Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 51, No. 20, October 4, 2024
Section - Sanitary Landfills - Industrial Landfills - Permit Requirements
A. Permit Application Requirements. When required to obtain a permit to construct or operate an industrial waste landfill, an applicant shall submit five copies of the following information:
(1) A completed and signed application on a form provided by the Department.
(2) A comprehensive physical and chemical description of the waste materials to be disposed of in the landfill.
(3) A description, including flow diagrams, of the processes generating the wastes, including raw materials, intermediate by-products, final products, and waste streams.
(4) A topographic map which is an accurate depiction of the site at the time the application is filed, prepared to a scale not smaller than 1 inch equals 200 feet, which depicts the property boundaries, on-site buildings and structures, and obvious surficial features, including but not limited to:
(a) Springs and seeps;
(b) Streams, whether intermittent or perennial;
(c) Rock outcrops;
(d) Sink holes;
(e) Surface impoundments;
(f) Wells;
(g) 100-year flood plain;
(h) Forested or other vegetated areas; and
(i) The location of any buried or overhead power transmission lines, utility pipelines, or storage tanks on the property.
(5) A discussion of the geologic formations directly underlying and in close proximity to the site.
(6) A map or drawing depicting the final grades of the site after completion of landfilling activities.
(7) A discussion of the projected future use of the landfilled area.
(8) The volume and type of available cover material, if appropriate, for the material being landfilled.
(9) Means of controlling access to the landfill.
(10) Proposed operating procedures including:
(a) Hours of operation;
(b) Necessary equipment to handle wastes delivered to the site;
(c) Contingency plans for fire or other emergencies; and
(d) Procedures to be followed upon delivery of wastes.
(11) Methods of controlling runoff or run-on to the site. Any erosion and sediment control provisions shall satisfy the requirements of Environment Article, Title 4, Subtitle 1, and COMAR 26.09.01.
(12) Proposed methods of covering and stabilizing completed areas.
(13) A description of the design features and systems intended to protect ground water from leachate which is generated by landfilled wastes.
(14) If appropriate, a discussion as to how leachate will be collected, removed from the landfill, and ultimately disposed of.
(15) Ground water elevation data from the area and a prediction of the maximum expected ground water elevation at the site of the landfill. An explanation shall be provided as to how the ground water elevation estimates were derived.
(16) Geologic cross sections of the site in sufficient detail and orientation to clearly identify subsurface conditions.
(17) Background ground water quality data for the following:
(a) pH;
(b) Alkalinity;
(c) Hardness;
(d) Chloride;
(e) Specific conductance;
(f) Nitrates;
(g) Nickel;
(h) Sulfates;
(i) Copper;
(j) Fluoride;
(k) Arsenic;
(l) Barium;
(m) Cadmium;
(n) Chromium;
(o) Lead;
(p) Zinc;
(q) Chemical oxygen demand;
(r) Mercury.
(18) For a particular industrial waste landfill, the Department may specify additional parameters for background ground water analysis.
(19) Test boring logs, well completion reports, piezometric measurements, chemical or physical soil analyses, or both, and accompanying geotechnical analyses.
(20) A preliminary conceptual design of the proposed landfill.
(21) Other information required by the Department.
B. Plan Review.
(1) Following receipt of the specified number of copies of the required information, the Department shall forward one copy to the:
(a) Chief executive officer or the governing body, or both, of the county or municipality in which the activity is proposed;
(b) Local health official; and
(c) Local agency responsible for solid waste management.
(2) A person receiving a copy of the application and supporting information shall be requested to submit comments to the Department within 20 days of receipt of the application.
C. Public Meeting. The Department reserves the right to conduct a public informational meeting which shall be advertised once per week for 2 successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the affected area. Copies of the notice shall be distributed in the same manner as the application.
D. Other Requirements.
(1) Periodic Reports to Approving Authority. An annual written report shall be submitted to the Approving Authority concerning the status of the landfill. This report shall be submitted not later than 60 days following the date specified in the permit and shall at a minimum include the:
(a) Quantity of solid waste received per month during each of the preceding 12 months. Quantities shall be given in tons and in-place cubic yards.
(b) Percentage of total capacity of the landfill used for emplacement of solid waste.
(c) Projected date at which the landfill will reach capacity, and the premises upon which this determination is made.
(2) The Department may require the permit holder to periodically collect and analyze ground and surface water samples at the permitted site and to report the results to the Department. The Department may furthermore specify the:
(a) Number and location of the sampling points;
(b) Frequency of the analyses;
(c) Analytical procedures;
(d) Materials to be monitored;
(e) Frequency of reporting.
(3) The Approving Authority may impose other requirements considered necessary to protect the public health and the environment, or to prevent nuisance conditions.

Md. Code Regs.

Regulations .20, Solid Waste Management, adopted effective March 7, 1988 (15:5 Md. R. 618)