Kan. Admin. Regs. § 30-10-1a

Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 41, October 10, 2024
Section 30-10-1a - Nursing facility program definitions
(a) The following words and terms, when used in this article, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) "Accrual basis of accounting" means that revenue of the provider is reported in the period when it is earned, regardless of when it is collected, and expenses are reported in the period in which they are incurred, regardless of when they are paid.
(2) "Active treatment for individuals with mental retardation or a related condition" means a continuous program for each client, which shall include aggressive, consistent implementation of a program of specialized and generic training, treatment, health services, and related services that is directed toward the following:
(A) The acquisition of the behaviors necessary for the client to function with as much self-determination and independence as possible; and
(B) the prevention or deceleration of regression or loss of current optimal functional status.
(3) "Agency" means the department of social and rehabilitation services.
(4) "Ancillary services and other medically necessary services" means those special services or supplies, in addition to routine services, for which charges are made.
(5) "Case mix" means a measure of the intensity of care and services used by a group of residents in a facility.
(6) "Case mix index" means a numeric score with a specific range that identifies the relative resources used by a particular group of residents and represents the average resource consumption across a population or sample. Two average case mix index scores are considered in setting rates for nursing facility program participants. These indexes are the following:
(A) "Medicaid average case mix index," which means the average case mix index calculated using case mix scores for only the medicaid residents in a population; and
(B) "facility average case mix index," which means the average case mix index calculated using case mix scores for all the residents in a nursing facility.
(7) "Change of ownership" means a transfer of rights and interests in real and personal property used for nursing facility services through an arm's-length transaction between unrelated persons or legal entities.
(8) "Change of provider" means a change of ownership or lessee specified in the provider agreement.
(9) "Common ownership" means that an entity holds a minimum of five percent ownership or equity in the provider facility or in a company engaged in business with the provider facility.
(10) "Control" means that an individual or organization has the power, directly or indirectly, to significantly influence or direct the actions or policies of an organization or facility.
(11) "Cost and other accounting information" means adequate financial data about the nursing facility operation, including source documentation, that is accurate, current, and sufficiently detailed to accomplish the purposes for which it is intended. Source documentation, including petty cash payout memoranda and original invoices, shall be valid only if the documentation originated at the time and near the place of the transaction. In order to provide the required cost data, the provider shall maintain financial and statistical records in a manner that is consistent from one period to another. This requirement shall not preclude a beneficial change in accounting procedures when there is a compelling reason to effect a change of procedures.
(12) "Cost finding" means recasting the data derived from the accounts ordinarily kept by a provider to ascertain costs of the various types of services rendered.
(13) "Costs not related to resident care" means costs that are not appropriate, necessary, or proper in developing and maintaining the nursing facility operation and activities. These costs shall not be allowed in computing reimbursable costs.
(14) "Costs related to resident care" means all necessary and proper costs, arising from arm's-length transactions in accordance with general accounting rules, that are appropriate and helpful in developing and maintaining the operation of resident care facilities and activities. Specific items of expense shall be limited pursuant to K.A.R. 30-10-23a, K.A.R. 30-10-23b, K.A.R. 30-10-23c, K.A.R. 30-10-24, K.A.R. 30-10-25, K.A.R. 30-10-26, K.A.R. 30-10-27, and K.A.R. 30-10-28.
(15) "Cost report" means the nursing facility financial and statistical report (MS-2004).
(16) "Educational activities" means an approved, formally organized, or planned program of study usually engaged in by providers in order to enhance the quality of resident care in an institution. These activities shall be licensed when required by state law.
(17) "Educational activities net cost" means the cost of approved educational activities less any grants, specific donations, or reimbursements of tuition.
(18) "Hospital-based nursing facility" means a nursing facility, as defined in this regulation, that is attached to or associated with a hospital.
(19) "Inadequate care" means any act or failure to act that may be physically or emotionally harmful to a recipient.
(20) "Level of care" means the type and intensity of services prescribed in the resident's plan of care as based on the assessment and reassessment process.
(21) "Mental illness" means a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that is typically associated with either a distressing symptom or impairment of function. Relevant diagnoses shall be limited to schizophrenia, recurrent and severe major affective disorders, atypical psychosis, bipolar disorder, paranoid disorders, schizoaffective disorder, psychotic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or borderline personality disorder.
(22) "Mental retardation" means subaverage general intellectual functioning that originates in the developmental period and is associated with an impairment in adaptive behavior.
(23) "Nonworking owners" means any individual or organization having five percent or more interest in the provider who does not perform a resident-related function for the nursing facility.
(24) "Nonworking related party or director" means any related party, as defined in this regulation, who does not perform a resident-related function for the nursing facility.
(25) "Nursing facility (NF)" means a facility that conforms to these criteria:
(A) Meets state licensure standards;
(B) provides health-related care and services, as prescribed by a physician; and
(C) provides 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week licensed nursing supervision to residents for ongoing observation, treatment, or care for long-term illness, disease, or injury.
(26) "Nursing facility for mental health" means a nursing facility that meets these criteria:
(A) Meets state licensure standards;
(B) provides structured mental health rehabilitation services, in addition to health-related care, for individuals with a severe and persistent mental illness; and
(C) provides 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week licensed nursing supervision. The nursing facility shall have been operating in accordance with a provider agreement with the agency on June 30, 1994.
(27) "Ongoing entity" means that a change in the provider has not been recognized for Kansas medical assistance program payment purposes.
(28) "Organization costs" means those costs directly incidental to the creation of the corporation or other form of legal business entity. These costs shall be considered to be intangible assets representing expenditures for rights and privileges that have value to the business.
(29) "Owner and related party compensation" means salaries, drawings, consulting fees, or other payments paid to or on behalf of any owner with a five percent or greater interest in the provider or any related party, as defined in this regulation, whether the payment is from a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or nonprofit organization.
(30) "Owner" means the person or legal entity that has the rights and interests of the real and personal property used to provide the nursing facility services.
(31) "Plan of care for nursing facilities" means a document completed by the nursing facility staff that states the need for care, the estimated length of the program, the methodology to be used, and the expected results for each resident.
(32) "Prescription drug" means a simple or compound substance or mixture of substances prescribed for the cure, mitigation, or prevention of disease or for health maintenance that is prescribed by a licensed physician or practitioner and dispensed by a licensed pharmacist.
(33) "Projected cost report" means a cost report submitted to the agency by a provider prospectively for a 12-month period of time. The projected cost report shall be based on an estimate of the costs, revenues, resident days, and other financial data for that 12-month period of time.
(34) "Provider" means the operator of the nursing facility specified in the provider agreement.
(35) "Recipient" means a person determined to be eligible for the Kansas medical assistance program in a nursing facility.
(36) "Related parties" means two or more parties with a relationship in which one party has the ability to influence another party to the transaction in the following manner:
(A) When one or more of the transacting parties might fail to pursue the party's or parties' own separate interests fully;
(B) when the transaction is designed to inflate the Kansas medical assistance program costs; or
(C) when any party considered a related party to a previous owner or operator becomes the employee, or otherwise functions in any capacity on behalf of a subsequent owner or operator. Related parties shall include parties related by family, business, or financial association, or by common ownership or control. Transactions between related parties shall not be considered to have arisen through arm's-length negotiations.
(37) "Related to the nursing facility" means that the facility is significantly associated or affiliated with, has control of, or is controlled by the organization furnishing the services, facilities, or supplies.
(38) "Representative" means either of the following:
(A) A legal guardian, conservator, or representative payee as designated by the social security administration; or
(B) any person who is designated in writing by the resident to manage the resident's personal funds and who is willing to accept the designation.
(39) "Resident assessment form" means the document that meets these requirements:
(A) Is jointly specified by the Kansas department of health and environment and the agency;
(B) is approved by the health care finance administration; and
(C) includes the minimum data set.
(40) "Resident assessment instrument" means the resident assessment form, resident assessment protocols, and the plan of care, including reassessments.
(41) "Resident day" means that period of service rendered to a resident between census-taking hours on two successive days and all other days for which the provider receives payment, either full or partial, for any Kansas medical assistance program or non-Kansas medical assistance program resident who was not in the nursing facility. Census-taking hours shall consist of 24 hours beginning at midnight.
(42) "Resident status review" means a reassessment to identify any nursing facility resident who may no longer meet the level of care criteria.
(43) "Routine services and supplies" means services and supplies that are commonly stocked for use by or provided to any resident. The services and supplies shall be included in the provider's cost report.
(44) "Sale-leaseback" means a transaction in which an owner sells a facility to a related or nonrelated purchaser and then leases the facility from the new owner to operate as the provider.
(45) "Severe and persistent mental illness" means mental illness as defined in this regulation, but shall include both of the following additional requirements:
(A) The individual meets one of the following criteria:
(i) Has undergone psychiatric treatment more intensive than what could have been provided through outpatient care more than once in a lifetime; or
(ii) has experienced a single episode of continuous, structured, supportive residential care other than hospitalization for a duration of at least two months.
(B) The individual meets at least two of the following criteria, on a continuing or intermittent basis, for at least two years:
(i) Is unemployed, is employed in a sheltered setting, or has markedly limited skills and a poor work history;
(ii) requires public financial assistance for out-of-hospital maintenance and may be unable to procure this assistance without help;
(iii) shows a severe inability to establish or maintain a personal social support system;
(iv) requires help in basic living skills; or
(v) exhibits inappropriate social behavior that results in a need for intervention by the mental health or judicial system.
(46) "Specialized mental health rehabilitation services" means one of the specialized rehabilitative services that provide ongoing treatment for mental health problems and that are aimed at attaining or maintaining the highest level of mental and psychosocial well-being. The specialized rehabilitative services shall include the following:
(A) Crisis intervention services;
(B) drug therapy or monitoring of drug therapy;
(C) training in medication management;
(D) structured socialization activities to diminish tendencies toward isolation and withdrawal;
(E) development and maintenance of necessary daily living skills, including grooming, personal hygiene, nutrition, health and mental health education, and money management; and
(F) maintenance and development of appropriate personal support networks.
(47) "Specialized services" means inpatient psychiatric care for the treatment of an acute episode of mental illness.
(48) "State licensing agency" means the department of health and environment for hospital-based nursing facilities and the department on aging for all other nursing facilities.
(49) "Swing bed" means a hospital bed that can be used interchangeably as either a hospital bed or nursing facility bed.
(50) "Twenty-four-hour nursing care" means the provision of 24-hour licensed nursing services with the services of a registered nurse for at least eight consecutive hours a day, seven days a week.
(51) "Working trial balance" means a list of the account balances in general ledger order that was used in completing the cost report.
(b) This regulation shall be effective on and after May 1, 2005.

Kan. Admin. Regs. § 30-10-1a

Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 39-708c; effective May 1, 1982; amended May 1, 1983; amended May 1, 1984; amended May 1, 1985; amended May 1, 1986; amended May 1, 1987; amended May 1, 1988; amended Jan. 2, 1989; amended, T-30-10-1-90, Oct. 1, 1990; amended Jan. 30, 1991; amended Oct. 28, 1991; amended April 1, 1992; amended Nov. 2, 1992; amended Jan. 3, 1994; amended July 1, 1994; amended Sept. 30, 1994; amended Dec. 29, 1995; amended Jan. 1, 1997; amended Jan. 1, 1999; amended May 1, 2002; amended May 1, 2005.