PURPOSE: This rule sets forth the standards and procedures of the Coordinating Board for Higher Education, under which community junior college districts may be established.
$.10 | $1.5 Billion plus |
.20 | $750 Million but less than $1.5 Billion |
.30 | $500 Million but less than $750 Million |
.40 | Less than $500 Million; and |
in which: a=the amount of the tax levy per $100 of assessed valuation;
x = the assessed valuation required to generate needed tax revenue; and
y = the tax revenue to be generated. In this formula, x is the unknown. If the computation reveals the value of x to be equal to or less than the actual assessed valuation of proposed district, then the assessed valuation shall be judged to be adequate; and
in which: a = the amount of the tax levy per $100 of assessed valuation;
x = the actual assessed valuation of the proposed district; and
y = the tax revenue generated.
In this formulay is the unknown. If the computation reveals the value of y to be as great or greater than the balance of income to be provided through local tax revenue, then the assessed valuation of the proposed district shall be judged to be adequate.
6 CSR 10-6.010
*Original authority: see the Missouri Revised Statutes.