16 Ky. Admin. Regs. 9:060

Current through Register Vol. 51, No. 3, September 1, 2024
Section 16 KAR 9:060 - The district training program for preparation of candidates for initial teacher certification

RELATES TO: KRS 161.028, 161.030, 161.048, 161.049

NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: KRS 161.048 and KRS 161.049 requires the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) to promulgate administrative regulations establishing standards and procedures for local district training programs and the approval for these programs. This administrative regulation establishes the required elements of a local district training program, outlines the training and responsibilities required of the professional support team, and establishes the training that a candidate for alternative certification shall be provided. In addition, this administrative regulation establishes the process for evaluation of the candidate and evaluation of the district training program.

Section 1. The district training program, as defined in KRS 161.048 and 161.049, is an alternative certification program to prepare a candidate for initial teacher certification at any grade level. Except for the preparation of teachers of exceptional children, a local district or a group of districts may seek approval to offer the district training program in all instructional fields including interdisciplinary early childhood education.
Section 2. District Plan.
(1) The local school district or group of districts shall submit a plan for the alternative training program for approval by the EPSB, to include the following:
(a) Written evidence that the district has sought joint sponsorship of the program with an accredited college or university.
(b) The names of a four (4) member professional support team for each candidate, as described in Section 4 of this administrative regulation.
(c) The names and qualifications of personnel in addition to the four (4) member professional support team, if any, who will provide formal instruction as described in Section 5 of this administrative regulation.
(d) The training program for the support team, as described in Section 6 of this administrative regulation.
(e) The professional development plan for each candidate, as described in Section 5 of this administrative regulation.
(f) The name, title, address, and telephone number of the program director.
(g) The roles and expectations for the professional support team during the eight (8) week training and the two (2) subsequent eighteen (18) week training sessions.
(2) The proposed district training program plan shall be submitted to the EPSB for review by staff.
(a) Staff shall review the district training program plan in terms of the following criteria:
1. Compliance of the proposed program with the requirements and standards set forth in KRS 161.048, KRS 161.049, and this administrative regulation; and
2. Qualifications of program staff in the areas of instruction and supervision for which they have responsibility, including the qualifications described in Section 6 of this administrative regulation.
(b) The district training program plan shall provide evidence to the satisfaction of the EPSB in support of the criteria listed above and staff shall recommend acceptance or denial of the plan to the EPSB, which shall include supporting rationale for the recommendation.
(c) The EPSB shall review the staff recommendations, shall approve or deny each plan, and shall transmit the decision and rationale for the decision to the district.
(d) The district may revise and resubmit a plan that has been denied. Any approval granted by the EPSB shall specify the period of approval of the district training program, which shall not exceed seven (7) years. Districts may apply for an extension of approval as outlined in Section 11 of this administrative regulation.
(3) The district shall offer employment, pursuant to KRS 161.048(3)(d), to a candidate seeking certification only after the district plan for an alternative training program has been approved by the EPSB.
(4) For each candidate seeking certification through an approved district training program, the district shall maintain a file, either in hardcopy format or electronic format, which shall be made available to the EPSB upon request and shall contain:
(a) Evidence of a criminal background check and clear C/AN check in compliance with KRS 160.380(4);
(b) Identification of the school, or an accurate description of another location including the reasons for selecting a non-school site, in which the candidate shall be trained during the first eight (8) weeks of training;
(c) Identification of the school, or an accurate description of another location including the reasons for selecting a non-school site, in which the candidate shall teach and be trained during the two (2) subsequent eighteen (18) week periods of training;
(d) A proposed list of grade levels and classes the candidate will teach;
(e) The proposed daily workload and schedule of the candidate for each phase of the training; and
(f) The names and titles of the members of the four (4) person professional support team, including evidence that each member has successfully completed training and testing for participation in the Kentucky teacher internship program.
Section 3.
(1) Candidates. An eligible candidate who meets the requirements of KRS 161.048(3)(a)-(d) and 16 KAR 2:010, Section 3(1), shall be issued a one (1) year provisional teaching certificate to participate in the district training program.
(2) The candidate shall apply to the EPSB and provide:
(a) Official transcripts of all college work undertaken by the candidate establishing proof of a bachelor's degree or graduate degree and grade point average;
(b) Proof of a passing score on the academic content assessment, as established in 16 KAR 6:010, in the area in which certification is being sought;
(c) Documentation of the candidate's employment history, including a position description that shows a direct connection to the academic content area for which certification is being sought; and
(d) Written evidence of an offer of employment by a school district with an approved district training program.
(3) A candidate shall be issued a one (1) year provisional teaching certificate prior to participation in the district training program.
Section 4. Professional Development Plan for a Candidate. A professional development plan to assist each candidate in achieving a recommendation for approval shall be created and maintained by the local school district as follows:
(1) The four (4) member professional support team and the candidate, or a small cohort of candidates, shall meet before the candidate begins Phase l training to be oriented to the district training program and to the responsibilities and expectations for each team member and the candidate.
(2) The professional support team shall adopt an individual professional development plan for the candidate that addresses all phases of the training.
(3) The candidate's professional development plan shall be maintained by the district and shall be made available to the EPSB on request.
Section 5. Professional Support Team. Each member of the professional support team shall provide to the district documented evidence that he or she possesses knowledge and skills in field and clinical supervision, mentoring, conferencing, student assessment, evaluation of curricula and teaching skills, and dealing with a variety of students. Documentation of these competencies shall be maintained by the district and made available to EPSB upon request. A four (4) member professional support team shall be identified by the local school district for each candidate seeking certification through the district training program as follows:
(1) School principal. The principal of a school in the district where the candidate will be employed shall chair the professional support team. He or she shall keep records of the following:
(a) All informal visits and critiques;
(b) All formal visits and evaluations; and
(c) Documented changes made in the candidate's professional development plan. At regular intervals, the chair shall convene the professional support team in order to discuss with the candidate his or her professional progress and appropriate modifications in the professional development plan.
(2) Experienced teacher. The teacher shall hold current certification valid for the grade range and subject area or a related subject area for which the candidate is seeking certification. The teacher shall hold Rank I or II, and shall have at least four (4) years of fulltime teaching experience. At least one (1) year of the prior teaching experience shall be in the district that has employed the candidate.
(3) Instructional supervisor. The instructional supervisor shall hold a valid Kentucky certificate for supervision of instruction and shall have at least one (1) year of prior experience in the district that has employed the candidate. If an instructional supervisor is not available, the district shall assign a person who has held the full-time position of supervisor of instruction for at least one (1) year within the prior three (3) years and who holds a valid Kentucky certificate for supervision of instruction.
(4) College or university faculty member. The faculty member shall be a faculty member of an EPSB accredited college or university whose academic field is the same as or is closely related to the field in which the candidate is seeking certification. If a faculty member is not available, the district shall assign a person approved by an EPSB accredited college or university who has held the position of college faculty member within the prior three (3) years.
Section 6. District Training Plan Framework. A three (3) phase training program for each candidate, as established in KRS 161.049, shall occur to ensure implementation of the candidate's professional development plan and a minimum of 250 hours of formal instruction. Formal instruction shall be for the purpose of ensuring that the candidate acquires the competencies established in 16 KAR 1:010 and shall relate directly to the candidate's professional development plan. Formal instruction shall include:
(1) Phase l training. Phase l shall include a full-time seminar and practicum of no less than eight (8) weeks' duration prior to the time the candidate assumes responsibility for a classroom and shall comply with the following:
(a) The district training program shall include an introduction to basic teaching skills through supervised teaching experiences with students.
(b) The district shall provide a formal orientation to the policies, organization, and curriculum of the employing district.
(c) During the last week of Phase l training, evaluations shall be performed or supervised by one (1) or more members of the professional support team, which shall include written tests of the required competency areas pursuant to this Section.
(d) The candidate's understanding in the areas of formal instruction and the candidate's performance in the competency areas established in the designated sections of 16 KAR 6:010 shall be evaluated, along with the candidate's understanding of policies, organization, and curriculum of the employing school district.
(e) Evaluation results in written form shall be shared with all members of the professional support team and shall be used to modify and improve the candidate's professional development plan. The revised professional development plan shall be discussed with the candidate and maintained by the district.
(2) Phase 2 training. Phase 2 shall include eighteen (18) weeks of formal instruction, informal observations, and critiques of the candidate during which time the candidate shall have responsibility for one-half (1/2) time classroom assignment. Formal instruction, informal observations, critiques, and evaluations shall relate directly to the candidates' professional development plan and to the competencies established in 16 KAR 1:010. Phase 2 training shall comply with the following:
(a) Prior to or during the first week of Phase 2 training the team shall discuss with the candidate the purpose and expectations of informal observations, critiques, formal observations, and evaluations, as defined in Sections 7 and 8 of this administrative regulation.
(b) Informal observation and critique. The candidate shall be visited, informally observed, and critiqued at least one (1) time per week by one (1) or more members of the professional support team.
(c) Formal observation. Each team member shall schedule a formal observation of the candidate at least one (1) time during the first five (5) weeks, one (1) time during the second five (5) weeks, and one (1) time during the last eight (8) weeks.
(d) Formal evaluation. The team shall meet to formally evaluate the candidate at the end of five (5) weeks, at the end of ten (10) weeks, and at the end of eighteen (18) weeks. After each formal evaluation, the team shall meet with the candidate to discuss evaluation results that may lead to modifications of the candidate's professional development plan.
(3) Phase 3 training. Phase 3 training shall include eighteen (18) weeks of formal instruction, informal visits, and critiques, and at least two (2) formal observations and evaluations during which time the candidate may have full-time classroom assignment. Phase 3 training shall comply with the following:
(a) Each member of the professional support team shall informally visit and critique the candidate at least one (1) time per month. Each informal observation shall last no less than one (1) full class period.
(b) The candidate shall spend at least one (1) class period per week observing an experienced teacher. Teachers selected for observation shall represent a variety of classroom subjects and levels, and shall be chosen for their ability to demonstrate a variety of exemplary teaching techniques and strategies.
(c) Each member of the professional support team shall formally observe and evaluate the candidate at least two (2) times during Phase 3. No more than two (2) months shall pass without a formal observation.
(d) The candidate shall take the pedagogy assessment no earlier than the Phase 3 training period. The score required of the candidate is established in 16 KAR 6:010. The professional support team shall not recommend approval for a candidate until a passing score is achieved.
Section 7. Informal Observation and Critique.
(1) During an informal observation visit, each team member shall record observations regarding the candidate's performance in relation to the standards identified in 16 KAR 1:010 and the performance of students in the classroom. Each informal observation leading to a critique shall be no less than twenty (20) minutes. Visits for informal observations shall be scheduled and unscheduled, and over the period of eighteen (18) weeks shall cover the range of times and activities for which the candidate is responsible for the classroom.
(2) At a critiquing session following an informal observation, results and feedback shall be shared with the candidate. The critique shall occur as soon as possible after the observation in order to assist the candidate to improve his or her classroom performance and the performance of his or her students.
Section 8. Formal Observation and Evaluation.
(1) Formal observations shall be scheduled in advance with the candidate and shall last no less than one (1) class period.
(2) As a part of the formal evaluation, team members shall review the candidate's progress as recorded on observation instruments, notes, and other documents relating to the candidate's classroom performance.
(3) Each formal evaluation shall consist of the team's written assessment of the candidate's performance as measured through formal and informal observations.
(4) Following each set of formal evaluations, the team shall meet with the candidate to discuss evaluation results, which may lead to modification of the candidate's professional development plan. The team and the candidate shall plan together for the candidate's professional growth over the following training periods.
Section 9. Evaluation Report of the Candidate.
(1) At the conclusion of the district training program for each candidate, the chair of the professional support team shall prepare a comprehensive evaluation report on the candidate's performance. The professional support team shall by majority vote recommend one (1) of the following actions to the EPSB:
(a) Approved. The professional support team recommends issuance of the teaching certificate for the candidate.
(b) Insufficient. The professional support team recommends that the candidate be allowed to seek reentry into a district training program. The team shall identify areas of insufficiency and shall attach to the recommendation a suggestion for remediation in each area. The team shall also recommend a point of reentry to a district training program. A provisional certificate shall be reissued for a second year if the candidate is employed by a district for participation in its approved training programs for a subsequent year.
(c) Disapproved. The professional support team recommends that the candidate not be permitted to enter a district training program. The team shall identify specific reasons for this recommendation and shall document the evidence used by the team to reach its decision. Reasons for the recommendation shall be submitted with the recommendation form, and shall be directly related to one (1) or more of the areas of formal instruction, testing, and classroom performance specified in Sections 5, 7, and 8 of this administrative regulation.
(2) If team members cannot reach a majority agreement concerning a recommendation under this section, the recommendation shall be submitted as insufficient. The team shall provide a statement in the evaluation report addressing the dispute among team members about the recommendation.
(3) The chair shall forward the recommendation form and all observation and evaluation documents to the EPSB.
Section 10. District Training Program Evaluation.
(1) The district or group of districts plan for a district training program shall include a schedule for short-range program evaluation to include an evaluation of the effectiveness of the formal instruction in relation to acquisition by the candidate of the knowledge and competencies specified in 16 KAR 1:010, the supervised teaching, the assistance provided by the professional support team, and the effectiveness of the candidate in the classroom during the two (2) eighteen (18) week training sessions.
(2) The plan shall include a schedule for long-range program evaluation to include the goals of the alternative preparation program and the effectiveness of the program in meeting these goals.
(3) The board may conduct on-site evaluations of any approved district training program to evaluate the quality of the programs. If in the judgment of the board a district training program exhibits continuing weaknesses, the board may direct termination of the program at the end of the current school year.
Section 11. Continuance of Program Approval.
(1) A district or group of districts may apply for continuance of an approved district training program for an additional period of time not to exceed seven (7) years. The request for continuance shall reference program evaluation results described under Section 10 of this administrative regulation, and shall specify significant changes in program components that have occurred since the training program received prior board approval and that are planned for implementation in subsequent training periods.
(2) The request for continuance shall provide specific examples of demonstrating program quality. The request for continuance shall set forth statistical information related to teacher retention for all prior candidates who have completed the training program. Standards for program approval and program quality specified under Sections 2 through 10 of this administrative regulation shall be maintained under any program extension.

16 KAR 9:060

18 Ky.R. 223; eff. 9-6-91; Recodified from 704 KAR 20:600, 7-2-2002; Crt eff. 2-28-2020; 46 Ky.R. 2100, 2598; eff. 6-30-2020.

STATUTORY AUTHORITY: KRS 161.028, 161.030, 161.048, 161.049