Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 51, No. 20, October 4, 2024
Section - Sanitary Landfills - Land Clearing Debris Landfills - Permit Requirements
A. Permit Application Requirements. To obtain a permit to construct or operate a land clearing debris landfill, an applicant shall submit eight copies of the following information:
(1) A completed and signed application on a form provided by the Department.
(2) A U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute quadrangle map with the proposed site outlined.
(3) A topographic map which is an accurate depiction of the site at the time of the application, prepared to a scale not smaller than 1 inch equals 200 feet, which depicts the property boundaries, on site buildings and structures, and obvious surficial features including, but not limited to:
(a) Springs;
(b) Seeps;
(c) Streams;
(d) Rock outcrops;
(e) Sink holes;
(f) Surface impoundments;
(g) Water wells;
(h) 100-year flood plain;
(i) Forested and other vegetated areas; and
(j) The location of any buried or overhead power transmission lines, utility pipelines, or storage tanks on the property.
(4) A discussion of the geologic formations directly underlying and in close proximity to the site which shall include a review of their effect on the factors set forth in Regulation .03A of this chapter.
(5) A map depicting the planned final grades of the site after completion of landfilling activities.
(6) A discussion of the projected future use of the landfilled area.
(7) A description of the types of solid waste which will be accepted, and a discussion as to how unacceptable wastes which are delivered to the site will be segregated and handled before final disposal.
(8) The anticipated quantities of solid waste which will be accepted and the calculations used to determine the useful life of the facility.
(9) The volume and type of available cover material, the calculated volume of earth needed for daily, intermediate, and final cover, the location of earth stockpiles, and provisions for saving topsoil for use as top dressing.
(10) Proposed means of controlling unauthorized access to the site.
(11) Proposed operating procedures including:
(a) Hours and days of operation;
(b) Number and types of equipment to be used;
(c) Number of employees and their duties;
(d) Listing of qualifications that demonstrate employees can fulfill the duties submitted by the applicant as required in §A(11)(c) of this regulation;
(e) Provisions for fire prevention and control;
(f) Means of preventing public health hazards and nuisances from vermin, noise, dust, and odors; and
(g) Proposed method of daily operation including wet weather operation.
(12) The location and depth of solid waste cells and the sequence of filling.
(13) Methods of controlling on-site drainage, drainage leaving the site, and drainage onto the site from adjoining areas. Erosion and sediment control provisions shall be approved by the local soil conservation district or the appropriate approving authority, and satisfy the requirements of Environment Article, Title 4, Subtitle 1, and COMAR 26.09.01.
(14) Proposed methods for covering and stabilizing completed areas.
(15) Other information considered necessary by the Department to evaluate the adequacy of a site.
B. Plan Review.
(1) Following receipt of the specified number of copies of the required information, the Department shall distribute one copy to each of the persons or agencies specified in Regulation .06C(1)(a)-(g) and (i)-(k) of this chapter.
(2) A person receiving a copy of the application and supporting information shall be requested by the Approving Authority to submit comments to the Approving Authority within 20 days of receipt of the application.
(3) Following receipt of complete plans and specifications, the Approving Authority shall set a date, time, and place for a joint plan review meeting with interested agencies and the applicant.
(4) When practicable, within 60 days following this meeting, the Approving Authority shall either deny the permit or determine if:
(a) Sufficient information is available to schedule a public hearing on the request for a permit; or
(b) Revisions to the plans and specifications are needed.
(5) If the Department is unable to complete the review within the established 60-day time schedule, the Department shall notify the applicant in writing within 30 days of receipt of the information and inform the applicant of the anticipated time required to complete the review.
C. Public Hearing. Before issuing a refuse disposal permit for a sanitary landfill to accept land clearing debris, a public hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Regulation .09A of this chapter.
D. Deed Amendment and Bonding Requirement. Before issuance of a permit for a sanitary landfill for land clearing debris, the applicant shall submit proof:
(1) That the deed pertaining to the site in question has been amended to stipulate, upon close-out of this operation, that construction on this site may not begin without first obtaining written authorization from the Approving Authority.
(2) Of the bonding as required by Environment Article, § 9-211(c), Annotated Code of Maryland.
E. Consistency with the County Solid Waste Plan. Before issuance of the permit the applicant shall provide:
(1) A statement from the appropriate local governmental agency concerning the consistency of the proposed facility with the approved county comprehensive solid waste management plan. If the local government fails to provide a response within 60 days of receipt of a request for a statement, a copy of the certified letter to the county requesting a statement shall be deemed to satisfy this requirement;
(2) Proof that the facility is consistent with the approved county comprehensive solid waste management plant.
F. Periodic Reports to Approving Authority. An annual written report shall be submitted to the Approving Authority concerning the status of the landfill. This report shall be submitted not later than 60 days following the date specified in the permit and shall as a minimum include the:
(1) Quantity of solid waste received per month during each of the preceding 12 months. Quantities shall be given in tons and in-place cubic yards.
(2) Percentage of total capacity of the landfill used for emplacement of solid waste.
(3) Projected date at which the landfill will reach capacity, and the premises upon which this determination is made.
G. Other Requirements. The Approving Authority may impose other requirements considered necessary to protect the public health and the environment, or to prevent nuisance conditions.

Md. Code Regs.

Regulations .12, Solid Waste Management, adopted effective March 7, 1988 (15:5 Md. R. 618)