Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7001, HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY PERMITS, pt. 7001.0560

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 13, September 23, 2024

Part B of the application must contain the following information:

A. A general description of the facility, unless an accurate and complete Part A of the application has been submitted.
B. Chemical and physical analyses of the hazardous wastes to be handled at the facility. At a minimum, these analyses must contain all the information that must be known to treat, store, or dispose of the wastes properly in accordance with parts 7045.0450 to 7045.0551.
C. A copy of the waste analysis plan required by part 7045.0458, subpart 2.
D. A description of the security procedures and equipment required by part 7045.0452, subpart 4, or a justification as to why these security procedures are unnecessary at the facility.
E. A copy of the general inspection schedule required by part 7045.0452, subpart 5, item B, including, if applicable, the information in parts 7045.0526, subpart 5; 7045.0528, subpart 7; 7045.0532, subpart 5; 7045.0534, subparts 5 and 6; 7045.0536, subpart 4; 7045.0538, subpart 5; 7045.0539, subpart 3; and 7045.0542, subpart 7; and the process vent and equipment leak standards in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, sections 264.1033, 264.1052, 264.1053, 264.1058, as amended, and sections 264.1084, 264.1085, 264.1086, and 264.1088, as incorporated in part 7045.0540.
F. A description of procedures, structures, or equipment used at the facility as required to comply with parts 7045.0462 and 7045.0464. If the applicant is requesting a waiver of any of the requirements of part 7045.0462, the applicant shall include a justification for the request.
G. A copy of the contingency plan required by part 7045.0466, including, if applicable, the specific information in part 7045.0532, subpart 6.
H. A description of procedures, structures, or equipment used at the facility to:
(1) prevent hazards in unloading operations, such as ramps or special forklifts;
(2) prevent runoff from hazardous waste handling areas to other areas of the facility or environment, or to prevent flooding, such as berms, dikes, or trenches;
(3) prevent contamination of water supplies;
(4) mitigate effects of equipment failure and power outages;
(5) prevent undue exposure of personnel to hazardous waste, such as protective clothing; and
(6) prevent releases to the atmosphere.
I. A description of precautions to prevent accidental ignition or reaction of ignitable, reactive, or incompatible wastes as required to demonstrate compliance with part 7045.0456 and documentation of the applicant's compliance with part 7045.0456, subpart 3.
J. A description of the traffic patterns and traffic control at the facility, including a drawing showing traffic lanes, location of traffic control signals, turns across traffic lanes, and location of stacking lanes; estimated traffic volume at the facility; types of vehicles expected to use the facility; and a description of access road surfacing and load bearing capacity.
K. An outline of both introductory and continuing training programs to be conducted by the applicant that are designed in accordance with part 7045.0454 to prepare persons to operate or maintain the hazardous waste facility in a safe manner and a description of how training will be designed in accordance with part 7045.0454, subpart 3, to meet actual job tasks.
L. A copy of the closure plan and, where applicable, the postclosure plan required by parts 7045.0486, 7045.0490, and 7045.0528, subpart 9, including, if applicable, the specific information in parts 7045.0526, subpart 9; 7045.0528, subpart 9; 7045.0532, subpart 7; 7045.0534, subpart 7; 7045.0536, subpart 8; 7045.0538, subpart 7; 7045.0539, subparts 2 and 4; and 7045.0542, subpart 8.
M. For disposal units that have been closed, documentation that a notice has been placed in the deed or appropriate alternative instruments as required by part 7045.0496.
N. The most recent closure cost estimate for the facility prepared in accordance with part 7045.0502 and a copy of the documentation required to demonstrate financial assurance under part 7045.0504. For a new facility, a copy of the required documentation may be submitted 60 days before the initial receipt of hazardous wastes, if that is later than the submission of the Part B.
O. If applicable, the most recent post closure cost estimate for the facility prepared in accordance with part 7045.0506 and a copy of the documentation required to demonstrate financial assurance under part 7045.0508. For a new facility, a copy of the required documentation may be submitted 60 days before the initial receipt of hazardous wastes, if that is later than the submission of the Part B.
P. If applicable, the most recent corrective action cost estimate for the facility prepared in accordance with part 7045.0512 and a copy of the financial assurance mechanism adopted in compliance with part 7045.0514.
Q. If applicable, a copy of the insurance policy or other documentation showing compliance with the requirements of part 7045.0518. For a new facility, the application must contain documentation showing the amount of insurance that meets the specifications of part 7045.0518, subpart 1, and if applicable, part 7045.0518, subpart 2, that the applicant plans to have in effect before initial receipt of hazardous waste for treatment, storage, or disposal. If the applicant desires to request a variance from the insurance requirements under part 7045.0518, subpart 3, the applicant shall include all information required by part 7045.0518, subpart 3, in support of this request.
R. A topographic map showing the facility and the area surrounding the facility for a distance of at least 1,000 feet, using a scale of either 2.5 centimeters equal to not more than 61 meters or one inch equal to not more than 200 feet. The map must include contours having intervals sufficient to clearly show the pattern of surface water flow in the vicinity of and from each operational unit of the facility. The map must clearly show the following:
(1) date the map was prepared;
(2) map scale;
(3) 100-year floodplain area;
(4) surface waters, including intermittent streams;
(5) wetlands;
(6) shorelands;
(7) zoning of surrounding lands and uses of surrounding lands, including residential, commercial, agricultural, and recreational;
(8) wind rose, including windspeed and direction;
(9) arrows indicating map directions;
(10) legal boundaries of the hazardous waste facility site;
(11) county, township, and municipal boundaries;
(12) township, range, and section numbers;
(13) boundaries of parks and wildlife refuges;
(14) location of fences, gates, and other access control measures;
(15) wells, both on-site and off-site;
(16) all structures and buildings, and roads on the hazardous waste facility site, including those used in treatment, storage, or disposal operations; runoff control systems; access and internal roads; storm, sanitary, and process sewerage systems; loading and unloading areas; and fire control systems;
(17) barriers for drainage or flood control; and
(18) location of operational units within the hazardous waste facility site, areas where hazardous waste is, or will be, treated, stored, or disposed of, including equipment cleanup areas.
S. A statement as to whether the hazardous waste facility is located within a 100-year floodplain, an identification of the source of the data used to make this determination, and copy of the relevant Federal Insurance Administration flood map or other map used to make the determination, and any calculations done to make the determination. If the hazardous waste facility is located within a 100-year floodplain, the applicant shall furnish the following information:
(1) any known special flooding factors, such as wave action, which must be considered in designing, constructing, operating, or maintaining the facility to prevent washout from a 100-year flood;
(2) engineering analysis to indicate the various hydrodynamic and hydrostatic forces expected to result at the site as a result of a 100-year flood;
(3) structural or other engineering studies showing the design of operational units, such as tanks or incinerators;
(4) structural or other engineering studies showing the design of flood protection devices at the facility, such as floodwalls or dikes, and an explanation as to how these devices will prevent washout;
(5) if flood protection devices are not proposed to be utilized at the facility, the applicant shall provide, in lieu of the information set forth in subitems (2) to (4), a detailed description of procedures which the applicant will follow to remove hazardous waste to safety before the facility is flooded, including:
(a) the timing of the removal relative to flood levels, showing that removal can be completed before floodwaters reach the facility;
(b) a description of the facility or facilities to which the hazardous waste will be moved and a demonstration that these facilities will be eligible to receive hazardous waste in accordance with these parts and parts 7045.0450 to 7045.0655;
(c) the planned procedures, equipment, and personnel to be used and the methods that will be implemented to ensure that these resources will be available when needed; and
(d) a description of the potential for accidental discharges of hazardous waste during the movement of such waste;
(6) if the permit application relates to an existing facility and the applicant is not in compliance with part 7045.0460, subpart 1, at the time of the application, the applicant shall provide a plan showing how the facility will be brought into compliance with part 7045.0460, subpart 1, and a proposed schedule for the implementation of this plan.
T. Any additional geologic and other location information required to demonstrate compliance with part 7045.0460, subpart 2.
U. Any additional information that the commissioner determines is relevant to a decision on permit issuance, including but not limited to plans, specifications, and waste analyses that are necessary to determine whether the facility will meet all applicable Minnesota and federal statutes and rules.
V. For land disposal facilities, if a case-by-case extension has been approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, under Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 268.5, or a petition has been granted under part 7045.0075, subpart 9, a copy of the notice of approval for the extension or petition is required.

Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7001, HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY PERMITS, pt. 7001.0560

8 SR 2276; 10 SR 1212; 11 SR 2415; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 13 SR 259; 13 SR 1238; 13 SR 2761; 16 SR 2321; 20 SR 715; 29 SR 947; 33 SR 2042

Statutory Authority: MS s 116.07