65-407-324 Me. Code R. § 2

Current through 2024-40, October 2, 2024
Section 407-324-2 - DEFINITIONS

The following words and terms, when used in this Chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

A.Aggregated Generation. "Aggregated Generation" means, as of the date of the Applicant's application, the following ICGF projects, in addition to the project proposed by the Applicant, that are or would be interconnected to the Radial Distribution Circuit:
(i) all existing projects that are in-service; and
(ii) all ICGFs that have paid the T&D Utility for 100% of interconnection-related costs attributable to it, including costs for studies, distribution facilities, system upgrades, metering, and other items which the ICGF has cost responsibility.
B.Allocated Capacity. "Allocated Capacity" means existing aggregate generation capacity in megawatts (MW) interconnected to a substation/area bus, bank or circuit (i.e., amount of generation online).
C.Applicant. "Applicant" means a person who has filed an application to interconnect a generating facility to a T&D Utility System
D.Area Network. "Area Network" means a type of T&D Utility System served by multiple transformers interconnected in an electrical network circuit generally used in large, densely populated metropolitan areas in order to provide high reliability of service and having the same definition as the term "secondary grid network" as defined in IEEE standard 1547.
E.Business Day. "Business Day" means any day except a Saturday, Sunday, a Federal Reserve Bank Holiday, or a holiday recognized by the State of Maine. A Business Day shall open at 8:00 a.m. and close at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Prevailing Time.
F.Certified Generator. "Certified Generator" means an Interconnection Customer whose ICGF complies with the IEE 1547 and UL 1741 standards.
G.Circuit Protection and Coordination Study. "Circuit Protection and Coordination Study" means an analysis to ensure that any fault currents resulting from a short circuit do not exceed the interruptive rating of protective equipment. The study ensures the coordination of protective devices for proper sequencing of tripping.
H.Commercially Reasonable Efforts. "Commercially Reasonable Efforts" means, with respect to an action required to be attempted or taken under this Chapter, efforts that are timely and consistent with Good Utility Practice and are otherwise substantially equivalent to those a party would use to protect its own interests.
I.Commissioning Test. "Commissioning Test" means a test performed during the commissioning of all or part of an ICGF to do one or more of the following:
(a) verify specific aspects of its performance;
(b) calibrate its instrumentation; or
(c) establish instrument or protective function set points.
J.Competitive Electricity Provider. "Competitive Electricity Provider" or "CEP" means a marketer, broker, aggregator, and any entity selling electricity to the public at retail who is licensed pursuant to Chapter 305 of the PUC's rules. This term does not include T&D Utilities, as defined herein.
K.Company. "Company" means a T&D Utility.
L.Contingent Upgrades. "Contingent Upgrades" shall mean (i) proposed Interconnection Facilities or Distribution Upgrades that are required to accommodate an earlier-queued Interconnection Request or (ii) modifications planned or proposed by the T&D Utility, where (i) or (ii) are dependent upon the Interconnection request's costs, timing, and study findings and if delayed or not built, could cause a need for restudies of the Interconnection Request or a reassessment of the cost, timing, or extent of Interconnection Facilities and/or Distribution Upgrades.
M.Customer. "Customer" means any entity interconnected to the utility Company system for the purpose of receiving or exporting electric power from or to the T&D Distribution System.
N.Distribution Upgrades. "Distribution Upgrades" means the additions, modifications, and upgrades to the Interconnecting T&D Utility's Distribution System at or beyond the Point of Common Coupling to accommodate interconnection of the ICGF. Distribution Upgrades do not include Interconnection Facilities.
O.Equipment Package. "Equipment Package" means a group of components connecting an electric generator with a T&D Utility's Distribution System, and includes all interface equipment including switchgear, inverters or other interface devices. An Equipment Package may include an integrated generator or electric source.
P.Facilities Study. "Facilities Study" is an analysis, performed at election of the Applicant, of the Substantial System Modifications necessary to interconnect the Interconnection Customer Generator Facility. A Facilities Study report (1) shall provide a description, estimated cost of, and schedule for required facilities to interconnect the ICGF to T&D Distribution System and (2) shall address the short circuit, instability, and power flow issues identified in the Impact Study.
Q.Feasibility Study. "Feasibility Study" means a preliminary evaluation of the system impact and cost of interconnecting the ICGF to the T&D Utility's system.
R.FERC. "FERC" means the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
S.Fault Current. "Fault Current" means electrical current that flows through a circuit and is produced by an electrical fault, such as to ground, double-phase to ground, three-phase to ground, phase-to-phase, and three-phase. A Fault Current is several times larger in magnitude than the current that normally flows through a circuit.
T.Generating Capacity. "Generating Capacity" is the nameplate rating of the generator to be interconnected. When the generator is a Direct Current (DC) generator, the Generating Capacity will be the measured based on the Alternating Current (AC) ratings of the inverters proposed by the Interconnection Customer.
U.Good Utility Practice. "Good Utility Practice" means any of the practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the electric utility industry during the relevant time period, or any of the practices, methods and acts which, in the exercise of reasonable judgement in light of the facts known at the time the decision was made, could have been expected to accomplish the desired result at a reasonable cost consistent with good business practices, reliability, safety and expedition. Good Utility Practice is not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method, or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather includes all acceptable practices, methods, or acts generally accepted in the New England region.
V.IEEE. "IEEE" means the "Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers."
W.IEEE Standards. "IEEE standards" means the standards published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, available at www.ieee.org.
X.Impact on System Operation. "Impact on System Operation" is any disruption or deterioration of service to T&D Utility's customers, or damage to T&D Utility's system caused by operating the ICGF that is documented in the course of an Impact Study.
Y.Impact Study. "Impact Study" means the engineering study conducted by the T&D Utility to determine the scope of the required modifications to the T&D Utility's System and/or the ICGF to accommodate the requested interconnection.
Z.In-Kind Modification. "In-Kind Modification" means a change to any of (1) the Interconnection Customer side DC equipment, (2) the inverters that does not increase the kW and kVA export capacity (and resulting in no change to the AC export capability, voltage profile, or utility equipment thermal ratings), (3) relays/reclosers that do not alter trip settings, (4) transformer changes that do not alter the MVA rating, primary voltage, or primary winding, (5) equivalent change to AC fuses, or (6) equivalent change to the grounding configuration.
AA.Interconnection Agreement. "Interconnection Agreement" means an agreement between an entity and a T&D Utility which governs the connection of the ICGF to the T&D Utility's system, as well as the ongoing operation of the ICGF after it is connected to the system. An Interconnection Agreement shall adhere to the standard form agreement approved by the PUC and posted on the PUC's website, unless modifications are approved pursuant to this Chapter.
BB.Interconnection Customer. "Interconnection Customer" mean any entity interconnected to the T&D Distribution System for the purpose of receiving or exporting electric power to or from the T&D Distribution System.
CC.Interconnection Customer Generator Facility. "Interconnection Customer-Generator Facility", or "ICGF" means the equipment used by an Interconnection Customer to generate, manage and monitor electricity. An Interconnection Customer Generator Facility typically includes an electric generator and/or an Equipment Package, as defined herein.
DD.Interconnection Facilities. "Interconnection Facilities" means facilities and equipment that are necessary to physically and electrically interconnect the ICGF to the T&D Distribution System. Interconnection Facilities shall not include Distribution Upgrades.
EE.Interconnection Request. "Interconnection Request" means the request of an Applicant to interconnect an ICGF to the T&D Distribution System.
FF.Level 1. "Level 1" means certified, inverter-based facilities that:
(a) pass the applicable screens; and
(b) have a power rating of twenty-five kilowatts (25 kW) or less on Radial or Spot Network systems. For Level 1 facilities the T&D Utility and Applicant shall follow the procedures set forth in § 9.
GG.Level 2. "Level 2" means certified generating facilities that:
(a) pass the applicable specified screens;
(b) do not qualify for Level 1; and
(c) have a power rating of two megawatts or less (2MW) or less. For Level 2 facilities the T&D Utility and Applicant shall follow the procedures set forth in § 10.
HH.Level 3. "Level 3" means certified generating facilities that:
(a) pass the applicable screens;
(b) do not qualify for Level 1 or Level 2;
(d) have a power rating of ten megawatts (10MW) or less; and
(e) do not export power to the T&D Distribution System. For Level 3 facilities the T&D Utility and Applicant shall follow the procedures set forth in § 11.
II.Level 4. "Level 4" means all generating facilities that do not qualify for Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3. For Level 4 facilities the T&D Utility and Applicant shall follow the procedures set forth in § 12.
JJ.Licensed Professional Engineer. "Licensed Professional Engineer" means a professional engineer licensed to practice in Maine
KK.Load Flow Study. "Load Flow Study" is an analysis to determine if system voltages remain within specified limits under normal or emergency operating conditions, and whether equipment such as transformers and conductors are thermally overloaded.
LL.Maine Public Utilities Commission. "Maine Public Utilities Commission" or "PUC" means the state regulatory authority over T&D Utilities or any successor agency.
MM.Minor System Modifications. "Minor System Modifications" include activities such, but not limited to, as changing the fuse in a fuse holder cut-out, upgrading a transformer, changing out a pole, upgrading the line, changing the settings on a circuit recloser and other activities that usually entail less than thirty-two (32) hours of work and less than thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) in materials. This definition applies to all Levels. Interconnection Facilities do not constitute Minor System Modifications.
NN.Parties. "Parties" means a T& D Utility, Applicant, Interconnection Customer or other entity (i) involved in a process or (ii) signatory to an agreement in accordance with this Chapter.
OO.Point of Common Coupling. "Point of Common Coupling" means the point in the interconnection of a ICGF with a T&D Utility's system at which the harmonic limits are applied and shall have the same meaning as in IEEE Standard 1547.
PP.Pre-Application Report. "Pre-Application Report" is a report that may be requested by potential applicants developing projects of 500 kW in size and greater. The report provides Applicants information about system conditions at a proposed Point of Common Coupling.
QQ.Queue. "Queue" means a list depicting the current status of requests for the interconnection of new or uprated (increased capacity) generating facilities.
RR.Queue Position. "Queue position" means the order for the purposes of interconnection study and cost allocation. Queue Position is established based on the date of receipt of a completed application.
SS.Radial Distribution Circuit. "Radial Distribution Circuit" means a portion of the T&D Distribution System consisting of one primary circuit extending from a single substation or transmission supply point arranged such that the primary circuit serves an ICGF in a particular local area.
TT.Short-Circuit Study. "Short-Circuit Study" is an analysis of an electrical system that determines the magnitude of the currents that flow during an electrical fault.
UU.Site Control. "Site Control" means
(1) ownership of, a leasehold interest in, or a right to develop a site for the purpose of constructing the ICGF;
(2) an option to purchase or acquire an easement, a license or a leasehold interest in the site for the purpose of constructing the ICGF with an initial term of at least 12 months from the date of the Application submission to the T&D Utility;
(3) an exclusivity or other business relationship between the Interconnection Customer and the entity having the right to sell, lease, or grant the Interconnection Customer the right to possess or occupy a site for the purpose of constructing the ICGF; or
(4) filed applications for required permits to site the Facility on federal or State property. Site Control shall not include letters of intent or, with the exception of (4), other arrangements that are not binding on the entity having the right to sell, lease, or grant the Interconnection Customer the right to possess or occupy a site for the purpose of constructing the ICGF.
VV.Spot Network. "Spot Network" means a type of system that uses two or more inter-tied transformers to supply an electrical network circuit. A Spot Network is generally used to supply power to a single Customer or to a small group of Customers and has the same meaning as the term is used in IEEE standard 1547.
WW.Stability Study. "Stability Study" is an analysis to identify any instability or inadequately damped response to system disturbances resulting from the interconnection.
XX.Substantial System Modifications. "Substantial System Modifications" are electric system modifications required to accommodate the proposed interconnection which exceed Minor System Modifications.
YY.T&D Distribution System. "T&D Distribution System" is the interconnecting T&D Utility's transmission and distribution facilities and equipment used to transmit and distribute electricity.
ZZ.Transmission and Distribution Utility. "Transmission and Distribution Utility" or "T&D Utility" means a person, its lessees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed by a court, owning, controlling, operating or managing a transmission and distribution plant for compensation within the State.
AAA.UL. "UL" means Underwriters Laboratories, which has established standards available at http://ulstandardsinfonet.com/that relate to components of ICGF.
BBB.Voltage Collapse Study. "Voltage Collapse Study" is part of the load flow study. It is typically when the model does not converge and results are not available as there is no solution.
CCC.Witness Test. "Witness Test" shall mean the T&D Utility's option to witness the Commissioning Test per IEEE Standard 1547.

65-407 C.M.R. ch. 324, § 2