La. Admin. Code tit. 40 § I-2307

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 9, September 20, 2024
Section I-2307 - Follow-Up Diagnostic Imaging and Testing Procedures
A. One diagnostic imaging procedure may provide the same or distinctive information as obtained by other procedures. Therefore, prudent choice of procedure(s) for a single diagnostic procedure, a complementary procedure in combination with other procedures(s), or a proper sequential order in multiple procedures will ensure maximum diagnostic accuracy; minimize adverse effect to patients and cost effectiveness by avoiding duplication or redundancy.
B. All diagnostic imaging procedures have a significant percentage of specificity and sensitivity for various diagnoses. None is specifically characteristic of a certain diagnosis. Clinical information obtained by history taking and physical examination should be the basis for selection and interpretation of imaging procedure results.
C. When a diagnostic procedure, in conjunction with clinical information, provides sufficient information to establish an accurate diagnosis, the second diagnostic procedure will become a redundant procedure. At the same time, a subsequent diagnostic procedure can be a complementary diagnostic procedure if the first or preceding procedures, in conjunction with clinical information, cannot provide an accurate diagnosis. Usually, preference of a procedure over others depends upon availability, a patient's tolerance, and/or the treating practitioner's familiarity with the procedure.
1. Imaging studies. When indicated, the following additional imaging studies can be utilized for further evaluation of the lower extremity, based upon the mechanism of injury, symptoms, and patient history. For specific clinical indications, see Section E, Specific Lower Extremity Injury Diagnosis, Testing, and Treatment. The studies below are listed in frequency of use, not importance.
a. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are generally accepted, well-established, and widely used diagnostic procedures. It provides a more definitive visualization of soft tissue structures, including ligaments, tendons, joint capsule, menisci and joint cartilage structures, than x-ray or Computed Axial Tomography in the evaluation of traumatic or degenerative injuries. The addition of intravenous or intra-articular contrast can enhance definition of selected pathologies.
i. The high field, closed MRI with 1.5 or higher tesla provides better resolution. A lower field scan may be indicated when a patient cannot fit into a high field scanner or is too claustrophobic despite sedation. Inadequate resolution on the first scan may require a second MRI using a different technique or with a reading by a musculoskeletal radiologist. All questions in this regard should be discussed with the MRI center and/or radiologist.
ii. MRIs have high sensitivity and specificity for meniscal tears and ligamentous injuries although in some cases when physical exam findings and functional deficits indicate the need for surgery an MRI may not be necessary. MRI is less accurate for articular cartilage defects (sensitivity 76 percent) than for meniscal and ligamentous injury (sensitivity greater than 90 percent).
iii. MRIs have not been shown to be reliable for diagnosing symptomatic hip bursitis.
b. MR Arthrography (MRA): This accepted investigation uses the paramagnetic properties of gadolinium to shorten T1 relaxation times and provide a more intense MRI signal. It should be used to diagnose hip labral tears. Pelvic MRIs are not sufficient for this purpose. Arthrograms are also useful to evaluate mechanical pathology in knees with prior injuries and/or surgery.
c. Computed Axial Tomography (CT) is generally accepted and provides excellent visualization of bone. It is used to further evaluate bony masses and suspected fractures not clearly identified on radiographic window evaluation. Instrument scatter-reduction software provides better resolution when metallic artifact is of concern.
d. Diagnostic Sonography is an accepted diagnostic procedure. The performance of sonography is operator-dependent, and is best when done by a specialist in musculoskeletal radiology. It may also be useful for post-operative pain after total knee arthroplasty (TKA), and for dynamic testing especially of the foot or ankle.
e. Lineal Tomography is infrequently used, yet may be helpful in the evaluation of joint surfaces and bone healing.
f. Bone Scan (Radioisotope Bone Scanning) is generally accepted, well-established and widely used. 99MTechnecium diphosphonate uptake reflects osteoblastic activity and may be useful in metastatic/primary bone tumors, stress fractures, osteomyelitis, and inflammatory lesions, but cannot distinguish between these entities.
i. Bone scanning is more sensitive but less specific than MRI. It is useful for the investigation of trauma, infection, stress fracture, occult fracture, Charcot joint, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and suspected neoplastic conditions of the lower extremity.
g. Other Radionuclide Scanning: Indium and gallium scans are generally accepted, well-established, and widely used procedures usually to help diagnose lesions seen on other diagnostic imaging studies. 67Gallium citrate scans are used to localize tumor, infection, and abscesses. 111Indium-labeled leukocyte scanning is utilized for localization of infection or inflammation.
h. Arthrogram is an accepted diagnostic procedure. It may be useful in the evaluation of internal derangement of a joint, including when MRI or other tests are contraindicated or not available. Potential complications of this more invasive technique include pain, infection, and allergic reaction. Arthrography gains additional sensitivity when combined with CT in the evaluation of internal derangement, loose bodies, and articular cartilage surface lesions. Diagnostic arthroscopy should be considered before arthrogram when there are strong clinical indications.
2. Other diagnostic tests. The following diagnostic procedures listed in this subsection are listed in alphabetical order.
a. Compartment Pressure Testing and Measurement Devices: such as pressure manometer, are useful in the evaluation of patients who present symptoms consistent with a compartment syndrome.
b. Diagnostic Arthroscopy (DA) allows direct visualization of the interior of a joint, enabling the diagnosis of conditions when other diagnostic tests have failed to reveal an accurate diagnosis; however, it should generally not be employed for exploration purposes only. In order to perform a diagnostic arthroscopy, the patient must have completed at least some conservative therapy without sufficient functional recovery per Section E, Specific Lower Extremity Injury Diagnosis, Testing, and Treatment, and meet criteria for arthroscopic repair.
i. DA may also be employed in the treatment of acute joint disorders. In some cases, the mechanism of injury and physical examination findings will strongly suggest the presence of a surgical lesion. In those cases, it is appropriate to proceed directly with the interventional arthroscopy.
c. Doppler Ultrasonography/Plethysmography is useful in establishing the diagnosis of arterial and venous disease in the lower extremity and should usually be considered prior to the more invasive venogram or arteriogram study. Doppler is less sensitive in detecting deep vein thrombosis in the calf muscle area. If the test is initially negative and symptoms continue, an ultrasound should usually be repeated seven days later to rule out popliteal thrombosis. It is also useful for the diagnosis of popliteal mass when MRI is not available or contraindicated.
d. Electrodiagnostic Testing. Electrodiagnostic tests include, but are not limited to Electromyography (EMG), Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS) and Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SSEP). These are generally accepted, well-established and widely used diagnostic procedures. The SSEP study, although generally accepted, has limited use. Electrodiagnostic studies may be useful in the evaluation of patients with suspected involvement of the neuromuscular system, including disorder of the anterior horn cell, radiculopathies, peripheral nerve entrapments, peripheral neuropathies, neuromuscular junction and primary muscle disease.
i. In general, these diagnostic procedures are complementary to imaging procedures such as CT, MRI, and/or myelography or diagnostic injection procedures. Electrodiagnostic studies may provide useful, correlative neuropathophysiological information that would be otherwise unobtainable from standard radiologic studies.
e. Personality/Psychological/Psychiatric/ Psychosocial Evaluations. These are generally accepted and well-established diagnostic procedures with selective use in the upper extremity population, but have more widespread use in subacute and chronic upper extremity populations. Diagnostic testing procedures may be useful for patients with symptoms of depression, delayed recovery, chronic pain, recurrent painful conditions, disability problems, and for preoperative evaluation. Psychological/psychosocial and measures have been shown to have predictive value for postoperative response, and therefore should be strongly considered for use pre-operatively when the surgeon has concerns about the relationship between symptoms and findings, or when the surgeon is aware of indications of psychological complication or risk factors for psychological complication (e.g. childhood psychological trauma). Psychological testing should provide differentiation between pre-existing conditions versus injury caused psychological conditions, including depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychological testing should incorporate measures that have been shown, empirically, to identify comorbidities or risk factors that are linked to poor outcome or delayed recovery.
i. Formal psychological or psychosocial evaluation should be performed on patients not making expected progress within 6 to 12 weeks following injury and whose subjective symptoms do not correlate with objective signs and test results. In addition to the customary initial exam, the evaluation of the injured worker should specifically address the following areas:
(a). employment history;
(b). interpersonal relationships-both social and work;
(c). patient activities;
(d). current perception of the medical system;
(e). current perception/attitudes toward employer/job;
(f). results of current treatment;
(g). risk factors and psychological comorbidities that may influence outcome and that may require treatment.
(h). Childhood history, including history of childhood psychological trauma, abuse and family history of disability.
ii. Personality/psychological/psychosocial evaluations consist of two components, clinical interview and psychological testing. Results should help clinicians with a better understanding of the patient in a number of ways. Thus the evaluation result will determine the need for further psychosocial interventions; and in those cases, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) diagnosis should be determined and documented. The evaluation should also include examination of both psychological comorbidities and psychological risk factors that are empirically associated with poor outcome and/or delayed recovery. An individual with a Ph.D., Psy.D, or psychiatric M.D./D.O. credentials should perform initial evaluations, which are generally completed within one to two hours. A professional fluent in the primary language of the patient is preferred. When such a provider is not available, services of a professional language interpreter should be provided.
(a). Frequency. one-time visit for the clinical interview. If psychometric testing is indicated as a part of the initial evaluation, time for such testing shall be allotted at least, six hours of professional time or whatever is deemed appropriate by the health care professional.
f. Venogram/Arteriogram is useful for investigation of vascular injuries or disease, including deep venous thrombosis. Potential complications may include pain, allergic reaction, and deep vein thrombosis.
3. Special tests are generally well-accepted tests and are performed as part of a skilled assessment of the patient's capacity to return-to-work, his/her strength capacities, and physical work demand classifications and tolerances. The procedures in this subsection are listed in alphabetical order.
a. Computer-Enhanced Evaluations may include isotonic, isometric, isokinetic and/or isoinertial measurement of movement, range of motion, balance, endurance or strength. Values obtained can include degrees of motion, torque forces, pressures or resistance. Indications include determining validity of effort, effectiveness of treatment and demonstrated motivation. These evaluations should not be used alone to determine return-to-work restrictions.
i. Frequency: One time for evaluation. Can monitor improvements in strength every three to four weeks up to a total of six evaluations.
b. Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) is a comprehensive or modified evaluation of the various aspects of function as they relate to the worker's ability to return-to-work. Areas such as endurance, lifting (dynamic and static), postural tolerance, specific range of motion, coordination and strength, worker habits, employability, as well as psychosocial aspects of competitive employment may be evaluated. Components of this evaluation may include: musculoskeletal screen; cardiovascular profile/aerobic capacity; coordination; lift/carrying analysis; job-specific activity tolerance; maximum voluntary effort; pain assessment/psychological screening; and non-material and material handling activities.
i. When an FCE is being used to determine return to a specific jobsite, the provider is responsible for fully understanding the job duties. A jobsite evaluation is frequently necessary. FCEs cannot be used in isolation to determine work restrictions. The authorized treating physician must interpret the FCE in light of the individual patient's presentation and medical and personal perceptions. FCEs should not be used as the sole criteria to diagnose malingering. Full FCEs are sometimes necessary. In many cases, a work tolerance screening will identify the ability to perform the necessary job tasks. FCEs are not necessary to assign permanent impairment ratings in the Colorado workers' compensation system. If Partial FCEs are performed, it is recognized that all parts of the FCE that are not performed are considered normal.
(a). Frequency: Can be used initially to determine baseline status; and for case closure when patient is unable to return to pre-injury position and further information is desired to determine permanent work restrictions. Prior authorization is required for FCEs performed during treatment.
c. Jobsite Evaluation is a comprehensive analysis of the physical, mental and sensory components of a specific job. These components may include, but are not limited to: postural tolerance (static and dynamic); aerobic requirements; range of motion; torque/force; lifting/carrying; cognitive demands; social interactions; visual perceptual; sensation; coordination; environmental requirements of a job; repetitiveness; and essential job functions including job licensing requirements. Job descriptions provided by the employer are helpful but should not be used as a substitute for direct observation.
i. A jobsite evaluation may include observation and instruction of how work is done, what material changes (desk, chair) should be made, and determination of readiness to return to work.
(a). Requests for a jobsite evaluation should describe the expected goals for the evaluation. Goals may include, but are not limited to the following:
(i). To determine if there are potential contributing factors to the person's condition and/or for the physician to assess causality;
(ii). To make recommendations for, and to assess the potential for ergonomic changes;
(iii). To provide a detailed description of the physical and cognitive job requirements;
(iv). To assist the patient in their return to work by educating them on how they may be able to do their job more safely in a bio-mechanically appropriate manner; and/or
(v). To give detailed work/activity restrictions.
[a]. Frequency: One time with additional visits as needed for follow-up visits per jobsite.
d. Vocational Assessment: The vocational assessment should provide valuable guidance in the determination of future rehabilitation program goals. It should clarify rehabilitation goals, which optimize both patient motivation and utilization of rehabilitation resources. If prognosis for return to former occupation is determined to be poor, except in the most extenuating circumstances, vocational assessment should be implemented within 3 to 12 months post-injury. Declaration of MMI should not be delayed solely due to lack of attainment of a vocational assessment.
i. Frequency: One time with additional visits as needed for follow-up
e. Work Tolerance Screening (Fitness for Duty) is a determination of an individual's tolerance for performing a specific job based on a job activity or task. It may include a test or procedure to specifically identify and quantify work-relevant cardiovascular, physical fitness and postural tolerance. It may also address ergonomic issues affecting the patient's return-to-work potential. May be used when a full FCE is not indicated.
i. Frequency: One time for initial screen. May monitor improvements in strength every three to four weeks up to a total of six visits.

La. Admin. Code tit. 40, § I-2307

Promulgated by the Louisiana Workforce Commission, Office of Workers Compensation Administration, LR 37:1769 (June 2011), Amended LR 48515 (3/1/2022).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 23:1203.1.