Mo. Code Regs. tit. 10 § 10-6.130

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 18, September 16, 2024
Section 10 CSR 10-6.130 - Controlling Emissions During Episodes of High Air Pollution Potential

PURPOSE: This rule specifies the conditions that establish air pollution alert and emergency alert levels and the associated procedures and emissions reduction objectives.

(1) Applicability.
(A) This rule shall apply to all sources and premises throughout the entire state with air emissions that contribute to sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), or Particulate Matter-10 Micron (PM10) and 2.5 Micron


(B) The boundaries of the affected area shall be determined at the discretion of the director in accordance with the nature and magnitude of the pollutant concentrations and meteorological conditions that cause the alert.
(2) Definitions. Definitions of certain terms specified in this rule may be found in 10 CSR 10-6.020.
(3) General Provisions.
(A) Air Pollution Alerts.
1. The Air Quality Index shall be reported to the general public on a daily basis by all metropolitan statistical areas with a population exceeding three hundred fifty thousand (350,000).
2. Alert levels for applicable air pollutants are stated in terms of the Air Quality Index (AQI) as defined in 40 CFR 58, Appendix G. Table A shows the relation of the AQI ranges to alert categories.

Table A
AQIAlert CategoryAlert Color
0-50 Good Green
51-100 Moderate Yellow
101-150 Unhealthy for Sensitive groups Orange
151-200 Unhealthy Red
201-300 Very Unhealthy Purple
301-400 Hazardous Maroon
401-500 Hazardous Maroon

3. Alert types and levels of initiation. If an AQI value falls within the AQI range listed in Table A of this rule, the corresponding alert color shall be initiated.
4. Declaration of alerts. An orange alert, red alert, purple alert, or maroon emergency alert may be declared on the basis of deteriorating air quality alone; an Air Stagnation Advisory need not be in effect. The appropriate alert level should be declared by the director as ambient monitoring would indicate.
5. Termination of alerts. When, in the judgment of the director, meteorological conditions and pollutant concentrations warrant discontinuance of any alert condition, the director shall notify the technical staff, the chairman, and members of the Missouri Air Conservation Commission that the alert has been discontinued and issue a public notice to that effect.
(B) Conditions. This subsection provides conditions that establish alert level categories.

Table B
Conditions for Alert Level Categories
Orange (101-150)Red (151-200)Purple (201-300)Maroon (301-500)
This alert level AQI value is equaled or exceeded at any one (1) monitoring station within the affected area, unless there is a current forecast of meteorological improvement within the next twenty-four (24) hours. -- and --Meteorological conditions are such that the conditions can be expected to remain or reoccur in this alert level range during the next twenty-four (24) or more hours or increase unless control actions are taken. This alert level AQI value is equaled or exceeded at any one (1) monitoring station within the affected area, unless there is a current forecast of meteorological improvement within the next twenty-four (24) hours. -- and --Meteorological conditions are such that the conditions can be expected to remain or reoccur in this alert level range during the next twenty-four (24) or more hours or increase unless control actions are taken. This alert level AQI value is equaled or exceeded at any one (1) monitoring station within the affected area. This alert level AQI value is equaled or exceeded at any one (1) monitoring station within the affected area.
-- or --This alert level AQI value is equaled or exceeded as the arithmetic mean for twelve (12) consecutive hours and an Air Stagnation Advisory is in effect. -- or --This alert level AQI value is equaled or exceeded as the arithmetic mean for twelve (12) consecutive hours and a forecast of stagnation for the following twelve (12) hours is received.
-- or --The red alert AQI value is equaled or exceeded as the arithmetic mean for twenty-four (24) consecutive hours and a forecast of stagnation for the following twelve (12) hours is received. -- or --The purple alert AQI value is equaled or exceeded as the arithmetic mean for twenty-four (24) consecutive hours and a forecast of stagnation for the following twelve (12) hours is received.
-- or -- The red alert AQI value is equaled or exceeded as the arithmetic mean for thirty-six (36) consecutive hours and a forecast of stagnation for the following twelve (12) hours is received.

(C) Procedures. This subsection establishes procedures for addressing alert level conditions.

Table C
Red (151-200)Purple (201-300)Maroon (301-500)
The general public shall be informed through the news media that an alert of this level exists, the geographical area(s) where the alert is applicable, the emission and type of source(s) that initiated the alert, individual abatement actions that will help alleviate the problem, and encourage those with respiratory ailments or heart conditions to take the most appropriate and expedient precautions. The general public shall be informed through the news media that an alert of this level exists, the geographical area(s) where the alert is applicable, the emission and type of source(s) that initiated the alert, individual abatement actions that will help alleviate the problem, and encourage those with respiratory ailments or heart conditions to take the most appropriate and expedient precautions. The general public shall be informed through the news media that an alert of this level exists, the geographical area(s) where the alert is applicable, the emission and type of source(s) that initiated the alert, individual abatement actions that will help alleviate the problem, and encourage those with respiratory ailments or heart conditions to take the most appropriate and expedient precautions.
All affected governmental control agencies shall be notified of the existing alert level and that coordination of action is required. All affected governmental control agencies shall be notified of the existing alert level and that coordination of action is required. All affected governmental control agencies shall be notified of the existing alert level and that coordination of action is required.
All hospitals within the affected area shall be notified of the existing alert level and be prepared for an increase in the number of patients seeking treatment. All hospitals within the affected area shall be notified of the existing alert level and be prepared for an increase in the number of patients seeking treatment. All hospitals within the affected area shall be notified of the existing alert level and be prepared for an increase in the number of patients seeking treatment.
The frequency of air monitoring shall be increased at all monitoring stations that are not continuous at intervals not exceeding one (1) hour with continual hourly review at a central control location, if this equipment is available and it is deemed necessary by the director. The frequency of air monitoring shall be increased at all monitoring stations that are not continuous at intervals not exceeding one (1) hour with continual hourly review at a central control location, if this equipment is available and it is deemed necessary by the director. The frequency of air monitoring shall be increased at all monitoring stations that are not continuous at intervals not exceeding one-half (1/2) hour with continual half-hour review at a central control location, if this equipment is available and it is deemed necessary by the director.
All open burning shall cease throughout the affected area. All open burning and incineration shall cease throughout the affected area. All open burning and incineration shall cease throughout the affected area.
The general public shall be requested through the news media to restrict the unnecessary use of motor vehicles. The general public shall be told through the news media that local vehicular traffic shall avoid certain areas and all unnecessary use of motor vehicles is restricted. Nonlocal vehicular traffic may be diverted around the affected area depending upon which pollutant(s) caused the existing conditions. The use of motor vehicles is prohibited except in emergencies with the approval of local or state police.
Airlines operating within the purple alert area shall be notified that those conditions exist and that a reduction of flights out of the airport may be required. All airplane flights originating within the area of the maroon emergency alert shall be cancelled.
If requested by the director, facilities that are sources of air contaminant emissions are required to file alert plans in accordance with section (4) of this rule and shall be prepared to implement the plan upon notification by the director in the event of a purple alert. If requested by the director, facilities that are sources of air contaminant emissions are required to file alert plans in accordance with section (4) of this rule and shall be prepared to implement the plan upon notification by the director in the event of a maroon emergency alert.
All places of employment described as follows shall immediately cease operation during a maroon emergency alert: mining and quarrying; contract construction work; wholesale trade establishments; schools and libraries; governmental agencies except those needed to administer the air pollution alert program and other essential agencies determined by the director to be vital for public safety and welfare and needed to administer the provisions of this rule; retail trade stores except those dealing primarily in sale of food or pharmacies; banks, real estate agencies, insurance offices, and similar business; laundries, cleaners and dryers, beauty and barber shops, and photographic studios; amusement, recreational, gaming, and entertainment service establishments; automobile repair and automobile service garages; and advertising offices, consumer credit reporting, adjustment and collection agencies, printing and duplicating services, rental agencies, and commercial testing laboratories.
All manufacturing facilities except those required to submit alert plans shall institute action that will result in maximum reduction of air contaminants from their operations by ceasing, curtailing, or postponing operations to the extent possible without causing injury to persons or damage to equipment.

(4) Reporting and Record Keeping. Facilities that are sources of air contaminant emissions and required to file alert plans per Table C of this rule shall file purple and maroon alert plans with the director within sixty (60) days of the director's request. Alert plans shall-
(A) Address the objectives provided in Tables D, E, and F; and
(B) Include the planning necessary for implementation.

Updates to alert plans, including requests for rescissions, shall be provided when changes to operations necessitate.

Table D
Purple Alert (201-300) Plan Objectives
Electric power generating facilities Reduction of emissions by diverting electric power generation to facilities outside of area for which the alert is called.
If applicable, reduce emissions by utilization of fuels having low ash and sulfur content. If applicable, soot blowing and boiler lancing to be allowed only during periods of high atmospheric turbulence (12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m.).
Process steam generating facilities Reduction of steam load demands consistent with continuing the operation of the plant.
If applicable, reduce emissions by utilization of fuels having low ash and sulfur content. If applicable, soot blowing and boiler lancing to be allowed only during periods of high atmospheric turbulence (12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m.).
Manufacturing industries of the following Standard Industrial Classification Manual (SIC) group designations: grain industries, group 20; paper and allied products industries, group 26; chemicals and allied products industries, group 28; petroleum refining and related industries, group 29; stone, glass, clay, and concrete product industries, group 32; primary metal industries, group 33 Reduction of heat load demands for processing to a minimum.
Reduction of air contaminant emissions by curtailing, postponing, or deferring production and allied operations. Stoppage of all trade waste disposal practices that emit particles, gases, vapors, or malodorous substances including incineration.
Other manufacturing facilities required to submit alert plans by the director Reduction of heat load demands for processing to a minimum.
Reduction of air contaminant emissions by curtailing, postponing, or deferring production and allied operations. Stoppage of all trade waste disposal practices that emit particles, gases, vapors, or malodorous substances including incineration.
Private, public, and commercial operations For refuse disposal, stoppage of all open burning including disposal of trees and burning at fire-fighting schools, except as required for disposal of hazardous materials or other emergency needs.
For refuse disposal, operation of incinerators shall cease per Table C of this rule.
Transportation See Table C of this rule for motor vehicle restrictions.

Table E
Maroon Emergency Alert (301-400) Plan Objectives
Electric power generating facilities Reduction of emissions by diverting electric power generation to facilities outside of area for which the alert is called.
If applicable, reduce emissions by utilization of fuels having low ash and sulfur content. If applicable, soot blowing and boiler lancing to be allowed only during periods of high atmospheric turbulence (12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m.).
Process steam generating facilities If applicable, obtain maximum reduction of air contaminant emissions by utilization of fuels having the lowest ash and sulfur content.
If applicable, maximize use of periods of high atmospheric turbulence (12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m.) for soot blowing and boiler lancing.
Manufacturing industries of the following Standard Industrial Classification Manual (SIC) group designations: grain industries, group 20; paper and allied products industries, group 26; chemicals and allied products industries, group 28; petroleum refining and related industries, group 29; stone, glass, clay, and concrete product industries, group 32; primary metal industries, group 33 Maximum reduction of heat load demands for processing.
Maximum reduction of air contaminant emissions by, if necessary, postponing production and allied operations. Stoppage of all trade waste disposal practices that emit particles, gases, vapors, or malodorous substances including incineration.
Other manufacturing facilities required to submit alert plans by the director Maximum reduction of heat load demands for processing.
Maximum reduction of air contaminant emissions by, if necessary, postponing production and allied operations. Stoppage of all trade waste disposal practices that emit particles, gases, vapors, or malodorous substances including incineration.
Private, public, and commercial operations For refuse disposal, stoppage of all open burning including disposal of trees and burning at fire-fighting schools, except as required for disposal of hazardous materials or other emergency needs.
For refuse disposal, operation of incinerators shall cease per Table C of this rule.
Transportation See Table C of this rule for motor vehicle restrictions.

Table F
Maroon Emergency Alert (401-500) Plan Objectives
Electric power generating facilities Reduction of emissions by diverting electric power generation to facilities outside of area for which the alert is called.
If applicable, reduce emissions by utilization of fuels having low ash and sulfur content. If applicable, soot blowing and boiler lancing to be allowed only during periods of high atmospheric turbulence (12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m.).
Process steam generating facilities Maximum reduction of air contaminant emissions by reducing heat and steam load demands to values consistent with preventing equipment damage.
If applicable, maximize use of periods of high atmospheric turbulence (12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m.) for soot blowing and boiler lancing.
Manufacturing industries of the following Standard Industrial Classification Manual (SIC) group designations: grain industries, group 20; paper and allied products industries, group 26; chemicals and allied products industries, group 28; petroleum refining and related industries, group 29; stone, glass, clay, and concrete product industries, group 32; primary metal industries, group 33 Maximum reduction of heat load demands for processing.
Elimination of air contaminant emissions from the manufacturing operations by ceasing, curtailing, postponing, or deferring production and allied operations to the extent possible without causing injury to persons or damage to equipment.
Other manufacturing facilities required to submit alert plans by the director Maximum reduction of heat load demands for processing.
Elimination of air contaminant emissions from the manufacturing operations by ceasing, curtailing, postponing, or deferring production and allied operations to the extent possible without causing injury to persons or damage to equipment.
Private, public, and commercial operations For refuse disposal, stoppage of all open burning including disposal of trees and burning at fire-fighting schools, except as required for disposal of hazardous materials or other emergency needs.
For refuse disposal, operation of incinerators shall cease per Table C of this rule.
The following places of employment, if notified by the director, immediately shall cease operations: mining and quarrying operations; construction projects except as required to avoid emergent physical harm; manufacturing establishments except those required to have in force an air pollution alert plan; wholesale trade establishments; governmental units, except as required to implement the provisions of this rule and other operations essential to immediate protection of the public welfare and safety; retail trade and service establishments except pharmacies, food stores, and other similar operations providing for emergency needs; other commercial service operations, such as those engaged in banking, insurance, real estate, advertising, and the like; educational institutions; and amusement, recreational, gaming, and entertainment facilities.
Transportation See Table C of this rule for motor vehicle restrictions.

(5) Test Methods. The testing references for Missouri ambient air quality data are as specified in 10 CSR 10-6.040 Reference Methods.

10 CSR 10-6.130

AUTHORITY: section 643.050, RSMo Supp. 2013.* Original rule filed May 11 , 1984, effective Oct. 11 , 1984. Amended: Filed Jan. 5, 1988, effective 4/28/1988. Amended: Filed March 13, 2002, effective 11/30/2002. Amended: Filed Sept. 24, 2009, effective 5/30/2010. Amended: Filed May 7, 2013, effective 12/30/2013.

*Original authority: 643.050, RSMo 1965, amended 1972, 1992, 1993, 1995, 2011.