Minn. R. agency 144, ch. 4761, LEAD STANDARDS; METHODS, pt. 4761.2640

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 16, October 14, 2024
Subpart 1.Applicability.

The methods in this part must be used when all work is completed in one working day and when:

A. an assessing agency issues lead hazard reduction orders for an affected property for painted surfaces or for removing lead-contaminated dust on surfaces where the affected surfaces are no more than:
(1) two square feet per room;
(2) 20 square feet on an exterior surface; or
(3) ten percent of the surface area on trim around doors, windows, or other small building components; or
B. removing entire building components. Removing entire building components includes, but is not limited to, removing windows and doors and associated components.
Subp. 2.Access required.

A person must allow the commissioner to have access to a work site, according to Minnesota Statutes, section 144.99, subdivision 2, while the person performs regulated lead work.

Subp. 3.Work area preparation.
A. A work area must be prepared according to items B to E before lead hazard reduction begins.
B. The heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems to an interior work area must be restricted.
C. All objects that are contaminated or suspected of being contaminated with lead-based paint chips or lead-contaminated dust must be either:
(1) vacuumed with a HEPA-filtered vacuum;
(2) wet wiped; or
(3) disposed of as lead-contaminated waste.
D. All movable objects that are within five feet of the affected work surface must be removed.
E. The floor or ground surface must first be cleaned using a vacuum with a HEPA filter to remove all visible paint chips that are present beneath the affected work surface. The cleaning of the floor or ground surface must extend at least five feet beyond the affected surface in all directions.
Subp. 4.Installing work area barriers.
A. Objects that cannot be removed from the work area and remain within five feet of the work area must be covered and secured with at least one layer of one-mil plastic sheeting.
B. Any air ducts or other openings within five feet of the work area must be sealed with at least one layer of one-mil plastic sheeting and secured to achieve an airtight seal.
C. At least one single layer of six-mil plastic sheeting must be placed beneath the affected work surface and extend at least five feet beyond the affected surface in all directions. The plastic sheeting must be secured to prevent movement.
D. If exterior windows or doors or associated components are to be treated or replaced from the interior, at least two layers of plastic sheeting must be attached to the exterior wall to cover the window or door opening. If the window or door being treated has an intact and operational storm window or door that will not be disturbed during the window or door treatment, no exterior plastic sheeting is required.
E. Temporary fencing or barrier tape must be erected at a ten-foot perimeter around an exterior work area to keep out unauthorized persons. The barrier distance may be less if the distance to an adjacent building or sidewalk is less than ten feet.
Subp. 5.Warning signs.

Warning signs as required under part 4761.2615, item F, must be placed at the entry to the rooms or work areas where lead hazard reduction is actually occurring.

Subp. 6.Residents.

If residents remain in the residence while work is ongoing, the residents must be provided with lead-safe passage to a bathroom, at least one living area, and an entry and egress route. Unless actually performing lead hazard reduction, residents must not be allowed in the work area until all work is completed, no visible dust or debris remains in the work area, the clearance inspection is passed, and clearance dust samples are collected. The residents must be informed to avoid the work area until clearance results are below the standards under part 4761.2510, subpart 2.

Subp. 7.Decontamination procedures.
A. The certified lead firm, lead supervisor, or property owner performing lead hazard reduction must provide proper washing facilities for workers to thoroughly wash hands, face, and other exposed body surfaces.
B. If existing facilities are used at the work site to decontaminate, the certified lead firm, lead supervisor, or property owner must:
(1) provide workers with soap and disposable towels; and
(2) clean the existing facility until no visible dust, dirt, or debris remains each day before leaving the site.
Subp. 8.Cleaning procedures and inspection.

When lead hazard reduction is completed, the certified lead firm, lead supervisor, or property owner must:

A. inspect all work surfaces where lead hazard reduction was conducted and visually determine that no dust, debris, or deteriorated paint remains;
B. remove plastic sheeting beneath the work area and dispose of the plastic sheeting as lead-contaminated waste;
C. clean all interior surfaces within the work area using a vacuum with a HEPA filter, then wet wipe and clean a second time using a vacuum with a HEPA filter or clean using any other EPA-documented methodology under part 4761.2000, subpart 15, item K, and extend the cleaning beyond the perimeter of the work area if visible dust and debris exists from the lead hazard reduction;
D. clean all floors in adjacent areas used as pathways to the work area and any areas used to store equipment and waste materials. Cleaning must be conducted using a vacuum with a HEPA filter and wet wiping, or using any other EPA-documented methodology under part 4761.2000, subpart 15, item K;
E. clean all exterior surfaces within the work area using a vacuum with a HEPA filter and extend the cleaning beyond the perimeter of the work area in all directions in which visible dust and debris exists from the lead hazard reduction;
F. clean all exterior ground surfaces that were used for pathways to the work area and any areas used to store equipment and waste materials using a vacuum with a HEPA filter, if visible paint chips are observed;
G. reinspect all areas referenced in items A to F. If visible dust or debris remains, the cleaning procedures under items C to F must be repeated;
H. if surface coatings were removed from building components, paint or seal the surfaces;
I. remove plastic sheeting from vents, other openings, and immovable objects, dispose of the plastic sheeting as lead-contaminated waste, inspect the areas and items for dust and debris, and if dust or debris is observed, clean surfaces using a vacuum with a HEPA filter; and
J. conduct clearance inspections according to part 4761.2670.

Minn. R. agency 144, ch. 4761, LEAD STANDARDS; METHODS, pt. 4761.2640

29 SR 531

Statutory Authority: MS s 144.9508