Minn. R. agency 129, ch. 3525, ENTRANCE AND EXIT CRITERIA, pt. 3525.1329

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 15, October 7, 2024
Subpart 1.Definition.

"Emotional or behavioral disorders" means an established pattern of one or more of the following emotional or behavioral responses:

A. withdrawal or anxiety, depression, problems with mood, or feelings of self-worth;
B. disordered thought processes with unusual behavior patterns and atypical communication styles; or
C. aggression, hyperactivity, or impulsivity.

The established pattern of emotional or behavioral responses must adversely affect educational or developmental performance, including intrapersonal, academic, vocational, or social skills; be significantly different from appropriate age, cultural, or ethnic norms; and be more than temporary, expected responses to stressful events in the environment. The emotional or behavioral responses must be consistently exhibited in at least three different settings, two of which must be educational settings, and one other setting in either the home, child care, or community. The responses must not be primarily the result of intellectual, sensory, or acute or chronic physical health conditions.

Subp. 2. [Repealed, 26 SR 657]
Subp. 2a.Criteria.

A pupil is eligible and in need of special education and related services for an emotional or behavioral disorder when the pupil meets the criteria in items A to C.

A. A pupil must demonstrate an established pattern of emotional or behavioral responses that is described in at least one of the following subitems and which represents a significant difference from peers:
(1) withdrawn or anxious behaviors, pervasive unhappiness, depression, or severe problems with mood or feelings of self-worth defined by behaviors, for example: isolating self from peers; displaying intense fears or school refusal; overly perfectionistic; failing to express emotion; displaying a pervasive sad disposition; developing physical symptoms related to worry or stress; or changes in eating or sleeping patterns;
(2) disordered thought processes manifested by unusual behavior patterns, atypical communication styles, or distorted interpersonal relationships, for example: reality distortion beyond normal developmental fantasy and play or talk; inappropriate laughter, crying, sounds, or language; self-mutilation, developmentally inappropriate sexual acting out, or developmentally inappropriate self-stimulation; rigid, ritualistic patterning; perseveration or obsession with specific objects; overly affectionate behavior towards unfamiliar persons; or hallucinating or delusions of grandeur; or
(3) aggressive, hyperactive, or impulsive behaviors that are developmentally inappropriate, for example: physically or verbally abusive behaviors; impulsive or violent, destructive, or intimidating behaviors; or behaviors that are threatening to others or excessively antagonistic.

The pattern must not be the result of cultural factors, and must be based on evaluation data which may include a diagnosis of mental disorder by a licensed mental health professional.

B. The pupil's pattern of emotional or behavioral responses adversely affects educational performance and results in:
(1) an inability to demonstrate satisfactory social competence that is significantly different from appropriate age, cultural, or ethnic norms; or
(2) a pattern of unsatisfactory educational progress that is not primarily a result of intellectual, sensory, physical health, cultural, or linguistic factors; illegal chemical use; autism spectrum disorders under part 3525.1325; or inconsistent educational programming.
C. The combined results of prior documented interventions and the evaluation data for the pupil must establish significant impairments in one or more of the following areas: intrapersonal, academic, vocational, or social skills. The data must document that the impairment:
(1) severely interferes with the pupil's or other students' educational performance;
(2) is consistently exhibited by occurrences in at least three different settings: two educational settings, one of which is the classroom, and one other setting in either the home, child care, or community; or for children not yet enrolled in kindergarten, the emotional or behavioral responses must be consistently exhibited in at least one setting in the home, child care, or community; and
(3) has been occurring throughout a minimum of six months, or results from the well-documented, sudden onset of a serious mental health disorder diagnosed by a licensed mental health professional.
Subp. 3.Evaluation.
A. The evaluation findings in subpart 2a must be supported by current or existing data from:
(1) clinically significant scores on standardized, nationally normed behavior rating scales;
(2) individually administered, standardized, nationally normed tests of intellectual ability and academic achievement;
(3) three systematic observations in the classroom or other learning environment;
(4) record review;
(5) interviews with parent, pupil, and teacher;
(6) health history review procedures;
(7) a mental health screening; and
(8) functional behavioral assessment.

The evaluation may include data from vocational skills measures; personality measures; self-report scales; adaptive behavior rating scales; communication measures; diagnostic assessment and mental health evaluation reviews; environmental, socio-cultural, and ethnic information reviews; gross and fine motor and sensory motor measures; or chemical health assessments.

B. Children not yet enrolled in kindergarten are eligible for special education and related services if they meet the criteria listed in subpart 2a, items A, B, and C, subitems (2) and (3). The evaluation process must show developmentally significant impairments in self-care, social relations, or social or emotional growth, and must include data from each of the following areas: two or more systematic observations, including one in the home; a case history, including medical, cultural, and developmental information; information on the pupil's cognitive ability, social skills, and communication abilities; standardized and informal interviews, including teacher, parent, caregiver, and child care provider; and standardized adaptive behavior scales.

Minn. R. agency 129, ch. 3525, ENTRANCE AND EXIT CRITERIA, pt. 3525.1329

16 SR 1543; 17 SR 3361; 26 SR 657

Statutory Authority: MS s 120.17; L 1999 c 123 s 19, 20