(1)Policy statement. A primary responsibility of the board of regents is to oversee institutions whose missions include the creation and dissemination of knowledge. These missions encompass teaching, research, and services. To fulfill their missions effectively, institutions under the control of the state board of regents occasionally provide goods and services which enhance, promote, or support the instructional, research, public service, and other functions to meet the needs of students, faculty, staff, patients, visitors, and members of the public participating in institutional events. It is the policy of the board of regents that the institutions shall not engage in competition with private enterprise unless the activity will assist in the education, research, extension or service mission of the institutions.
All activities involving the sale of goods, services, or facility usage shall be in accordance with an authorization and statement of purpose approved by the chief business officer at each institution. This approval will be given only after review which demonstrates that one or more of the following conditions are met:
a. The activity is deemed to be an integral part of the institution's educational, research, public service and campus support functions, and other educational and support activities.b. The activity is needed to provide an integral good or service which is not reasonably available in the community; or the activity is needed to provide an integral good or service at time, price, location, or terms which are not reasonably available in the community.c. The activity is carried out for the primary benefit of the campus community and is incidental to the education, research, service, or extension missions of the university.d. The activity is carried out due to the importance of maintaining the quality of the institution.(2)Definitions."Institutions under the control of the state board of regents" means the State University of Iowa, the University of Northern Iowa, Iowa State University of science and technology, Iowa School for the Deaf, and Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School.
"Private enterprise" means an individual, firm, partnership, joint venture, corporation, association, or other legal entity engaging in the manufacturing, processing, sale, offering for sale, rental, leasing, delivery, dispensing, distributing, or advertising of goods or services for profit.