-card joker poker, flop poker, Asia poker, winner's pot poker, supreme pai gow, Mississippi stud or three-card poker table and dealt from a dealing shoe and cards opened for use on a double down stud table and dealt from the hand shall be changed at least every eight hours;
3. Cards opened for use on a pai gow poker, Caribbean stud poker, let it ride poker, Colorado hold 'em poker, Boston 5 stud poker, double cross poker, four-card poker, Texas hold 'em bonus poker, ultimate Texas hold 'em poker, flop poker, two-card joker poker, Asia poker, winner's pot poker, supreme pai gow, Mississippi stud or three-card poker table and dealt from the dealer's hand shall be changed at least every four hours;
4. Cards opened for use on a blackjack table offering the 6 to 5 blackjack variation shall be changed at least every four hours;
5. Cards opened for use on a baccarat table using the alternative dealing procedure shall be changed after each shoe;
6. Cards opened for use on a poker table shall be changed at least every eight hours; and
7. Cards opened for use on a blackjack, Spanish 21 or double attack blackjack table, or on a mini-baccarat table using the alternative dealing procedures set forth at 13:69F-7.7(c)1 and 2, may be used for no more than 48 hours if the following requirements are satisfied:
i. The gaming table shall remain open for gaming during the entire period of card usage;
ii. At least six decks of cards shall be used to play the game; and
iii. A table games shift manager shall identify for the surveillance department those gaming tables at which cards are in use for the extended period.
(h) Cards damaged during course of play shall be replaced by the dealer who shall request a floorperson or supervisor thereof for the game of poker or casino supervisor for all other games to bring cards in substitution from the pit stand.
1. The damaged cards shall be placed in a sealed envelope, identified by table number, date and time and shall be signed by the dealer and the individual who brought the replacement card to the table.
2. The poker shift supervisor or casino supervisor shall maintain the envelopes or containers in a secure place within the pit until collection by a casino security officer.
(i) At the end of each gaming day or, in the alternative, at least once each gaming day at the same time each day, as designated by the casino licensee, or at the end of the extended period pursuant to (g)7 above, and at such other times as may be necessary, the floorperson or supervisor thereof for the game of poker or casino supervisor for all other games shall collect all used cards required to be removed from play.
1. These cards shall be placed in a sealed envelope or container. A label shall be attached to each envelope or container which shall identify the table number, date and time and shall be signed by the dealer and floorperson assigned to the table.
2. The poker shift supervisor or casino supervisor shall maintain the envelopes or containers in a secure place within the pit until collection by a casino security officer.
(j) The casino licensee shall remove any cards at any time during the day if there is any indication of tampering, flaws, scratches, marks or other defects that might affect the integrity or fairness of the game, or at the request of the Division.
(k) Except for decks that have been pre-shuffled and pre-inspected in accordance with the rules of the Division, all extra decks or packaged sets of multiple decks in card reserve with broken seals shall be placed in a sealed envelope or container, with a label attached to each envelope or container that contains the number of decks or packaged sets of multiple decks, as applicable, included therein, the date and time and the signature of the floorperson or supervisor thereof for poker and the pit boss for all other games.
(l) At the end of each gaming day or, in the alternative, at least once each gaming day at the same time each day, as designated by the casino licensee, and at such other times as may be necessary, a casino security officer shall collect and sign all envelopes or containers with damaged cards, and all extra decks in card reserve with broken seals, except those that have been pre-shuffled and pre-inspected in accordance with the rules of the Division and cards required to be removed that gaming day, and shall return the envelopes or containers to the casino security department.
(m) At the end of each gaming day or, in the alternative, at least once each gaming day at the same time each day, as designated by the casino licensee, and at such other times as may be necessary, a table games shift manager or casino supervisor thereof may collect all extra decks in card reserve. If the casino maintains a separate storage area for poker cards, a poker shift supervisor or supervisor thereof may collect all extra decks in card reserve for the game of poker. Such collected decks shall be either cancelled or destroyed, provided however, that a licensee shall be permitted to return unsealed decks to the storage area for poker decks and use such decks at a different time.
(n) When the envelopes or containers of used cards and reserve cards with broken seals are returned to the casino security department, they shall be inspected for tampering, marks, alterations, missing or additional cards or anything that might indicate unfair play.
1. For cards used in blackjack, Spanish 21, double attack blackjack, double cross poker, red dog, casino war, fast action hold 'em, or mini-baccarat using the dealing procedures in 13:69F-7.7(c)1 or 2, the casino licensee shall cause to be inspected either:
i. All decks used during the day; or
ii. A sample of decks selected at random or in accordance with an approved stratification plan, provided that the procedures for selecting the sample size and for assuring a proper selection of the sample are submitted to and approved by the Division. This sample shall be collected, stored and inspected separately from the sample required by (n)2 below, and shall not be commingled with any cards from that sample.
2. For cards used in baccarat, or cards used in mini-baccarat using the dealing procedures in 13:69F-7.7(c)3, the casino licensee shall cause to be inspected all decks used during the day. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for any decks that are opened for a single use in a shoe (the cards are not reshuffled for a subsequent use and are removed from the table), a casino licensee may cause to be inspected a sample of decks selected at random or in accordance with an approved stratification plan, provided that the procedures for selecting the sample size and for assuring a proper selection of the sample are submitted to and approved by the Division.
3. The casino licensee shall also inspect:
i. Any cards which the Division requests the casino licensee to remove for the purpose of inspection;
ii. Any cards the casino licensee removed for indication of tampering;
iii. All cards used for pai gow poker, Caribbean stud poker, let it ride poker, Colorado hold 'em poker, Boston 5 stud poker, double cross poker, four-card poker, Texas hold 'em bonus poker, ultimate Texas hold 'em poker, flop poker, two-card joker poker, Asia poker, winner's pot poker, supreme pai gow, Mississippi stud or three-card poker;
iv. All cards used for pokette, which must be inspected by sorting the cards sequentially by suit; and
v. All cards used for poker.
4. The procedures for inspecting all decks required to be inspected under this subsection, with the exception of pokette cards, shall, at a minimum, include:
i. The sorting of cards sequentially by suit or utilizing a machine approved by the Division capable of reading the cards to determine whether any deck contains missing or additional cards;
ii. The inspection of the backs with an ultra- violet light;
iii. The inspection of the sides of the cards for crimps, bends, cuts and shaving; and
iv. The inspection of the front and back of all plastic cards for consistent shading and coloring.
5. If, during the inspection procedures required in (n)3 above, one or more plastic cards in a deck are determined to be unsuitable for continued use, those cards shall be placed in a sealed envelope or container and a two-part Card Discrepancy Report shall be completed in accordance with (n)9 below.
6. Upon completion of the inspection procedures required in (n)3 above, each deck of plastic cards which is determined suitable for continued use shall be placed in sequential order, repackaged and returned to the primary or poker storage area for subsequent use. If a deck has any missing cards pursuant to (n)4 above, the individual who repackages the cards shall indicate the need for the appropriate replacement card(s) in a manner documented in the casino licensee's internal control procedures.
7. The casino licensee shall develop internal control procedures for returning the repackaged cards to the storage area.
8. The individuals performing said inspection shall complete a work order form which shall detail the procedures performed and list the tables from which the cards were removed and the results of the inspection. The individual shall sign the form upon completion of the inspection procedures.
9. The casino licensee shall submit the training procedures for those employees performing the inspection.
10. Evidence of tampering, marks, alterations, missing or additional cards or anything that might indicate unfair play discovered at this time, or at any other time, shall be immediately reported to the Division by the completion and delivery of a two-part Card Discrepancy Report.
11. At the end of each gaming day or at such other times as may be necessary, the casino supervisor identified in (m) above shall visually inspect each die for evidence of tampering. Such evidence discovered at this time or at any other time shall be immediately reported to the security department and the Division. A security department member shall complete a two-part Discrepancy Report, which Report along with the evidence shall be retrieved by an agent of the Division. The original and duplicate Report shall contain, at a minimum:
i. The date and shift of inspection;
ii. The name of the casino supervisor conducting the inspection. The inspection required by this subsection shall be performed by a casino supervisor other than the one who originally inspected the cards;
iii. The pit number, table number, and type of game;
iv. A description (for example, cut corners);
v. The signature of the casino supervisor conducting the inspection;
vi. The signature of the casino security representative taking custody of the card; and
vii. The signature of the agent of the Division inspecting or accepting the card, who shall retain the original and return the duplicate to security. A receipt shall be issued to the agent of the Division for any card retained by the Division. The receipt shall be signed the by the security representative releasing the card to the Division and the agent of the Division accepting the card. The receipt shall be retained with the Security copy of the Discrepancy Report. Any card not retained by the Division shall be destroyed in accordance with the licensee's destruction procedures. The report shall accompany the cards.
12. Notwithstanding any provision in this subsection to the contrary, for cards used:
i. In any authorized game or variation thereof which permits a player to touch them, the casino licensee shall cause to be inspected all decks used during the day; and
ii. At any gaming table for more than 24 hours pursuant to (g)7 above, the casino licensee shall cause to be inspected a sample of decks that is separate from the sample of decks selected pursuant to (n)1ii above, provided that the procedures for selecting the sample size and for assuring a proper stratification of the sample shall be submitted to and approved by the Division.
(o) If a deck of plastic cards has been reused 12 or more times and the deck has been determined to be suitable for reuse by the individual performing the inspection procedures required by (n)3 above, before that deck may be reused at a poker table, the deck must be inspected by a poker shift supervisor or floorperson. A satisfactory inspection shall be documented by the poker shift supervisor or floorperson. If the poker shift supervisor or floorperson determines that the deck may not be reused, the deck shall be placed in a sealed envelope or container, with a label attached which identifies the date and time and shall be signed by the poker shift supervisor or floorperson. At the end of the gaming day or at such other times as may be necessary, said envelope or container shall be collected by a casino security officer and be returned to the casino security department.
(p) Where cards in an envelope or container are inspected and found to be without any indication of tampering, marks, alterations, missing or additional cards, or anything that might indicate unfair play, those cards with the exception of plastic cards used at poker that are of sufficient quality for reuse, shall within 72 hours of collection be destroyed or cancelled. In addition, once cards retained as evidence by the Division are released to the security department, the cards shall immediately be destroyed or cancelled.
1. Destruction and cancellation of cards shall take place in a secure place, the location and physical characteristics of which shall be approved by the Division. The adequacy of the destruction and cancellation process shall be approved by the Division.
2. Destruction of cards shall be by shredding by the security department or a vendor approved by the Division.
3. Cancellation of cards shall be by drilling a circular hole of at least one-fourth of an inch in diameter through the center of each card in the deck.
4. Documentation supporting the actual destruction and/or cancellation of the cards shall be prepared by the casino security department or vendor performing the process. At a minimum, such documentation shall include:
i. The date and time that the cards were destroyed;
ii. The name and signature of the individual(s) who performed the destruction/cancellation process;
iii. The amount of cards that were destroyed or cancelled; and
iv. The signature of the representative of the games department attesting to the number of cards (decks of cards) destroyed when the procedure is performed at the casino.
(q) Individual cards utilized in the game of poker that are of sufficient quality for reuse may, at the discretion of the casino licensee and consistent with internal controls, be retained for purposes of reconstituting or completing partial decks of poker cards for subsequent use.
(r) To ensure the integrity or fairness of the game, or at the request of the Division, any deck of cards that has been reconstituted shall be inspected by games personnel and surveillance personnel prior to being placed into service. Prior to placing reconstituted decks of cards into service games personnel and surveillance personnel shall certify that game integrity is not compromised by using the reconstituted decks of cards.

N.J. Admin. Code § 13:69E-1.18

Amended by 47 N.J.R. 1954(a), effective 8/3/2015
Amended by 50 N.J.R. 615(a), effective 1/16/2018
Amended by 56 N.J.R. 1182(b), effective 7/1/2024