65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 312, § 2

Current through 2024-40, October 2, 2024
Section 407-312-2 - DEFINITIONS
A.Bid offer rate. "Bid offer rate" means the rate proposed under a qualified bid for the output of a distributed generation resource in response to a procurement solicitation conducted pursuant to this Chapter.
B.Block rate. "Block rate" means the applicable rate established for a procurement block pursuant to this Chapter, including the block base rate and any applicable block incentive rates.
C.Block base rate. "Block base rate" means the base rate established for a procurement block pursuant to this Chapter.
D.Block incentive rates. "Block incentive rates" means a set of rates, which may be positive or negative values, established for a procurement block and applicable to distributed generation resources with certain attributes.
E.Clearing price. "Clearing price" means the highest bid offer rate accepted by the Commission in the initial procurement rounds pursuant to this Chapter.
F.Commercial or institutional customer. "Commercial or institutional customer" means a nonresidential customer of an investor-owned transmission and distribution utility in the State.
G.Commercial or institutional customer distributed generation resource. "Commercial or institutional customer distributed generation resource" means a distributed generation resource that is associated with a commercial or institutional customer.
H.Commercially operable. "Commercially operable" means that the distributed generation resource in issue is operational and placed in service and that the project has been constructed, tested, and is fully capable of operating for the purpose of generating electrical energy as contemplated in this Chapter.
I.Credit rate. "Credit rate" means the rate per kilowatt-hour used to calculate the bill credits for subscribers of a shared distributed generation resource or for commercial or institutional customers. The credit rate for subscribers of a shared distribution resource or for commercial or institutional customers shall equal the per kilowatt-hour price in the long-term contract with that resource's project sponsor and must be the same for all subscribers of a particular shared distributed generation resource.
J.Discrete electric generating facility. "Discrete electric generating facility" means a facility that is not co-located with or otherwise in geographic proximity to (i) another distributed generation resource as defined by this Chapter, or (ii) an eligible facility as defined in Chapter 313 of the Commission's rules in which there is a common financial or other interest that is contrary to the purpose of Title 35-A, sections 3209-A, 3209-B, chapter 34-C.
K.Distributed generation resource. "Distributed generation resource" means a discrete electric generating facility, to be installed pursuant to this Chapter, with a nameplate capacity of less than five (5) megawatts that uses a renewable fuel or technology under 35-A M.R.S. section3210, subsection 2, paragraph B-3 and is located in the service territory of an investor-owned transmission and distribution utility in the State. A distributed generation resource participating in programs under this Chapter may not participate in programs under Chapter 313.
L.Energy produced. "Energy produced" means the energy produced by the distributed generation resource and any associated energy storage system.
M.Energy storage system. "Energy storage system" means a system that stores energy produced by an associated distributed generation resource for use at a later time.
N.Household with low or moderate income. "Household with low or moderate income" means a household that (1) participates in a utility, municipal, state or federal income-based assistance program or (2) has household income of up to 80% of the median income for the county or metropolitan area where the household is located.
O.Investor-owned transmission and distribution utility. "Investor-owned transmission and distribution utility" has the same meaning as in 35-A M.R.S. section3104, subsection 1, paragraph A.
P.Kilowatt. "Kilowatt" means 1,000 watts. When used in reference to a generation resource, a kilowatt is measured by the generator's nameplate capacity.
Q.Kilowatt-hour. "Kilowatt-hour" means one kilowatt of power sustained for one hour.
R.Megawatt. "Megawatt" means 1,000 kilowatts. When used in reference to a generation resource, a megawatt is measured by the generator's nameplate capacity.
S.Nameplate capacity. "Nameplate capacity" means the installed or rated capacity of a distributed generation resource in Alternating or Direct Current (AC/DC), as applicable to the resource.
T.Offer. "Offer" means a proposal to install, operate and provide the output of a distributed generation resource pursuant to a contract with a standard buyer designated pursuant to this Chapter.
U.Output. "Output" means the energy, capacity, renewable energy certificates and all other environmental attributes and market products that are available or may become available from a distributed generation resource and any associated energy storage systems.
V.Procurement announcement. "Procurement announcement" means the formal announcement of the initiation of a procurement round pursuant to this Chapter.
W.Project sponsor. "Project sponsor" means an entity or its successor or assignee that develops, markets, owns, manages, operates or is otherwise the responsible entity for:
1. A shared distributed generation resource on behalf of subscribers; or
2. A commercial or institutional distributed generation resource.
X.Qualified Bid. "Qualified bid" means a bid that meets the qualification requirements established by this Chapter and the applicable procurement announcement.
Y.Rate. "Rate" means a price per kilowatt-hour for delivered energy as measured by a revenue-quality meter at a distributed generation resource's delivery point as specified in the standard agreement.
Z.Renewable energy credit. "Renewable energy credit" means a credit or certificate that represents renewable attributes of electric power that may be traded separately from the energy commodity.
AA.Revenue Quality Meter. "Revenue Quality Meter" means an electric meter that meets the applicable standards and requirements of the investor-owned transmission and distribution utility and the ISO-NE or NMISA, as applicable, in the service territory where the distributed generation resource is located.
BB.Shared distributed generation resource. "Shared distributed generation resource" means a distributed generation resource for which the value of the output is owned by, allocated to, or otherwise shared by subscribers.
CC.Subscriber. Subscriber means a retail customer of an investor-owned transmission and distribution utility that owns, has the rights to, or otherwise possesses a subscription in a shared distributed generation resource and that has identified an account to which the subscription is attributed. Subscribers of a given shared distributed generation resource must be located in the same investor-owned transmission and distribution utility service territory as the location of the resource.
DD.Subscribed Output. "Subscribed Output" means
(1) for a shared distributed resource, the portion of the output of the resource in a given month that corresponds to the portion of the nameplate capacity of the resource for which there are subscriptions and
(2) for a commercial or institutional distributed resource, all of the output of the resource.
EE.Subscription. "Subscription" means a proportional interest in a shared distributed generation resource in kilowatts. Each subscription must be sized to represent at least one kilowatt of the resource's nameplate generating capacity.
FF.Unsubscribed Output. "Unsubscribed Output" means, for a shared distributed generation resource, the portion of the output of the resource in a given month that corresponds to the portion not subscribed.

65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 312, § 2