Kan. Admin. Regs. § 91-1-203

Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 40, October 3, 2024
Section 91-1-203 - Licensure requirements
(a) Initial licenses.
(1) Each applicant for an initial teaching license shall submit to the state board the following:
(A) An official transcript verifying the granting of a bachelor's degree;
(B) verification from an accredited institution by the unit head or designee of completion of a teacher education program;
(C) verification of successful completion of a pedagogical assessment;
(D) verification of successful completion of a content assessment;
(E) verification of eight semester hours of recent credit;
(F) an application for an initial license; and
(G) the licensure fee.
(2) Each applicant for an initial school leadership license shall submit to the state board the following:
(A) An official transcript verifying the granting of a graduate degree;
(B) verification from an accredited institution by the unit head or designee of completion of a graduate-level school leadership program;
(C) if application is made for a district leadership endorsement, verification from an accredited institution by the unit head or designee of completion of an approved building leadership or director of special education program;
(D) verification of a minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale in graduate leadership program coursework;
(E) verification of successful completion of a state board-approved school leadership assessment;
(F) verification of at least one year of recent experience or at least eight semester hours of recent credit;
(G) an application for an initial school leadership license;
(H) the licensure fee; and
(I) verification of five years of experience in a state-accredited school while holding a standard teaching or school specialist license and having achieved the professional-level license, a professional occupational license, or a full career and technical education certificate.
(3) Each applicant for an initial school specialist license shall submit to the state board the following:
(A) An official transcript verifying the granting of a graduate degree;
(B) verification from an accredited institution by the unit head or designee of completion of a graduate-level school specialist program;
(C) verification of at least one year of recent experience or at least eight semester hours of recent credit;
(D) verification of a minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale in graduate school specialist program coursework;
(E) if application is made for a library media specialist endorsement or reading specialist endorsement, a currently valid professional teaching license;
(F) if application is made for a school counselor endorsement, verification of one of the following:
(i) A currently valid initial teaching license or professional teaching license; or
(ii) applicant's successful completion of additional field experiences consisting of two three-credit-hour courses or at least 70 clock-hours over at least two semesters during the approved program specified in paragraph (a) (3)(B);
(G) verification of successful completion of a state board-approved school specialist assessment;
(H) an application for an initial school specialist license; and
(I) the licensure fee.
(b) Professional licenses.
(1) Each applicant for a professional teaching license shall submit to the state board the following:
(A) Verification of successful completion of the teaching performance assessment prescribed by the state board while the applicant holds an initial teaching license and is employed in a school accredited by the state board or by a national or regional accrediting agency recognized by the state board as listed on the Kansas state department of education's web site;
(B) verification of at least one year of recent experience or at least eight semester hours of recent credit;
(C) an application for professional teaching license; and
(D) the licensure fee.
(2) Each applicant for a professional school leadership license shall submit to the state board the following:
(A) Verification of successful completion of the school leadership performance assessment prescribed by the state board while the applicant holds an initial school leadership license and is employed in a school accredited by the state board or by a national or regional accrediting agency recognized by the state board as listed on the Kansas state department of education's web site;
(B) verification of at least one year of recent experience or at least eight semester hours of recent credit;
(C) an application for professional school leadership license; and
(D) the licensure fee.
(3) Each applicant for a professional school specialist license shall submit to the state board the following:
(A) Verification of successful completion of the school specialist performance assessment prescribed by the state board while the applicant is employed in a school accredited by the state board or by a national or regional accrediting agency recognized by the state board as listed on the Kansas state department of education's web site and while the applicant holds an initial school specialist license;
(B) verification of at least one year of recent experience or at least eight semester hours of recent credit;
(C) an application for professional school specialist license; and
(D) the licensure fee.
(4) Each applicant for a professional school specialist license with endorsement for teacher leader shall submit to the state board the following:
(A) An official transcript verifying the granting of a graduate degree;
(B) verification from an accredited institution by the unit head or designee of completion of a graduate-level teacher leader program and verification of successful completion of an evidence-centered assessment;
(C) verification of at least one year of recent experience or at least eight semester hours of recent credit;
(D) verification of at least five years of accredited experience as a teacher, as a library media specialist or reading specialist, or as a school counselor;
(E) verification of a minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale in graduate teacher leader program coursework;
(F) verification of a currently valid professional teaching license;
(G) an application for a professional school specialist license for teacher leader; and
(H) the licensure fee.
(5) When required by this subsection, the performance assessment for professional teaching licensees shall be completion of at least a two-year approved mentoring program. The performance assessment for professional school specialist licensees shall be completion of at least a year-long approved mentoring program. The performance assessment for professional school leadership licensees shall be completion of at least a year-long approved mentoring program.
(c) Accomplished teaching licenses. Each applicant for an accomplished teaching license shall submit to the state board the following:
(1) Verification of achieving national board certification issued by the national board for professional teaching standards;
(2) verification of a currently valid professional teaching license;
(3) an application for an accomplished teaching license; and
(4) the licensure fee.
(d) Substitute teaching license. Each applicant for a substitute teaching license shall submit to the state board the following:
(1) An official transcript from an accredited institution verifying the granting of a bachelor's degree;
(2) verification from an accredited institution of completion of an approved teacher education program;
(3) an application for substitute teaching license; and
(4) the licensure fee.
(e) Emergency substitute teaching license. Each applicant for an emergency substitute teaching license shall submit to the state board the following:
(1) An official transcript verifying the completion of at least 60 semester hours of general education coursework, professional education coursework, or a combination of these types of coursework;
(2) an application for emergency substitute teaching license; and
(3) the licensure fee.
(f) Visiting scholar teaching license.
(1) Each applicant for a visiting scholar teaching license shall submit to the state board the following:
(A) An application for a visiting scholar teaching license and the licensure fee;
(B) written verification from an administrator of an accredited or approved local education agency that the applicant will be employed if the license is issued; and
(C) documentation verifying the applicant's qualifications for the license as described on the application.
(2) Upon receipt of an application for a visiting scholar teaching license, the following requirements shall be met:
(A) The application and documentation submitted shall be reviewed by the commissioner of education or the commissioner's designee.
(B) A recommendation to the state board shall be made by the commissioner of education or the commissioner's designee on whether a visiting scholar teaching license should be issued to the applicant.
(3) The decision of whether a visiting scholar teaching license should be issued to any applicant shall be made by the state board.
(g) Visiting international teacher license.
(1) Each applicant for a visiting international teacher license shall submit to the state board the following:
(A) An application for a visiting international teacher license and the licensure fee;
(B) an official credential evaluation by a credential evaluator approved by the state board and listed on the state board's web site;
(C) verification of employment from the local education agency, including the teaching assignment, which shall be to teach in the content area of the applicant's teacher preparation or to teach the applicant's native language; and
(D) verification of the applicant's participation in the visiting international teacher program.
(2) The visiting international teacher license may be renewed for a maximum of four additional school years if the licensee continues to participate in the visiting international teacher program, the district will continue to employ the teacher, and the district certifies that the teacher's evaluation is at the effective level.
(h) Restricted teaching license.
(1) Each applicant for a restricted teaching license shall submit to the state board the following:
(A) An application for a restricted teaching license and the licensure fee;
(B) an official transcript or transcripts verifying completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree in the content area or with equivalent coursework in the area for which the restricted teaching license is sought. Heritage language speakers shall qualify as having met content equivalency for their heritage language;
(C) verification of a minimum 2.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale for the most recent 60 semester credit hours earned;
(D) verification that the applicant has attained a passing score on the content assessment;
(E) verification that the local education agency will employ the applicant if the license is issued;
(F) verification that the local education agency will assign a licensed teacher with three or more years of experience to serve as a mentor for the applicant;
(G) verification that the applicant has completed a supervised practical training experience through collaboration of the teacher education institution and the hiring local education agency;
(H) a statement from the licensing officer of a teacher education institution in Kansas attesting to the following:
(i) The applicant has on file a written plan that will qualify the applicant for standard licensure in the content area for which the restricted teaching license is sought;
(ii) the plan for program completion can be completed in not more than two years and contains a specific designation of the coursework that is to be completed each year;
(iii) the program provided to the applicant will meet the teacher education institution's approved professional education standards; and
(iv) the teacher education institution will provide the applicant with on-site support at the employing local education agency, including supervision of the applicant's teaching experience; and
(I) a statement verifying that the local education agency and the teacher education institution have collaborated regarding the approved program that the applicant will pursue and the support that the applicant will receive.
(2) The teacher education institution providing a plan of study for any person holding a restricted teaching license shall coordinate the submission of a progress report before July 1 of each year during the effective period of the restricted teaching license. This progress report shall verify the following:
(A) The applicant's contract will be renewed.
(B) The local education agency will continue to assign a mentor teacher to the applicant.
(C) The applicant has completed at least 50 percent of the plan to qualify for standard licensure.
(D) The institution will continue to support the applicant, on-site, as necessary.
(E) The applicant has attained at least a 2.75 GPA on a 4.0 scale in those courses specified in the applicant's plan for standard licensure.
(3) Each applicant who is unable to provide any verification or statement required in paragraph (h)(2) shall no longer be eligible to hold a restricted teaching license.
(i) Restricted school specialist license.
(1) Each applicant for a restricted school specialist license with endorsement for library media specialist or school counselor shall submit to the state board the following:
(A) An application for a restricted school specialist license and the appropriate fee;
(B) an official transcript or transcripts verifying completion of a graduate degree in the content area of counseling or library media;
(C) verification of at least three years of full-time professional counseling or librarian experience;
(D) verification of a minimum 3.25 cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 scale in graduate school specialist program coursework; and
(E) documentation that the following conditions are met:
(i) The local education agency has made reasonable attempts to locate and hire a licensed person for the restricted school specialist position that the applicant is to fill;
(ii) the local education agency will employ the applicant if the license is issued;
(iii) the local education agency has an agreement with an experienced school specialist in the same content area to serve as a mentor for the applicant;
(iv) the local educational agency will provide, within the first six weeks of employment, an orientation or induction program for the applicant;
(v) the local education agency has collaborated with a teacher education institution in Kansas regarding the program that the applicant will pursue to obtain standard licensure; and
(vi) the local education agency will provide release time for the candidate to work with the mentor and to work on progress toward program completion; and
(F) a statement from the licensing officer of a teacher education institution in Kansas attesting to the following:
(i) The applicant has on file a written plan that will qualify the applicant for standard licensure in the school specialist content area for which the restricted school specialist license is sought;
(ii) the plan for program completion can be completed in not more than three years and contains a specific designation of the coursework that is to be completed each year;
(iii) the program provided to the applicant will meet the teacher education institution's approved professional education standards;
(iv) the teacher education institution will provide the applicant with on-site support; and
(v) the teacher education institution has collaborated with the employing local education agency concerning the applicant's program.
(2) Each local education agency that employs a person holding a restricted school specialist license shall submit to the commissioner of education a progress report before July 1 of each year during the effective period of the restricted school specialist license. This progress report shall include the following:
(A) Verification that the applicant has attained passing scores on the content assessment by the end of the first year;
(B) verification from the chief administrative officer of the employing local education agency attesting to the following:
(i) The applicant's contract will be renewed; and
(ii) the local education agency will continue to assign a mentor to the applicant and provide accommodations to the applicant to work with the mentor and to complete the applicant's plan for standard licensure;
(C) a statement from the licensing officer of the applicant's teacher education institution attesting to the following:
(i) The applicant has completed 50 percent of the applicant's plan to qualify for standard licensure; and
(ii) the teacher education institution will continue to support the applicant, on-site, as necessary; and
(D) an official transcript verifying that the applicant has attained at least a 3.25 GPA on a 4.0 scale in the courses specified in the applicant's plan for standard licensure.
(3) Each applicant who is unable to provide any verification or statement required in paragraph (i)(2) shall no longer be eligible to hold a restricted school specialist license and shall return any previously issued restricted school specialist license to the state board.
(j) Transitional license.
(1) Each applicant for a transitional license shall submit to the state board the following:
(A) Verification of meeting the requirements for any initial license or any professional license as provided in subsection (a) or (b) or in K.A.R. 91-1-204(c), except for recent credit or recent experience; or
(B) verification of having previously held any initial or any professional license or certificate issued by the state board that has been expired for six months or longer;
(C) an application for a transitional license; and
(D) the licensure fee.
(2) Any person who holds a transitional license issued under paragraph (j)(1)(A) may upgrade that transitional license to an initial license or a professional license by submitting to the state board the following:
(A) Verification of accredited experience during the term of the transitional license; or
(i) Verification of having successfully completed eight hours of recent credit; or
(ii) verification of meeting the requirements in K.A.R. 91-1-205(b)(3)(C), if the person meets the requirements of K.A.R. 91-1-206.
(k) Provisional teaching endorsement license.
(1) Each applicant shall hold a currently valid initial teaching license or professional teaching license at any level and shall submit to the state board the following:
(A) Verification of completion of at least 50 percent of an approved teacher education program in the requested endorsement field;
(B) a deficiency plan to complete the approved program requirements from the licensing officer of a teacher education institution;
(C) verification of employment and assignment to teach in the provisional endorsement area;
(D) an application for a provisional teaching endorsement license; and
(E) the licensure fee.
(2) Each applicant for a provisional teaching endorsement license for high-incidence special education, low-incidence special education, deaf or hard-of-hearing, gifted special education, or visually impaired shall hold a currently valid initial teaching license or professional teaching license and shall submit to the state board the following:
(A) Verification of completion of coursework in the areas of methodology and the characteristics of exceptional children and special education, and completion of a practicum in the specific special education field;
(B) a deficiency plan to complete the requirements from the licensing officer of a teacher education institution;
(C) verification of employment and the assignment to teach in the provisional endorsement area;
(D) an application for a provisional teaching endorsement license; and
(E) the licensure fee.
(l) Provisional school specialist endorsement license. Each applicant shall submit to the state board the following:
(1) Verification of completion of 50 percent of a school specialist program;
(2) a deficiency plan for completion of the approved school specialist program from the licensing officer at a teacher education institution;
(3) verification of employment and assignment in the school specialty endorsement area for which licensure is sought;
(4) for a provisional library media or reading specialist endorsement license, verification of a currently valid professional teaching license;
(5) for a provisional school counselor endorsement license, the following:
(A) Verification from the employing local education agency that a person holding a professional school counselor specialist license will be assigned to supervise the applicant during the provisional licensure period; and
(i) Verification of a currently valid initial teaching license or professional teaching license; or
(ii) verification from the licensure officer at the teacher education institution that the applicant has successfully completed additional field experiences consisting of at least one of the three-credit-hour courses or at least 35 of the 70 clock-hours specified in paragraph (a)(3)(F)(ii) and that the applicant will be supervised on-site by the teacher education institution during the first semester of the provisional license;
(6) an application for a provisional school specialist license; and
(7) the licensure fee.
(m) STEM license.
(1) Each applicant for a STEM license shall submit to the state board the following:
(A) An official transcript verifying the granting of an undergraduate or graduate degree in one of the following subjects: life science, physical science, earth and space science, mathematics, engineering, computer technology, finance, or accounting;
(B) verification of at least five years of full-time professional work experience in the subject;
(C) verification that a local education agency will employ the applicant and assign the applicant to teach only the subject specified on the STEM license if the STEM license is issued;
(D) verification that the hiring local education agency will provide professional learning opportunities determined as appropriate by the hiring local education agency;
(E) an application for the STEM license; and
(F) the licensure fee.
(2) Any STEM licensee may apply for a STEM license valid for subsequent school years by submitting the following:
(A) The verifications specified in paragraphs (m)(1)(C) and (D);
(B) an application for renewal; and
(C) the licensure fee.
(n) Limited-use teaching license. Each applicant for a limited-use teaching license shall submit to the state board the following:
(1) An official transcript verifying the granting of any bachelor's degrees and any graduate degrees;
(2) verification that an LEA will employ the applicant and assign the applicant to teach only the subject and grade level specified on the license if the license is issued;
(3) verification of the applicant's content knowledge in the subject of the applicant's assignment. Verification shall include one or more of the following:
(A) A degree in the subject;
(B) coursework equivalent to a major in the field;
(C) a passing score on the subject content assessment; or
(D) 4,000 hours of occupational experience in the subject;
(4) verification from the hiring LEA that the LEA will be responsible for developing the applicant through delivery of pedagogy coursework from an approved program in the subject;
(5) verification from the hiring LEA that the LEA has assigned a mentor to the applicant;
(6) an application for a limited-use teaching license; and
(7) the licensure fee.

Kan. Admin. Regs. § 91-1-203

Authorized by and implementing Article 6, Section 2(a) of the Kansas Constitution; effective July 1, 2003; amended July 1, 2003; amended Jan. 2, 2004; amended Aug. 5, 2005; amended Aug. 10, 2007; amended July 18, 2008; amended Aug. 28, 2009; amended Aug. 12, 2011; amended, T-91-6-30-14, June 30, 2014; amended Oct. 24, 2014; amended by Kansas Register Volume 42, No. 09; effective 3/17/2023.