65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 289, § 10

Current through 2024-40, October 2, 2024
A.Bill content. Each bill issued by an ILEC shall:
1.Identification of ILEC. Include a clear and conspicuous identification of the ILEC providing the customer's bundled service. If the ILEC has more than one name, the name appearing on the bill must be the name used to market the service;
2.Date. Identify the date that the bill is issued;
3.Balance. Identify the balance in each billed account at the beginning of the current billing cycle, using a term such as "previous balance;"
4.Charges debited for current billing cycle. Identify the amount of the charges debited to each billed account during the current billing cycle, using a term such as "current service;"
5.Payments made. Identify the amount of payments made to each billed account from the previous billing cycle, using a term such as "payments."
6.Charges debited for past charges. Identify the amount of the charges debited to each billed account during the current billing cycle for untimely payment of past charges, using a term such as "late charge;"
7.Closing dates and balance. Include the closing dates of the current billing cycle and the outstanding balance in each billed account on that date, specifying the "current amount due" and the "past due;"
8.Class of service. Identify the applicable class of service or otherwise recognizeable name of the bundled service as stated in the ILEC's bundled service literature;
9.Due date. Include the statement, or payment, due date;
10.Receipt deadline. Include the date by which payment of the new balance must be received to avoid assessment of a late charge;
11.Interest rate. Identify the effective monthly interest rate that will be imposed if the bill is not paid by the due date;
12.Contact information. Clearly and conspicuously disclose any information that the subscriber may need to make inquiries about, or contest, charges on the bill; and
13.Customer service representatives. Include the toll-free phone number(s) for customer service representatives of the ILEC and any other service providerto which charges are due, and to which customer questions or disputes concerning bills or services should be directed.
B.Compliance with federal "truth-in-billing" rules. An ILEC shall comply with the Federal Communication Commission's "Truth-in-Billing" Rules, 47 CFR §§64.2400-2 401.
C.Billing errors. An ILEC shall promptly notify a customer of a billing error after it discovers or is notified of the error. The ILEC shall correct the error within 45 days of discovery or notice. The ILEC shall investigate the possibility that a billing error may affect multiple customers and shall immediately notify the Consumer Assistance Division if more than 10 customers in the State are affected by a billing error.
1.Make-up bills. An ILEC may issue a corrected bill for previously unbilled bundled service, or for service billed below the correct rate, that was provided in the previous 12 months. An ILEC may agree to a settlement that abates all or a portion of the previously unbilled service.
2.Refunds. An ILEC shall refund any charge billed in excess of correct rates within the previous 6 years from the date of discovery or notice.
D.Late payment fees. An ILEC may charge a fee for the late payment of bundled service charges in accordance with a rate schedule consistent with Chapter 870 of the Commission's Rules.

65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 289, § 10