65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 214, § 4

Current through 2024-40, October 2, 2024
A.Filing Requirements. If a telephone utility has obtained detariffed status with respect to some or all of its services, in some or all of the geographic locations it serves, it is exempt from the filing requirements of 35-A M.R.S.A. §§304 and 307 for those services, in those locations, and it shall not file tariffs for those services, in those locations, with the Commission.
B.Treatment of Existing Tariffs. All tariffs for services that are granted detariffed status on the effective date of this rule are null and void.
C.Web Page Postings. A telephone utility must post on its web page, retain on paper in its offices, and provide upon request the rates, terms and conditions for all services that have been granted detariffed status and that are offered to qualifying customers in Maine. These shall contain the date on which each rate, term, or condition is in effect and shall be placed on the web page and be available on paper no later than the date on which the rate, term, or condition becomes effective. The information shall be sufficiently clear and complete that the Commission and customers can understand the price and the terms of the service.
D.Consumer Assistance Division. The Commission's Consumer Assistance Division (CAD) shall exercise its authority pursuant to 35-A M.R.S.A. §704 to resolve consumer disputes with utilities as they relate to services that have been granted detariffed status. The CAD shall use information from the utility's web page postings or paper, established in subsection 4(C), as a substitute for the utility's filed tariffs.
E.Effective Date. A utility may begin observing the terms of this Chapter at any time during the 180 days following the effective date of the Chapter. After that time, the provisions of this Chapter shall be effective for all utilities. No later than 60 days after the effective date of this Chapter, ILECs shall submit to the Commission tariffs, portions of tariffs, or revised tariffs that have been granted detariffed status by this Chapter. The submitted tariffs shall clearly display the portions that are detariffed, through "redlining" or other editing mechanisms.

65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 214, § 4