La. Admin. Code tit. 33 § VII-717

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 9, September 20, 2024
Section VII-717 - Standards Governing All Type I-A and II-A Solid Waste Processors
A. Location Characteristics. The information on location characteristics listed in this Subsection is required and shall be provided for all Type I-A and II-A solid waste processing and disposal facilities.
1. Area master plans shall include location maps and/or engineering drawings. The scale of the maps and engineering drawings shall be legible. Area master plans shall show:
a. the facility;
b. the road network;
c. major drainage systems;
d. drainage-flow patterns;
e. the location of the closest population centers;
f. if the facility processes or disposes of putrescible solid waste, the location of any public-use airport used by turbojet aircraft or piston-type aircraft (if within a 5-mile radius);
g. the location of the 100-year flood plain, based on the most recent data; and
h. other pertinent information.
2. Access to facilities by land or water transportation shall be by all-weather roads or waterways that can meet the demands of the facility and are designed to avoid, to the extent practicable, congestion, sharp turns, obstructions, or other hazards conducive to accidents. The surface roadways shall be adequate to withstand the weight of transportation vehicles.
3. A letter shall be acquired from the appropriate agency or agencies regarding any facility receiving waste generated off-site, stating that the facility will not have a significant adverse impact on the traffic flow of area roadways and that the construction, maintenance, or proposed upgrading of such roads is adequate to withstand the weight of the vehicles.
4. Facilities that process or dispose of putrescible solid waste shall not be located within 10,000 feet of the end of any public-use airport runway used by turbojet aircraft or within 5,000 feet of the end of any public-use airport runway used only by piston-type aircraft.
5. A description shall be included of the total existing land use within 3 miles of the facility (by approximate percentage) including, but not limited to:
a. residential;
b. health-care facilities and schools;
c. agriculture;
d. industrial and manufacturing;
e. other commercial;
f. recreational; and
g. undeveloped.
6. A current aerial photograph, representative of the current land use, of a 1-mile radius surrounding the facility is required. The aerial photograph shall be of sufficient scale to depict all pertinent features.
7. Facilities located in, or within 1,000 feet of, swamps, marshes, wetlands, estuaries, wildlife-hatchery areas, habitat of endangered species, archaeological sites, historic sites, publicly-owned recreation areas, and similar critical environmental areas shall be isolated from such areas by effective barriers that eliminate probable adverse impacts from facility operations. The following information on environmental characteristics shall be provided:
a. a list of all known historic sites, recreation areas, archaeological sites, designated wildlife-management areas, swamps, marshes, wetlands, habitats for endangered species, and other sensitive ecological areas within 1,000 feet of the facility perimeter, or as otherwise appropriate;
b. documentation from the appropriate state and federal agencies substantiating the historic sites, recreation areas, archaeological sites, designated wildlife-management areas, swamps, marshes, wetlands, habitats for endangered species, and other sensitive ecological areas within 1,000 feet of the facility perimeter; and
c. a description of the measures planned to protect the areas listed from the adverse impact of operation at the facility.
8. Processing facilities may be subject to a comprehensive land-use or zoning plan established by local regulations or ordinances.
9. A statement of the estimated population, the source of the estimation, and the population density within a 3-mile radius of the facility boundary is required of all facilities.
10. A wetlands demonstration, if applicable, is required in accordance with LAC 33:VII.709.A.8.
B. Facility Characteristics. The following facility characteristics are required for Type I-A and Type II-A solid waste processors and disposers.
1. Elements of the process or disposal system employed shall be provided, including, as applicable, property lines, original contours (shown at not greater than 5-foot intervals), buildings, units of the facility, drainage, ditches, and roads.
2. Perimeter barriers and other control measures, such as security and signs, shall be provided as follows.
a. Facilities shall have a perimeter barrier around the facility that prevents unauthorized ingress or egress, except by willful entry.
b. During operating hours, each facility entry point shall be continuously monitored, manned, or locked.
c. During nonoperating hours, each facility entry point shall be locked.
d. Facilities that receive wastes from off-site sources shall post readable signs that list the types of waste that can be received at the facility.
3. Buffer Zones
a. Buffer zones of not less than 200 feet shall be provided between the facility and the property line. Buffer zones of not less than 300 feet shall be provided between the facility and the property line when the property line is adjacent to a structure currently being used as a church and having been used as a church prior to the submittal of a permit application. The requirement for a 300 foot buffer zone between the facility and a church shall not apply to any processing facility existing prior to April 1, 2010, to any portion of such facility that has been closed or that has ceased operations, or to future expansions of the permitted processing area of any such facility. A reduction in this requirement shall be allowed only with permission, in the form of a notarized affidavit, from all landowners having an ownership interest in property located less than 200 feet from the facility (or 300 feet for a church). The facility's owner or operator shall enter a copy of the notarized affidavit(s) in the mortgage and conveyance records of the parish or parishes in which the landowners' properties are located. Buffer zone requirements may be waived or modified by the administrative authority for areas of processing facilities that have been closed in accordance with these regulations and for existing facilities.
b. No storage, processing, or disposal of solid waste shall occur within the buffer zone.
4. Fire Protection and Medical Care. All facilities shall have access to required fire protection and medical care, or such services shall be provided internally and in accordance with Paragraph G.5 of this Section.
5. Landscaping. All facilities, other than those that are located within the boundaries of a plant, industry, or business that generates the waste to be processed or disposed of, shall provide landscaping to improve the aesthetics of the facility.
6. Devices or Methods for Receiving and Monitoring Incoming Wastes
a. All processing facilities shall be equipped with a device or method to determine quantity (by wet-weight tonnage); sources (whether the waste was generated in-state or out-of-state and, if it is industrial solid waste, where it was generated); and types of incoming waste (i.e., commercial, residential, infectious). All facilities shall also be equipped with a device or method to control entry of the waste and prevent entry of unrecorded or unauthorized deliverables (i.e., hazardous, unauthorized, or unpermitted solid waste).
b. All processing facilities shall be equipped with a central control and recordkeeping system for tabulating the information required in Subparagraph B.6.a of this Section.
7. Discharges from operating units of all facilities shall be controlled and shall conform to applicable state and federal laws. Applications for applicable state and federal discharge permits shall be filed before a standard permit may be issued.
C. Surface Hydrology
1. Facilities located in a flood plain, wetlands, or areas historically subject to overflow from floods shall be filled to bring site elevation above flood levels or otherwise protected by measures approved on a site-specific basis. Perimeter levees or other measures shall provide and maintain adequate protection against a 100-year flood.
2. Surface-runoff-diversion levees, canals, or devices shall be installed to prevent drainage from the units of the facility that have not received final cover. The proposed system shall be designed to collect and control at least the water volume resulting from a 24-hour/25-year storm event and/or the peak discharge from a 25-year storm event.
D. Facility Geology
1. Except as provided in Paragraph D.2 of this Section, facilities shall have natural stable soils of low permeability for the area occupied by the solid waste facility, including vehicle parking and turnaround areas, that shall provide a barrier to prevent any penetration of surface spills into groundwater aquifers underlying the area or to a sand or other water-bearing stratum that would provide a conduit to such aquifers.
2. A design for surfacing natural soils that do not meet the requirement in Paragraph D.1 of this Section shall be prepared and installed under the supervision of a professional engineer, licensed in the state of Louisiana, with expertise in geotechnical engineering and hydrogeology. Written certification by the engineer that the surface satisfies the requirements of Paragraph D.l of this Section shall be provided to the Office of Environmental Services.
3. Specific requirements for Type III facilities are found in LAC 33:VII.Chapter 8.
E. Plans and Specifications
1. Facility plans, specifications, and operations represented and described in the permit application or permit modifications for all facilities shall be prepared under the supervision of and certified by a professional engineer, licensed in the state of Louisiana.
2. Levee Construction
a. Levees or other protective measures shall be constructed adjacent to the facility in order to protect the facility against a 100-year flood.
b. The perimeter levees of all facilities shall be engineered to minimize wind and water erosion and shall have a grass cover or other protective cover to preserve structural integrity.
F. Facility Administrative Procedures
1. The permit holder shall submit an annual certification of compliance, as required by LAC 33:VII.525.
2. Recordkeeping
a. The permit holder shall maintain all records specified in the application as necessary for the effective management of the facility and for preparing the required reports for the life of the facility and for a minimum of three years after final closure. These records shall be maintained on-site for a minimum of three years. These records may be retained in paper copy or in an electronic format. Electronically maintained records shall be a true and accurate copy of the records required to be maintained. Records older than three years may be kept at an off-site location provided they are readily available to the administrative authority for review upon request. All permit applications and addenda (including those pertaining to prior permits) shall be maintained with the on-site records.
b. The permit holder shall maintain records of transporters transporting waste for processing or disposal at the facility. The records shall include the date of receipt of shipments of waste and the transporter's solid waste identification number issued by the administrative authority.
c. Records kept on site for all facilities shall include, but not be limited to:
i. copies of the applicable Louisiana solid waste rules and regulations;
ii. the permit;
iii. the permit application;
iv. permit modifications; and
v. operator certificates from the Board of Certification and Training for Solid Waste Disposal System Operators, if applicable.
3. Personnel
a. Facilities shall have the personnel necessary to achieve the operational requirements of the facility.
b. Facilities receiving residential and commercial solid waste shall have the numbers and levels of certified operators employed at the facility as required by the department in accordance with LAC 46:XXIII. Operator certificates shall be prominently displayed at the facility. The Board of Certification and Training for Solid Waste Disposal System Operators and the Office of Environmental Services shall be notified within 30 days of any changes in the employment status of certified operators.
G. Facility Operations
1. Facility Limitations
a. The receipt of hazardous waste shall be strictly prohibited and prevented. Any other wastes that present special handling or disposal problems may be excluded by the administrative authority.
b. Open burning shall not be practiced unless authorization is first obtained from the administrative authority and any other applicable federal, state, and local authorities.
c. Salvaging shall be prevented unless approved by the administrative authority.
d. Scavenging shall be prevented.
e. Industrial solid waste, incinerator ash, and nonhazardous petroleum-contaminated media and debris generated by underground storage tanks (UST) corrective action shall be processed only in Type I-A facilities. A comprehensive quality-assurance/quality-control plan shall be in place before the receipt of these wastes.
f. The receipt of mercury and/or cadmium-bearing batteries by Type I-A and II-A incinerator waste-handling facilities is strictly prohibited.
2. Facility Operational Plans. Operational plans shall be provided that describe in specific detail how the waste will be managed during all phases of processing operations. At a minimum, the plan shall address:
a. the route the waste will follow after receipt;
b. the sequence in which the waste will be processed or disposed of within a unit;
c. the method and operational changes that will be used during wet weather (Particular attention shall be given to maintenance of access roads and to water management.); and
d. the recordkeeping procedures to be employed to ensure that all pertinent activities are properly documented.
3. Facility Operational Standards
a. Waste Characterization. The permit holder shall review and maintain the hazardous waste determination performed by the generator in accordance with LAC 33:V.1103 for all solid waste prior to acceptance. Every year thereafter, the permit holder shall require the generator to submit either a written certification that the waste being sent to the permit holder remains unchanged or a new waste characterization. All characterizations and certification records shall be maintained on-site for a period of three years.
b. All containers shall provide containment of the wastes and thereby control litter, odor, and other pollution of adjoining areas.
c. Provisions shall be made for at least daily cleanup of the facility, including equipment and waste-handling areas.
d. No solid waste shall be stored long enough to cause a nuisance, health hazard, or detriment to the environment.
e. Treatment facilities for washdown and other contaminated water shall be provided.
f. Facilities that employ incineration shall develop an ash-management plan that includes, at a minimum, testing, handling, transportation, and disposal of ash at a permitted facility.
g. Facilities shall have a plan for handling contaminated water.
h. Specific Operational Standards for Incinerator Waste-Handling Facilities
i. Handling. Ash shall be properly wetted and contained so as to ensure that there are no dust emissions during loading, transporting, or unloading.
ii. Testing. Testing procedures, schedules, and methods shall be submitted to the Office of Environmental Services for review and approval before disposal operations begin. Disposal of ash shall be only in a permitted Type I facility. Processing of ash shall be only in a permitted Type I-A facility.
4. Sufficient equipment shall be provided and maintained at all facilities to meet the facilities' operational needs.
5. Emergency Response Plan
a. If required under LAC 33:VII.513, an emergency response plan shall be filed with the closest fire department, emergency medical services (EMS) agency, hospital or clinic, and the Office of Environmental Services, after approval by the Louisiana state fire marshal. Any significant revision of the plan shall be approved and filed in the same manner. The plans shall be reviewed by the permit holder annually, and updated if necessary, or when implementation demonstrates that a revision is needed.
b. Training sessions concerning the procedures outlined in Subparagraph G.5.a of this Section shall be conducted annually for all employees working at the facility. A copy of the training program shall be filed with the Office of Environmental Services.
c. Requirements for Emergency Response Plan
i. The emergency response plan shall describe the actions facility personnel must take in response to accident, fire, explosion, or other emergencies.
ii. If the owner or operator has already prepared an emergency response plan or contingency plan, he need only amend that plan to incorporate solid waste management provisions that are sufficient to comply with these requirements as applicable.
iii. The plan must designate those fire departments or mutual aid societies, emergency medical services agencies, and hospitals with which the facility will coordinate emergency services.
iv. For fire departments or mutual aid societies, the applicable response requirement shall be that of operations level responder from the National Fire Protection Association, Standard 472, or other appropriate requirement from an applicable National Fire Protection Association standard. At least one person trained to this level shall respond in any incident requiring activation of emergency response services.
v. For emergency medical services (EMS), the response requirement shall be that of emergency medical technician - basic, or equivalent. At least one person trained to this level shall respond in any incident requiring activation of EMS.
vi. The plan must include a list of all emergency equipment (where required) at the facility, such as fire extinguishing systems, spill control equipment, communications and alarm systems (internal and external), and decontamination equipment. This list must be kept up to date. In addition, the plan must include the location and a physical description of each item on the list and a brief outline of its capabilities.
vii. The plan shall include an evacuation plan for facility personnel. The plan must describe signals to be used to begin evacuation, evacuation routes, and alternate evacuation routes.
viii. The plan shall include emergency notification procedures required in LAC 33:I.Chapter 39.
d. The provisions of this Paragraph shall not apply if the applicant demonstrates that he meets the response requirements of the applicable sections of the National Fire Protection Association standards, in accordance with LAC 33:VII.513.B.4.
H. Implementation Plans. The implementation plans for all facilities shall include the following:
1. a construction schedule for existing facilities, which shall include beginning and ending time frames and time frames for the installation of all major features; and
2. details on phased implementation, if any proposed facility is to be constructed in phases.
I. Facility Closure Requirements
1. Notification of Intent to Close a Facility. All permit holders shall notify the Office of Environmental Services in writing at least 90 days before closure or intent to close, seal, or abandon any individual units within a facility and shall provide the following information:
a. the date of the planned closure;
b. changes, if any, requested in the approved closure plan; and
c. the closure schedule and estimated cost.
2. Closure Requirements
a. Insect and rodent inspection is required to be documented before closure, and extermination measures shall be provided if required as a result of the final inspection.
b. All remaining waste shall be removed to a permitted facility for disposal.
c. The permit holder shall verify that the underlying soils have not been contaminated due to the operation of the facility. If contamination exists, a remediation/removal program developed to meet the standards of LAC 33:VII.713.E.3-6 shall be provided to the administrative authority. The Office of Environmental Services shall conduct a closure inspection to verify that the facility was closed in accordance with the approved closure plan.
3. Upon determination by the administrative authority that a facility has completed closure in accordance with an approved plan, the administrative authority shall release the closure fund to the permit holder. The permit holder shall submit a request for the release of this fund to the Office of Management and Finance.

La. Admin. Code tit. 33, § VII-717

Promulgated by the Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste Division, LR 19:187 (February 1993), amended by the Office of the Secretary, LR 24:2252 (December 1998), amended by the Office of Environmental Assessment, Environmental Planning Division, LR 26:2526, 2610 (November 2000), repromulgated LR 27:704 (May 2001), amended by the Office of Environmental Assessment, LR 30:2025 (September 2004), amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Affairs Division, LR 31:2494 (October 2005), LR 33:1061 (June 2007), LR 33:2148 (October 2007), LR 34:613 (April 2008), LR 35:926 (May 2009), LR 37:1566 (June 2011), LR 37:3252 (November 2011), amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Division, LR 40:295 (February 2014).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 30:2001 et seq.