Kan. Admin. Regs. § 28-16-28e

Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 41, October 10, 2024
Section 28-16-28e - Surface water quality criteria
(a) Criteria development guidance. The development of surface water quality criteria for substances not listed in these standards shall be guided by water quality criteria published by the EPA. If the department finds that the criteria listed in this regulation are underprotective or overprotective for a given surface water segment, appropriate site-specific criteria may be developed and applied by the department, in accordance with K.A.R. 28-16-28f, using bioassessment methods or other related scientific procedures, including those procedures consistent with the EPA's "water quality standards handbook," second edition, as published in August 1994, or other department-approved methods.
(b) General criteria for surface waters. The following criteria shall apply to all surface waters, regardless of classification:
(1) Surface waters shall be free, at all times, from the harmful effects of substances that originate from artificial sources of pollution and that produce any public health hazard, nuisance condition, or impairment of a designated use.
(2) Hazardous materials derived from artificial sources, including toxic substances, radioactive isotopes, and infectious microorganisms derived from point sources or nonpoint sources, shall not occur in surface waters at concentrations or in combinations that jeopardize the public health or the survival or well-being of livestock, domestic animals, terrestrial wildlife, or aquatic or semiaquatic life.
(3) Surface waters shall be free of all discarded solid materials, including trash, garbage, rubbish, offal, grass clippings, discarded building or construction materials, car bodies, tires, wire, and other unwanted or discarded materials. The placement of stone and concrete rubble for bank stabilization shall be acceptable to the department if all other required permits are obtained before placement.
(4) Surface waters shall be free of floating debris, scum, foam, froth, and other floating materials directly or indirectly attributable to artificial sources of pollution.
(5) Oil and grease from artificial sources shall not cause any visible film or sheen to form upon the surface of the water or upon submerged substrate or adjoining shorelines, nor shall these materials cause a sludge or emulsion to be deposited beneath the surface of the water or upon the adjoining shorelines.
(6) Surface waters shall be free of deposits of sludge or fine solids attributable to artificial sources of pollution.
(7) Taste-producing and odor-producing substances from artificial sources shall not occur in surface waters at concentrations that interfere with the production of potable water by conventional water treatment processes, that impart an unpalatable flavor to edible aquatic or semiaquatic life or terrestrial wildlife, or that result in noticeable odors in the vicinity of surface waters.
(8) The natural appearance of surface waters shall not be altered by the addition of color-producing or turbidityproducing substances from artificial sources.
(9) In stream segments where background concentrations of naturally occurring substances, including chlorides and sulfates, exceed the water quality criteria listed in table 1a of the "Kansas surface water quality standards: tables of numeric criteria," as adopted by reference in subsection (e), the existing water quality shall be maintained, and the newly established numeric criteria shall be the background concentration. Background concentrations shall be established using the methods outlined in the "Kansas implementation procedures: surface water quality standards," as adopted by reference in K.A.R. 28-16-28b, and available upon request from the department.
(c) Application of criteria for designated uses of surface waters.
(1) The numeric criteria in tables 1a, 1b, 1c, and 1d of the "Kansas surface water quality standards: tables of numeric criteria" shall not apply if the critical low flow is less than 0.03 cubic meter per second (1.0 cubic foot per second) for waters designated as expected aquatic life use waters and restricted aquatic life use waters, unless studies conducted or approved by the department show that water present during periods of no flow, or flow below critical low flow, provides important refuges for aquatic life and permits biological recolonization of intermittently flowing segments.
(2) The numeric criteria in tables 1a, 1b, 1c, and 1d of the "Kansas surface water quality standards: tables of numeric criteria" shall not apply if the critical low flow is less than 0.003 cubic meter per second (0.1 cubic foot per second) for waters designated as special aquatic life use waters, unless studies conducted or approved by the department show that water present during periods of no flow, or flow below critical low flow, provides important refuges for aquatic life and permits biological recolonization of intermittently flowing segments.
(d) Criteria for designated uses of surface waters. The following criteria shall apply to all classified surface waters for the indicated designated uses:
(1) Agricultural water supply use. The water quality criteria for irrigation and livestock watering specified in table 1a of the "Kansas surface water quality standards: tables of numeric criteria" shall not be exceeded outside of mixing zones due to artificial sources of pollution.
(2) Aquatic life support use.
(A) Nutrients. The introduction of plant nutrients into streams, lakes, or wetlands from artificial sources shall be controlled to prevent the accelerated succession or replacement of aquatic biota or the production of undesirable quantities or kinds of aquatic life.
(B) Suspended solids. Suspended solids added to surface waters by artificial sources shall not interfere with the behavior, reproduction, physical habitat, or other factors related to the survival and propagation of aquatic or semiaquatic life or terrestrial wildlife. In the application of this provision, suspended solids associated with discharges of presedimentation sludge from water treatment facilities shall be deemed noninjurious to aquatic and semiaquatic life and terrestrial wildlife if these discharges do not violate the requirements of paragraphs (b)(6) and (8) and paragraph (d)(2)(D).
(C) Temperature.
(i) Heat from artificial sources shall not be added to a surface water in excess of the amount that will raise the temperature of the water beyond the mixing zone more than 3°C above natural conditions. Additionally, a discharge to a receiving water shall not lower the temperature of the water beyond the mixing zone more than 3°C below natural conditions. The normal daily and seasonal temperature variations occurring within a surface water before the addition of heated or cooled water from artificial sources shall be maintained.
(ii) Temperature criteria applicable to industrial cooling water recycling reservoirs that meet the requirements for classification specified in K.A.R. 28-16-28d shall be established by the secretary on a case-by-case basis to protect the public health, safety, or the environment.
(D) Toxic substances.
(i) Conditions of acute toxicity shall not occur in classified surface waters outside of zones of initial dilution, nor shall conditions of chronic toxicity occur in classified surface waters outside of mixing zones.
(ii) Acute criteria for the aquatic life support use specified in tables 1a, 1b, and 1c of the "Kansas surface water quality standards: tables of numeric criteria" shall apply beyond the zone of initial dilution. Chronic criteria for the aquatic life support use specified in tables 1a, 1b, and 1d of the "Kansas surface water quality standards: tables of numeric criteria" shall apply beyond the mixing zone.
(iii) If a discharge contains a toxic substance that lacks any published criteria for the aquatic life support use, or if a discharge contains a mixture of toxic substances capable of additive or synergistic interactions, bioassessment methods and procedures shall be specified by the department to establish whole-effluent toxicity limitations that are consistent with paragraph (d)(2)(D)(i).
(3) Domestic water supply use.
(A) Except as provided in paragraph (d)(3)(B), the criteria listed in table 1a of the "Kansas surface water quality standards: tables of numeric criteria" for domestic water supply use shall not be exceeded at any point of domestic water supply diversion.
(B) In stream segments where background concentrations of naturally occurring substances, including chlorides and sulfates, exceed the domestic water supply criteria listed in table 1a of the "Kansas surface water quality standards: tables of numeric criteria," due to intrusion of mineralized groundwater, the existing water quality shall be maintained, and the newly established numeric criteria for domestic water supply shall be the background concentration. Background concentrations shall be established using the methods outlined in the "Kansas implementation procedures: surface water quality standards," which is adopted in K.A.R. 28-16-28b.
(C) Any substance derived from an artificial source that, alone or in combination with other synthetic or naturally occurring substances, causes toxic, carcinogenic, teratogenic, or mutagenic effects in humans shall be limited to nonharmful concentrations in surface waters. Unless site-specific water quality conditions warrant the promulgation of more protective criteria under the provisions of subsection (a) of this regulation and K.A.R. 28-16-28f, maximum contaminant levels for toxic, carcinogenic, teratogenic, or mutagenic substances specified in 40 C.F.R. 141.11, 141.13, and 141.61 through 141.66, as in effect on July 1, 2012, shall be deemed nonharmful.
(D) The introduction of plant nutrients into surface waters designated for domestic water supply use shall be controlled to prevent interference with the production of drinking water.
(4) Food procurement use.
(A) Criteria listed in table 1a of the "Kansas surface water quality standards: tables of numeric criteria" for food procurement use shall not be exceeded outside of a mixing zone due to any artificial source of pollution.
(B) Substances that can bioaccumulate in the tissues of edible aquatic or semiaquatic life or wildlife through bioconcentration or biomagnification shall be limited in surface waters to concentrations that result in no harm to human consumers of these tissues. For bioaccumulative carcinogens, surface water concentrations corresponding to a cancer risk level of less than 0.000001 (10-6) in human consumers of aquatic or semiaquatic life or wildlife shall be deemed nonharmful by the department and adopted as food procurement criteria. Average rates of tissue consumption and lifetime exposure shall be assumed by the department in the estimation of the cancer risk level.
(5) Groundwater recharge use. In surface waters designated for the groundwater recharge use, water quality shall be such that, at a minimum, degradation of groundwater quality does not occur. Degradation shall include any statistically significant increase in the concentration of any chemical or radiological contaminant or infectious microorganism in groundwater resulting from surface water infiltration or injection.
(6) Industrial water supply use. Surface water quality criteria for industrial water supplies shall be determined by the secretary on a case-by-case basis to protect the public health, safety, or the environment.
(7) Recreational use.
(A) General. The introduction of plant nutrients into surface waters designated for primary or secondary contact recreational use shall be controlled to prevent the development of objectionable concentrations of algae or algal by-products or nuisance growths of submersed, floating, or emergent aquatic vegetation.
(B) Primary contact recreation for classified surface waters other than classified stream segments. A single sample maximum or a geometric mean of at least five samples collected during separate 24-hour periods within a 30-day period shall not exceed the criteria in table 1j of the "Kansas surface water quality standards: tables of numeric criteria" beyond the mixing zone.
(C) Secondary contact recreational use for classified surface waters other than classified stream segments. A single sample maximum or a geometric mean of at least five samples collected during separate 24-hour periods within a 30-day period shall not exceed the criteria in table 1j of the "Kansas surface water quality standards: tables of numeric criteria" beyond the mixing zone.
(D) Primary contact recreation for classified stream segments. At least five samples shall be collected during separate 24-hour periods within a 30-day period. A geometric mean analysis of these samples shall not exceed the criteria in table 1i of the "Kansas surface water quality standards: tables of numeric criteria" beyond the mixing zone.
(E) Secondary contact recreation for classified stream segments. The following criteria shall be in effect from January 1 through December 31 of each year:
(i) At least five samples shall be collected during separate 24-hour periods within a 30-day period.
(ii) A geometric mean analysis of the samples specified in paragraph (d)(7)(E)(i) shall not exceed the criteria in table 1i of the "Kansas surface water quality standards: tables of numeric criteria" beyond the mixing zone.
(F) Wastewater disinfection. Wastewater effluent shall be disinfected if the department determines that the discharge of nondisinfected wastewater constitutes an actual or potential threat to public health. Situations that constitute an actual or potential threat to public health shall include instances in which there is a reasonable potential for the discharge to exceed the applicable criteria supporting the assigned recreational use designation or if a water body is known or likely to be used for either of the following:
(i) Primary or secondary contact recreation; or
(ii) any domestic water supply.
(8) Multiple uses. If a classified stream segment or classified surface water other than a classified stream segment is designated for more than one designated use according to K.A.R. 28-16-28d, the water quality of the classified stream segment or classified surface water other than a classified stream segment shall meet the most stringent of the applicable water quality criteria.
(e) Tables. The numeric criteria for the designated uses of classified surface waters shall be the numeric criteria specified in the department's "Kansas surface water quality standards: tables of numeric criteria," dated March 2, 2021, which is hereby adopted by reference.

Kan. Admin. Regs. § 28-16-28e

Authorized by K.S.A. 65-171d, 65-171m, and 82a-2010; implementing K.S.A. 65-171d, 65-171m, 82a-2002, 82a-2003, 82a-2004, and 82a-2010; effective May 1, 1986; amended, T-87-8, May 1, 1986; amended May 1, 1987; amended Aug. 29, 1994; amended July 30, 1999; amended Nov. 3, 2000; amended Aug. 31, 2001; amended Jan. 3, 2003; amended Oct. 24, 2003; amended Jan. 28, 2005; amended March 20, 2015; amended Feb. 23, 2018; amended by Kansas Register Volume 41, No. 10; effective 3/25/2022.