Mo. Code Regs. tit. 13 § 70-15.015

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 18, September 16, 2024
Section 13 CSR 70-15.015 - Direct Medicaid Payments

PURPOSE: This rule is being amended to remove outdated language and update the criteria used to determine safety net hospitals.

(1) Direct Medicaid Qualifying Criteria.
(A) An inpatient hospital provider may qualify as a Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) based on the following criteria. Hospitals shall qualify as a DSH for a period of only one (1) state fiscal year (SFY) and must requalify at the beginning of each SFY to continue their DSH classification.
1. If the facility offered nonemergency obstetric services as of December 21, 1987, there must be at least two (2) obstetricians with staff privileges at the hospital who have agreed to provide obstetric services to individuals entitled to these services under the Missouri Medicaid plan. In the case of a hospital located in a rural area (area outside of a metropolitan statistical area, as defined by the federal Executive Office of Management and Budget), the term obstetrician includes any physician with staff privileges at the hospital to perform nonemergency obstetric procedures. This section does not apply to hospitals either with inpatients predominantly under eighteen (18) years of age or which did not offer nonemergency obstetric services as of December 21, 1987.
2. As determined from the fourth prior year audited cost report, the facility must have either-
A. A Medicaid inpatient utilization rate (MIUR) at least one (1) standard deviation above the state's mean MIUR for all Missouri hospitals. The MIUR will be expressed as the ratio of total Medicaid days (TMD) provided under a state plan divided by the provider's total number of inpatient days (TNID). The state's mean MIUR will be expressed as the ratio of the sum of the total number of the Medicaid days for all Missouri hospitals divided by the sum of the total patient days for the same Missouri hospitals. Data for hospitals no longer participating in the program will be excluded;



B. A low-income utilization rate (LIUR) in excess of twenty-five percent (25%). The LIUR shall be the sum (expressed as a percentage) of the fractions, calculated as follows:
(I) Total MO HealthNet patient revenues (TMPR) paid to the hospital for patient services under a state plan plus the amount of the cash subsidies (CS) directly received from state and local governments, divided by the total net revenues (TNR) (charges, minus contractual allowances, discounts, and the like) for patient services plus the CS; and
(II) The total amount of the hospital's charges for patient services attributable to charity care (CC) (care provided to individuals who have no source of payment, third-party, or personal resources) less CS directly received from state and local governments in the same period, divided by the total amount of the hospital's charges (THC) for patient services. The total patient charges attributed to CC shall not include any contractual allowances and discounts other than for indigent patients not eligible for MO HealthNet under a state plan.

LIUR = ((TMPR + CS) / (TNR + CS)) + ((CC - CS) / (THC))

3. As determined from the fourth prior year audited cost report, the hospital-
A. Has an unsponsored care ratio of at least ten percent (10%). The unsponsored care ratio is determined as the sum of bad debts and CC divided by TNR and also meets either of the criteria in paragraph (1)(A)2.; or
B. Ranks in the top fifteen (15) in the number of Medicaid inpatient days provided by that hospital compared to Medicaid patient days provided by all hospitals, and the hospitals also have a Medicaid nursery utilization ratio greater than thirty-five percent (35%) as computed by dividing Title XIX nursery and neonatal days by total nursery and neonatal days; or
C. Operated a neonatal intensive care unit with a ratio of Missouri Medicaid neonatal patient days to Missouri Medicaid total patient days in excess of nine percent (9%) reported or verified by the division from the fourth prior year cost report.
4. As determined from the fourth prior year audited cost report-
A. The acute care hospital has an unsponsored care ratio of at least sixty-five percent (65%) and is licensed for less than fifty (50) inpatient beds; or
B. The acute care hospital has an unsponsored care ratio of at least sixty-five percent (65%) and is licensed for fifty (50) inpatient beds or more and has an occupancy rate of more than forty percent (40%); or
C. A public non-state governmental acute care hospital with an LIUR of at least fifty percent (50%) and an MIUR greater than one (1) standard deviation from the mean, and is licensed for fifty (50) inpatient beds or more and has an occupancy rate of at least forty percent (40%); or
D. The hospital is owned or operated by the Board of Curators as defined in Chapter 172, RSMo, or their successors; or
E. The hospital is a public hospital operated by the Department of Mental Health primarily for the care and treatment of mental disorders.
5. As determined from the fourth prior year audited cost report, hospitals which annually provide more than five thousand (5,000) Title XIX days of care and whose Title XIX nursery days represent more than fifty percent (50%) of the hospital's total nursery days.
(B) Those hospitals which meet the criteria established in paragraphs (1)(A)1., (1)(A)2., and (1)(A)4. shall be deemed safety net hospitals. Those hospitals which meet the criteria established in paragraphs (1)(A)1. and (1)(A)3. shall be deemed first tier Disproportionate Share Hospitals (DSH). Those hospitals which meet only the criteria established in paragraphs (1)(A)1. and (1)(A)2. or (1)(A)1. and (1)(A)5. shall be deemed second tier DSH.
(2) Direct Medicaid Payments.
(A) Direct Medicaid Payments. Direct Medicaid payments will be made to hospitals for the following allowable MO HealthNet costs not included in the per diem rate as calculated in 13 CSR 70-15.010(3):
1. The increased MO HealthNet costs resulting from the Federal Reimbursement Allowance (FRA) assessment becoming an allowable cost on January 1, 1999;
2. The unreimbursed MO HealthNet costs applicable to the trend factor which is not included in the per diem rate;
3. The unreimbursed MO HealthNet costs for capital and medical education not included in the trended per diem cost as a result of the application of the sixty percent (60%) minimum utilization adjustment in 13 CSR 70-15.010(3)(A) 4.;
4. The increased cost per day resulting from the utilization adjustment. The increased cost per day results from lower utilization of inpatient hospital services by MO HealthNet participants now covered by a managed care health plan;
5. The poison control adjustment shall be determined for hospitals which operated a poison control center during the base year and which continues to operate a poison control center in a MO HealthNet managed care region; and
6. The increased cost resulting from including out-of-state Medicaid days in total projected MO HealthNet days.
(B) The MO HealthNet Division will calculate the Direct Medicaid payment as follows:
1. The MO HealthNet share of the inpatient FRA assessment will be calculated by dividing the hospital's inpatient Medicaid patient days by the total inpatient hospital patient days from the hospital's base cost report to arrive at the inpatient Medicaid utilization percentage. This percentage is then multiplied by the inpatient FRA assessment for the current SFY to arrive at the increased allowable MO HealthNet costs for the inpatient FRA assessment. The MO HealthNet share of the outpatient FRA assessment will be calculated by dividing the hospital's outpatient MO HealthNet charges by the total outpatient hospital charges from the base cost report to arrive at the MO HealthNet utilization percentage. This percentage is then multiplied by the outpatient FRA assessment for the current SFY to arrive at the increased allowable MO HealthNet costs for the outpatient FRA assessment.
A. Effective for payments made on or after May 1, 2017, only the Fee-for-Service (FFS) and Out-of-State (OOS) components of the MO HealthNet share of both the inpatient and outpatient FRA assessment will be included in the Direct Medicaid add-on payment;
2. The unreimbursed MO HealthNet costs are determined by subtracting the hospital's per diem rate from its trended per diem costs. The difference is multiplied by the estimated MO HealthNet patient days for the current SFY plus the out-of-state days from the fourth prior year cost report trended to the current SFY. The FFS days are determined from a regression analysis of the hospital's FFS days from February 1999 through December of the second prior SFY. The managed care days are based on the FFS days determined from the regression analysis, as follows: The FFS days are factored up by the percentage of FFS days to the total of FFS days plus managed care days from the hospital's fourth prior year cost report. The difference between the FFS days and the FFS days factored up by the FFS days' percentage are the managed care days.
A. Effective for payments made on or after July 1, 2020, the estimated MO HealthNet patient days for the SFY shall be determined by adjusting the FFS days from the state's MMIS for the second prior calendar year (CY) (i.e., for SFY 2021, second prior CY would be 2019) by-
(I) The trend determined from a quadratic regression analysis of the hospital's FFS days from February 1999 through December of the second prior CY;
(II) The FFS days are factored up by one (1) of the following:
(a) For hospitals that are in a managed care extension region or a psychiatric hospital, the lower of the percentage of FFS days to the total of FFS days plus managed care days from the hospital's fourth prior year cost report or from the hospital's third prior year cost report to yield the estimated MO HealthNet patient days; or
(b) For hospitals that are not in a managed care extension region or a psychiatric hospital, the percentage of FFS days to the total of FFS days plus managed care days from the hospital's fourth prior year cost report to yield the estimated MO HealthNet patient days; and
(III) The difference between the FFS days and the FFS days factored up by the FFS days' percentage are the managed care days.
(a) For hospitals that are in a managed care extension region or a Psychiatric hospital, the lower of the percentage of FFS days to the total of FFS days plus managed care days from the hospital's fourth prior year cost report or from the hospital's third prior year cost report to yield the estimated MO HealthNet patient days; or
(b) For hospitals that are not in a managed care extension region or a Psychiatric hospital, the percentage of FFS days to the total of FFS days plus managed care days from the hospital's fourth prior year cost report to yield the estimated MO HealthNet patient days; and
(IV) The difference between the FFS days and the FFS days factored up by the FFS days' percentage are the managed care days.
B. The trended cost per day is calculated by trending the base year costs per day by the trend indices as defined in 13 CSR 70-15.010(3)(B), using the rate calculation in 13 CSR 70-15.010(3)(A).
C. For hospitals that meet the requirements in paragraphs (1)(A)1., (1)(A)2., and (1)(A)4. of this rule (safety net hospitals), the base year cost report may be from the third, fourth, or fifth prior year. For hospitals that meet the requirements in paragraphs (1)(A)1. and (1)(A)3. of this rule (first tier DSH), the base year cost report may be from the third or fourth prior year. The MO HealthNet Division shall exercise its sole discretion as to which report is most representative of costs. For all other hospitals, the base year cost report is the fourth prior year. For any hospital that has both a twelve- (12-) month cost report and a partial year cost report, its base period cost report for that year will be the twelve- (12-) month cost report.
D. The trended cost per day does not include the costs associated with the FRA assessment, the application of minimum utilization, the utilization adjustment, and the poison control costs computed in paragraphs (2)(B)1., 3., 4., and 5.;
3. The minimum utilization costs for capital and medical education is calculated by determining the difference in the hospital's cost per day when applying the minimum utilization, as identified in 13 CSR 70-15.010(5)(C) 4., and without applying the minimum utilization. The difference in the cost per day is multiplied by the estimated MO HealthNet patient days for the SFY;
4. The utilization adjustment cost is determined by estimating the number of MO HealthNet inpatient days the hospital will not provide as a result of the managed care health plans limiting inpatient hospital services. These days are multiplied by the hospital's cost per day to determine the total cost associated with these days. This cost is divided by the remaining total patient days from its base period cost report to arrive at the increased cost per day. This increased cost per day is multiplied by the estimated MO HealthNet days for the current SFY to arrive at the MO HealthNet utilization adjustment.
A. Effective July 1, 2011, the utilization adjustment will no longer apply to any hospital other than safety net hospitals as defined in subsection (1)(B), children's hospitals as defined in 13 CSR 70-15.010(2)(Q), and specialty pediatric hospitals as defined in 13 CSR 70-15.010(2)(O). Children's hospitals and specialty pediatric hospitals will continue to receive fifty percent (50%) of the adjustment calculated in accordance with paragraph (2)(B)4. Safety net hospitals will continue to receive one hundred percent (100%) of the adjustment calculated in accordance with paragraph (2)(B)4.;
5. The poison control cost shall reimburse the hospital for the prorated MO HealthNet managed care cost. It will be calculated by multiplying the estimated MO HealthNet share of the poison control costs by the percentage of managed care participants to total MO HealthNet participants; and
6. Effective July 1, 2006, the costs for including out-of-state Medicaid days is calculated by subtracting the hospital's per diem rate from its trended per diem cost and multiplying this difference by the out-of-state Medicaid days as determined from the regression analysis performed using the out-of-state days from the fourth, fifth, and sixth prior year cost reports.
(C) For new hospitals that do not have a base cost report, Direct Medicaid Payments shall be estimated as follows:
1. Hospitals receiving Direct Medicaid Payments shall be divided into quartiles based on total beds;
2. Direct Medicaid Payments shall be individually summed by quartile and then divided by the total beds in the quartile to yield an average Direct Medicaid Payment per bed;
3. The number of beds for the new hospital without the base cost report shall be multiplied by the average Direct Medicaid Payment per bed to determine the hospital's estimated Direct Medicaid Payment for the current state fiscal year; and
4. For a new hospital licensed after February 1, 2007, estimated total Direct Medicaid Payments for the current state fiscal year shall be divided by the estimated MO HealthNet patient days for the new hospital's quartile to obtain the estimated Direct Medicaid adjustment per patient day. This adjustment per day shall be added to the new hospital's MO HealthNet rate as determined in 13 CSR 70-15.010(4), so that the hospital's Direct Medicaid Payment per day is included in its per diem rate, rather than as a separate Add-On Payment. When the hospital's per diem rate is determined from its first full year cost report in accordance with 13 CSR 70-15.010(1)- (3), the facility's Direct Medicaid Payment will be calculated in accordance with subsection (2)(B) of this rule and reimbursed as an Add-On Payment rather than as part of the per diem rate. If the hospital is defined as a critical access hospital, its MO HealthNet per diem rate and Direct Medicaid Payment will be determined in accordance with 13 CSR 70-15.010(5)(F).
5. A facility previously enrolled for participation in the MO HealthNet Program, which either voluntarily or involuntarily terminates its participation in the MO HealthNet Program and which reenters the MO HealthNet Program, shall have its Direct Medicaid Payments determined in accordance with 13 CSR 70-15.010(3)(B) 4.

13 CSR 70-15.015

Adopted by Missouri Register June 1, 2020/Volume 45, Number 11, effective 5/15/2020
Amended by Missouri Register October 15, 2020/Volume 45, Number 20, effective 11/30/2020
Amended by Missouri Register February 15, 2022/Volume 47, Number 4, effective 3/31/2022
Amended by Missouri Register December 1, 2022/Volume 47, Number 23, effective 1/29/2023