N.J. Admin. Code § 10:49-11.1

Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 18, September 16, 2024
Section 10:49-11.1 - Program participation
(a) The provisions of this section were adopted and issued pursuant to Executive Order No. 34, dated March 29, 1976, and the authority vested in the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services to implement the New Jersey Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare programs by rules and regulations set forth in 30:4D-5, 30:4D-17.1 a and c, Reorganization Plan No. 001-1996 and P.L. 1997, c. 272.
(b) Suspension, debarment, and disqualification are measures which shall be invoked by the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services to exclude or render ineligible certain persons from participation in contracts and subcontracts with the New Jersey Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare program, or in projects or contracts performed with the assistance of and subject to the approval of the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS, on the basis of a lack of responsibility. These measures shall be used for the purpose of protecting the interests of the New Jersey Medicaid and/or NJ FamilyCare programs and not for punishment. To assure the New Jersey Medicaid and/or NJ FamilyCare programs, the benefits to be derived from the full and free competition between and among such persons and to maximize the opportunity for honest competition and performance, these measures shall not be invoked for any time longer than deemed necessary to protect the interests of the New Jersey Medicaid and/or NJ FamilyCare programs.
1. Any individuals, including but not limited to, owners, officers, administrators, assistant administrators, employees, accountants, attorneys, and management services, who have been suspended, debarred or disqualified from participation in the Medicaid and/or NJ FamilyCare programs for any reason shall not be involved in any activity relating to the New Jersey Medicaid and/or NJ FamilyCare programs.
2. Providers reimbursed on a cost-related basis may not claim as allowable costs any amounts paid or credited to such individuals, and such amounts shall not be reimbursed by the New Jersey Medicaid and/or NJ FamilyCare programs.
3. Providers may not submit claims and shall not be reimbursed for any goods supplied or services rendered by such individuals.
4. The requirement in (b)3 above shall apply only for the period during which such individuals are suspended, debarred or disqualified from Medicaid and/or NJ FamilyCare participation.
5. Claims shall not be submitted and claims shall not be reimbursable for any item or service (other than an emergency item or service, not including items or services furnished in an emergency room of a hospital) furnished at the direction or on the prescription of a physician, an individual or entity, during the period when such individual, entity or physician is excluded from participation in the Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare programs, and when the individual or entity furnishing such item or service has received written notice from the Division that the entity, individual or physician has been excluded from participation in the Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare programs.
(c) The following words and terms, as used in this section, shall have the following meanings:

"Affiliates" means persons having an overt or covert relationship such that any one of them directly or indirectly controls or has the power to control another.

"Debarment" means an exclusion from State contracting, on the basis of a lack of responsibility evidenced by an offense, failure or inadequacy of performance, for a reasonable period of time commensurate with the seriousness of the offense, failure or inadequacy of performance.

"Disqualification" means a debarment or a suspension which denies or revokes a qualification to bid or otherwise engage in State contracting which has been granted or applied for pursuant to statute, rules or regulations.

"Exclusion" means the suspension, debarment or disqualification of any individual or entity from participation in any capacity in any program administered in whole or in part by DMAHS.

"Person" means any natural person, company, firm, association, corporation or other entity.

"State" means the State of New Jersey or any of the departments or agencies in the executive branch of government with the lawful authority to engage in contracting.

"State contracting" means any arrangement giving rise to an obligation to supply anything to or perform any service for the State, other than by virtue of State employment, or to supply anything to or perform any service for a private person where the State provides substantial financial assistance and retains the right to approve or disapprove the nature or quality of the goods or service or the persons who may supply or perform the same.

"Suspension" means an exclusion from State contracting for a temporary period of time, pending the completion of an investigation or legal proceedings.

(d) Any of the following, among other things, shall constitute a good cause for exclusion of a person by the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS:
1. Commission of a criminal offense as an incident to obtaining or attempting to obtain a public or private contract, or subcontract thereunder, or in the performance of such contract or subcontract;
2. Violation of the Federal Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, perjury, false swearing, receiving stolen property, obstruction of justice or any other offense indicating a lack of business integrity or honesty;
3. Violation of the Federal or State antitrust statutes, or of the anti-kickback provisions of the Social Security Act at 42 U.S.C. § 1320 a-7b (b), subject to the exceptions set forth in 42 C.F.R. 1001.952;
4. Violations of any of the laws governing the conduct or elections of the State of New Jersey or of its political subdivisions;
5. Violation of the "Law Against Discrimination" (10:5-1 et seq.), or of the "Act Banning Discrimination in Public Works Employment" (10:2-1 et seq.) or of the "Act Prohibiting Discrimination by Industries Engaged in Defense Work in the Employment of Persons Therein" (10:1-10 et seq.);
6. Violations of any laws governing hours of labor, minimum wage standards, prevailing wage standards, discrimination in wages, or child labor;
7. Violations of any laws, regulations or code of ethics governing the conduct of occupations or professions or regulated industries;
8. Willful failure to perform in accordance with contract specifications or within contractual time limits;
9. A record of failure to perform or of unsatisfactory performance in accordance with the terms of one or more contracts, provided that such failure or unsatisfactory performance has occurred within a reasonable time preceding the determination to debar and was caused by acts within the control of the person debarred;
10. Violations of contractual or statutory provisions regulating contingent fees;
11. Presentment for allowance or payment of any false or fraudulent claim for services or merchandise;
12. Submitting false information for the purpose of obtaining greater compensation than that to which the person is legally entitled;
13. Submitting false information for the purpose of obtaining authorization requirements;
14. Failure to disclose or make available to the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS or its authorized agent, records of services provided to or payments made on behalf of Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare beneficiaries;
15. Failure to provide and maintain quality services to Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare beneficiaries within accepted medical community standards as determined by a body of peers;
16. Engaging in a course of conduct or performing an act deemed improper or abusive of the New Jersey Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare program following notification that said conduct should cease;
17. Breach of the terms of the Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare provider agreement entered into with the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS for failure to comply with the terms of the provider certification on the Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare claim;
18. Overutilizing the New Jersey Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare program by inducing, furnishing or otherwise causing an individual to receive service(s) or merchandise not otherwise required or requested by the beneficiary;
19. Rebating or accepting a fee or portion of a fee or charge for a Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare beneficiary referral;
20. Violating any provision of 30:4D-1 et seq. (New Jersey Medical Assistance and Health Services Act) as amended or supplemented, or any rule or regulation promulgated by the Commissioner of Human Services or the Commissioner of Health and Senior Services pursuant thereto;
21. Conviction of any crime involving moral turpitude;
22. Submission of a false or fraudulent application for provider status to the Program or to its Fiscal Agent;
23. Any other cause affecting responsibility as a State contractor of such serious and compelling nature as may be determined by the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS to warrant exclusion, including such conduct as may be proscribed by the laws or contracts enumerated in this subsection, even if such conduct has not been or may not be prosecuted as violations of such laws or contracts;
24. Suspension, debarment or disqualification by some other department or agency in the executive branch;
25. Exclusion from participation in any state-funded medical assistance and/or health services program of another state;
26. Exclusion from participation in the delivery of medical care or services under Title XVIII, XIX, XX or XXI of the Federal Social Security Act by the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services; or
27. Failure to comply with an administrative subpoena issued by the Division.
(e) Conditions for debarment shall be as follows:
1. Debarment shall be made only upon approval of the Director of the Division, except as otherwise provided by law.
2. The existence of any of the causes set forth in (d) above, shall not necessarily require that a person be debarred. In each instance, the decision to debar shall be made within the discretion of the Director of the Division unless otherwise required by law, and shall be rendered in the best interests of the Program.
3. All mitigating factors shall be considered in determining the seriousness of the offense, failure or inadequacy of performance and in deciding whether debarment is warranted.
4. The existence of a cause set forth in (d)1 through 7 above shall be established upon the rendering of a final judgment or conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction or by an administrative agency empowered to render such judgment. In the event an appeal taken from such judgment or conviction results in reversal thereof, the debarment shall be removed upon the request of the debarred person unless other cause for debarment exists.
5. The existence of a cause set forth in (d)8, 9, 10 and 23 above shall be established by evidence which the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS determines to be clear and convincing in nature.
6. The existence of a cause set forth in (d)1 through 7, 11 through 22, and 24 above shall be established by a preponderance of the believable evidence.
7. Debarment for the cause set forth in (d)24 above shall be proper, provided that one of the causes set forth in (d)1 through 23 above was the basis for debarment by the original debarring agency. Such debarment may be based entirely on the record of facts obtained by the original debarring agency, or upon a combination of such facts and additional facts.
(f) If the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS seeks to debar a person or his or her affiliates, the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS shall furnish such party with a written notice stating that debarment is being considered, setting forth the reasons for the proposed debarment and indicating that such party will be afforded an opportunity for a hearing if he or she so requests within a stated period of time. All such hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act. However, where one department or agency has imposed debarment upon a party, a second department or agency may also impose a similar debarment without affording an opportunity for a hearing, provided that the second agency furnishes notice of the proposed similar debarment to that party and affords that party an opportunity to present information in his or her behalf to explain why the proposed similar debarment should not be imposed in whole or in part.
(g) Debarment shall be a reasonable, definitely stated period of time which as a general rule shall not exceed five years. Debarment for an additional period shall be permitted provided that notice thereof is furnished and the party is accorded an opportunity to present information in his or her behalf to explain why the additional period of debarment should not be imposed.
(h) The scope of debarment rules shall be as follows:
1. Except as otherwise provided by law, a debarment may be removed or the period thereof may be reduced at the discretion of the debarring agency upon the submission of a good faith application under oath, supported by documentary evidence, setting forth substantial and appropriate grounds for the granting of relief, such as newly discovered material evidence, reversal of a conviction or judgment, actual change of ownership, management or control, or the elimination of the causes for which the debarment was imposed.
2. A debarment may include all known affiliates of a person, provided that each decision to include an affiliate is made on a case-by-case basis after giving due regard to all relevant facts and circumstances. The offense, failure or inadequacy of performance of an individual may be imputed to a person with whom he or she is affiliated, where such conduct was accomplished within the course of his or her official duty or was effected by him or her with the knowledge or approval of such person.
3. Debarment by the Director of any provider of service shall preclude such provider from submitting claims for payment, either personally or through claims submitted by any clinic, group, corporation or other association to the Program or its fiscal agent for any services or supplies he or she has provided under the New Jersey Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare programs, except for services or supplies provided prior to the debarment. No clinic, group, corporation or other association which is a provider of services shall submit claims for payment to the program or its fiscal agent for any services or supplies provided by a person within such organization who has been debarred by the program, except for services or supplies provided prior to the debarment.
4. When the provisions of this section are violated by a provider of service which is a clinic, group, corporation or other association, the Director may debar such organization and/or any individual person within said organization who is responsible for such violation.
(i) The Medicaid Agent or DMAHS may suspend a person in the public interest for any cause specified in (d) above, or upon a reasonable suspicion that such cause exists, or when, in the opinion of the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS, such action is necessary to protect the public welfare and the interests of the Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare program.
(j) Conditions for suspension shall be as follows:
1. Suspension shall be imposed only upon approval of the Director of the Division and upon approval of the Attorney General, except as otherwise provided by law.
2. The existence of any cause for suspension shall not require that a suspension be imposed, and a decision to suspend shall be made at the discretion of the Director of the Division and of the Attorney General, and shall be rendered in the best interests of the New Jersey Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare programs.
3. Suspension shall not be based upon unsupported accusation, but upon adequate evidence that cause exists or upon evidence adequate to create a reasonable suspicion that cause exists.
4. In assessing whether adequate evidence exists, consideration shall be given to the amount of credible evidence which is available, to the existence or absence of corroboration as to important allegations, and to inferences which may properly be drawn from the existence or absence of affirmative facts.
5. Reasonable suspicion of the existence of a cause described in (d) above may be established by a judgment or order of an administrative agency, or court of competent jurisdiction, or by a judgment of conviction, grand jury indictment, accusation, arrest, or by evidence that such violations of civil or criminal law did in fact occur.
6. A suspension invoked by the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS for any of the causes described in (d) above may be the basis for the imposition of a concurrent suspension by another agency, which may impose such suspension without the approval of the Attorney General.
(k) The Medicaid Agent or DMAHS may suspend a person or his affiliates provided that within 10 days after the effective date of the suspension, the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS provides such party with a written notice stating that a suspension has been imposed and its effective date, setting forth the reasons for the suspension to the extent that the Attorney General determines that such reasons may be properly disclosed, stating that the suspension is for a temporary period pending the completion of an investigation and such legal proceedings as may ensue, and indicating that, if such legal proceedings are not commenced or the suspension removed within 60 days of the date of such notice, the party shall be given either a statement of the reasons for the suspension and an opportunity for a hearing, if he so requests, or a statement declining to give such reasons and setting forth the agency's position regarding the continuation of the suspension. Where a suspension by the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS has been the basis for suspension by another agency, the latter shall note that fact as a reason for its suspension.
(l) A suspension shall not continue beyond 18 months from its effective date unless civil or criminal action regarding the alleged violation shall have been initiated within that period, or unless debarment action has been commenced. Whenever prosecution or debarment action has been initiated, the suspension may continue until the legal proceedings are completed.
(m) Scope of suspension rules shall be as follows:
1. A suspension may include all known affiliates of a person, provided that each decision to include an affiliate is made on a case-by-case basis after giving due regard to all relevant facts and circumstances. The offense, failure or inadequacy of performance of an individual may be imputed to a person with whom he or she is affiliated, where such conduct was accomplished within the course of his official duty or was effectuated by him or her with the knowledge or approval of such person.
2. Suspension, by the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS, of any provider of service shall preclude such provider from submitting claims for payment, either personally or through claims submitted by any clinic, group, corporation or other association to the Program or its Fiscal Agent or DMAHS for any services or supplies he or she has provided under the New Jersey Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare program, except for services or supplies provided prior to the suspension. No clinic, group, corporation or other association which is a provider of services shall submit claims for payment to the Program or its Fiscal Agent for any services or supplies provided by a person within such organization who has been suspended by the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS, except for services or supplies provided prior to the suspension.
3. When the provisions of this section are violated by a provider of service which is a clinic, group, corporation or other association, the Director may suspend such organization and/or any individual person within said organization who is responsible for such violation.
(n) Exclusion from State contracting by virtue of debarment, suspension or disqualification shall extend to all State contracting and subcontracting within the control or jurisdiction of the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS. However, when it is determined essential to the public interest by the Director of the Division, and upon filing of a finding thereof with the Attorney General, an exception from total exclusion may be made with respect to a particular State contract.
(o) Insofar as practicable, prior notice shall be given to the Attorney General and the Treasurer of any proposed debarment or suspension.
(p) The Medicaid Agent or DMAHS shall provide the State Treasurer with the names of all persons suspended or debarred and the effective date and term thereof, if any.
(q) This section shall be applicable to all persons, providers, contractors, Fiscal Agent, and their affiliates who engage in State contracting with the Medicaid Agent or DMAHS as defined in this section.

N.J. Admin. Code § 10:49-11.1

Amended by R.1997 d.354, effective 9/2/1997.
See: 29 N.J.R. 2512(a), 29 N.J.R. 3856(a).
In (a), inserted ", and Reorganization Plan No. 001-1996"; in (b), substituted "New Jersey Medicaid program" and "Medicaid Agent" for "Division" throughout; in (b)3, deleted "reimbursed on a fee-for-service basis"; in (c), rewrote introductory paragraph and deleted "Division", "Fiscal Agent" and "Provider"; and in (d), substituted "beneficiary" and "beneficiaries" for "recipient" and "recipients", reference to Medicaid Agent for references to Division, Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services, and Director, and "Program" for references to the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services, throughout; in (d)5, deleted Public Law references: in (d)17, deleted "form" following "Medicaid claim"; in (d)20, inserted reference to Commissioner of Health and Human Services; and in (j)2, substituted "New Jersey Medicaid program" for "Division".
Amended by R.1998 d.154, effective 2/27/1998 (operative March 1, 1998; to expire August 31, 1998).
See: 30 N.J.R. 1060(a).
Inserted reference to NJ KidCare and to DMAHS throughout; in (a), added a reference to P.L. 1997, c.272; in (d), inserted "or supplemented" following "amended" in 20, and inserted a reference to Title XXI in 26; in (e), substituted "DMAHS" for "agency" following "Agent or" in 5; and in (i), substituted "Medicaid or NJ KidCare program" for "medical assistance Program" at the end.
Adopted concurrent proposal, R.1998 d.487, effective 8/28/1998.
See: 30 N.J.R. 1060(a), 30 N.J.R. 3519(a).
Readopted the provisions of R.1998 d.154 without change.
Amended by R.2003 d.82, effective 2/18/2003.
See: 34 N.J.R. 2650(a), 35 N.J.R. 1118(a).
Rewrote the section.