Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.2415

Current through Vol. 24-18, October 15, 2024
Section R. 299.2415 - Operation of disposal wells; monitoring and reporting requirements

Rule 2415.

(1) Injection of a waste product shall not begin until all of the following are complete:
(a) The well is confirmed for use as provided by R 299.2414.
(b) The warning system required in subrule (8) of this rule is installed and tested or the monitoring plan required in subrule (8) of this rule is approved by the supervisor of mineral wells.
(c) A working check valve is installed on the flow line as close as practicable to the wellhead to prevent backflow.
(2) The permittee shall inject only through tubing with a packer set within the innermost casing string or strings at a point within or below the confining zone. During injection operations, the annulus between the injection tubing and innermost casing shall be filled with a noncorrosive liquid. Any changes in the arrangement of downhole equipment shall be submitted by the permittee on forms prescribed by the supervisor of mineral wells for approval by the supervisor of mineral wells or authorized representative of the supervisor of mineral wells before installation.
(3) During disposal operations a permittee shall ensure that the injection pressure at the wellhead does not exceed a pressure determined by the following equation:

PM = (FPG - 0.433 SG)D where PM = surface injection pressure.

FPG = fracture pressure gradient.

SG = highest specific gravity of liquid planned for injection.

D = depth to top of disposal zone in feet (true vertical depth). The permittee shall maintain a positive pressure at the wellhead on the annulus between the injection tubing and the innermost casing. Injection pressure shall not initiate fractures or cause existing fractures to propagate into the confining zone or cause movement of injected or formation fluids through the confining zone.

(4) If migration of injected fluids through the confining zone is discovered, the permittee shall immediately cease injection and submit to the supervisor of mineral wells a remediation plan. A report of the discovery shall be made orally to the supervisor of mineral wells or authorized representative of the supervisor of mineral wells within 24 hours of the time of discovery. A written report detailing the circumstances of the discovery shall be filed with the supervisor of mineral wells within 11 business days of the discovery. The supervisor of mineral wells may require a permittee to demonstrate an underground source of drinking water is not impacted by the migration of injected fluid.
(5) The permittee shall at all times ensure that injected fluids do not enter an underground source of drinking water. If the injected fluids have the potential to react with the rock of the injection formation, then the permittee shall ensure that pressure imbalances do not occur.
(6) The supervisor of mineral wells may require a permittee to monitor the pressure buildup in the injection zone. The pressure monitoring shall include a suitable pressure transient test. From this observation the permittee shall submit a report to the supervisor of mineral wells including all of the following information:
(a) All measured data.
(b) A calculation of pressure buildup and static bottom hole pressure in the injection zone.
(c) Injection zone transmissivity.
(d) Well bore skin factor.
(e) Radius of investigation of the test.

At least 30 days before a test, a permittee shall notify the supervisor of mineral wells or authorized representative of the supervisor of mineral wells of the date and approximate time of the test.

(7) If required by the supervisor of mineral wells, the permittee shall maintain monitoring devices and use them to monitor injection pressure, pressure in the annulus between the injection tubing and the innermost casing, and injection rate. The permittee shall monitor the annulus pressure system reservoir volume daily.
(8) The permittee shall do 1 of the following:
(a) Install an automatic warning system to notify the permittee if either of the following conditions exist:
(i) Pressure changes in the annulus or tubing signifying or identifying possible deficiencies in mechanical integrity.
(ii) Injection pressure exceeding the pressure limits specified in subrule (3) of this rule.
(b) Submit for the supervisor of mineral wells approval, a monitoring plan to detect conditions described in paragraphs (a)(i) and (a)(ii) of this subrule.
(9) The permittee shall test an automatic warning system installed under subrule (8) of this rule at least every twelfth month. The test must involve subjecting the system to simulated failure conditions. At least 30 days before a test, a permittee shall notify the supervisor of mineral wells or authorized representative of the supervisor of mineral wells of the date and approximate time of the test.
(10) The permittee shall install and maintain a suitable coupling and valve on the wellhead to be used for independent injection pressure measurements.
(11) All injection and withdrawal activities shall be monitored by an individual who is trained and experienced in such activities. A permittee shall submit a plan for monitoring injection and withdrawal activities. The wellhead and facility shall be secured in a manner to prevent unauthorized access to the well if the well is not in use for an extended period of time.
(12) The supervisor of mineral wells or authorized representative of the supervisor of mineral wells may approve a waste product, in addition to those specified in the application for a permit to drill and operate, to be injected into a well. Requests to inject an additional waste product shall be in writing and accompanied by the characterization required in R 299.2312(h).
(13) A permittee shall submit a waste analysis plan for approval by the supervisor of mineral wells or the authorized representative of the supervisor of mineral wells.
(14) A permittee shall submit monthly reports of the following information no later than the end of the month following the reporting period:
(a) Maximum and average injection pressure for each day of the month and monthly averages of the maximum and minimum injection pressures.
(b) Maximum and minimum pressure in the annulus between the injection tubing and innermost casing for each day of the month and monthly averages of the maximum and minimum pressure in the annulus between the injection tubing and innermost casing.
(c) Maximum and average injection rates for each day of the month and monthly averages of the maximum and minimum injection rates.
(d) The total volume of waste products injected for each day of the month and to date, in the current calendar year. If surface runoff is injected, the total annual and monthly volumes for both waste fluids and surface runoff shall be reported individually. If waste products injected into a multisource commercial hazardous waste disposal well include waste that is not hazardous, the volumes of both hazardous and nonhazardous waste shall be reported separately.
(e) The amounts and types of liquid added to or removed from the annulus pressure system for each day of the month and the cumulative amount of liquid added to or removed from the annulus pressure system for the current month and each of the past 12 months.
(f) Any event that exceeds operating pressures as specified in subrule (3) of this rule and any event that triggers an alarm or shutdown device provided by subrule (8) of this rule.
(g) A description of any well bore stimulation that does not require an application to change well status under R 299.2384, including all of the following:
(i) The date of the stimulation.
(ii) The amount of acid used.
(iii) The concentration and type of acid used.
(iv) The maximum pressure generated during the stimulation.
(h) The supervisor of mineral wells may grant an exception to the reporting requirements of subdivisions (a) to (g) of this subrule if a permittee makes a request in writing.
(15) All records pertaining to a disposal well shall be retained by the permittee for a period of at least 3 years following the plugging and abandonment of the disposal or storage well and shall be open to inspection at any time by the supervisor of mineral wells or an authorized representative of the supervisor of mineral wells.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.2415

2004 AACS