65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 320, § 8

Current through 2024-40, October 2, 2024
A.Bill Error
1. Each Investor-Owned T&D Utility shall measure the number of erroneous bills. For purposes of this Chapter, a bill is considered erroneous if:
(1) it contains an incorrect rate or charge or is issued to the wrong customer, account or address;
(2) it lacks a proper charge, fee, or tax;
(3) the total amount due is not correct; or
(4) it is not sent to the customer within ten days of the scheduled monthly billing date for that customer. Estimated bills are not considered erroneous. The calculation is based on actual bills and not on accounts. The "Bill Error" rate is calculated by the following formula:

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2. The benchmark for this metric is 0.4%.
B.Percentage of Bills Based on Estimated Meter Reads
1. Each T&D Utility shall measure the annual number of estimated bills issued. A bill is considered estimated when an actual meter read is not obtained, either through the utility's AMI system or through a manual read and the utility estimates usage. A utility may exclude from this calculation meter reads that fall on "major event days" to be determined using the IEEE 2.5 Beta method, estimated reads that meet the conditions specified in Chapter 815, section 8(L), and estimated reads for customers that have declined to have remote meter reads. This calculation is based on actual bills issued and not on accounts. The "Bills Based on Estimated Meter Reads" rate is calculated by the following formula:

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2. The benchmark for this metric is measured as a percentage of the utility's bills based on estimated meter reads over a one-year period. The benchmarks are no more than 1) 1% for utilities using automatic meter reads, or 2) 5% for utilities using manual meter reads.

65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 320, § 8