Iowa Admin. Code r. 205-8.12

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 6, October 2, 2024
Rule 205-8.12 - Conduct at parole proceedings
(1) Parole proceedings shall be open to the public except as otherwise necessary or proper.
(2) Conduct of inmate.
a. Conduct of the inmate shall be in a manner consistent with decorum appropriate for a participant in a public meeting of a governmental body.
b. An inmate may not orally or otherwise communicate with spectators or others present at the parole proceeding except as permitted by the panel or board.
c. The inmate shall speak to the panel or board or counselor only when asked a question or directed otherwise to do so.
d. Each inmate will be given an opportunity to make an independent statement to the panel or board during the parole proceeding. The panel or board may limit this statement in any manner as to topic or time.
e. Failure to comply with the direction of the panel or board in limiting statements, in communicating with persons present at the parole proceeding, or any absence of decorum which could disrupt or delay the proceeding may, at the discretion of the board, result in a forfeiture of the right to an interview and a request by the board to have the institutional staff remove the inmate.
f. An inmate who forfeits the right to an interview for reasons under paragraph 8.14(2)"e" or for any other reason shall not be interviewed again until the inmate's next annual review, or until such earlier time as determined by the board, except that the inmate may make a request for an earlier interview. The request must be made in writing to the board through the board liaison officer, the counselor or other institutional staff member, or the ombudsman, together with assurance by the inmate that no repeat of the offending conduct or other offending conduct will occur. A reinterview is subject to the discretion of the panel or board.
(3) Conduct of spectators.
a. Spectators may not participate in the parole proceedings. The number of spectators will be limited by the capacity available. If attending in person, only board staff or institutional staff will be allowed to stand during the interviews or between interviews, except during breaks of the panel or board or as necessary to enter and leave during times designated by the panel or board. An exception will be made for television camera operators.
b. If attending in person, spectators may not enter or leave the room during interviews or between interviews, except that the board or panel will designate times when persons may enter and leave. This shall be done at reasonable intervals, and may be between interviews even though the board or panel does not take a break.
c. If attending in person, entering and leaving the interview room before and after the interview sessions and during breaks in the interview sessions shall be subject to the restrictions imposed by board staff.
d. Spectators shall make no utterances which are intended to be or can be heard by the inmate or the panel. This includes any conversation among spectators.
e. Spectators shall be properly attired and shall conduct themselves in a manner consistent with decorum appropriate for a public meeting of a governmental body. They shall be respectful of other spectators, victims, media personnel, board staff, and board members present. They shall also be mindful of noise and behavior that might impact other individuals in the board's business office building.
f. Any activity deemed inappropriate by the panel under the guidelines in the rules may result in a request by the panel for the offending party or parties to leave. Warnings for inadvertent or minor misconduct may or may not be given the first time it occurs, and any subsequent offending activity will result in a request to leave. Refusal to leave upon request may result in removal.

Admission for in-person attendance shall be on a first-come, first-served basis in accordance with the rules of the board.

g. A spectator attending in person who leaves during a time designated for entering or leaving or during a short break by the panel may retain a seat if the person returns at the next time designated for that purpose. A person does not retain a seat at the hearing over breaks taken for lunch or dinner or overnight.
(4) Conduct of the media.
a.General. Broadcasting, televising, recording and photographing will be permitted in the interview room during open sessions of the board or panel, including recesses between sessions, under the following conditions:
(1) Permission first shall have been granted by the board chairperson or chairperson's designee, who may prescribe conditions and restrictions for bringing equipment into the board's business office.
(2) Media coverage of any proceeding which is held in closed session under Iowa law is prohibited.
(3) The quantity and types of equipment permitted in the interview room shall be subject to the discretion of the panel or board within the guidelines in these rules.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of any of these procedural or technical rules, the panel or board may permit the use of other equipment provided the application for variance is made in advance. Ruling upon the variance application shall be in the discretion of the chair or chair's designee.
(5) The chair or the chair's designee may limit or terminate photographic or electronic media coverage by any or all media participants at any time during the proceedings in the event the chair or the chair's designee finds that rules in this chapter or additional rules imposed by the board or panel have been violated.
b.Advance notice of coverage. All requests by representatives of the news media to use television cameras or electronic sound-recording equipment in the interview room shall be made to the board in advance in accordance with these rules.
c.Equipment specifications. Equipment to be used by the media or public in interview rooms or meeting rooms during interview proceedings or board meetings must be unobtrusive and must not produce distracting sound. In addition, the equipment must satisfy the following criteria, where applicable:
(1) Still cameras. Still cameras and lenses must be unobtrusive, without distracting light or sound.
(2) Television cameras and other recording equipment. Television cameras are to be electronic and, together with any related equipment, must be unobtrusive in both size and appearance, without distracting sound or light. Television cameras, and other recording devices, are to be designed or modified so that participants in the parole interview being covered are unable to determine when recording is occurring.
(3) Audio equipment. Microphones, wiring and audio-recording equipment shall be unobtrusive and shall be of adequate technical quality to prevent interference with the proceeding being covered. Any changes in existing audio systems must be approved by the panel or board. No modifications of existing systems shall be made at public expense.
(4) Advance approval. It shall be the duty of media personnel to demonstrate to the panel or board reasonably in advance of the proceeding that the equipment sought to be utilized meets the criteria set forth in this rule. Failure to obtain advance panel or board approval for equipment may preclude its use in the proceeding. All media equipment and personnel shall be in place at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time of commencement of the proceeding.
d.Lighting. Other than light sources already existing in the interview room, no flashbulbs or other artificial light device of any kind shall be employed in the interview room. With the concurrence of the panel and institutional staff, however, modifications may be made in light sources existing in the interview room (e.g., higher wattage light bulbs), provided the modifications are installed and maintained without public expense.
e.Equipment and pooling. The following limitations on the amount of equipment and number of photographic and broadcast media personnel in the interview room shall apply:
(1) Still photography. Not more than two still photographers, each using not more than two camera bodies and two lenses, shall be permitted in the interview room at any one time during a parole proceeding.
(2) Television. Not more than two television cameras, each operated by not more than one camera person, shall be permitted in the interview room during a parole proceeding. All components must be contained within the area designated for the camera. Where possible, recording and broadcasting equipment which is not a component part of a television camera shall be located outside the interview room.
(3) Audio. Not more than one audio system shall be set up in the interview room for broadcast coverage of a parole proceeding. Audio pickup for broadcast coverage shall be accomplished from any existing audio system present in the interview room, if the pickup would be technically suitable for broadcast. Where possible, electronic audio-recording equipment and any operating personnel shall be located outside the interview room.
(4) Pooling. Where the above limitations on equipment and personnel make it necessary, the media shall be required to pool equipment and personnel. Pooling arrangements shall be the sole responsibility of the media, and the panel or board shall not be called upon to mediate any dispute as to the appropriate media representatives authorized to cover a particular parole proceeding.
f.Location of equipment and personnel. Equipment and operating personnel shall be located in, and coverage of the proceedings shall take place from, an area or areas within the interview room designated by the panel. The area or areas designated shall provide reasonable access to the proceeding to be covered.
g.Movement during proceedings. Television cameras and audio equipment may be installed in or removed from the interview room only when the panel or board is not in session. In addition, the equipment shall at all times be operated from a fixed position. Media personnel shall not move about the interview room while proceedings are in session, nor shall they engage in any movement which attracts undue attention. Photographers shall not assume body positions inappropriate for spectators.
(1) All media personnel shall be properly attired and shall conduct themselves in a manner consistent with decorum appropriate for a public meeting of a governmental body. They shall be respectful of other media personnel, victims, spectators, board staff, and board members present. They shall also be mindful of noise and behavior that might impact other individuals in the board's business office building.
(2) Any activity deemed inappropriate by the panel under the guidelines in the rules may result in a request by the panel for the offending party or parties to leave. Warnings for inadvertent or minor misconduct may or may not be given the first time it occurs, and any subsequent offending activity will result in a request to leave. Refusal to leave upon request may result in removal.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 205-8.12

Amended by IAB August 30, 2017/Volume XL, Number 5, effective 10/4/2017
Amended by IAB April 5, 2023/Volume XLV, Number 20, effective 5/10/2023