65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 204, § 6

Current through 2024-40, October 2, 2024
Section 407-204-6 - Requests for Changes to BSCAs and Calling Options
A.Requests by Local Exchange Carrier. A LEC may ask the Commission to modify the BSCA for an exchange or any calling option for that exchange, notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter.
1.Contents of Request. The LEC must make the request in writing. The request must explain and justify why the Commission should grant the request, must propose a reasonable alternative to any requirement of the Rule that the LEC has proposed should not apply, and must describe how granting the request would be consistent with the purpose of this Rule. The LEC must send a copy of the request to the Public Advocate.
2.Consideration by Commission. The Commission will determine whether and how to solicit comments from interested persons. The Commission, at its discretion, may hold a hearing. The Commission will consider the LEC's written request, any comments or testimony, or other evidence, and the standards contained in subsection C, in determining whether to grant, deny, or modify the request.
B.Requests by Customers. Customers may request the Commission to modify the BSCA for an exchange or any calling option for that exchange, notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter. Customers must first ask the LEC to attempt to resolve their concerns. If the LEC is unable or unwilling to resolve the customers' concerns, the customers may request the Commission to change the BSCA of a home exchange or the calling options available in that exchange as follows:
1.Form of Request. Fifty customers in the same exchange may request a modification to the BSCA for that exchange or to calling options for that BSCA. The customers must make the request in writing, and must include the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and signatures of each customer of the exchange who is making the request. The request must identify the lead customer, who will serve as the principal point of contact for the petitioners. The request should set forth the circumstances justifying the request, including any efforts made by the petitioners to obtain relief from the LEC.
2.Procedure for Requests from Customers in a Single Exchange BSCA. For requests from customer in a single exchange BSCA, the Commission will open a proceeding to investigate expanding the BSCA that is the subject of the request and will hold at least one public hearing. Within six (6) months of the filing of the written petition, the Commission will issue an order that either expands the BSCA or states the Commission's reasons for declining to expand the basic service calling area. In making its determination, the Commission will consider the customers' written request, and any comments, testimony, or other evidence, and the standards contained in subsection C.
3.Procedure for Requests from Customers in Other Exchanges. For requests from customers from an exchange that is not a single exchange BSCA, the Commission will determine whether and how to solicit comments from interested persons. The Commission, at its discretion, may hold a hearing. The Commission will consider the customers' written request, any comments, testimony or other evidence, and the standards contained in subsection C, in determining whether to grant, deny, or modify the request.
C.Standards Applicable to Requests for Expansion.
1.Calling Volumes. The Commission may require the affected LEC(s) to conduct a study of residential customer calling volumes to any exchange that the LEC or customers have requested be included in a BSCA option. If, in a representative month, residential customers in the home exchange makean average of three calls a month, and 40% of those customers make two or more calls a month to the requested exchange, the Commission shall grant the request for the change in the BSCA unless it finds good cause to deny the request.
2.Other Considerations. The Commission shall apply the following standards to requests submitted under this Section. The Commission may grant a request for the expansion of the BSCA or for the addition of exchanges on a flat-rate unlimited-calling basis to one of the calling options for the BSCA if it determines that a sufficient community of interest exists between the community or communities located in the customers' home exchange and the community or communities located in the exchanges that the customers propose to add to the basic-service calling area or to a calling option, and if the Commission determines that the benefits are not outweighed by other factors. In determining whether a sufficient community of interest exists, the Commission will consider both social and economic factors including, but not limited to, the extent of the relationship between the two communities, employment patterns, the location of medical service providers, the location of regional service centers, the location of schools, the municipalities and other areas that are included in school administrative units, the percentage of people from the exchange requesting the modification, the seasonality of calling patterns, the level of community sentiment, whether the exchange is a "skipped-over" exchange, and the level of disparity between customers making a large number of calls to the proposed community and customers making no calls to that community. Other factors the Commission may consider in deciding whether to grant a customer request include, but are not limited to, the availability of optional toll calling plans and the number of subscribers to those plans, the number of lines currently served, the cost, revenue and rate impacts of expanding the calling area, and the availability of alternatives to traditional telephone services.

65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 204, § 6