65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 290, § 2

Current through 2024-40, October 2, 2024
Section 407-290-2 - DEFINITIONS
A.Account balance. "Account balance" is the total amount owed by a customer that has been billed in accordance with this Chapter.
B.Advance billing. "Advance billing" is a requirement that a customer prepay charges for services that will be provided during a specific, identifiable period in the future. Advance­ billing does not include any funds retained as a security deposit.
C.Amount overdue. "Amount overdue" is the amount that an ETC has billed to a customer and that has not been paid by the due date of the bill or by a date otherwise agreed upon.
D.Applicant. "Applicant" is any person who applies for basic, toll, or optional services and who is not a customer of the ETC.
E.Basic service. "Basic service" is single-party service, voice grade access to the public switched telephone network, Dual Tone Multi-frequency or its functional digital equivalent, access to emergency services, access to operator services, access to interexchange service, access to directory assistance, and access to toll limitation. Basic service also includes all basic service attributes and standards mandated by federal and state statute and rules.
F.Bill. "Bill" is a written statement (printed or electronic) from an ETC to a customer that states the amount owed by the customer for the current billing period, the amount overdue, the account balance, late fees and any other charges owed by the customer.
G.Billed Account. "Billed account" is an account that is assigned a unique identification number by the ETC for tracking purposes
H.Carrier. "Carrier" is any entity providing basic service, toll service or optional service to the public.
I.Clear and Conspicuous. "Clear and conspicuous" is that which would be readily apparent to the average customer.
J.Commission. "Commission" is the Maine Public Utilities Commission.
K.Consumer Assistance Division. "Consumer Assistance Division" is the Consumer Assistance Division of the Maine Public Utilities Commission.
L.Customer. "Customer" is any person who has applied for, been accepted and is receiving basic service, intrastate interexchange telecommunications service, interstate telecommunications service, or optional service in this State or has agreed to be billed for the same.
M.Deposit. "Deposit" is any funds, however designated, that are held as security for future payment or performance.
N.Dispute. "Dispute" is a grievance of an applicant or customer regarding an ETC's provision of service, application of Title 35-A, or any Commission rule.
O.Due date. "Due date" is the date by which payment must be received and after which the account is considered overdue.
P.Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC). "Eligible telecommunications carrier" is a basic service provider designated by the Commission as an eligible telecommunications carrier for purposes of section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, 47 U.S.C., § 151et seq.
Q.Lifeline/Link-up. "Lifeline/Link-Up" is a program that provides financial assistance to qualifying low-income customers to obtain and receive basic service pursuant to Chapter 294 of the Commission's rules.
R.Minimum Basic Service. "Minimum basic service" is basic service that is not bundled with other services, complies with this rule, and is available to all customers.
S.New Service Provider. "New service provider" is a service provider that did not bill the customer for service during the service provider's last billing cycle. This definition excludes service providers who bill the customer solely on a per transaction basis.
T.Optional service. "Optional service" is any telecommunications service other than basic service or toll service.
U.Payment arrangement. "Payment arrangement" is an agreement between an applicant or customer and an ETC that allows the applicant or customer to pay an account balance or deposit in installments.
V.Residential service. "Residential service" is telecommunications service that is provided to a residence and used primarily for domestic purposes.
W.Service provider. "Service provider" is any entity that offers a product or service to a customer, the charge for which appears on the bill of the ETC.
X.Toll service. "Toll service" is intrastate or interstate interexchange telecommunications service.
Y.Toll service provider. "Toll service provider" is any carrier that provides toll service to its customers.

65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 290, § 2