Mich. Admin. Code R. 431.4265

Current through Vol. 24-18, October 15, 2024
Section R. 431.4265 - Driving rule violations; complaints; disciplinary action

Rule 4265.

(1) Although a leading horse is entitled to any part of the race course, except after selecting its position in the home stretch, the driver of the first horse or any other driver in the race shall not violate the driving rules by participating in any of the following conduct:
(a) Change either to the right or left during any part of the race when another horse is so near him or her that in altering his or her position the driver compels another horse to shorten its stride or causes the driver of the other horse to pull the horse out of its stride.
(b) Jostle or strike, or hook wheels or interfere with, another horse or driver.
(c) Cross sharply in front of a horse or cross in front of a field of horses in a reckless manner or endanger other drivers.
(d) Swerve in and out or pull up quickly.
(e) Crowd a horse or driver by putting a wheel under him.
(f) Carry a horse out.
(g) Sit down in front of a horse or take up abruptly in front of other horses so as to cause confusion or interference among trailing horses.
(h) Let a horse pass inside needlessly or otherwise help another horse to improve its position in the race.
(i) Commit any act which impedes the progress of another horse or causes it to break.
(j) Change course after selecting a position in the home stretch or swerve in and out, or bear in and out, in a manner as to interfere with another horse or cause it to change course or take back.
(k) Drive in a careless or reckless manner.
(l) Loud shouting or other improper conduct.
(m) Fail to set and maintain a pace which is reasonable for that class of horse.
(2) All objections by drivers of any foul driving or other misconduct during the heat shall be made at the termination of the heat, unless the driver is prevented from doing so by an accident or injury. Any driver desiring to enter a claim of foul or other objection of the rules shall, before dismounting, indicate to the official starter or the patrol judge his or her desire to enter the objection and shall immediately, upon dismounting, proceed to the telephone, where such objection shall be immediately entered. The stewards shall not cause the "official" sign to be displayed until the objection has been entered and considered.
(3) If any violation specified in subrule (1) of this rule is committed by a person driving a horse coupled as an entry in the betting, the stewards shall set the offending horse back. The horse coupled in the entry with the offending horse shall also be set back if the stewards find that the horse improved its finishing position as a direct result of the offense committed by the offending horse.
(4) In case of interference, collision, or violation of any of the provisions of this rule, the offending horse may be placed back 1 or more positions in that heat or dash. If a collision or interference prevents any horse from finishing the heat or dash, the offending horse may be disqualified from receiving any winnings and the driver may be subject to disciplinary action or, if a horse is set back, it shall be placed behind the horse with which it interfered.
(5) Every heat in a race shall be contested by every horse in the race, and every horse shall be driven to the finish. If the stewards believe that a horse is being driven, or has been driven, with the intent of preventing its winning a heat or dash which it was evidently able to win, or is being raced in an inconsistent manner or to perpetrate or to aid in fraud, they shall consider such driving a violation, and the driver and anyone aiding the driver in effecting the outcome of the race or races may be subject to disciplinary action. The stewards may substitute a competent and reliable driver at any time. The substituted driver shall be paid at the discretion of the stewards and the driver fee retained from the purse money due the horse, if any.
(6) If a drive is unsatisfactory due to the lack of effort or due to carelessness or is an inconsistent drive, the stewards may impose a penalty under this subrule.
(7) If, in the opinion of the stewards, a driver is for any reason unfit or incompetent to drive, refuses to comply with the directions of the racing officials, or is reckless in his or her conduct and endangers the safety of horses or other drivers in the race, he or she may be removed and another driver substituted at any time after the positions have been assigned in a race, and the offending driver shall be subject to disciplinary action. The substitute driver shall be properly compensated.
(8) If, for any cause, a horse fails to finish after starting in a heat, that horse shall be ruled out.
(9) A driver shall be mounted in his or her sulky at the finish of the race or the horse shall be placed as not finishing.
(10) A driver must do all of the following:

Have control of his or her horse at all times when on the race course.

Keep a line in each hand from the start of the race until the end of the race.

Not move his or her arm or arms in an exaggerated manner, and both lines shall remain reasonably taut during the entire race.

Keep both feet in the stirrups from the time the horses are brought to the starting gate until the race has been completed. A driver may remove a foot from the stirrups during the race solely for the purpose of pulling ear plugs and once the ear plugs have been pulled the foot must be placed back into the stirrup.

Not lean back during any part of the race in any manner that may cause unsafe conditions, alter the position of or impede the progress of trailing horses.

Not use any goading device, chain, or mechanical device or appliance, other than the ordinary whip, upon any horse in any race. The possession of any mechanical or electrical goading device on the grounds of an association is a violation.

Not punch, jab, or kick a horse at any time while on the grounds.

(11) Use of whip must meet all of the following requirements:

Whipping shall be limited to wrist action only with minimal elbow movement, and the whipping hand shall not be raised above shoulder height.

Drivers shall not whip below the level of the shaft or strike any part of the horse under the tail or between the legs.

Drivers shall not strike another horse or driver with a whip or use the whip so as to interfere in any way to another horse in the race.

Drivers shall not whip a horse during the post parade or after the finish of the race.

Excessive, indiscriminate, visibly injurious, or abusive use of the whip is prohibited.

Drivers shall not continue to use the whip on an exhausted horse, or on a horse that is not in contention.

A driver shall not cause visible injury. Welts, cuts, or whip marks on a horse resulting from whipping is prima facie evidence of a violation.

Drivers shall not continue to use the whip without giving the horse time to respond; continuous use of the whip is prohibited.

(12) Drivers are allowed whips that do not exceed 4 feet, 8 inches in length and are allowed snappers that are not longer than 8 inches.
(13) A horse shall not wear hobbles in a race unless it starts in hobbles in the first heat, and having so started, it shall continue to wear hobbles to the finish of the race. Any person found guilty of removing or altering a horse's hobbles during a race or between races for the purpose of fraud shall be subject to disciplinary action, expelled, or ruled off. Any horse which habitually races free-legged or with hobbles shall be required to do so unless requalifying. A horse shall not wear a head pole which protrudes more than 10 inches beyond its nose.
(14) A horse must finish the race on the race course or must be placed as not finishing.
(15) All of the following apply regarding a pylon violation:
(a) A horse while on stride, or part of the horse's sulky, shall not leave the race course by going inside the pylons which constitutes the inside limits of the race course when not forced to do so as a result of the actions of another driver or horse, or both.
(b) If a horse while on stride, or part of the horse's sulky, goes inside a pylon and that action gave the horse an unfair advantage over other horses in the race or the action helped improve its position in the race, the offending horse may be fined or placed at the discretion of the stewards.
(c) When an act of interference causes a horse, or part of the horse's sulky, to cross inside one or more pylons, the stewards may place the offending horse behind the horse with which it interfered.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 431.4265

1985 AACS; 2021 MR 6, Eff. 3/26/2021