Iowa Admin. Code r. 199-26.4

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 6, October 2, 2024
Rule 199-26.4 - General rate increase applications filed pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.6
(1)Customer notification procedures. When a utility intends to file an application for a general rate increase pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.6, the utility shall provide notice of the application as described below.
a.Notification of rate increase to customers.
(1) All utilities which propose to increase rates shall provide written notice of the proposed increase to all customers in all affected rate classifications. The written notice shall be mailed or delivered before the application for increase is filed, but not more than 62 days prior to filing the application for increase with the commission. The utility may send one notice to customers who receive service from a utility for two different types of service.
(2) A utility may use the standard notice form found on the commission's website for notification to customers without seeking prior commission approval. If the standard notice is used to provide notice to customers of a general rate increase, the utility shall file the standard notice, with the rates that are being proposed, with the commission at least five days prior to sending the notice to customers. A utility that uses the standard customer notice form shall issue a press release and post notice on the utility's website of the application for a general rate increase when the utility sends the notice to customers. A utility that uses the standard customer notice form shall be required to send separate notice to customers with the dates, times, and locations of any consumer comment meetings scheduled by the commission. The second notice may be sent to customers as a bill insert if the customers receive at least 20 days of notice prior to the first consumer comment meeting. The utility shall issue a press release about the consumer comment meetings and put the dates, times, and locations of the meetings on the utility's website.
(3) A utility which proposes to increase rates and to provide notice to customers by a method that is not in substantial compliance with the standard customer notice on the commission's website shall file its proposed notice for approval of the commission not less than 45 days before the utility proposes to deliver the notice to its customers. A utility that uses a nonstandard customer notice shall issue a press release and post notice on the utility's website of the application for a general rate increase when the utility sends the notice to customers.
(4) The notice requirements in this paragraph are not applicable to rate increases for telecommunications services. Notice requirements for intrastate access service rates are subject to the requirements of rule 199-22.4 (476).
b.Requirements for rate increase notices.
(1) A standard notice shall comply with the standard form notice on the commission's website. Any deviation from the standard notice requires the filing of a proposed nonstandard notice in compliance with subparagraph 26.4(1)"b"(2).
(2) At a minimum, a nonstandard customer notice shall include the following information:
1. If the utility is proposing to place interim rates in effect, an explanation of the interim rate process applicable to the proceeding and, with respect to such proposed interim rates, all of the information that this subrule requires a utility to submit concerning final rates.
2. A description of the proposed increase in rates.
3. The proposed effective date of the proposed final increase in rates, including a statement that ultimately the commission will determine if and when any changes in final rates become effective.
4. The proposed overall increase in total and base rate annual revenues stated in dollars and as a percentage for each applicable customer class.
5. A table that includes the utility's primary customer classes and that, for each class, shows the proposed monthly base rate increase, the proposed monthly base rate increase percentage, the proposed monthly overall increase in the average monthly bill, and the proposed average monthly overall percentage increase. Increases in monthly customer rates, rates for lighting, and similar rates shall be described in a footnote to the table. The utility shall highlight on the notice the rates that are proposed for a customer receiving the notice.
6. If a utility proposes significant changes to nonrecurring rates, a table that contains the following for each nonrecurring rate: the current rate, the proposed rate, and the percentage increase.
7. A statement indicating that the impact proposed new rates have on amounts billed to customers may differ depending on the type and extent of usage.
8. A statement indicating that a written explanation of all current and proposed rate schedules is available without charge from the utility's local business office.
9. A statement indicating how a customer may contact the utility with any questions concerning the proposed increase in rates.
10. A statement indicating that customers have the right to file written objections to the proposed increase with the commission and to request a hearing to determine whether the rate increase should be allowed. The statement shall include the commission's mailing address, email address, and electronic filing system website address. The statement shall also direct customers to provide the commission with any facts that would assist the commission in determining the justness and reasonableness of the requested increase and shall indicate that the written objection will be made available to the consumer advocate, who represents the public interest in rate cases before the commission.
11. The time, date, and place of any applicable consumer comment meetings. The utility shall include a list of proposed locations for consumer comment meetings, and the location of consumer comment meetings to be included in the notice shall be approved by the commission.
12. A statement indicating that, after a thorough investigation, the commission will make a determination on final rates, which may be different from those that the utility proposes, and that, if final rates are lower than interim rates or the interim rates are not based upon previously established regulatory principles, the utility shall make refunds, including interest, to customers.
13. A statement that the overall increase includes estimated rate case expense.
(3) The proposed notice shall contain estimated cost figures and cost percentages. The estimated cost figures and cost percentages may be updated when the utility sends its approved notice.
(4) The notice shall not contain a message from the utility about the proposed rate increase. The utility may include as a separate document a message from the utility.
(5) A copy of the notice with the final dates, cost figures, and cost percentages shall be filed with the commission in the rate proceeding docket at the time of customer notification along with an exhibit showing the calculations of all amounts included in the notice with source references.
(6) The form of the notice, once approved by the commission, may not be altered except to include dates, cost figures, and cost percentages reflecting the latest updates. The size and quality of the type used in the notice shall be easily legible.
c.Deficiencies in nonstandard notices. Within 30 days of the utility's filing of its proposed customer notice, the commission shall issue an order either approving the notice or identifying any deficiencies and setting forth the corrections and additional information necessary for the notice to comply with Iowa Code chapter 476 and with commission rules. A notice found to be deficient under this rule shall not constitute adequate notice under Iowa Code section 476.6. If the commission fails to issue an order within 30 days of filing, the proposed notice shall be deemed approved without change.
d.Delivery of notices.
(1) The standard customer notice form or the nonstandard notice, as approved by the commission, shall be mailed or delivered electronically to all affected customers pursuant to the timing requirements of paragraph 26.4(1)"a." Notice of proposed increases may be mailed with a regularly scheduled mailing of the utility. Electronic notice shall only be sent to customers who have agreed to receive electronic billing notice and notice of other information from the utility.
(2) Standard customer notice form notices and nonstandard notices shall be conspicuously marked "Notice of Proposed Rate Increase" on the notice itself. If a separate mailing is utilized by a utility for customer notification, the outside of the mailing shall also be conspicuously marked "Notice of Proposed Rate Increase." For notices delivered electronically, the subject line shall include "Notice of Proposed Rate Increase."
(3) Failure of the postal service or Internet service provider to deliver the notice to any customers shall not invalidate or delay the proposed rate increase proceeding.
(4) After the date the first notice is mailed or delivered to any affected customer and until such rates are resolved in proceedings before the commission, any person who requests utility service and is affected by the proposed increase in rates shall receive either the standard form and the notice of consumer comment meetings or the nonstandard notice approved by the commission not later than 30 days after the date of commencement of service to the customer.
(5) An approved notice is required for each filing proposing a rate increase that is not directly identifiable with a previous customer notification.
e.Telecommunications service provider rate increases. Subrule 26.4(1) shall not apply to telecommunications service providers proposing to increase rates for interexchange services, excluding extended area service and intrastate access services.
(2)Applications. Applications for a general increase in rates based upon either a historic test year or future test year shall include the filing requirements in this rule. The commission shall review the application and supporting testimony, exhibits, and other information to determine if the application is complete and complies with the rules in this chapter.
a. The utility shall file a cover sheet or index listing each minimum filing requirement and identify all documents applicable to each requirement filed to support an application for a general rate increase. The application and minimum filing requirements shall not be accepted by the commission until all of the documents listed have been filed.
b. The commission may issue an order requiring additional information during its review of the application. Within 30 days of the date the application is filed, the commission may reject an application that is not in substantial compliance with the filing requirements in subrule 26.4(4) for a historic test year application or subrule 26.4(5) for a future test year application.
c. No application, pleading, document, testimony or other submission filed with a tariff incorporating a general increase in rates for utility service shall be rejected for noncompliance after the date of a commission order docketing the tariff and application as a formal proceeding.
(3)Temporary rate authority pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.6. When proposing a general rate increase based on a historic test year, a utility may implement without commission approval temporary rates ten days or more after filing notice with the commission with the effective date of temporary rates pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.6 (9).
a. A utility that chooses to implement temporary rates pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.6(9) shall file the following information with its application for permanent rates:
(1) A statement that the utility has elected to implement temporary rates pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.6(9).
(2) A bond or other corporate undertaking subject to review and approval by the commission that, at a minimum, is equal to the increased amount of revenue that will be recovered through temporary rates. The bond or corporate undertaking shall include a commitment to refund, as directed by the commission, any amounts the commission determines are in excess of the amounts that would have been collected under final rates ultimately approved by the commission and amounts that are not supported by established regulatory principles.
(3) The established regulatory principles that support the amounts included in the temporary rate filing may be established by statute, court decision, or by commission orders where the regulatory issue was not settled.
(4) All workpapers supporting the request for temporary authority.
b. If at the conclusion of the proceeding the commission finds that permanent rates are less than temporary rates implemented by a utility, the commission shall order refunds with interest calculated at a rate consistent with Iowa Code section 476.6(9)"c."
c. If at the conclusion of the proceeding the commission determines that the temporary rates were not based upon previously established regulatory principles, the commission shall consider ordering refunds based upon the overpayments made by each individual customer class, rate zone, or customer group with interest calculated at a rate consistent with Iowa Code section 476.6(9)"c."
d. Objections to the temporary rates put into effect pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.6(9) shall be raised as an issue in the general rate proceeding through prepared testimony filed by a party and shall be addressed by the commission at the hearing and in the commission's final rate order, unless otherwise ordered by the commission.
e. The return on equity used to calculate temporary rates shall not be greater than the return on equity proposed by the utility for permanent rates. The return on equity proposed for permanent rates is a cap and is not presumed reasonable for temporary rates.
(4)Testimony and exhibits to support applications based on a historic test year. A utility proposing changes in tariffs or rates which relate to a general increase in revenue based upon a historic test year shall prepare and file with its proposed tariff the following evidence in the form of testimony and exhibits.
a. Factors relating to value. A statement showing the original cost of the items of plants and facilities, for the beginning and end of the last available calendar year, and any other factors relating to the value of the items of plants and facilities the utility deems pertinent to the commission's consideration, together with information setting forth budgeting accounts for the construction of scheduled improvements.
b. Comparative operating data. Information covering the test year.
(1) Operating revenue and expenses by primary account.
(2) Balance sheet at beginning and end of test year.
c. Test year and pro forma income statements. Information setting forth revenues, expenses, net operating income for the last available calendar year, the adjustment of unusual items, and by adjustment to reflect operations for a full year under existing and proposed rates. The format of the information to be filed is available on the commission's website at
d. Additional testimony and exhibits for utilities. Unless otherwise specified in these rules, the information required to be filed in this paragraph shall be based upon the calendar year immediately preceding the year in which the application for a general rate increase is filed.
(1) Rate base for Iowa jurisdictional operations calculated by utilizing a 13-month average of monthending balances ending on December 31 of the year preceding the year of filing, and also calculated on a year-end basis, except for the cash working capital component of this figure, which will be computed on the basis of a lead-lag study as set forth in subparagraph 26.4(4)"d"(5).
(2) Revenue requirements for both total company and Iowa jurisdictional operations, to include: operating and maintenance expense, depreciation, taxes, and return on rate base.
(3) Capital structure calculated utilizing a 13-month average of month-ending balances ending on December 31 of the year preceding the year of filing, and also calculated on a year-end basis.
(4) Information supporting the proposed capital structure and information showing the calculation of the proposed capital cost for each component of the capital structure and showing requested return on rate base with capital structure and corresponding capital cost.
(5) Cash working capital requirements, including a recent lead-lag study which accurately represents conditions during the test period. For the purposes of this rule, a lead-lag study is defined as a procedure for determining the weighted average of the days for which investors or customers supply working capital to operate the utility.
(6) Complete federal and state income tax returns for the two calendar years preceding the year of filing and all amendments to those returns. If a tax return or amendment has not been prepared at the time of filing, the return shall be filed with the commission under this subrule at the time it is filed with the Internal Revenue Service or the Iowa department of revenue.
(7) Information showing monthly Iowa jurisdictional expense by account as required by 199-Chapter 16 unless, upon application of the utility and prior to filing, the commission finds that the utility is incapable of reporting jurisdictional expense on a monthly basis and prescribes another periodic basis for reporting jurisdictional expense.
(8) A schedule of monthly consumption (units sold) and revenue by customer rate classes, reflecting separately revenue collected in base rates and adjustment clause revenues.
(9) Information showing that the rates proposed will produce the revenues requested and information showing the dollar and percent increases expected for the average rate of consumption and at the 25th and 75th percentile within major rate classes. In addition to this information, the utility shall submit in support of the design of the proposed rate a narrative statement describing and justifying the objectives of the design of the proffered rate. If the purpose of the rate design is to reflect costs, the narrative statement should state how that objective is achieved and be accompanied by a cost analysis that would justify the rate design. If the rate design is not intended to reflect costs, a narrative statement should be furnished justifying the departure from cost-based rates. This filing shall be in compliance with all other rules of the commission concerning rate design and cost studies.
(10) All monthly or periodic financial and operating reports to management beginning in January two years preceding the year of filing. The item or items to be filed under this rule include reports of sales, revenue, expenses, number of employees, number of customers, or similar data, and related statistical material. This requirement shall be a continuing one, to remain in effect through the month that the rate proceeding is finally resolved.
(11) Information showing monthly tax accruals, separated between federal, state, and property taxes, including the methods used to determine these amounts.
(12) Allocation methods, including formulas, supporting revenue, expenses, and plant or tax allocations.
(13) Information showing interest rates, dividend rates, amortizations of discount and premium and expense, and unamortized 13 monthly balances of discount and premium and expense, ending on December 31 of the year preceding the year of filing, for long-term debt and preferred stock.
(14) Information showing the 13 monthly balances of common stock expense, ending on December 31 of the year preceding the year of filing.
(15) Information showing the 13 monthly balances of paid-in capital in excess of par, separated between common and preferred stock, ending on December 31 of the test year.
(16) Stockholders' reports, including supplements for the year of filing and the two preceding calendar years. If such reports are not available at the time of filing, they shall be filed immediately upon their availability to stockholders.
(17) If applicable, Securities and Exchange Commission Form 10-Q for all past quarters in the year of filing and the preceding calendar year, and Form 10-K for the two preceding calendar years or, if applicable, comparable filings for corporations headquartered outside the United States. If these forms have not been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission at the time the rate increase is filed, they shall be filed under this subrule immediately upon filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. This requirement is not applicable for any such reports which are routinely and formally filed with the commission.
(18) Any prospectus issued during the year of filing or during the two preceding calendar years.
(19) Consolidated and consolidating financial statements.
(20) Revenue and expenses involving transactions with affiliates and the transfer of assets between the utility and its affiliates, and transactions between the utility and the utility's parent company.
(21) Information showing the following for each of the ten calendar years preceding the year of filing, and for each quarter from the first quarter of the calendar year immediately preceding the year of filing through the current quarter.
1. Earnings, annual dividends declared, annual dividends paid, book value of common equity, and price of common equity (each item should be shown per average actual common share outstanding, adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends).
2. Rate of return to average common equity.
3. Common stock earnings retention ratio.
4. For other issues of common stock: net proceeds per common share issued, and number of shares issued and previously outstanding for each issue of common stock.
(22) If the utility is applying for a gas rate increase, the model used to calculate the weather normalization adjustment and documentation supporting the model inputs. The weather normalization model preferred by the commission is available on the commission's website at
(23) A statement that no direct or indirect lobbying expenses or advertising expenses not allowed by Iowa Code section 476.18(3) are included for recovery in the proposed rates.
(24) All testimony and exhibits in support of the rate filing, attached to affidavits of the sponsoring witnesses. All known and measurable changes in costs and revenues upon which the utility relies in its application shall be included.
1. Unless otherwise required, all testimony, exhibits, and other information shall be filed in the commission's electronic filing system as described in rule 199-14.5 (17A,476). In addition, three paper copies of all of the documents filed electronically in the commission's electronic filing system, including confidential information, shall be provided to the commission and three copies to the consumer advocate within five days of the date the application is filed. The utility is not required to print voluminous workpapers that only provide supporting information as long as the utility has filed a summary of the information and the utility includes a page in the printed material that indicates the information in the workpapers that has not been printed and where that information is found in the application or minimum filing requirements. The commission or the consumer advocate may request a printed copy of this information if the information is required for review of the application or minimum filing requirements. The paper copies shall be certified by an officer of the utility or by an attorney representing the utility.
2. If the utility that has filed for the rate increase is affiliated with another company as either parent or subsidiary, the information required in subparagraphs 26.4(4)"d"(3), (4), (6), (13) to (19), and (21) shall be provided for the parent company (if any) and for all affiliates which are not included in the consolidating financial statements filed pursuant to this rule.
e. At the time of filing an application for increased rates based upon a historic test year, all utilities shall file, as exhibits to testimony, all workpapers and data used to prepare the analyses, including the Excel spreadsheet version of each Excel-based document containing all formulae, calculations, and specific source references to all keyed-in data, along with a PDF version of each Excel document, formatted for printing. The Excel spreadsheets and PDF documents shall be searchable. The filing requirements in this paragraph may be modified with prior commission approval.
f. The utility may file any other testimony and exhibits which it deems pertinent to the application.
g. In rate-regulatory proceedings under Iowa Code section 476.6, the commission shall consider the use of the most current test period possible in light of existing and verifiable data respecting costs and revenues available as of the date of commencement of the proceedings.
h. Known and measurable changes. In rate-regulatory proceedings under Iowa Code section 476.6, the commission shall consider:
(1) Verifiable data, existing as of the date of commencement of the proceedings, respecting known and measurable changes in costs not associated with a different level of revenue, and known and measurable revenues not associated with a different level of costs that are to occur within 12 months after the date of commencement of the proceedings.
(2) Data which becomes verifiable prior to the closing of the record at the hearing respecting known and measurable:
1. Capital infrastructure investments that will not produce significant additional revenues and will be in service in Iowa within nine months after the conclusion of the test year.
2. Cost of capital changes that will occur within nine months after the conclusion of the test year that are associated with a new generating plant that has been the subject of a ratemaking principles proceeding pursuant to Iowa Code section 476.53.
3. Verifiable data filed pursuant to subparagraph 26.4(4)"h"(2) shall be provided to other parties as soon as the data is available so that other parties have a reasonable opportunity to verify the data to be considered by the commission.
i. Postemployment benefits other than pensions. For ratemaking purposes, the amount accrued for postemployment benefits other than pensions in accordance with Accounting Standards Codification No. 715, Compensation-Retirement Benefits (ASC 715) will be allowed in rates where:
(1) The net periodic postemployment benefit cost and accumulated postemployment benefit obligations have been determined by an actuarial study completed in accordance with the specific methods required and outlined by ASC 715.
(2) The accrued postemployment benefit obligations have been funded in a commission-approved, segregated, and restricted trust account, or alternative arrangements have been approved by the commission. Cash deposits shall be made to the trust at least quarterly in an amount that is proportional and, on an annual basis, at least equal to the annual test period allowance for postemployment benefits other than pensions.
(3) The transition obligation is amortized over a period of time determined by the commission and does not exceed 20 years.
(4) Any funds, including income, returned to the utility from the trust not actually used for postemployment benefits other than pensions shall be refunded to customers in a manner approved by the commission.
(5) The commission finds the benefit program and all calculations are prudent and reasonable.
j. An actuarial study of the net periodic postemployment benefit cost and accumulated postemployment benefit obligations shall be determined and filed with the commission at the time a rate increase is requested, when there has been a change in postemployment benefits other than pensions offered by the utility, or every three years, whichever comes first.
k. The utility shall provide its revenue requirement calculation in an Excel spreadsheet. The required spreadsheet format for this calculation is available on the commission's website at
(5)Filing requirements to support applications based on a future test year. An application for a general increase in rates based upon a future test year may be based upon one test year for each type of service, or one test year for a combined application for two types of service. If the application is for an increase in rates for two types of service, the application shall include separate financial schedules for each type of service and shall specifically identify in testimony, exhibits, and workpapers the type of service being addressed. An application for a general increase in rates based upon a future test year shall not be filed prior to the effective date of a final order regarding the subsequent proceeding in a previous proceeding based upon a future test year. An application for a general increase in revenue based upon a future test year shall include the following information to support the application:
a. For each forecast for a major component of the rate application provide the following information:
(1) Describe how each forecast was developed and include a description of the applicable starting point.
(2) Explain how and why the applicable assumptions, methods, models, and modeling inputs were used.
(3) Identify and explain any significant changes in forecast assumptions, adjustments, or methodology since the utility's last rate case or contested case review.
b. The utility's application shall include the following information for the test year:
(1) Operations and maintenance expenses by primary account, or functional grouping, including:
1. Any amounts previously specifically disallowed by the commission or otherwise eliminated from current rates.
2. Any regulatory amortizations previously authorized by the commission or that are being requested.
3. Additional detail outlining operations and maintenance expenses by labor costs and nonlabor costs.
4. Additional detail bifurcating operations and maintenance expenses that are recovered through automatic adjustment mechanisms.
(2) Utility payroll reconciliation, including distribution of total payroll between plant, operations, and maintenance, and any other accounts.
(3) Taxes other than income taxes.
(4) Income taxes, including any net operating losses (NOL) or other tax credits generated or utilized.
(5) Utility plant and other rate base, including:
1. Monthly utility plant in service by major function, summarizing and explaining plant additions, retirements, and transfers.
2. Monthly accumulated reserve for depreciation and amortization by major function, detailing depreciation, retirements, removal, salvage, and other amortizations or adjustments.
3. Depreciation and amortization expense by primary account or functional group.
4. Any regulatory amortizations previously authorized by the commission or being requested, including unamortized balances.
5. Utility working capital rate base, including a lead-lag study.
6. Monthly balances of other adjustments to utility rate base.
(6) Revenue and expenses involving transactions with affiliates and the transfer of assets between the utility and its affiliates, and transactions between the utility and the utility's parent company.
(7) Projected revenue requirement for operations, to include: operating and maintenance expense, depreciation, taxes, and return on rate base.
(8) Monthly and annual billing unit information by rate schedule.
1. Provide an explanation of any significant changes in the number of customers or usage between the most recent calendar year and the test year billing units.
2. The data and support should identify and explain: weather normalization methods, growth expectations, time period used as the base for building test year sales, and discrete adjustments to the base sales forecast and associated energy impacts.
3. Provide monthly and annual kilowatt-hour or therm sales by rate schedule, monthly and annual weather-normalized kilowatt-hour or therm sales, and monthly and annual customer numbers.
(9) Proof of revenue documentation showing that the rates proposed will produce the total requested revenue requirement. The proof of revenue should separately reflect revenue collected in base rates, revenue collected through all applicable adjustment clauses, sales for resale, and other revenues.
(10) Rate impact information showing the dollar and percent increases expected within the average rate of consumption, and at the 25th and 75th percentile, within major classes.
(11) Narrative statement describing and justifying the objectives of the proposed rate design. If the purpose of the rate design is to reflect projected costs, the narrative statement should state how that objective is achieved and be accompanied by a cost-of-service study that would justify the rate design. If the rate design is not intended to reflect projected costs, a narrative statement should be furnished describing and justifying the departure from cost-based rates. This filing shall be in compliance with all other rules of the commission concerning rate design and cost studies.
(12) Allocation methods, including formulas, supporting projected revenue, expenses, plant, or tax allocations.
(13) A statement that no direct or indirect lobbying expenses or advertising expenses not allowed in Iowa Code section 476.18(3) are included for recovery in the proposed rates.
c. The utility shall file the following financial information:
(1) Projected capital structure.
(2) Information showing the calculation of the proposed capital cost for each component of the capital structure and information showing requested return on rate base with capital structure and corresponding capital cost for the test year, including:
1. Debt issuances, principal repayments, and retirement of debt, all by month.
2. Preferred stock issuances and retirements, all by month.
3. Common stock estimated net income, dividends, and capital infusions, all by month.
4. Source and use of funds schedule (cash flow) from the most recent actual balances, all by month.
5. Interest rates and dividend rates.
6. Amortizations of discount, premium, and expense, and unamortized balances of discount, premium, and expense for long-term debt and preferred stock, all by month.
7. Common stock expense, all by month.
8. Capital in excess of par, separated between common and preferred stock, by month.
(3) Projected balance sheet and income statement.
(4) Stockholders' reports, including supplements for the year of filing and the two preceding calendar years. If such reports are not available at the time of filing, they shall be filed immediately upon their availability to stockholders.
(5) If applicable, Securities and Exchange Commission Form 10-Q for all past quarters in the year of filing and the preceding calendar year, and Form 10-K for the two preceding calendar years or, if applicable, comparable filings for corporations headquartered outside the United States. If these forms have not been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission at the time the rate increase is filed, they shall be filed under this subrule immediately upon filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. This requirement is not applicable for any such reports which are routinely and formally filed with the commission.
(6) Any prospectus issued during the year of filing or during the two preceding calendar years.
(7) Consolidated and consolidating financial statements for the calendar year preceding the filing.
(8) Information showing the following for each of the ten calendar years preceding the year of filing, and for each quarter from the first quarter of the calendar year immediately preceding the year of filing through the current quarter.
1. Earnings, annual dividends declared, annual dividends paid, book value of common equity, and price of common equity (each item should be shown per average actual common share outstanding, adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends).
2. Rate of return to average common equity.
3. Common stock earnings retention ratio.
4. For other issues of common stock: net proceeds per common share issued, and number of shares issued and previously outstanding for each issue of common stock.
d. The utility shall file three years of historic information for the following:
(1) Subparagraphs 26.4(5)"b"(1), (3), (4), (6), and (8), and subparagraph 26.4(5)"b"(5), except for the requirement in numbered paragraph "5."
(2) A reconciliation of the historic billing unit information to the sales included in the utility's annual report filings.
(3) Natural gas utilities shall also provide weather-normalized sales for each of the most recent three years on a calendar-year basis based on the commission's preferred weather normalization model.
e. The utility shall file actual updated monthly data 120 days after the filing of the application and file an update with the subsequent monthly data 30 days before the hearing for the following: subparagraphs 25.4(5)"b"(1), (3), (4), (6), and (8), and subparagraph 26.4(5)"b"(5), except for numbered paragraph "5," and subparagraphs 26.4(5)"c"(2) and (3).
f. The utility shall provide its revenue requirement calculation in an Excel spreadsheet. The required spreadsheet format for this calculation is available on the commission's website at
g. Unless otherwise required, all testimony, exhibits, and other information shall be filed in the commission's electronic filing system as described in rule 199-14.5 (17A,476). In addition, three paper copies of all of the documents filed by the utility, including confidential information, shall be provided to the commission and three copies to the consumer advocate within five days of the date the application is filed. The utility is not required to print voluminous workpapers that only provide supporting information as long as the utility has filed a summary of the information and the utility includes a page in the printed material that indicates the information in the workpapers and where that information is found in the application or minimum filing requirements. The commission or the consumer advocate may request a printed copy of this information if the information is required for review of the application or minimum filing requirements. The paper copies shall be certified by a utility official or an attorney representing the utility.
h. Workpapers, spreadsheets, and formulas. At the time of filing an application for increased rates based upon a future test year, all utilities shall file, as exhibits to testimony, all workpapers and data used to prepare the analyses, including the Excel spreadsheet version of each Excel-based document containing all formulae, calculations, and specific source references to all keyed-in data, along with a PDF version of each Excel document, formatted for printing. The Excel spreadsheets and PDF documents shall be searchable.
i. Additional testimony and exhibits. The applicant may submit any other testimony and exhibits that the applicant deems relevant to the application.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 199-26.4

Amended by IAB May 19, 2021/Volume XLIII, Number 24, effective 6/23/2021
Editorial change: IAC Supplement 7/24/2024