350 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 40, § 012

Current through September 17, 2024
012.01A Agricultural assets means agricultural land, livestock, farming or livestock production facilities, or buildings and machinery and equipment used for farming or livestock production.
012.01B Board means the Beginning Farmer Board comprised of the Director of Agriculture (or his or her designee), the Tax Commissioner (or his or her designee), one individual representing lenders of agricultural credit, one individual of the academic community involved in agricultural economics, and one individual from each of the three congressional districts that are involved in farming and livestock production.
012.01C Depreciable tangible personal property is subject to personal property taxation. Depreciable tangible personal property means tangible personal property which is used in a trade or business or used for the production of income, and which has a determinable life of longer than one year.
012.01C(1) Depreciable tangible personal property also includes tangible personal property which is eligible for depreciation for purposes of federal income tax, but which the owner chooses not to depreciate.
012.01C(2) Depreciable tangible personal property also includes all other tangible personal property for which a taxpayer is claiming depreciation, amortization, or Internal Revenue Code (IRC) § 179 deductions for purposes of federal income tax.
012.01C(3) Depreciable tangible personal property also includes capital expenses incurred because of major repairs, parts, labor, and installation costs that prolong the useful life, increase the value of an asset, or adapt the asset for a different use.
012.01C(4) The taxable value of depreciable tangible personal property is the net book value of the property.
012.01D Nebraska adjusted basis means the adjusted basis of tangible personal property as determined under the IRC as it exists on the assessment date, increased by the total amount allowed under the IRC for depreciation or amortization, or pursuant to an election to expense depreciable property under IRC § 179, as amended. Generally, this is the original cost of the item and includes any costs incurred in purchasing and placing the item in service such as sales or excise taxes, freight charges, installation, and testing charges.
012.01E The Nebraska depreciation factor is the percentage of the Nebraska adjusted basis that is taxable. The following table provides the depreciation factors, based on year acquired and recovery period:

YearRecovery Period (in years)
175.00 %85.00 %89.29 %92.50 %95.00 %96.25 %
237.50 %59.50 %70.16 %78.62 %85.50 %89.03 %
312.50 %41.65 %55.13 %66.83 %76.95 %82.35 %
40.00 %24.99 %42.88 %56.81 %69.25 %76.18 %
58.33 %30.63 %48.07 %62.32 %70.46 %
60.00 %18.38 %39.33 %56.09 %65.18 %
76.13 %30.59 %50.19 %60.29 %
80.00 %21.85 %44.29 %55.77 %
913.11 %38.38 %51.31 %
104.37 %32.48 %46.85 %
110.00 %26.57 %42.38 %
1220.67 %37.92 %
1314.76 %33.46 %
148.86 %29.00 %
152.95 %24.54 %
160.00 %20.08 %
1715.62 %
1811.15 %
196.69 %
202.23 %
210.00 %

012.01E(1) In the table, the factor shown for year one is the percentage used January 1 of the year following the year of acquisition of the property. The factor shown for year two is the percentage used January 1 of the second year following the year of acquisition of the property, etc. When property becomes depreciable in a year other than the year it is acquired, it is subject to taxation on the first assessment date following the date it became depreciable. The net book depreciation factor for the property is based on the year it is acquired.
012.01F Net book value is the Nebraska adjusted basis of depreciable tangible personal property multiplied by the appropriate Nebraska depreciation factor.
012.01G Personal property includes all property other than real property or franchises.
012.01G(1) Tangible personal property includes all personal property possessing a physical existence, but excluding money.
012.01G(2) Intangible personal property includes property that has no intrinsic value by itself, but is representative or evidence of value, such as stocks, bonds, promissory notes, contract rights, bank accounts, money, and other such property.
012.01H Qualified beginning farmer or livestock producer means an individual who is a resident of this state, who intends to enter farming or livestock production, and who meets the eligibility guidelines in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-5209 and other qualifications as determined by the Beginning Farmer Board.
012.02A Taxpayer Filing Responsibilities.
012.02A(1) Any qualified beginning farmer or livestock producer seeking an exemption from tangible personal property tax on agricultural and horticultural machinery and equipment used in his or her operation (whether this machinery or equipment is owned or leased), must apply for the exemption. The application must be filed with the county assessor on or before December 31 of the year preceding the year the exemption from personal property tax begins. The application must be made on the Exemption Application for Qualified Beginning Farmer or Livestock Producer, Form 1027.
012.02A(2) For the initial year of application, the applicant must also file with the county assessor, the original certification from the Beginning Farmer Board stating that the applicant is a qualified beginning farmer or livestock producer.
012.02A(3) Failure to furnish the required documentation by December 31 will result in the loss of the personal property tax exemption for the first year following the application date. Upon furnishing the required documentation, the application for exemption from personal property tax will be considered for the three years thereafter.
012.02A(4) On or before May 1 of each year, the applicant must file with the county assessor a personal property return along with the supporting schedules and depreciation worksheet showing a list of all depreciable taxable tangible personal property. The exemption from personal property tax must not exceed $100,000 of net book value of agricultural and horticultural machinery and equipment in any year.
012.02A(4)(a) Failure on the part of the beginning farmer or livestock producer to file the personal property return, supporting schedules, and depreciation worksheet on or before May 1 is a forfeiture of the exemption from personal property tax for that year and will result in the tangible personal property being subject to the personal property tax, plus applicable late filing penalties.
012.02A(4)(b) Failure on the part of the beginning farmer or livestock producer to file the personal property return, supporting schedules, and depreciation worksheet on or before May 1 will result in a loss of the year from the three-year period for exemption from personal property tax.
012.02A(5) When the date for filing an application, supporting documentation, personal property return, supporting schedules, depreciation worksheet, or any other requirement falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the items will be considered timely filed if delivered in person or postmarked on the next business day. The postmark date for any documents mailed using regular U.S. mail will determine the date filed. The certification or registration date of any documents sent by certified or registered mail will determine the postmark date.
012.02A(6) If the exemption from personal property tax is granted or approved by the county assessor, it will continue for a period of three years, or until the applicant discontinues farming or livestock production.
012.02A(7) The Tax Commissioner may request the Attorney General or any county attorney to institute proceedings against any taxpayer or his or her agent for failure to comply with the provisions of any property tax law administered by or subject to the administrative jurisdiction of the Nebraska Department of Revenue.
012.02A(8) For further information on filing a personal property return and taxpayer responsibilities, see Chapter 20, Personal Property Regulations.
012.02B County Assessor's Powers and Duties.
012.02B(1) The county assessor, upon receiving an application for exemption and the necessary documentation, as required pursuant to REG-40-012.01A(2)(2), will verify the information regarding the status of the applicant. If all of the information is accurate and complete, and all criteria for the exemption of agricultural and horticultural machinery and equipment are met, the county assessor will approve, sign the application, and on or before February 1, send written notification of approval to the applicant. An approved application will remain in effect for three years.
012.02B(2) After approving the exemption, the county assessor will exempt no more than $100,000 of taxable personal property value in any one year. If the total agricultural and horticultural machinery and equipment schedule exceeds the $100,000 maximum exemption, the county assessor will show the deduction for the exemption on the agricultural machinery and equipment schedule and carry forward the net taxable valuation to the front of the personal property return. The net taxable valuation of the agricultural and horticultural machinery and equipment, plus the taxable value of other nonexempt depreciable tangible personal property, will be the total taxable value for tangible personal property of the beginning farmer and livestock producer.
012.02B(3) If the application is denied, the county assessor will, on or before February 1, issue notice of his or her action to the applicant. The county assessor will state the reasons why the application was denied.
012.02B(3)(a) The applicant may protest the denial of the application for exemption to the county board of equalization within 30 days after notice by the county assessor.
012.03Protests to the County Board of Equalization
012.03A The applicant may protest the denial of the application for exemption to the county board of equalization within 30 days after receipt of the county assessor notice of denial.
012.03A(1) The protest must be in writing, signed, and filed with the county clerk of the county in which the property is located.
012.03A(2) If the protest is not timely filed, it will be dismissed automatically.
012.03A(3) The protest must contain a physical description of the property and a written statement explaining why the exemption should be allowed. If no description or statement is included or attached, the protest will be dismissed automatically.
012.03B The county board of equalization must decide the protest within 30 days after the filing of the protest.
012.03B(1) Within seven days of the county board of equalization's decision, the county clerk must mail written notice of the board's decision to the applicant. If the protest is denied, the notice must state the reason for denial. The county clerk will also electronically send all decisions of the county board of equalization regarding exemptions to the Department within seven days of the board's decision pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-202.04.
012.03C Within 30 days of the date of the decision of the county board of equalization, the applicant may appeal the board's decision to the Tax Equalization and Review Commission pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-5013.
012.03D Persons, corporations, or organizations may petition the Tax Equalization and Review Commission pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-5013 on or before December 31 of the year in which the notice should have been sent, for a determination of the taxable status of their depreciable tangible personal property because the failure to give notice pursuant to REG-40-012.02B(3)(3) and REG-40-012.03B(1)(1) prevented timely filing of a protest or appeal.
012.03E No appeal or petition will in any manner suspend the collection of any personal property tax or the duties of officers charged with its collection during the pendency of the appeal or petition, and all personal property taxes subject to collection will be distributed as though no appeal or petition were pending.
012.03F If, by final order of the Tax Equalization and Review Commission, it is determined that the personal property tax or a part of it should be refunded, the county treasurer is authorized to make the refund upon receiving a certified copy of the final order from the Commission.

350 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 40, § 012

Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 49-1202, 49-1203,77-104,77-105, 77-118, 77-119, 77-120,77-377,77-702,77-5203,and 77-5209.02. July 3, 2013