Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 51, No. 20, October 4, 2024
Section - Sanitary Landfills - Municipal Landfills - Phase III Report
A. Ten complete sets of plans and engineering reports, known as the Phase III report, covering the proposed project, prepared, signed, and bearing the seal of a registered professional engineer shall be submitted to the Approving Authority.
B. These plans and specifications shall include the following information in sufficient detail to permit a comprehensive review of the project:
(1) A map which designates the property boundaries, the actual area to be used for filling, and all existing and proposed structures.
(2) A description of any vehicle weighing facilities, any telephones or other communications equipment, any maintenance and equipment storage facilities, any employee safety and sanitary facilities, and any water supply and sewerage systems. Any proposed on-site water supply and sewerage systems shall be approved by the Approving Authority.
(3) The location and type of all existing or proposed on-site roads.
(4) A description of the types of solid waste which will be accepted, the types of solid waste which may not be accepted, and the area and population which will be served by the facility.
(5) The anticipated quantities of solid waste which will be accepted and the calculations used to determine the useful life of the facility.
(6) Proposed methods of collecting and reporting data on the quantities and types of solid waste received and for revising facility life expectancy projections.
(7) The volume and type of available cover material, the calculated volume of earth needed for daily, intermediate, and final cover, the location of earth stockpiles, and provisions for saving topsoil for use as final cover.
(8) Proposed means of controlling unauthorized access to the site.
(9) Proposed operating procedures including:
(a) Hours and days of operation;
(b) Number and types of equipment to be used;
(c) Number of employees and their duties;
(d) Provisions for fire prevention and control;
(e) Means of preventing public health hazards and nuisances from blowing paper, odors, rodents, vermin, noise, and dust; and
(f) Proposed method of daily operation including wet weather operation.
(10) The location and depth of solid waste cells and the sequence of filling.
(11) Natural or artificial screening to be used.
(12) Methods of controlling on-site drainage, drainage leaving the site, and drainage onto the site from adjoining areas. Erosion and sediment control provisions shall be approved by the appropriate approving agency and satisfy the requirements of Environment Article, Title 4, Subtitle 1, and COMAR 26.09.01.
(13) Proposed methods and engineering specifications for the collection, management, and disposal of leachate generated at the facility. The calculations used to determine the anticipated quantities of leachate which will be generated shall be included.
(14) A contingency plan for preventing or abating the pollution of the waters of this State. At a minimum, the contingency plan shall address the following items:
(a) Emergency provisions of potable water to users whose supply may be affected by the landfill;
(b) A spill containment and prevention plan for any leachate collected or stored at the site; and
(c) Emergency telephone numbers and contact persons for fires, medical emergencies, spills of hazardous materials, or other emergency situation.
(15) Proposed methods for controlling landfill gas.
(16) Proposed methods for covering and stabilizing completed areas.
(17) A system for routinely monitoring the quality of the waters of this State around and beneath the site, including the location and types of monitoring stations, and the methods of construction of monitoring wells. Wells shall be installed by a State licensed well driller in accordance with COMAR 26.04.04.
(18) A statement that "Burning of solid waste is not allowed, except as permitted by the Department of the Environment."
(19) A schedule for implementing construction and implementation of the operation plans and engineering specifications once the refuse disposal permit has been issued.
(20) A landfill closure and post-closure plan to be followed over a period of not less than 5 years after application of final cover.
(21) The name, address, and telephone number of the person or agency responsible for the maintenance and operation of the site. Changes to this information shall be submitted to the Approving Authority once effected.
C. Other Requirements for Engineering Plans and Specifications.
(1) Kinds of Plans. Plans shall be neatly and legibly drawn upon tracing cloth or other acceptable drafting medium so that copies may be obtained. Except when the originals are presented for preliminary judgment, the originals shall be kept by the party presenting the plans, and true copies, which may be white, blue, or black-line prints, offset prints, or photostats on a white background, shall be submitted to the Approving Authority. Plans may not be returned after submission unless revisions are necessary. When revisions are necessary the revisions shall be made on the original tracings and new prints submitted. Pencil, crayon, ink, typewritten or similar revisions, changes, or additions on prints, photostats, or other reproductions are not acceptable. Revisions or additions may not be made to prints previously or currently submitted to the Approving Authority. Plans specifically prepared for each installation shall be required.
(2) Size of Plans. Drawings shall be 24 inches wide and 36 inches long.
(3) Title of Plans. In the lower right-hand corner, or along the bottom border of each separate drawing, shall be placed a proper title containing the name of the county, municipality, company, institution, person, or persons for whom it is made, the name of the locality to which it refers, a proper description for a full understanding of the nature of the drawing, and the scale, date, and name of the engineer, architect, or surveyor preparing it. On each plan showing a locality or street layout, an arrow shall be placed, indicating the direction of North, and plans should be arranged, whenever practicable, so that North is toward the top or to the left of the sheet.
D. Phase III - Plan Review.
(1) Following receipt of complete plans and specifications, the Approving Authority shall distribute a copy to each of the interested agencies and set a date, time, and place for a joint plan review meeting with the Approving Authority and the applicant.
(2) When practicable, within 60 days following this meeting, the Approving Authority shall either deny the permit or determine if:
(a) Sufficient information is available to schedule a public hearing on the request for a permit; or
(b) Revisions to the plans and specifications are needed.
(3) If the permit is denied, the applicant shall be informed of the basis for the denial and the procedures for appeal of this determination.
(4) If the Department is unable to complete the review within the established 60-day time schedule, the Department shall notify the applicant in writing within 30 days of receipt of the information and inform the applicant of the anticipated time required to complete the review.

Md. Code Regs.

Regulations .08, Solid Waste Management, adopted effective March 7, 1988 (15:5 Md. R. 618)