Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9549, pt. 9549.0035

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 15, October 7, 2024
Subpart 1.Allowable costs.

Only costs determined to be allowable under parts 9549.0010 to 9549.0080 shall be used to compute the total payment rate for nursing facilities participating in the medical assistance program.

Subp. 2.Applicable credits.

Applicable credits must be used to offset or reduce the expenses of the nursing facility to the extent that the cost to which the credits apply was claimed as a nursing facility cost. Interest income, dividend income, and other investment income of the nursing facility or related organization are not applicable credits except to the extent that the interest expense on working capital debt is incurred and claimed as a reimbursable expense by the nursing facility or related organization. Interest income must not be offset against working capital interest expense if it relates to a bond sinking fund or a restricted fund as defined in part 9549.0060, subpart 7, item B, or other restricted fund if the income is not available to the nursing facility or related organization. Gains or losses on the sales of capital assets used by the nursing facility must not be applicable credits.

Subp. 3.Adequate documentation.

A nursing facility shall keep adequate documentation.

A. In order to be adequate, documentation must:
(1) be maintained in orderly, well-organized files;
(2) not include documentation of more than one nursing facility in one set of files unless transactions may be traced by the department to the nursing facility's annual cost report;
(3) include a paid invoice or copy of a paid invoice with date of purchase, vendor name and address, purchaser name and delivery destination address, listing of items or services purchased, cost of items purchased, account number to which the cost is posted, and a breakdown of any allocation of costs between accounts or nursing facilities. If any of the information is not available, the nursing facility shall document its good faith attempt to obtain the information;
(4) include contracts, agreements, amortization schedules, mortgages, other debt instruments, and all other documents necessary to explain the nursing facility's costs or revenues; and
(5) be retained by the nursing facility to support the five most recent annual cost reports. The commissioner may extend the period of retention if the field audit was postponed because of inadequate record keeping or accounting practices as in part 9549.0041, subpart 13, item A, the records are necessary to resolve a pending appeal, or are required for the enforcement of Minnesota Statutes, section 256B.48.
B. Compensation for personal services, regardless of whether treated as direct or indirect costs, must be documented on payroll records. Payrolls must be supported by time and attendance or equivalent records for individual employees. Salaries and wages of employees which are allocated to more than one cost category must be supported by time distribution records. The method used must produce a proportional distribution of actual time spent, or an accurate estimate of time spent performing assigned duties. The nursing facility that chooses to estimate time spent must use a statistically valid method. The compensation must reflect an amount proportionate to a full-time basis if the services are rendered on less than a full-time basis.
C. Except for vehicles used exclusively for nursing facility business, the nursing facility or related organization must maintain a motor vehicle log that shows nursing facility mileage for the reporting year. Mileage paid for the use of a personal vehicle must be documented.
D. Complete and orderly records must be maintained for cost allocations made to cost categories.
Subp. 4.Compensation for personal services.

Compensation for personal services includes all the remuneration paid currently, accrued or deferred, for services rendered by the nursing facility's owners or employees. Only compensation costs for the current reporting period are allowable subject to the requirements of parts 9549.0010 to 9549.0080.

A. Compensation includes:
(1) salaries, wages, bonuses, vested vacations, vested sick leave, and fringe benefits paid for managerial, administrative, professional, and other services;
(2) amounts paid by the nursing facility for the personal benefit of the owners or employees;
(3) the costs of assets and services which the owner or employee receives from the nursing facility;
(4) deferred compensation, individual retirement plans such as individual retirement accounts, pension plans, and profit-sharing plans;
(5) the annual cost of supplies, use of capital assets, services for personal use, or any other in kind benefits received by the owners or employees; and
(6) payment to organizations of nonpaid workers, that have arrangements with the nursing facility for the performance of services by the nonpaid workers.
B. The nursing facility must have a written policy for payment of compensation for personal services. The policy must relate the individual's compensation to the performance of specified duties and to the number of hours worked. Compensation payable under the plan must be consistent with the compensation paid to persons performing similar duties in the nursing facility industry. Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements are not required to be covered by the policy if the collective bargaining agreement otherwise meets the essentials of the policy required by this item.
C. Only necessary services shall be compensated.
D. Except for accrued vested vacation, accrued vested sick leave, or compensation claims subject to litigation or employer-employee dispute resolution, compensation must be actually paid, whether by cash or negotiable instrument, within 107 days after the close of the reporting period. If payment is not made within the 107 days, the unpaid compensation shall be disallowed in that reporting year.
Subp. 5.Licensure and certification costs.

Subject to parts 9549.0010 to 9549.0080 all operating costs of meeting the licensure and certification standards in items A to C are allowable operating costs for the purpose of setting nursing facility payment rates. The standards are:

A. standards set by federal regulations for skilled nursing facilities and intermediate care facilities;
B. requirements established by the Minnesota Department of Health for meeting health standards as set out by state rules and federal regulations; and
C. other requirements for licensing under state and federal law, state rules, or federal regulations that must be met to provide nursing and boarding care services.
Subp. 6.Routine service costs.

Subject to parts 9549.0010 to 9549.0080 all operating costs of routine services including nursing, dietary, and support services are allowable operating costs for the purpose of setting nursing facility payment rates.

Subp. 7.Related organization costs.

Costs applicable to services, capital assets, and supplies directly or indirectly furnished to the nursing facility by any related organization are includable in the allowable cost of the nursing facility at the purchase price paid by the related organization for capital assets or supplies and at the cost incurred by the related organization for the provision of services to the nursing facility if these prices or costs do not exceed the price of comparable services, capital assets, or supplies that could be purchased elsewhere. For this purpose, the related organization's costs must not include an amount for markup or profit.

If the related organization in the normal course of business sells services, capital assets, or supplies to nonrelated organizations, the cost to the nursing facility shall be the nonrelated organization's price provided that sales to nonrelated organizations constitute at least 50 percent of total annual sales of similar services, or capital assets, or supplies.

Subject to parts 9549.0010 to 9549.0080, the cost of ownership of a capital asset which is used by the nursing facility must be included in the allowable cost of the nursing facility even though it is owned by a related organization.

Subp. 8.General cost principles.

For rate-setting purposes, a cost must satisfy the following criteria:

A. the cost is ordinary, necessary, and related to resident care;
B. the cost is what a prudent and cost conscious business person would pay for the specific good or service in the open market in an arm's length transaction;
C. the cost is for goods or services actually provided in the nursing facility;
D. the cost effects of transactions that have the effect of circumventing these rules are not allowable under the principle that the substance of the transaction shall prevail over form; and
E. costs that are incurred due to management inefficiency, unnecessary care or facilities, agreements not to compete, or activities not commonly accepted in the nursing facility care field are not allowable.

Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9549, pt. 9549.0035

9 SR 2659; L 1992 c 513 art 7 s 136

Statutory Authority: MS s 256B.41 to 256B.502