PURPOSE: This amendment removes outdated provisions regarding voting systems.
I, _______________________, president of ___________________
(electronic voting systems company) do hereby certify to ___________________, Secretary of State of Missouri that the ______________________(name of equipment) electronic voting system will permit in accordance with section 115.225, RSMo:
(Briefly describe the type of electronic voting system provided by ____________________________________, the means by which it meets the requirements of provisions 1.-6., and list the areas in which the system is in use.)
I do hereby certify that the above information is true and accurate this ______________day of _________________, 20___.
(Name of Company)
The above signator appeared before me this _________day of _________, 20__, and did personally sign this affidavit.
My commission expires ________________
I, ___________________________________
__________________________________, of
______________________, do hereby certify
to _______________________, Secretary of State of Missouri, that the change outlined here will not affect the accuracy or legal operational requirements as outlined in section 115.225, RSMo, of ____________________________________.
(Product Name and Version)
(Briefly describe the change)
The above signator appeared before me this _____ day of _____, 20___ and did personally sign this affidavit.
(Name of Company)
My commission expires _________________
15 CSR 30-10.020
*Original authority: 115,225, RSMo 1977, amended 1993, 1995, 2002.