Iowa Admin. Code r. 641-15.3

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 6, October 2, 2024
Rule 641-15.3 - Definitions and abbreviations

"Air break" is a piping arrangement in which a drain from a fixture, appliance or device discharges indirectly into a fixture, receptacle, or interceptor at a point below the flood-level rim of the receptacle.

"Air gap" means the unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from an inlet pipe and the flood-level rim of a receptacle or floor drain.

"Board of health" means a county, city, or district board of health.

"Body feed" means the continuous addition of controlled amounts of filtering aid during the operation of a diatomaceous earth filter to maintain a permeable filter cake. This is sometimes referred to as a "slurry feed."

"Certified operator" means a person who has:

1. Successfully completed the Certified Pool/Spa Operator® course sanctioned by NSPF, the Aquatic Facility Operator course sanctioned by NRPA, the Professional Pool & Spa Operator course sanctioned by the APSP, the Licensed Aquatic Facility Technician course sanctioned by the American Swimming Pool and Spa Association, or an equivalent course approved by the department; and
2. Been recertified as required by the sanctioning organization; and
3. Obtained the continuing education required by 15.11 (2).

"Combined chlorine" means nitrogen-chlorine compounds formed by the reaction of a chlorine disinfectant chemical with ammonia and organic nitrogen compounds as measured with a DPD (diethyl-p-phenylene diamine) test kit or as measured by another method approved by the department. Another term for combined chlorine is "chloramines."

"Construction" means the installation of a new swimming pool facility. "Construction" includes modifications to an existing facility which change the total recirculated water volume or the total water surface area by 20 percent or more.

"Deck" means a walkway immediately adjacent to a swimming pool.

"Decorative fountain" means a basin equipped with water sprays or jets that does not serve primarily as a wading or swimming pool and whose drain is not directly connected to any type of suction device for removing or recirculating the water.

"Deep water" means those areas of a swimming pool where the water is more than five feet deep.

"Department" means the Iowa department of public health.

"Di-chlor" means sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione dihydrate. Di-chlor is a form of chlorine that includes cyanuric acid in its formulation.

"Engineering plans" means plans and specifications certified in accordance with the rules of the engineering and land surveying examining board or the architectural examining board by an engineer or architect licensed to practice in the state of Iowa.

"Equalizer" means an arrangement including a pipe from an opening below the water level in a swimming pool or spa to the body of a skimmer and a normally closed valve at the skimmer body. The arrangement is designed to automatically prevent air from being drawn into the pump when the water level drops below the skimmer inlet. The equalizer opening in a swimming pool or spa is a fully submerged outlet.

"Facility" means a building, fenced enclosure, or lot where there is at least one swimming pool or spa subject to regulation under Iowa Code chapter 1351 and these rules.

"Field fabricated," when applied to a sump or a cover/grate for a fully submerged outlet, means constructed on site with conventional building materials or of a size and shape different from readily available commercial sumps or cover/grates.

"Fill and drain wading pool" means a wading pool having no recirculation system.

"Filter" means a mechanical device for removing suspended particles from the swimming pool water and refers to the complete mechanism including all component parts.

"Flow rating," when applied to the cover/grate for a fully submerged outlet, means the maximum flow rate in gpm through the cover/grate that will not cause body or hair entrapment as determined by the test methods in the ASME standard.

"Fountain" means a water fountain that is not established primarily for swimming or wading, but where swimming or wading is allowed, and that has a drain which is connected to a mechanical suction device for removing or recirculating the water.

"Free chlorine" means the concentration of hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion in the swimming pool water as measured with a DPD (diethyl-p-phenylene diamine) test kit or as measured by another method approved by the department.

"Fully submerged outlet" means an outlet that is completely under water when the water is at the normal operating level.

"Gravity outlet" means an outlet that directly connects to a tank or other structure that is at atmospheric pressure. Water flows through a gravity outlet by the natural head of water over the outlet.

"Hose bib" means a fresh-water outlet that is threaded to permit the attachment of a garden hose.

"Hydrostatic relief valve" means a relief valve installed in the bottom of the swimming pool and designed to operate automatically when the swimming pool is empty, relieving the groundwater pressure around the structure by allowing the groundwater into the swimming pool tank.

"Inlet" means a fitting or opening through which recirculation water enters the swimming pool.

"Inspection agency" means the department, or a city, county or district board of health that has executed with the department pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code chapters 28E and 1351 an agreement to inspect swimming pool/spa facilities and enforce these rules. The authority of a city, county or district board of health is limited to the geographic area defined in the agreement executed with the department. Within the defined geographic area, the city, county or district board of health is the "local inspection agency."

"Leisure river" means a closed-path channel of near constant depth with a river-like flow of water. A leisure river may include water features and play devices. Leisure rivers are also called "lazy rivers" or "slow rivers."


1. "Certified lifeguard" means an individual who holds current certification in one of the following courses and, where applicable, current additional certification in American Red Cross first aid and American Red Cross or American Heart Association infant, child and adult CPR; two-person CPR, or equivalent first-aid and CPR certification approved by the department:

* American Red Cross Lifeguard Training

* YMCA Lifeguarding

* Boy Scouts of America Lifeguard

2. "Licensed lifeguard" means an individual who holds a current license from the National Pool and Waterpark Lifeguard Training Program in one of the following programs:

* National Pool and Waterpark Pool Lifeguard

* National Pool and Waterpark Lifeguard Training

* National Pool and Waterpark Deep Water Lifeguard

NOTE: Lifeguard, CPR and first-aid training programs will sometimes be renamed or restructured by the sponsoring organization. American Red Cross lifeguard training now includes first aid and CPR; the lifeguard receives the lifeguard certificate and a CPR certificate. Separate CPR and first-aid training is available from the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association, and other providers. If there is a question whether a specific training course will meet the requirements of these rules, information about the course should be submitted to the department for evaluation.

"Main drain" means the outlet(s) at the deepest part of a swimming pool or spa.

"Manufacturer's specifications" means written guidelines established by a manufacturer for the installation and operation of the manufacturer's equipment.

"Multisection water recreation pool" means a swimming pool with three or more distinct use areas such as, but not limited to, a zero-depth play area, a water slide landing area, a lap swim area, and a diving area.

"Outlet" means a fitting or opening, including the main drain, through which water leaves the swimming pool or spa.

"Outlet system" means an arrangement of components associated with one or more connected fully submerged outlets including the cover/grate(s), the sump(s), the piping, and the pump(s) if one or more pumps are directly connected to the outlet(s).

"Perimeter overflow gutter" means a weir and trough around the perimeter of a swimming pool that is used to skim the surface of the water and return the water to the treatment system.

"Plunge pool" means a pool designed to serve as a landing area for a water slide.

"Recirculation system" means the pump(s), piping, inlets, outlets, filtration system, chemical feed systems and accessories provided to convey and treat the swimming pool or spa water to meet the water quality standards in these rules.

"Reconstruction" means the replacement or modification of a swimming pool or spa shell or deck, a swimming pool or spa recirculation system, a perimeter overflow gutter or skimmer, or a bathhouse associated with a public swimming pool or spa. "Reconstruction" does not include the replacement of equipment or piping previously approved by the department, provided that the type and size of the equipment are not revised, nor does it include normal maintenance or repair.

"Residential swimming pool" means any swimming pool that is used, or intended to be used, in connection with a single-family residence and that is available only to the family of the householder and the householder's private guests. A residential swimming pool used for any commercial purpose, including, but not limited to, swimming lessons or exercise classes, shall comply with the requirements of 15.4(6)"n." A residential swimming pool used for private swimming lessons for over 207 hours in a calendar month, or the number of hours prescribed by local ordinance applicable to such use of a residential swimming pool, whichever is greater, shall be considered a public swimming pool and shall be subject to all the requirements of this chapter. A residential swimming pool used for any other commercial purposes for more than 60 hours in a calendar month shall be considered a public swimming pool and shall be subject to all the requirements of this chapter.

"Shallow water" means those areas of a swimming pool where the water is 5 ft deep or less.

"Shallow water guard."

1. "Certified shallow water guard" means a person who has current certification in American Red Cross basic water rescue, current certification in American Red Cross first aid, and current certification in American Red Cross or American Heart Association infant, child and adult CPR, or equivalent training approved by the department.
2. "Licensed shallow water guard" means a person who holds a current license from the National Pool and Waterpark Lifeguard Training Program as a National Pool and Waterpark Shallow Water Waterpark Lifeguard.

NOTE: Water safety, CPR and first-aid training programs will sometimes be renamed or restructured by the sponsoring organization. If there is a question whether a specific training course will meet the requirements of these rules, information about the course should be submitted to the department for evaluation.

"Skimmer" means a manufactured device designed to be directly connected to the recirculation pump suction and used to skim the swimming pool over a self-adjusting weir.

"Spa" means a structure, chamber, or tank, such as a hot tub or whirlpool, that is designed for recreational or therapeutic use and is designed not to be drained, cleaned, and refilled after each individual use. A spa is designed to provide a means of agitation. A swimming pool with a bench equipped with agitation is not considered a spa provided that the bench length is no more than 10 percent of the swimming pool perimeter and that the water temperature is maintained at 90°F or less. Rules 641-15.51 (135I) and 641-15.52 (135I) define minimum standards for the operation and design of spas.

"Speed slide" means a water slide which is designed to enter users into a plunge pool or other deceleration arrangement at a speed of 30 ft per second or more.

"Spray pad" means a constructed area equipped with water sprays or other water play features where the water is intended to contact the users. A spray pad includes no standing water. A spray pad uses water that is recirculated independently or from an associated swimming pool. Spray pads are also called "wet decks," "splash pads," "interactive play attractions," "water recreation attractions," and other names.

A play area with sprays or other features that includes no standing water and that uses only potable water that is not circulated (the water drains to waste) is not included in this definition.

"Suction outlet" means an outlet that is directly connected to the inlet side of a circulation pump.

"Superchlorination" means the addition of a chlorine disinfectant compound to a swimming pool or spa to a concentration at least ten times the combined chlorine concentration before the addition. Treatment of swimming pool or spa water with nonchlorine chemicals to eliminate or suppress combined chlorine is not superchlorination.

"Swimming pool" means a structure, chamber, tank, or area constructed of man-made material through which water is circulated and that is designed and operated for recreation, training, or competition that includes full body contact with the water. This definition includes, but may not be limited to, swimming pools, wading pools, spray pads, leisure rivers, water slides, and wave pools. The swimming pool may be either publicly or privately owned. This definition includes, but is not limited to, swimming pools operated by cities, counties, public and private schools, hotels, motels, camps, apartments, condominiums, and health clubs and country clubs.

1. "Class A swimming pool" means a swimming pool with a water surface area of 1500 ft2or more, except for wading pools.
2. "Class B swimming pool" means a swimming pool with a water surface area of less than 1500 ft2.

"Swimming pool slide" means any device used to enter a swimming pool by sliding down an inclined plane or through a tube. "Swimming pool slide" as used in this chapter is equipment generally similar to a playground slide. A swimming pool slide shall have a slide path of 20 ft or less in length and a water flow down the slide of 20 gpm or less. A slide exceeding either of these criteria shall be a water slide.

"Temporary spa" means a spa which is installed or situated in one location for a period of less than 30 days.

"Total bromine" means the concentration of hypobromous acid, hypobromite ion and nitrogen-bromine compounds in the swimming pool water as measured with a DPD (diethyl-p-phenylene diamine) test kit or as measured by another method approved by the department.

"Tri-chlor" means trichloro-s-triazinetrione. Tri-chlor is a form of chlorine that includes cyanuric acid in its formulation.

"Unblockable," when applied to a cover/grate for a fully submerged outlet, means a size and shape that cannot be fully covered by an 18-inch by 23-inch mat with 4-inch-diameter rounded corners and the differential pressure generated by the flow through the uncovered open area is not enough to cause body entrapment. "Unblockable" is evaluated by the methods specified in the ASME standard.

"Wading pool" means a swimming pool that is no more than 24 inches deep at any point and that is primarily intended for use by young children for general recreation or training.

"Water slide" means a recreational ride which is a sloped trough-like or tubular structure using water as a lubricant and as a method of regulating rider velocity and which terminates in a plunge pool, swimming pool, or in a specially designed deceleration structure. "Water slide" includes appurtenant structures and devices, such as a plunge pool, pump reservoir, recirculation equipment, flume pumps, and access structures, when they are provided.

"Wave pool" means a swimming pool of special shape and design which is provided with wave-generating equipment.

"Zero-depth pool" means a swimming pool in which the pool floor intersects the water surface along at least one side of the pool. This definition does not include wading pools.


"AFO" means aquatic facility operator.

"AGA" means American Gas Association, 400 N. Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001.

"ANSI" means American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036.

"APSP" means the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (formerly National Spa and Pool Institute (NSPI)), 2111 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22314.

"ASME" means American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990.

"ASME standard" means ASME/ANSI A112.19.8a-2008, "Suction Fittings for Use in Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, Spas, and Hot Tubs." The standard sets performance requirements and test methods for pool and spa fittings, covers and grates for physical strength, ultraviolet light resistance, and hair and body entrapment prevention. The standard can be purchased from ANSI by calling (212)642-4980 or at [File Link Not Available].

"AWWA" means American Water Works Association, 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235.

"BTU" means British thermal unit.

"CPO®" means certified swimming pool/spa operator.

"CPR" means cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

"feet" means feet of water (feet x 0.43 = psi) when used in discussing pump requirements.

"ft" means foot or feet (distance).

"ft2" means square foot or square feet.

"gal" means gallon(s).

"gpm" means gal per minute.

"in Hg" means inches of mercury (in Hg x 0.49 = psi).

"in2" means square inch(es).

"LAFT" means licensed aquatic facility technician.

"mg/L" means milligram(s) per liter.

"mV" means millivolts.

"NRPA" means National Recreation and Park Association, 22377 Belmont Ridge Road, Ashburn, VA 20148.

"NSF" means NSF International (formerly National Sanitation Foundation), 789 N. Dixboro Road, P.O. Box 130140, Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0140.

"NSPF®" means National Swimming Pool Foundation, 4775 Granby Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80919.

"ORP" means oxidation-reduction potential.

"ppm" means parts per million; mg/L and ppm are equivalent terms.

"PPSO" means professional pool and spa operator.

"psi" means pounds per square inch.

"sec" means second (time).

"Standard 50" means NSF/ANSI Standard 50, "Circulation System Components for Swimming Pools, Spas, or Hot Tubs."

"TDH" means total dynamic head.

"UL" means Underwriters Laboratories, 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-2096.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 641-15.3

ARC 7839B, lAB 6/3/09, effective 7/8/09
Amended by IAB December 9, 2015/Volume XXXVIII, Number 12, effective 1/13/2016