65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 110, § 12

Current through 2024-40, October 2, 2024
Section 407-110-12 - COMPLAINTS
A.Formal Complaints under 35-A M.R.S.A. §1302(1)
1. A complaint filed under 35-A M.R.S.A. §1302(1) shall:
a. state the full names and post office addresses of the complainants and identify the lead complainant including the email address of the lead complainant;
b. state the full name of the utility complained against;
c. state fully, clearly and with reasonable certainty the act or thing done or omitted to be done, of which complaint is made, with a reference, where practicable, to the law, order or rule and the section or sections thereof of which a violation is claimed;
d. state such other matters or facts, if any, as may be necessary to acquaint the Commission fully with the details of the matter complained of; and
e. be signed by least 10 aggrieved persons.
2. The utility must file an answer within 10 days of service. If the utility desires to satisfy the complaint, it may submit to the Commission a written statement of the relief which it is willing to give and an answer to all matters complained of. Upon the acceptance by the Commission of any satisfaction offered, no further proceedings need be taken.
3. If the Commission does not accept the utility's offer of satisfaction, if any, it may conduct such inquiry, under Section 13 of these rules, as needed to determine whether the complaint has merit. After receipt of the answer and any additional inquiry, the Commission may dismiss the complaint as without merit or may open an adjudicatory proceeding to investigate formally the matters to which the complaint relates. The Commission shall issue the decision within 9 months after the complaint's filing.
B.Informal Complaints

An informal complaint may be made by any person. The complainant shall provide a statement of the facts involved, name, address of each complainant and of the party complained against. In addition, the following procedures shall apply:

1. consumer complaints shall be resolved by the Consumer Assistance Division;
2. other informal complaints may be assigned to one or more Commission staff members for resolution; and
3. following investigation of informal complaints the Commission may open an inquiry pursuant to Section 13, may institute an adjudicatory investigation or may decline to take action.

65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 110, § 12