65-407-840 Me. Code R. § 6

Current through 2024-40, October 2, 2024
A.Monthly Filings. Thirty days after a Commission preliminary determination of eligibility and each thirty days thereafter, the intervenor or participant must file a report that contains information detailing the expenses that were incurred within the prior thirty days that are eligible for funding. The timing of this filing requirement may be modified by the Commission's General Counsel.
B.Periodic Funding Disbursement. Upon request of the intervenor or participant, and a showing of need, the Commission may provide periodic funding no less than every thirty days. Such periodic funding will not be subject to refund at the conclusion of the proceeding.
C.Final Funding Disbursement. Every intervenor or participant who received a preliminary determination of eligibility for an award of compensation must file a final request for funding within 30 days of the close of the proceeding containing the information listed below:
1) How the intervenor or participant assisted in the resolution of the issues raised in the proceeding; and
2) An itemized statement of all attorney's and expert witness fees and other reasonable expenses incurred by the intervenor or participant in the preparation and advocacy of the intervenor's or participant's position in the Commission proceeding.
D.Filing of Objections. Within seven (7) days after submission of the intervenor's or the participant's claim, any person participating in the proceeding may object to the intervenor's or participant's claim.
E.Criteria for Funding. The Commission will order funding upon a determination that expenses were reasonably incurred, and that the intervenor or participant acted reasonably in advocating for the positions for which preliminary eligibility was determined.
F.Timing of Funding. The Commission will make its final determination of the amount of funding within thirty days of the intervenor or participant filing for a disbursement of funding under this section.
G.Payment Date. The utility or the Commission, as appropriate, must pay the funding amount as ordered by the Commission within thirty days after the Commission's final order awarding funding consistent with the provision of a contract as may be required pursuant section 5(E) of this Chapter.

65-407 C.M.R. ch. 840, § 6