La. Admin. Code tit. 43 § I-1015

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 9, September 20, 2024
Section I-1015 - Advertisement of State Tract Offered for Wind Lease and Request for Bids
A. The State Mineral Board, through the Office of Mineral Resources, shall publish an advertisement of the state tract offered for wind lease and request for bids in the official journal of the state and official journal(s) of the parish(es) where the lands are located, and otherwise at its discretion, not more than 120 days and not less than 60 days prior to the date for the public opening of bids (generally the lease sale date). The advertisement shall contain a description of the land proposed to be leased and its official tract number, any notes pertaining to the nominated tract, the date, time and place where sealed bids shall be received and publicly opened, a statement that a bid shall only be for the whole of the land advertised and no portion bids will be accepted, the minimum dollar amount (bonus) and minimum electric power production royalty to be demanded, and any other information the board may consider necessary. This advertisement and any other published by the board shall constitute judicial advertisement and legal notice within the contemplation of R.S. Title 43, Chapter 5.
B. The advertisement shall also provide notice of the following.
1. A party shall bid on the whole of the land advertised. A portion bid shall not be accepted.
2. A wind lease on state lands and water bottoms shall have a primary term of five years.
3. The dollar amount (bonus) with regard to any wind lease on state lands and water bottoms shall be no less than the minimum amount set by the State Mineral Board. The dollar amount shall be provided on the official bid form as a total amount and as an amount per acre (which is equal to the dollar amount divided by the acreage bid on). The dollar amount (bonus) bid shall be due within 24 hours of state wind lease award. Payment shall be made to the Office of Mineral Resources via certified funds or wire transfer. If payment is not made the State Mineral Board may not execute the lease and may rescind it.
4. The annual rental with regard to any wind lease on state lands and water bottoms shall not be for less than one-half of the dollar amount (bonus).
5. The electric power production royalty with regard to any wind lease on state lands and water bottoms shall be no less than the minimum amount set by the State Mineral Board of the lessee's gross revenues. The state may elect, at its option, to take in kind all or any of the portion due it as royalty.
6. A bidder for a state wind lease may offer additional consideration.
7. When two or more parties submit a joint bid, the parties shall designate the undivided percent interest of each party on the official bid form. The interests so designated shall be stipulated in any lease that may be awarded. Failure to designate the undivided percent interest of each joint bidder shall result in the State Mineral Board assigning equal interests to each bidder.
8. When two or more parties submit a joint bid, the parties shall designate the party who shall be the principal state wind lessee, authorized to act on behalf of all co-lessees, on the official bid form. Additionally, each party shall submit a designation of principal state wind lessee and operator form with the joint bid. The principal state wind lessee and operator so designated shall be stipulated in any lease that may be awarded.
9. A state wind lease shall not be for more than 5,000 acres.
10. The State Mineral Board is authorized to collect an administrative fee for leasing state lands and water bottoms for the exploration, development and production of wind energy in the amount of 10 percent of the total dollar amount (bonus) bid for a state wind lease. This 10 percent administrative fee shall be in addition to the total dollar amount bid and is due within 24 hours of state wind lease award. Payment shall be made to the Office of Mineral Resources via certified funds or wire transfer. If payment is not made the State Mineral Board may not execute the lease and may rescind it.
11. A bid for a state wind lease shall exclude all rights not specifically granted in any wind lease awarded.
12. Once a bid is submitted, it may not thereafter be withdrawn or cancelled. The State Mineral Board does not obligate itself to accept any bid. Bid acceptance or rejection is at the sole discretion of the State Mineral Board which reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to grant a wind lease on any portion of the state tract advertised and to withdraw the remainder of the tract.
13. If examination of the successful bid acreage amount reveals that there is more or less state acreage than the amount bid on, then the dollar amount (bonus) and annual rental shall be adjusted accordingly.
14. The successful bidder(s) to whom a state wind lease is awarded has 20 days from receipt of the lease contract, properly executed by the State Mineral Board, to execute and return the lease contract to the Office of Mineral Resources. Failure to return the lease contract, properly executed, within 20 days may result in forfeiture of the state wind lease including the dollar amount (bonus) and 10 percent administrative fee.
15. All state wind leases shall be executed upon the terms and conditions provided in the current official state wind lease form with any attached rider(s).
16. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in any state wind lease awarded or in any rider attached thereto, the lease awarded shall be granted and accepted without any warranty of title and without any recourse against the lessor whatsoever, either expressed or implied. Further, lessor shall not be required to return any payments received under the state wind lease awarded or be otherwise responsible to the state wind lessee therefor.
17. Some tracts available for wind leasing may be situated in the Louisiana Coastal Zone as defined in R.S. 49:214.21 et seq., and may be subject to guidelines and regulations promulgated by the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Office of Coastal Restoration and Management, Coastal Management Division, for operations in the Louisiana Coastal Zone.
18. Lessor excepts and reserves the full use of the leased premises and all rights with respect to its surface and subsurface for any and all purposes except for those granted to the state wind lessee, including the use of the leased premises for the exploration, production and development of oil, gas and other minerals by the lessor, its mineral lessees, grantees or permittees. Co-users of the leased premises shall agree to coordinate plans and cooperate on activities to minimize interference with other operations to the extent possible.
19. Any and all wind data collected by the state wind lessee during the primary term of the lease shall become public record at the end of the primary term.
20. Any contract entered into for the lease of state lands for any purpose shall require that access by the public to public waterways through the state lands covered by the lease shall be maintained and preserved for the public by the lessee. This provision shall not prohibit the secretary of the agency having control over the property from restricting access to public waterways if he determines that a danger to the public welfare exists. This provision shall not apply in cases involving title disputes.
21. Prior to commencing construction, each state wind lessee and state wind lease operator shall have a general liability insurance policy in a form acceptable to the State Mineral Board as set forth in §1029. A 2
22. Prior to commencing construction, each state wind lessee and state wind lease operator shall provide financial security in a form acceptable to the State Mineral Board as set forth in §1029. A 3
23. The state wind lessee and state wind lease operator shall be required, in the state wind lease contract, to take measures to reduce risk to the state, including but not limited to, effecting compliance with any and all wind energy standards established by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and any other entity responsible for establishing wind industry consensus standards. Standards for wind energy development/operations include, but are not limited to:
a. wind turbine safety and design;
b. power performance;
c. noise/acoustic measurement;
d. mechanical load measurements;
e. blade structural testing;
f. power quality; and
g. siting.
C. A party may request proof that a tract was advertised in the official state and parish journals using the official Request for Proof of Publication form published by the Office of Mineral Resources. Proof of publication consists of certified copies of the affidavits from the official state and parish journals attesting to publication. There is a fee of $20 for providing proof of publication for a tract.
D. If an applicant wants to withdraw a nomination after the tract has been advertised for state wind lease, he shall submit a letter requesting withdrawal of the nomination to the State Mineral Board. No withdrawal shall be allowed unless approved by the State Mineral Board. If the State Mineral Board approves the request, the nomination fee payment shall not be refunded.
E. If a party wants to protest the State Mineral Board wind leasing a state tract, he shall submit a formal letter of protest to the State Mineral Board at least seven days prior to the meeting of the State Mineral Board to receive bids on the tract (generally the lease sale date). The letter of protest shall reference the appropriate tract number, parish, and state mineral lease sale date, as well as set forth the source and nature of the title claimed, how and when acquired, and by what legal process.

La. Admin. Code tit. 43, § I-1015

Promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Mineral Resources, LR 34:263 (February 2008).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 41:1734.