All national pollutant discharge elimination system permits granted by the PCA, under the authority given by the Environmental Protection Agency, shall be exempt from parts 4410.5000 to 4410.5600 unless otherwise provided by resolution of the EQB.
Where, in the opinion of any governmental unit, strict observance of parts 4410.5000 to 4410.5400 would jeopardize the public health, safety, or welfare or would otherwise generally compromise the public interest, the governmental unit shall comply with these rules as far as practicable. In such cases, the governmental unit shall carry out alternative means of public notification and shall communicate the same to the EQB chairperson.
Any federal permits for which review authority has been delegated to a nonfederal governmental unit by the federal government may be exempted by resolution of the EQB.
Minn. R. agency 141, ch. 4410, EARLY NOTICE RULES, pt. 4410.5100
Statutory Authority: MS s 116D.04