Md. Code Regs. 01.01.2012.05

Current through Register Vol. 51, No. 20, October 4, 2024
Section 01.01.2012.05 - Governor's Family Violence Council (Amends Executive Order 01.01.2008.16)
A. Established. There is a Governor's Family Violence Council within the Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention.The Governor's Family Violence Council's mission is to provide the Governor with timely and accurate information on family violence with recommendations to reduce and eliminate abusive behaviors.
B. Membership.
(1) The Council shall have no more than 28 members consisting of:
(a) The Lieutenant Governor or a designee;
(b) The Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene or a designee;
(c) The Secretary of Human Resources or a designee;
(d) The Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services or a designee;
(e) The Secretary of Juvenile Services or a designee;
(f) The State Superintendent of Schools or a designee;
(g) The Secretary of State Police or a designee;
(h) The Executive Director of the Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention or a designee;
(i) The Executive Director of the Governor's Office for Children or a designee;
(j) The Attorney General or a designee;
(k) A representative of the Maryland Judiciary, designated by the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals;
(l) Two members of the Maryland Senate, one appointed by the President of the Senate and one appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate;
(m) Two members of the Maryland House of Delegates, one appointed by the Speaker of the House and one appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Delegates;
(n) A representative of the Maryland State's Attorneys' Association; and
(o) Up to twelve members with interest and expertise in issues related to domestic violence appointed by the Governor.These members may include representatives of service providers, the legal, advocacy, and faith communities, and victims and survivors of domestic or family violence.
(p) The Governor shall appoint the Chair and any Vice Chairs of the Council from among its members.
(2) Members appointed by the Governor under B(1)(o) serve at the will of the Governor, and shall serve 3-year terms, staggered upon initial appointment. All other members shall serve so long as they hold the office or designation stipulated in B(1)(a) through (n).
(3) To the extent possible, the membership shall include representation from each of the major geographic regions of the State.
(4) Members of the Council may not receive any compensation for their services, but may receive reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties in accordance with the Standard State Travel Regulations and as provided in the State budget.
(5) If a member appointed by the Governor fails to attend more than half of the regularly scheduled meetings in one year, the member may be presumed to have resigned and the Governor may appoint a new member to fill out the remainder of the term.
C. Procedures.
(1) The Council shall meet at least two times per year.
(2) A majority of the Council's membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business.
(3) The Council may adopt rules consistent with this Executive Order, including the creation of subcommittees to carry out the Council's responsibilities.
(4) The Council may hold public hearings as deemed necessary and appropriate by the Chair.
D. Duties and Responsibilities. The Council shall:
(1) Advise the Governor through the Executive Director of the Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention on matters related to family violence.
(2) Identify and analyze State policies and programs relating to family violence, including but not limited to:
(a) Collecting data from State agencies relating to the prevention and reduction of domestic violence and related family violence;
(b) Identifying resources available to reduce and prevent family violence through a statewide coordinated effort; and
(c) Identifying opportunities for collaboration between governmental units.
(3) Examine, or cause to be examined, the relationship between family violence and other societal problems, including but not limited to juvenile delinquency, alcohol and substance abuse, truancy, and future criminal activity.
(4) Identify best practices, research, and information pertaining to abuser intervention and related programs.
(5) Propose to the Governor, through the Executive Director of the Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention, legislative, regulatory, and policy changes to reduce and prevent the incidence of domestic violence and related family violence, to protect victims and to punish perpetrators.
(6) Perform such other duties and functions as may be appropriate and necessary for the Council to address and implement the provisions of this Executive Order.
E. Staffing.
(1) The Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention shall provide staff for the Council.
(2) The Council may request and shall receive in a timely manner from any department, division, board, bureau, commission, or agency of the State such information and assistance as necessary to enable it to properly carry out its powers pursuant to this Executive Order, unless otherwise prohibited by law.
(3) The Council shall be funded by operating budgets of the Executive Department, and any federal funds or special State funds available, unless otherwise prohibited by law or regulation.
F. Reporting. The Council shall issue an annual report to the Governor by December 1, which provides the status of family violence in Maryland and recommends improvements to the State's activities to prevent family violence.

Md. Code Regs. 01.01.2012.05

Effective date: March 27, 2012